Thursday, October 27, 2011
Occupy Wall Street kitchen slowdown targets squatters -
I thought this occupation was for the 99%? I love this comment - A security volunteer added that the cooks felt “overworked and underappreciated.” Perhaps now the 'occupiers' understand how those that pay taxes feel about being asked to pay for more in taxes to cover those that do not. Perhaps it is time that the 'occupiers' realize that in order for government to work that we all need skin in the game. If not, then feed those criminals and 'professional' homeless. This raises another question - To become a 'professional' homeless person does one need to go to college first or be drafted?
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Hamburg City Council Minutes – October 11, 2011
Mayor Richard Malz called the Hamburg City Council meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. Councilmember Steve Trebesch, Councilmember Chris Lund, Councilmember John Barnes, Councilmember Larry Mueller, City Clerk Jeremy Gruenhagen, Deputy Clerk Sue Block, and Fire Chief Brad Droege were in attendance. Maintenance Worker Dennis Byerly was absent.
Agenda Review (Added Items) and Adoption
- Add – Payment #6 for the Sanitary Sewer & Storm Sewer Improvement Project
- Add – Membership to Health Partnership
- Add – Estimates from Laurel Builders for the Community Center fiber optic room and Hall doors
- Add – Updated Delinquency Report
- Add – Carver County Sheriff's Report
- Councilmember Mueller moved to approve the agenda with the added items, seconded by Councilmember Lund and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.
Approve Consent Agenda
- Time-Off Request (Dennis Byerly)
- Snow Removal Contract for 2011-12 (Wm. Mueller & Sons)
- Temporary On-Sale Liquor License for the Lions Club (November 18, 2011)
- Preliminary Flood Insurance Study Report & Flood Insurance Rate Map
- 2010 Generalized Land Use Data for Metro Area (Met Council)
- 2011 Water Usage Report
- Cash Flow Statement for August
- Delinquent Utility Bills Report
- Nuisance Letter(s) Report
- Project List (City Employees)
- Councilmember Lund moved to approve the Consent Agenda, seconded by Councilmember Mueller and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.
Fire Department Report – Chief Brad Droege
FEMA Grant
- FEMA Grant has been submitted.
Fire Prevention Week (October 9th to 15th)
- October 14th a fire prevention demonstration for kids will be held at the Fire Station.
Memorial for Public Servants (Protective Services) – Update
- Chief Droege gave a brief update on the progress of the Park Memorial.
- The City of Hamburg will carry insurance for the Memorial at $1 per $100 per evaluation.
- Councilmember Barnes moved to approve insuring the Memorial for actual replacement cost, seconded by Councilmember Mueller and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.
Sanitary Sewer & Storm Sewer Improvements Project
Kim Avenue Repairs
- The repairs on Kim Avenue will begin during the week of October 24th to October 28th.
Annexation of Storm Water Pond Parcel
- A resolution to annex the Storm Water Pond parcel into the City should be ready for approval by the next Council meeting. It will be a joint resolution with the Township.
Storm Water Fees – Vacant City Parcels
- According to City ordinance vacant parcels will not be charged a Storm Water fee until the land is developed.
- Council requested verification if a building is on two or more lots if the county taxes each lot separately or as one lot.
- Council also requested verifying if the Assessment Roll is by units or parcels and why one vacant lot was added into the proposed Assessment breakout.
- City Clerk Gruenhagen will contact Chuck (S.E.H.) and have an answer at the next Council meeting.
- City Clerk Gruenhagen will contact Chuck (S.E.H.) and have an answer at the next Council meeting.
Old City Business
Councilmember Mueller requested to have Deputy Clerk Block be shown what to inform Hall renters on when doing a walk through.
Employee Job Descriptions
- Council discussed and decided to add the following to the General Maintenance Worker/Sewer & Water Operator Job Title;
- A required 30 minute response time.
- Maintain a valid Minnesota Class B Driver License.
- A required 30 minute response time.
- Councilmember Lund moved to approve the Employee Job Descriptions with the two added items effective October 31, 2011, seconded by Councilmember Trebesch. Councilmember Barnes voted aye on the General Maintenance Worker/Sewer & Water Operator Job Description and aye on City Clerk/Treasurer Job Description and abstained on the Deputy Clerk/Utility Billing Clerk Job Description. Motion carried.
Closet for Fiber Optic Equipment/City Storage
- Received estimates from Dan Oelfke and Laurel Builders (Mike);
- Dan Oelfke - $4120
- Laurel Builders - $2625
- Dan Oelfke - $4120
- Council discussed the bids and decided to go with Laurel Builders
- Councilmember Lund moved to accept Laurel Builders estimate of $2,625 to build the storage closet for the Fiber Optic equipment and City storage, seconded by Councilmember Mueller and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.
Community Hall Doors (Replace)
- Council discussed the estimates from Dan Oelfke and Laurel Builders and decided to have City Clerk Gruenhagen verify if the estimate from Laurel Builders is for commercial doors. A decision on who to award the project to will be made at a later time.
Cooler for Community Hall
- Council discussed and decided to plan on installing the new cooler at the Hall starting the week of October 24th.
- The following personal will help take out and install the cooler;
- Councilmember Barnes will contact Danny to disconnect the wiring and help install the new cooler.
- Maintenance Worker Byerly will pressure wash the cooler paneling.
- Members of the Hamburg Fire Department will be asked to help.
- Councilmember Trebesch will be the main contact in organizing and completing the project.
- Councilmember Barnes will contact Danny to disconnect the wiring and help install the new cooler.
Hall Rental Fee for Auctions
- Council discussed and decided to increase the Hall rental fee for auctions due to the extra wear and tear on the flooring, additional heating costs, and higher electrical usage. The rental fee will increase from $250 for two days to $450 for two days.
- Councilmember Barnes moved to increase the Hall Rental Fee for auctions being held in the Hamburg Hall to $450 for a two day rental, seconded by Councilmember Mueller and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.
- Council also decided that the key for the Hall will not be given out until noon on the day of setup.
Public Works & Utilities Department Report
Community Center Repairs
- Council discussed and decided to have Laurel Builders (Mike) fix the Community Center bathroom walls.
Utility Locater/Camera
- Council decided to have Maintenance Worker Byerly set up times for three or four different companies to come out and demonstrate their utility cameras.
Hall Roof Vent
- Next year Councilmember Trebesch will remove and seal up the old hall ceiling vent. $500 has been budgeted for this project.
City Clerk/Treasurer Report
Utility Rate Study (Abdo, Eick, & Meyers)
- Auditors still working on.
- Updating the number of parcels within the city will also be looked at.
Municipal Mapping Status Report (MN DOT)
- The mapping report was sent out from Met Council and Council decided that every thing looked correct. City Clerk Gruenhagen will return the report with no changes.
Mediacom Business Phone Service
- Mediacom dropped off some business phone service brochures for Council to look over. Council discussed the possibility of changing the Cities internet and phone service to Mediacom. If Council decides on the switch over then they will ask Mediacom for a one year contract instead of the required three year agreement.
- City Clerk Gruenhagen will follow up with Mediacom (Brad) for more information on the city bundling phone and internet with Mediacom.
Dehumidifier for Community Center
- Hilgers Plumbing and Heating will be submitting an estimate on installing a dehumidifier on the Community Center heating unit.
Handicap Accessibility for City Parks
- The City of Hamburg has received $10,000 from the S.H.I.P. Grant. Council will be considering where to place the handicap accessible paths in the parks to the playground equipment.
2011 Budget Items Budgeted to be completed in 2011
- Street and Sidewalk repairs have $550 left for the year.
- Hall Improvements and Repair has $5,500 left for the year.
- The $5,500 could be used to replace the Hall doors this year.
- The $5,500 could be used to replace the Hall doors this year.
- The other funds are mostly used up because of all the budgeted projects that were completed this year.
- City Clerk Gruenhagen will be on vacation next week. Council decided to have Deputy Clerk Block work eight hours Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Closing the City office on Tuesday.
Approve Payment of Added September 2011 Claims
Approve Payment of October 2011 Claims
- Council questioned claim #15269 to Ziegler Inc. for the Fire Department Light Tower repair.
- Council was informed that the Hamburg Fire Department loaned the Light Tower to the Waconia Fair Board and during that time the Light Tower was damaged. Total repair cost was $3,337.15 with Hamburg's insurance covering $2,420.00 minus the $250 deductable. The remaining $667.15 was for other needed Light Tower repairs and will be taken out of the Fire Departments budget.
- Council discussed that the Waconia Fair Board's insurance should have covered the cost of the Light Tower repair.
- City Clerk Gruenhagen will follow up with Fire Chief Droege about what kind of arrangement the Fire Department had with the Fair Board. He will also ask Hamburg's insurance representative if this repair should have been covered by the Waconia Fair Board's insurance company.
- Council was informed that the Hamburg Fire Department loaned the Light Tower to the Waconia Fair Board and during that time the Light Tower was damaged. Total repair cost was $3,337.15 with Hamburg's insurance covering $2,420.00 minus the $250 deductable. The remaining $667.15 was for other needed Light Tower repairs and will be taken out of the Fire Departments budget.
- Added Claim #15271 from Chard Tiling & Excavating for $64,508.46.
- Councilmember Mueller moved to approve claim number 15243 through claim number 15271, plus the six ACH payments, seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.
City Council Reports
Councilmember Barnes – had no further comments
Councilmember Mueller (Sewer & Water)
- Two city residents would like to cut down the dead ash tree in the park. Council decided to put their names in a hat and draw who will get the job. The two names were Steve and Mike and Mike's name was drawn by Mayor Malz.
Councilmember Lund (Streets)
- Councilmember Lund questioned why the Cities website has not been updated.
- City Clerk Gruenhagen responded that after several requests he has not received the password so the website could be updated. He will email another request for the password.
- City Clerk Gruenhagen responded that after several requests he has not received the password so the website could be updated. He will email another request for the password.
Councilmember Trebesch (Buildings) – had no further comments
Mayor Malz – had no further comments
Councilmember Barnes moved to adjourn the Hamburg City Council meeting a t 8:48 p.m., seconded by Councilmember Mueller and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.
Submitted by:
Sue Block
Deputy Clerk
Hamburg City Council Minutes – September 27, 2011
Mayor Richard Malz called the Hamburg City Council meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Steve Trebesch, Councilmember Chris Lund, Councilmember Larry Mueller, City Clerk Jeremy Gruenhagen, Deputy Clerk Sue Block, Maintenance Worker Dennis Byerly, and Fire Chief Brad Droege were in attendance. Councilmember John Barnes was absent. Others in attendance were Mark Metz (City Attorney) and Richard Lehrman (638 Kim).
Public Comment
- Richard Lehrman addressed Council with his concern about the dying sod on his property.
- Council informed Mr. Lehrman that the job is not final and that they will discuss what can be done with Al Hahn (S.E.H. Engineer).
- Council informed Mr. Lehrman that the job is not final and that they will discuss what can be done with Al Hahn (S.E.H. Engineer).
Agenda Review (Added Items) and Adoption
- Add – Resolution 2011-14 - Declaring Cost to be assessed for Sanitary Sewer & Storm Sewer Improvement Project and Calling for a Hearing on Proposed Assessment.
- Add – Updated Assessment Roll
- Add – Lions request for a Gambling Permit for November 18, 2011.
- Add – Nuisance and Delinquent Lists
- Add – September Claims List
- Add – Revised City of Hamburg Job Description's
- Add – Letter from Mr. Odoms.
- Add – Chapter 160A Zoning Ordinance (page A-26) – Outdoor wood burning furnaces.
- Councilmember Mueller moved to approve the agenda with the added items, seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion carried. Councilmember Barns was absent.
Approve Consent Agenda
- Approve Minutes for August 23, 2011, September 6, 2011, and September 13, 2011.
- Animal Impound Contract (Countryside Vet & Feed)
- Resolution Number 2011- 14
- Gambling Permit for the Hamburg Lions Turkey Bingo on November 18, 2011.
- Time-Off Request (Sue Block)
- Mayor Malz requested a change in the Time-Off Request for Deputy Clerk Block. Mayor Malz would like the office covered at least a half day (8:00 to 12:00) on Friday when City Clerk Gruenhagen is also absent. Deputy Clerk Block agreed to the change and the Time-Off Request will be amended.
- Mayor Malz requested a change in the Time-Off Request for Deputy Clerk Block. Mayor Malz would like the office covered at least a half day (8:00 to 12:00) on Friday when City Clerk Gruenhagen is also absent. Deputy Clerk Block agreed to the change and the Time-Off Request will be amended.
- Delinquent Utility Bills Report
- Mayor Malz requested the Delinquency Report to be changed to include which column lists residents that are 30 and 60 days delinquent. Deputy Clerk Block will change the report.
- Mayor Malz requested the Delinquency Report to be changed to include which column lists residents that are 30 and 60 days delinquent. Deputy Clerk Block will change the report.
- Nuisance Letter(s) report
- Project Update Number 16 (I&I Program)
- Project List (City Employees)
- Councilmember Lund moved to approve the Consent Agenda with the two changes, seconded by Councilmember Mueller and motion carried. Councilmember Barnes was absent.
Fire Department Report – Chief Brad Droege
FEMA Grant
- Received $5,500 grant money to purchase a thermal imaging camera.
- Submitted an application for another FEMA grant.
Fire Prevention Week (October 9th to 15th)
- On October 14th a demonstration of fire prevention will be presented to the area school children.
Fire Convention
- Fire Chief Droege, Adam Glander, and Jared Mackenthun will be attending a conference in St. Could on October 20 thru October 22, 2011. .
Memorial for Public Servants (Protective Services) – Update
- Chief Droege gave a brief update on the progress of the Park Memorial.
Halloween – October 31st – Monday
- The Hamburg Fire Department will be patrolling the city streets again this year during the time that the Trick-or-Treaters will be out.
Donation from Jill Buckentin
- Jill Buckentin donated a large air compressor to the Hamburg Fire Department.
- Councilmember Mueller moved to accept the donation of the air compressor from Jill Buckentin, seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion carried. Councilmember Barnes was absent.
Rifle Auction
- The Hamburg Fire Department will be holding their annual gun raffle.
Fireman's Dance
- The Hamburg Fire Department will be hosting its annual Fireman's Dance at the Hamburg Hall on January 7, 2012.
Snow Removal Contract with Wm. Mueller and Sons
- Snow removal contract with Wm. Mueller and Sons will be added to the next City Council consent agenda.
Carver County Attorney Mark Metz – 2012 Prosecution Contract
2012 Prosecution Contract
- Carver County Attorney Mark Metz gave Council an overview of the proposed 2012 Prosecution Contract. There will be an increase from the 2011 surcharge due to the increase in case load that occurred over the past three years.
- Hamburg's payment for the 2012 Prosecution Contract with Carver County will increase from $406.61 in 2011 to $709.97 for 2012.
- Hamburg's payment for the 2012 Prosecution Contract with Carver County will increase from $406.61 in 2011 to $709.97 for 2012.
- Councilmember Trebesch moved to approve the 2012 Carver County Prosecution Contract, seconded by Councilmember Mueller and motion carried. Councilmember Barnes was absent.
Sanitary Sewer & Storm Sewer Improvements Project
Private Property Service Lines
- Letters for Non-Compliance will be sent out next week.
Assessment Hearing – Assessment Roll
- Letters will be sent out notifying residents of the scheduled Assessment Hearing/Assessment Roll meeting that will be held on October 25th, 2011 starting at 7:00 p.m.
Utility Camera
- Councilmember Mueller and Maintenance Worker Byerly will be attending a Conference/Show at St. Cloud on October 6, 2011. Vendors will be available to demonstrate utility locators and cameras.
Repairs of Kim Avenue
- Wm. Mueller and Sons will be asked for a time schedule as to when the repairs on Kim Avenue will begin.
Old City Business
Employee Job Descriptions
- Review of the City employee's job descriptions was tabled until the next City Council meeting.
Letter from Mr. Odoms (150 Jacob St)
- The letter from Mr. Odoms was considered by Council to be informational only and no action by Council is needed.
Closet for Fiber Optic Equipment/City Storage
- An estimate was received from Dan Oelfke however, Council decided to obtain one more estimate before making a decision.
Public Works & Utilities Department Report
Hall Door Replacement Proposal
- Received an estimate from Dan Oelfke to replace two Hall doors with panic bars, $4,188.
- Reinforced door jams were included in the estimate.
- Reinforced door jams were included in the estimate.
- Laurel Builders (Mike) from Shakopee will be asked to submit an estimate also.
Utility Locater/Camera
- A utility camera has been budgeted for 2012 and the average cost is around $8,000 to $10,500.
City Clerk/Treasurer Report
2010 Census Count – Met Council Population Estimates
- Item will be removed from the agenda and moved to the Old City Business List so it is not forgotten.
Utility Rate Study (Abdo, Eick, & Meyers)
- City Clerk Gruenhagen should have the rates by the next City Council meeting.
MNSPECT On-Site Office Time
- MNSPECT would like to have a meeting with the public, Council and staff. Council thought this is a good idea but no date or time was set.
Hamburg Lions Club
- The Lions Club donated three trees for the cities park. The trees will be planted; one by the horseshoe pits, one east of the playground equipment, and one between the basketball court and parking lot.
Outdoor Wood Burning Furnaces
- By City ordinance outdoor wood burning furnaces, stoves and/or boilers are not permitted within the Hamburg City limits.
Approve Payment of Added September 2011 Claims
Approve Payment of the September 2011 Claims
- Councilmember Trebesch moved to approve claim number 15235 through claim number 15242, and the one ACH payment, seconded by Councilmember Lund and motion carried. Councilmember Barnes was absent.
City Council Reports
Councilmember Mueller (Sewer & Water)
- There is a dead ash tree in the park by the playground area that should be cut down. Hamburg City residents should have the first chance to cut it down and clean up the area. If any Council member knows of anyone wanting the wood have them contact the city office.
Councilmember Lund (Streets)
- Councilmember Lund requested a map of where the City would like future trees purchased by the Lions Club to be planted.
Councilmember Trebesch (Buildings)
- Councilmember Trebesch suggested that Council should start thinking about where to place the handicap path in the City parks.
Councilmember Barnes (Parks) – was absent.
Mayor Malz
- Mayor Malz asked if the cities phone service could be changed from Century Link to Media Com. Media Com is about half the price of Century Link
- City Clerk Gruenhagen will check into and report back to council.
- City Clerk Gruenhagen will check into and report back to council.
Councilmember Mueller moved to adjourn the Hamburg City Council meeting a t 8:38 p.m., seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion carried. Councilmember Barnes was absent.
Submitted by:
Sue Block
Deputy Clerk
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Budget Fix for the Federal Government
2011 is no different. With the raising of the debt ceiling and all the spending that has taken place - the cuts passed only will reduce the government increase in spending to 5% over 2010. Right now the Super Committee is trying to figure out how to trim $1.2T from the budget over the next ten years. That is what our problem is. We attempt to bind future sessions of Congress to budget limitations that they can change if they don't like them. What we need is a binding element to this process; we need a Constitution amendment.
The new Constitutional Amendment would:
1. Require all budgets by the Federal Government and agencies established on a zero sum basis.
2. Congress can only budget 85% of revenues when debt of the United States exceeds 25% of GDP.
3. Congress can only budget 90% of revenue when debt of the United States is under 25% of GDP.
4. Establish a flat tax at 10% for individuals making over 2x the poverty line. Anyone making less would not be taxed.
5. Establish a flat tax on all corporations at 10%.
6. Abolish all tax credits and deductions to individuals and businesses.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Al Davis (1929-2011)

Yesterday the Raider Nation received bad news as the father of Raider football passed away. A huge void exists now in the NFL. Say what you will about Al in recent years his impact on the NFL is like very few other owners had. In listening to former players, Raiders and non-Raiders, they all admit to wanting to wear the Silver and Black because of Al. Al loved and lived football. Al will be sorely missed. Rest In Peace Al! To the Raiders - Just Win Baby!!!!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Occupy Wall Street - So what's the real deal?
Demand one: Restoration of the living wage. This demand can only be met by ending "Freetrade" by re-imposing trade tariffs on all imported goods entering the American market to level the playing field for domestic family farming and domestic manufacturing as most nations that are dumping cheap products onto the American market have radical wage and environmental regulation advantages. Another policy that must be instituted is raise the minimum wage to twenty dollars an hr.
How does "re-imposing trade tariffs" level the playing field while raising the minimum wage to $20? Ironically this demand sort of contradicts a demand made later in the list.
Demand two: Institute a universal single payer healthcare system. To do this all private insurers must be banned from the healthcare market as their only effect on the health of patients is to take money away from doctors, nurses and hospitals preventing them from doing their jobs and hand that money to wall st. investors.
How does the private insurer prevent health care operatives from doing their business? Isn't Medicare and Medicaid that are dictating to these same health care operatives how much they will be reimbursed?
Demand three: Guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment.
Is the guaranteed living wage $20 hr? What happens when the cost of goods go up with the increase in the minimum wage?
Demand four: Free college education.
If we are guaranteeing a living wage why do we need college education? Not to mention we have lost our manufacturing base and skilled jobs. How will a liberal arts degree help us reclaim those jobs?
Demand five: Begin a fast track process to bring the fossil fuel economy to an end while at the same bringing the alternative energy economy up to energy demand.
I agree that we need to bring alternative energy to the forefront but we cannot ignore the short term solution to job creation is through fossil fuel. Right now alternative energy does not produce enough for the cost required - plus it is a net job loss notion - See the Spanish report that came out three years back.
Demand six: One trillion dollars in infrastructure (Water, Sewer, Rail, Roads and Bridges and Electrical Grid) spending now.
Now this is the role of government. To ensure our means of transporting of goods and services are capable to met demand. The question comes as to how do we pay for it? We have already mortgage the futures of our grandchildren to fund entitlement programs and current spending in the United States.
Demand seven: One trillion dollars in ecological restoration planting forests, reestablishing wetlands and the natural flow of river systems and decommissioning of all of America's nuclear power plants.
Does this gentleman believe that companies that rely on timber for their livelihood are not replanting trees for those being harvested? Also, we need a certain amount of harvesting otherwise the undergrowth from dead trees and plant life created a tinder box waiting for Mother Nature to strike. I find it interesting that he'd want to decommission all Nuclear Power plants since much of the rest of the world rely more on this type of energy then fossil fuels.
Demand eight: Racial and gender equal rights amendment.
We already have this in place. It is through continued legislation that we have blurred this line and created second class citizens.
Demand nine: Open borders migration. anyone can travel anywhere to work and live.
Okay, here is one that goes against Demand One. If we have free flowing borders how do we ensure all goods and services coming into the United States are having the correct amount of tariffs levied against them? Also, will these migrant workers file IRS tax forms, will they contribute to our tax base so we can spend one trillion dollars on infrastructure since they will be using our roads, rails and waterways.
Demand ten: Bring American elections up to international standards of a paper ballot precinct counted and recounted in front of an independent and party observers system.
Now I agree that we election reform - but this doesn't do it. We need to eliminate all campaign donations and reduce the amount of time in our campaign season. I am reading a book on the election of Lincoln and one thing that strikes me odd is that candidate Lincoln did no campaigning and didn't even talk to his Vice Presidential running mate until after the election.
Demand eleven: Immediate across the board debt forgiveness for all. Debt forgiveness of sovereign debt, commercial loans, home mortgages, home equity loans, credit card debt, student loans and personal loans now! All debt must be stricken from the "Books." World Bank Loans to all Nations, Bank to Bank Debt and all Bonds and Margin Call Debt in the stock market including all Derivatives or Credit Default Swaps, all 65 trillion dollars of them must also be stricken from the "Books." And I don't mean debt that is in default, I mean all debt on the entire planet period.
If we forgive all debt then how will we pay for entitlements? What happens to all those retirement plans?
Demand twelve: Outlaw all credit reporting agencies.
Really? So we go back to buyer beware then? When one invests or goes for a loan, how will the person lending the money out have a standard of comparison?
Demand thirteen: Allow all workers to sign a ballot at any time during a union organizing campaign or at any time that represents their yeah or nay to having a union represent them in collective bargaining or to form a union.
Okay, I trust that this process will work in the opposite direction as well. If a group of people do not want to have a union they can simply sign a ballot and be done with it?