Mayor Malz called the regular meeting of the Hamburg City Council to order at 7:04 p.m. Councilmember Steve Trebesch, Councilmember Larry Mueller, Councilmember Brian Cummiskey, City Clerk Jeremy Gruenhagen, Deputy Clerk Sue Block, and Fire Chief Brad Droege were in attendance. Others present were Ty Turnquist (MNSPECT), Adam Glander (201 Martha Street), Chris Lund (612 Kim Avenue), Joel Franck (605 Robert Avenue), and Jared Mackenthun (FD). Councilmember John Barnes and Maintenance Worker Dennis Byerly were absent.
Agenda Review (Added Items) and Adoption
- Added – Letter from Richard Odoms (150 Jacob Street)
- Added – Updated Claims List for December 2009 and January 2010
- Added – Updated Old City Business
- Added – Updated Delinquency List
Councilmember Mueller moved to adopt the agenda with the four additions, seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion carried. Councilmember Barnes was absent.
Designate Official Depository (Bank) and Official Newspaper for 2010
- Official Depository (Bank) – State Bank of Hamburg
- Official Newspaper – Norwood/Young America Times
- Councilmember Mueller moved to designate the State Bank of Hamburg as official depository and the Norwood/Young America Times as the official newspaper for the City of Hamburg, Councilmember Trebesch seconded and motion carried. Councilmember Barnes was absent.
Appoint Assistant (Acting) Mayor for 2010
- Mayor Malz appointed Councilmember Larry Mueller as acting mayor however Mayor Malz will also designate the acting mayor duties to other council members during 2010.
Designate Departments for City Council Members for 2010
- Councilmember Mueller – Sewer & Water
- Councilmember Cummiskey – Streets
- Councilmember Trebesch – Buildings
- Councilmember Barnes – Parks
Set City Council Meeting Start Time for 2010
- Council discussed and decided to keep the City Council meeting start time for 2010 at 7:00 p.m.
Approve Minutes for November 24, 2009 and December 8, 2009
- Councilmember Mueller moved to approve the November 24, 2009 and December 8, 2009 City Council Meeting minutes, Councilmember Cummiskey seconded and motion carried. Councilmember Barnes was absent.
Old City Business
- Number 1 – Cities Website – End of January 2010 all information for the web site should be entered. Hamburg's Domain name will be; or
- Number 2 – Ask Representative Kohl's and Senator Ortman back to discuss infrastructure issues again. – City Clerk Gruenhagen will report on Senator Ortman's resent emails during the Clerk/Treasurer's Report.
- Number 3 – City Business Cards – City Clerk Gruenhagen will be able to print them for council when needed.
- Number 4 – Expanding Community Center – Keep on list. - $2,000 per year (for the last three years) has been added to the budget for this project.
- Number 5 – Take pictures and keep list of City property – Keep on list.
- Number 6 – Set up committee meeting for city sign usage – City Clerk Gruenhagen and Fire Chief Droege are gathering information from other cities.
- Number 7 – Install hand railing for stairs by the city shop door – Change completion date to spring 2010.
- Number 8 – Fix hole by hall dumpster – Done remove from list.
- Number 9 – Bid and build Handicap Bathroom in Hall – keep on list.
- Number 10 – Projector Screen for Community Center – City Clerk Gruenhagen will check into using the Cablecom Franchise Fund to purchase a projector screen.
- Number 11 – Add research fee to City Fee Schedule starting January 1, 2010 – City Clerk Gruenhagen will report on this during his report.
- Number 12 – Draw up specs for 2010 lawn mowing and send out for bids – Draft specs in February and send out in March.
- Number 13 – Take pictures of Grams and send nuisance letter – spring 2010.
- Number 14 – Ask H.I.P. to come to a Council meeting and recap their plans and finances. - Keep on list.
Hamburg Lions Club – MN Lawful Gambling Permit (Bingo)
- Joel Franck representing the Hamburg Lions Club requested a MN Lawful Gambling Permit for March 26, 2010. The Lions Club will be hosting a Ham/Bingo event.
- Councilmember Cummiskey moved to approve the gambling permit for the Hamburg Lions Club Bingo event that will be held on March 26, 2010, Councilmember Mueller seconded and motion carried. Councilmember Barnes was absent.
Fire Department Report – Chief Brad Droege
FEMA Grant
- Fire Chief has not heard anything on this grant.
Fire Department Firefighters Jenny Baker & Justin Spande
- Fire Chief Droege requested Council to approve Baker & Spande as Hamburg Firefighters contingent on them passing their FF1 & FF2 tests which they will be completing tonight (January 12, 2010).
- Councilmember Cummiskey moved to approve Jenny Baker and Justin Spande as full time Hamburg Firefighters contingent on each of them passing their FF1 & FF2 tests, Councilmember Muller seconded and motion carried. Councilmember Barnes was absent.
2009 Donation Summary (HFDRA)
Fire Chief Droege presented Council with a list documenting the Hamburg Fire Department Relief Association's 2009 Donations. Total 2009 donations were $17,199.72 included in this amount was $11,892.68 that was donated to the City of Hamburg.
- $2,000 was donated towards the Ambulance Certificate with the deal that the city will be paying $2,000 less for the Ambulance and could pay $2,000 more for an upgraded Rescue truck.
Resolution Number 2010-01 - Accepting Donations Received in 2009
- Councilmember Mueller moved to accept Resolution Number 2010-01 accepting donations to the City of Hamburg from the Hamburg Fire Department Relief Association in the year 2009, Councilmember Trebesch seconded and motion carried. Councilmember Barnes was absent.
HFD Relief Association – Required Municipal Contribution for 2010
- City Clerk Gruenhagen presented council with a copy of the Form SC-09 schedule which determines the Fire Departments Relief Association municipal contribution for 2010. The required 2010 contribution increased from $42,101 in 2009 to $46,529 for 2010.
City Rescue Truck (Upgrade)
- Fire Chief Droege asked Council for permission to pursue; the Fire Department has formed a committee and waited for this council meeting and to talk to the area Townships in looking at the availability or feasibility of a used Rescue Truck in the future.
Fire Chief Droege continued to comment that he had brought this up in the last council meeting, or two meetings before, it does not really affect the City of Hamburg or Fire Department as it does the Townships because if the city so wishes the Rescue Truck loan could piggy back off of the Ambulance loan and take that money and flop over on the payments. There are two years left (2010 and 2011) to pay off the Ambulance.
- Mayor Malz added that it was a good thing to get the publics opinion.
- Fire Chief Droege also mentioned that up-grading the Rescue Truck was part of the package that was brought up to Council two years ago but was dropped at that time not thinking the economy would stay this bad. By 2018 the city will also be looking at purchasing a new Fire Engine, the one the city has now will be 25 years old at that time.
- Fire Chief Droege noted that in the near future the fire equipment should be updated with LED side lights. If there is money left over at the end of the year from the Gambling Fund the fire department will look into the possibility of purchasing them.
Fire Chief Droege asked if a motion was needed to give him permission to look into a truck.
- Council and City Clerk Gruenhagen did not think a motion was needed.
- Councilmember Trebesch commented that everyone knows Fire Chief Droege will look it up and come back to council with his findings.
- City Clerk Gruenhagen will have it noted in the minutes that there were no objections from Council.
Community Center Projection Screen
- Fire Chief Droege suggested to Council that instead of purchasing a projection screen use the Cablecom Franchise Fund for obtaining a screen and ceiling mounted projector.
- City Clerk Gruenhagen will look into this.
Fire Hydrants
- On behalf of the Fire Department Fire Chief Droege thanked Maintenance Worker Byerly for keeping the fire hydrants clear of snow.
County Road 50 (Park Avenue) – Ice
MNSPECT – Ty Turnquist
Contract Agreement Extension for Building Inspections
State Building Code/Hamburg City Code – Ordinance Number 136
- At the present time all Commercial Plumbing contractors send the plumbing plans to the State for their review. The State then charges for their review and sends the plans back to MNSPECT for them to do the inspection on site. Ordinance 136 would change the Commercial plumbing review from being sent to the State to being reviewed by MNSPECT.
- Councilmember Cummiskey moved to adopt Ordinance Number 136 (Building Code) amending Chapter 150.01 of the Municipal Code of Hamburg pertaining to the building code to include Plumbing Plan Review, seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion carried. Councilmember Barnes was absent.
Dennis' Report (Public Works & Utilities)
Maintenance Worker Byerly was absent City Clerk Gruenhagen gave the report.
Project List
#1 – Raise or lower all curb stops to ground level.
#3 – Contact Henning's in spring the redo the Shop Driveway.
#4 – Sidewalk replacement in front of Parkside Tavern.
#6 – Maintenance Schedule
- Maintenance Worker Byerly found an old schedule and is in the process of up dating the list.
#7 – Paint Picnic Tables
- Maintenance Worker Byerly is working on getting them painted.
#9 – Paint Shop Door and have it installed.
- This has not been completed.
#11 – Secure loose ceiling tile in Hall.
- There is $500 in the budget for this repair.
- Council discussed and decided to paint the grid work at the same time the ceiling tiles are replaced. Councilmember Trebesch will check into the number of tiles needed and cost.
- City Clerk Gruenhagen will talk with Maintenance Worker Byerly about getting this completed this winter.
#15 – Repair of hydrants from AFC recall notice.
- This has not been completed.
Carver County Right of Way Permits, Registration Form, Obstruction Permits
Deputy Clerk Report
Delinquent Utility Bills
- Diana Payne called the city office notifying them that her home on 350 Louisa is being foreclosed on and to send her a final billing. A final utility bill was sent to Ms. Payne at her new address.
- Emily Siebold is continuing to make $50 payments every other week.
- Deputy Clerk Block reported to Council that she has not pursued collection of delinquent accounts because of the winter months. Delinquent letters will be continued next month in February.
City Council Minutes and Special Meeting Minutes
- All city council meeting minutes are completed. The special budget meeting minutes just need to be reviewed and will be ready for the next council meeting on January 26, 2010.
Clerk/Treasurer Report
City Fee Schedule for 2010
During the Public Hearing (which was held this evening at 6:50 p.m.) the letter from Mr. Odoms was taken into consideration. It seemed that Mr. Odom's main concern was the research fee for public data.
- Currently stated on the City Fee Schedule, Schedule A, Information Research Fee (Public Data Only) - If over 30 minutes the charge is $35 per hour plus materials.
- City Clerk Gruenhagen suggested to Council that the wording "if over 30 minutes" should be removed from the fee schedule. Another item to discuss is electronic publications or transfers.
Council discussed if city organizations should or should not be charged for using the City Hall or Community Center.
- Council decided to have City Clerk Gruenhagen check with the city auditors to find out if the City of Hamburg can accept donations from organizations for using the halls.
- Councilmember Cummiskey moved to adopt Ordinance Number 135, City of Hamburg Fee Schedule as printed minus the wording "If over 30 minutes." relating to the research fee, Councilmember Trebesch seconded and motion carried. Councilmember Barnes was absent.
2009/2010 Park and Ball Program (Community Education)
Audio/Visual for Oak Grove City Center Council Chambers
Senator Julianne Ortman (Emails)
Senator Ortman emailed to let Council know that she if looking forward to getting together to talk about the upcoming 2010 Legislative Session and the large budget deficit.
- Senator Ortman's first intention to meet with Council is to discuss the budget outlook for the Legislature in 2010 and how the deficit may affect our city. She would like to see the city's budget goals and asked to have any specific bonding bill requests sent to her as soon as possible because these bills will be coming together quickly.
- Senator Ortman asked Council to consider and make suggestions regarding how government services, both local and statewide, may be consolidated and made more efficient. This may come in the form of eliminating duplicative services, repealing unfunded mandates, or streamlining government processes.
The other email that was received was email communication between Senator Ortman and city resident Chris Lund. Mr. Lund requested Senator Ortman to assist the City of Hamburg in it's I & I funding problem. Senator Ortman responded back asking Mr. Lund, when the time comes, if he would be willing to speak to the Tax Committee on behalf of Hamburg and its I & I complications. Mr. Lund emailed City Clerk Gruenhagen informing the city that he told Senator Ortman that he would help when and how he could.
I & I Abatement Program Update – Obtaining Easements
City Clerk Gruenhagen had asked City Attorney Mac what is the best way of obtaining easements from the city residents affected by the I & I project.
City Clerk Gruenhagen brought up the subject of what to do about non compliant sewer service connections and illegal connections from the resident's home to the new sewer line.
- Council discussed this issue and decided that they will have to pass an ordinance requiring a permit so that the line will be inspection making sure the hook ups are in compliance.
Employee's Break Down of 2009 Hours Report
- City Clerk Gruenhagen gave Council a report showing the city employee's hours worked which department the hours were worked in and percentage of actual time. Accumulative vacation and sick time earned and used.
- This information was not provided to the public because it contained some personal information.
LMCIT Public Employee Bond Coverage
- City Clerk Gruenhagen informed Council that he had just renewed the City Clerk Bond coverage. The bond coverage for the City Clerk (Jeremy Gruenhagen) is $5,000 at a premium cost of $85 per two years. According to the League of Minnesota Cities suggested minimum amounts of Bond Coverage for the city's gross annual revenues plus the market value of any negotiable securities is $100,000 to $125,000. The premium cost is $5 per $1,000 of coverage.
- City Clerk Gruenhagen also mentioned that the city does not have any Bond Coverage for the Deputy Clerk (Sue Block).
- Council discussed bonding coverage for the City Clerk and Deputy Clerk positions and decided to have City Clerk Gruenhagen work with the Hamburg State Bank in obtaining a faithful performance bond.
Time Off Requests (January 22, 28, 29 & February 4, 5, and 23, 2010)
- City Clerk Gruenhagen requested to leave the office at 4:00 p.m. on these days.
- Councilmember Mueller moved to approve City Clerk Gruenhagen request to leave at 4:00 p.m. on January 22, 28, and 29 & February 4, 5, 23, Councilmember Trebesch seconded and motion carried. Councilmember Barnes was absent.
Informational Items
City Council Reports
Councilmember Mueller (Sewer & Water)
- Councilmember Mueller suggested that when the I & I project starts maybe the city could work with the State Bank of Hamburg to provide residents, who need help financially, a low interest loan to help cover the cost of hooking up the home to the new city sewer lines.
- Councilmember Mueller also stated that Mr. Odoms (150 Jacob Street) should talk to Council about the dog incident not City Clerk Gruenhagen because Council made the decision.
Councilmember Cummiskey (Streets)
Councilmember Trebesch (Buildings)
Councilmember Barnes (Parks) was absent.
Mayor Malz
- Mayor Malz commented that the members of council should help support Organizations and Clubs that rent the Hamburg Hall by attending their functions.
- Mayor Malz mentioned that the City of Hamburg residents should not complain about the City Fee Schedule. Compared to Norwood/Young America City Fee Schedule they have a lot more fees than Hamburg.
Approve Claims List for December 2009 and January 2010
Claims List for December 2009
Councilmember Mueller moved to approve December Claim Numbers 14182 through 14205 including budgeted transfers and ACH payments, Councilmember Cummisky seconded and motion carried. Councilmember Barnes was absent.
Claims List for January 2010
- Councilmember Mueller moved to approve January Claim Numbers 14206 through 14246 and the six ACH payments, Councilmember Trebesch seconded and motion carried. Councilmember Barnes was absent.
Councilmember Cummiskey moved to adjourn the Hamburg City Council meeting at 9:06 p.m., seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion carried. Councilmember Barnes was absent.
Submitted by:
Sue Block Deputy Clerk