Tuesday, March 30, 2010

To Debate “ObamaCare” translate to Racism?

Frank Rich over the weekend wrote an Op-Ed, http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/28/opinion/28rich.html, that asserted, "That a tsunami of anger is gathering today is illogical, given that what the right calls "Obamcare" is less provocative than either the Civil Rights Act of 1964 or Medicare, an epic entitlement that actually did precipitate a government takeover of a sizable chunk of American health care. But the explanation is plain: the health care bill is not the main source of this anger and never has been. It's merely a handy excuse. The real source of the over-the-top rage of 2010 is the same kind of national existential reordering that roiled America in 1964." Now I was not born till 1971 so I did not experience 1960's first hand. I have read a number of sources while studying history at UND and do not see the comparison that Frank Rich is drawing between "ObamaCare" and the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Rich asserts that racial overtones are the main cause for all the outrage which I do not buy.

As Rich points out accurately the Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed the Senate with 73 votes (bipartisan) versus the partisan vote and reconciliation of "Obamcare". From what I have read and seen, Americans are fed up with government growth and mounting debt. It has nothing to do with a President that is mullato. Pat Sajak, yes Wheel of Fortune Sajak, wrote an Op-Ed to retort Rich, http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=36241, Op-Ed. Sajak's message was, "Welcome to post-racial America, where those who oppose a piece of legislation must defend themselves against the scurrilous charges of a man who seems much better suited to reviewing "Cats"." The reason I quote Sajak is because the nature of Rich's claim to fame as being a theater critic.

Sajak goes on to say, "This was a particularly shameful column, and the millions of Americans who oppose this legislation are owed an apology. Are they right? Are they wrong? Let's discuss it. Let's debate it. Let's yell and scream if we want to. But would it be too much to ask that we approach the matter based on its merits and leave the psychobabble to Dr. Phil?" Who is more on the ball; Rich or Sajak?

Because one opposes "ObamaCare" does that automatically make them a racist, sexist and a homophobic? Let's look at the facts of the bill and debate it. Yes it is already passed but remember it was House Speaker Pelosi that made it clear that Americans will see what is in the bill after it is passed. Right now Morning Joe, on MSNBC, is discussing the fringe elements media spin and if things are being accurately displayed by the mass media. The only death threat on record, to this point, is against Republican Eric Cantor. But I digress. Will "ObamaCare" place burdens on United Sates companies as AT&T, Verizon, John Deere and Catepillar are all asserting to which Democrat leadership response is to drag the CEO's in front of Congress to defend their revelations.

How do we debate the merits of health care reform that was passed without invoking "psychobabble" and labeling those in opposition as being a racist, sexist or homophobic? Or is a post-racial America a pipe dream?

Monday, March 29, 2010

Hamburg City Council Minutes – February 9, 2010

Mayor Malz called the regular meeting of the Hamburg City Council to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Steve Trebesch, Councilmember John Barnes, Councilmember Larry Mueller, Councilmember Brian Cummiskey, City Clerk Jeremy Gruenhagen, Deputy Clerk Sue Block, and Maintenance Worker Dennis Byerly were in attendance. Fire Chief Brad Droege was absent. Also in attendance were members of the Hamburg Fire Department; Adam Glander, Jared Mackenthun, Steven Siewert, and Justin Buckentin.


Agenda Review (Added Items) and Adoption

  • Added – Updated Claim Lists for February 2010
  • Added – Updated Utility Delinquency List

Councilmember Barnes moved to adopt the agenda with the two additions, seconded by Councilmember Mueller and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.


Approve the January 12, 2010 Minutes

  • Councilmember Cummiskey moved to approve the January 12, 2010 City Council Meeting Minutes, seconded by Councilmember Mueller and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.


Old City Business

  • Number 1 – Cities Website – Website is up and running can be removed from report.
  • Number 2 - City Clerk Gruenhagen emailed Senator Ortman formally inviting her to attend a     Council meeting however she has not responded back. City Clerk Gruenhagen will     follow up with another email.     
  • Number 8 – Draw up specs for the 2010 lawn mowing season and send out for bids. – City Clerk     Gruenhagen reminded Council to start thinking of specs for the summer lawn mowing,     spring is fast approaching.
  • Number 10 – Ask H.I.P. officers to come to a Council meeting and recap their plans and finances.     Councilmember Barnes asked Councilmember Cummiskey if he has informed the     H.I.P. group that council is requesting them to attend a council meeting in February.
    • Councilmember Cummiskey responded that he has spoken with Maggie Cummiskey and Connie Byerly about attending. However they would like to get together to make sure they have everything straightened out and organized before they attend a council meeting.

-     Councilmember Cummiskey updated council members about the H.I.P. group's     finances. At the last council meeting he reported the incorrect amount of money the     group has. The correct amounts are; $1,000 in a CD and $6,000 in their checking     account. They are planning on taking $4,000 from checking and increasing the CD     they all ready have to $5,000. They have planed $1,500 for purchasing picnic tables     this summer for the park by the Hall. They have between $7,000 to $8,000 cash on     hand not the $11,000 he reported at the last meeting. Tammy Trebesch (member of the     H.I.P. group) is heading the annual Easter Egg Hunt on March 28, 2010.

-     Council requested Councilmember Cummiskey to inform the H.I.P. group that they         have to attend a council meeting shortly.






Fire Department Report

(Fire Chief Droege was absent, Firefighter
Steven Siewert and Jared Mackenthun gave a report on the Rescue Truck)


New "Used" Rescue Truck

  • Jared Mackenthun gave a slide presentation of the Rescue Truck that Fire Chief Droege, Mayor Malz, Steven Siewert, and he drove to Michigan to look at with the hopes of purchasing. They looked over the heavy rescue truck and were able to test drive it.
  • The following comments were made about the rescue truck;
    • It is a 2001 International with 21,500 miles on it.
    • Runs and drives exceptionally well.
    • Has a walk in box in the back.
    • Seating capacity for six SCBA's.
    • Heating and Air Conditioning
    • Speaker Box
    • Drop Down Chains – (on the spot chains)
    • PTO generator – 2.5 kilowatts
    • Electrical real – valued at $1,000 will go with the truck
    • Lots of storage area – more storage for backboards or baskets
    • Desk for a command center.
    • Intercom system through out the truck. Anything said in the back of the truck can be heard in the front of the truck without pressing any buttons.
    • It has four headsets - one for the driver, one for the passenger, and two in the back.
    • Comes with a back up camera.
    • Set up for 800 trunks which are compatible to Hamburg's equipment.
  • Reasons for purchasing this Rescue Truck
    • Hamburg's Heavy Rescue Truck is a 1981 and will be 30 years old next year.
    • The Fire Department is slowly updating and two years ago the department received permission from the city and townships to go ahead for a new tanker, skid-mount, and a new heavy rescue truck.
      • A new Heavy Rescue Truck costs around $120,000.
      • This used Heavy Rescue Truck would cost $98,500.
    • Fire Chief Droege figures that the next upgrade after upgrading the rescue truck would be in the year 2018 with a new Pumper.
    • If nothing is done with the current Heavy Rescue Truck and it sits for 8 or 10 years the fire department would have a 40 year old truck.
    • When the time comes for the Fire Department to need a new Heavy Rescue and Pumper it will be hard for the City of Hamburg and Townships to come up with the money. A new Pumper costs, at the low end, $300,000.
    • If the Fire Department is allowed to purchase this Heavy Rescue Truck and after a purchase of a new Pumper the City of Hamburg would only have two vehicles non 2000. This would be the Pumper that the department has now which would be moved to a backup Pumper and sell the other one. The second vehicle non 2000 would be the current Tanker which is a 1995.
      • Fire Chief Droege had previously mentioned to Steven Siewert that the 1995 Tanker will not be sold it will be driven until it is no longer fit to be driven. The Fire Department would not replace it they would call for Mutual Aid.
      • At that point the Fire Department would only have one truck pre 2000 and that would be the 1993 Pumper they have now. Once the 1993 Pumper is upgraded the Fire Department would not need to upgrade another vehicle for five (5) to ten (10) years. At that time the only vehicles that would need to be upgraded would be the Grass Rig or the Ambulance. The Grass Rig probably would be upgraded first because it is used the most.
  • Councilmember Barnes asked how many miles are on the 1981 Rescue Truck.
    • Jared Mackenthun replied 18 or 19 thousand.
    • Steven Siewert replied that the fire department that has the truck now has over 1300 runs per year. The also have 13 miles of Interstate that they take care of.
    • Councilmember Barnes commented that the rescue truck they looked at has more ware and tear on it then the one Hamburg has now.
      • Jared Mackenthun replied that he did not think so because they were shown the maintenance history of the truck. The only problem they had with the truck was one wheel bearing had gone out on the generator due to the fact that a plate was not put on. All they have ever done were oil changes and break inspections.
  • Councilmember Cummiskey commented that according to the hand out they gave Council the engine on Hamburg's current Rescue was rebuilt in 2001. He was wondering if they knew how many miles were on the rebuilt engine.
    • Jared Mackenthun replied that he did not have the information at this time.
  • Councilmember Mueller questioned if the members of the Fire Department are aware of this coming year. The tax payers are already getting assessed $120 per year for the school bond, purchasing the new "used" rescue truck will cost an additional $400 per year, Hamburg taxes increased $160 per year, plus the City of Hamburg does not know what the State is going to do. Water and Sewer rates are going up and a Storm Water Utility fund will be implemented. He does not know how the City is going to afford it. Do we really need a heavy rescue? What would the Fire Department do for a trade off? Purchasing the rescue truck will cost approximately $8,000 per year will the Fire Department cut their budget 10%?
    • Jared replied that this is something he could not respond to.
  • Councilmember Mueller continued by adding that the $4,000 Relief Association mistake that the city had to find funds for increased city taxes by 2%. The city residents are already screaming that their taxes are too high.
  • Mayor Malz asked if the purchase would be another payment.
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen replied that right now what the city is making payments on the Peterbilt which will be paid off in June 2013. The 2006 Certificate of Indebtedness for the 2001 Ambulance will be paid off in August 2011. The pay off for the Ambulance is roughly $5,400 and that is taking into account the money budgeted for this years payment. In the past once a loan is paid off the money budgeted is used to purchase or upgrade equipment. Once something is purchased it is then added to the tax basis.
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen continued by informing Council that once the Ambulance certificate is paid off, which is about $11,000 per year, and with splitting the cost in thirds between the City of Hamburg, Young America Township, and Washington Township the yearly payment for each, including interest, would be about $7600 per year.
  • Councilmember Trebesch questioned what would happen if one of the townships declines helping with the purchase.
    • The other members of council replied that then the Rescue Truck would not be purchased.
  • Councilmember Barnes commented that the Fire Department will have to pay for upgrading their pagers in 2013.
    • He was informed that the Fire Department will be applying for a FEMA Grant to cover the cost.
  • The Hamburg Fire Department will be meeting with the Townships this coming Thursday, February 11, 2010. At that time they will find out if the two townships will go along with the purchase.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen asked how long will the other fire department hold the truck.
    • Jared Mackenthun replied that they put down a $1,000 refundable down payment and the truck will be held for 30 days (until February 24th).
    • City Clerk responded by letting the council and fire department members know that he will have to have time to check if the city can obtain a loan.
  • Council continued to discuss if the city can obtain financing, interest rates, and what will be done with the other truck.
  • City Clerk suggested holding off on the purchase until the Ambulance is paid off and the International Rescue Truck is sold.
  • Councilmember Barnes asked if there was really anything wrong with the Rescue Truck we have now.
    • Jared replied not really just that it is out dated and who knows when it will break down. The truck is just obsolete and you can not repair it.
  • Council continued to discuss different options other than purchasing the one from Chelsea, MI.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen added that it will take a 3/5th vote from Council not just a majority vote to pass or decline the purchase.


DOT Inspections

  • The DOT inspection of the Fire Department vehicles has been completed and only minor repairs will have to be done.


Dennis' Report (Public Works & Utilities)


Project List

  • #3 – Contact Henning's in spring the redo the Shop Driveway.
    • Keep on list so it is not forgotten about.
  • #6 – Maintenance Schedule
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen did receive Maintenance Worker Byerly maintenance schedule for the Water Treatment Plant but does not know if any of it is done.
  • #7 – Paint Picnic Tables
    • Has not been completed.
    • Councilmember Trebesch commented that the tubing on the picnic tables are being spray painted by using a spray can. This is a waste of money because of the high purchase price of a can of spray paint.
    • Council commented that the picnic tables have been in the shop to be painted since the middle of November 2009 and still not done.
  • #9 – Paint Shop Door and have it installed.
    • The door has been painted however it does not look very good. Maintenance Worker Byerly spray painted it and it has over spray on it.
      • Council suggested rolling a coat of paint on the door to hide the overspray.
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen asked Council is a spray paint gun should be purchased.
      • Council discussed and decided to purchase a spray gun for Maintenance Worker Byerly.
    • Councilmember Cummiskey moved to have Maintenance Worker Byerly purchase an air sprayer up to $150.
      • Council continued to discuss if one should or should not be purchased.
    • Councilmember Mueller seconded the motion with the condition that the sprayer must be used and the picnic tables painted by spring, motion was made and seconded unanimously carried and all Council members were present.
  • MRWA Annual Water & Wastewater Technical Conference
    • Maintenance Worker Byerly informed Council that he will be attending the MRWA Conference and has filled out the registration form. The Conference will be held March 2nd to 4th, 2010 at St. Cloud, MN.
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen will also be attending and asked Council permission for Maintenance Worker Byerly and himself to stay one night in a hotel during the conference.
    • Councilmember Mueller approve one night lodging at the Kelly Inn in St. Cloud during the MRWA Annual Water & Wastewater Technical Conference, Councilmember Cummiskey seconded and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.
  • #14 – Dewatering Pump
    • Maintenance Worker Byerly informed Council that Councilmember Mueller had checked into and located an ABS Centerline Series Dewatering Pump on the USA Blue Book website.
    • Councilmember Mueller commented that for several years council has discussed purchasing a Dewatering Pump to be used as a back up during emergencies.
    • Mayor Malz mentioned that $1,000 was budgeted for the purchase of a pump.
    • Council discussed and decided to purchase the ABS Centerline Series Dewatering Pump with hard and soft hoses. The cost in the Blue Book would amount to $776.36.
    • Councilmember Barnes moved to purchase the ABS Centerline Series Dewatering Pump with the hard and soft hoses and coupler amounting to a total of $776.36, Councilmember Trebesch seconded and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.
    • Councilmember Mueller suggested Maintenance Worker Byerly learn how to order items off the internet.
  • #15 – Recall on Fire Hydrants (Update)
    • Maintenance Worker Byerly had talked with Bruce Osborn (who was contracted with the AFC to do the repair of the hydrants) and he would like to wait until the weather is warmer to repair the hydrants.
  • Electrical Repairs
    • Maintenance Worker Byerly commented to Council that he did not remember what this was for.
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen asked if all the electrical outlets in the Hall are labeled. He and Mayor Malz labeled all the light switches in the Hall a couple of weeks ago.
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen asked if Council wanted to pursue updating the lights and electrical panel in the Hall basement. There is $500 in the 2010 Budget for these updates.
      • Council asked Maintenance Worker Byerly to check with Robb's Electric (Chuck) to get an estimate.
  • Exit Lights
    • Maintenance Worker Byerly asked City Clerk Gruenhagen if he had contacted someone to come out to check all the Exit lights.
      • City Clerk Gruenhagen responded that Scott Bailey was coming out to do an inspection.
  • Outdoor Security Lights
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen noted that some of the Outdoor Security Lights will need replacing. One was broken when the snow came off the Community Centers roof.



  • Water Consumption for the Year
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen will fill out the annual Water Consumption Report and send it in to the DNR tomorrow. The report lists how much water the City of Hamburg uses during the year.
  • Ceiling Tiles
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen informed Council that Deputy Clerk Block had found in the city minutes going back about five years the councils discussion about replacing the Hall ceiling tiles and they still have not been replaced.
    • Councilmember Trebesch had counted the number of tiles that need replacing and he came up with 361.
    • Maintenance Worker Byerly informed Council that around Christmas time he had noticed that water was coming into the Hall on the east side from plugged downspouts on the outside of the building. This has loosened several ceiling tile.
      • Councilmember Mueller informed Maintenance Worker Byerly that to fix the problem all he would have to do is put some heat tape down the inside of the downspouts. This would keep the melting snow from turning to ice and plugging them.
      • Maintenance Worker Byerly asked if they made heat tape that long. Members of council replied that it does.
  • Sentence To Serve
    • Maintenance Worker Byerly had contacted Pat of STS and requested help to paint the picnic tables, waxing the Hall and Community Center floors, and help putting up the replacement ceiling tile.
    • Council discussed what equipment and supplies would be needed when replacing the tile.
      • Maintenance Worker Byerly commented that it would be nice to have the ceiling tile before the STS come.
      • Council members will check around on price and different types of tile that could be used.
  • Back Steps (North Side) of Hall
    • Maintenance Worker Byerly mentioned that the back steps at the Hall are leaning and when he looked under the steps he found that the flashing is cracked.
    • Council discussed how the steps should be removed and repaired.
    • Councilmember Trebesch volunteered to help Maintenance Worker Byerly fix the steps.
  • Handicap Bathroom in Hall
    • Councilmember Cummiskey informed the other members of council that he had spoken with Ed Hatterschide. He will be meeting Mr. Hatterschide at the Hall on Wednesday, February 10, to look at the area where the handicap bathroom will be installed and give a preliminary cost for the bathroom.
  • Grinder Pump Station
    • The grinder pump station needs repairs. The guide bars that the pumps sit on are all rusted causing the pumps not to seal. These pumps recycle the water in the lift station.
    • Council discussed what metal type of pipes should be used and possible cost of the repair.
    • Maintenance Worker Byerly will get some estimates.
  • Snow Plowing City Streets
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen reported that he had received some complaints about the how the city streets are plowed after a heavy snow fall. He also suggested having snow piles on the street corners be removed for a better line of sight.



  • Council discussed how the snow is plowed, removing snow for a better line of sight at street corners, and where to put the snow if the city has anymore accumulation. They also mentioned that it is Minnesota and this winter we are at normal snow fall amounts. Council decided to have Scotty Feltmann (plows snow) push the snow back away from the street corners.


Deputy Clerk Report


Delinquent Utility Bills

  • Everyone that was over 30 days delinquent on their water bills was sent a Disconnect Letter, Payment Schedule, and the Winter Shut Off Rules/Requirements.
  • Council asked Deputy Clerk Block to send Emily Siebold a letter requesting her to increase the amount she is sending. Currently Ms. Siebold is making $50 payments every other week. Each month her utility usage is higher then her monthly payments.
  • Deputy Clerk Block will call Edina Realty who is listing Nick Nordin home at 419 Railroad Street and ask if Mr. Nordin still owns the home. If he does and even though it is vacant he will be charged the base monthly utility fee.
    • Councilmember Trebesch commented that he did know that the water has been shut off on the inside of the home.


Clerk/Treasurer Report


I & I Abatement Program Public Meetings (Easements) February 16 and 18, 2010

  • City Clerk Gruenhagen informed Council that the letter inviting residents to attend one or both of the Special Meetings scheduled for February 16, 2010 and February 18, 2010 (both starting at 7:00 p.m.) to discuss easements for the Sanitary Sewer and Storm Sewer Improvement Project have been sent out. Residential service lines will also be discussed in getting them into compliance however this information was not included in the letter.
  • Doug Parrott (SEH) will be able to attend both meetings however City Attorney Mac will only be able to attend the February 16th meeting.
  • At the beginning of the meetings residents will be informed that the Easements are available to sign.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen, Doug Parrot (SEH) and Jessica Warren (SEH) will be meeting with Gene Erickson (MPCA Engineer) on February 24, 2010 at 1:30 p.m. to discuss the storm water portion of the project. At the present time the storm water is not eligible for PFA funding with the sanitary sewer project.

Temporary On-Sale Liquor License for Lions Club

  • The Hamburg Lions Club is requesting a temporary On-Sale Liquor License for the Lions Ham Bingo & Meat Raffle to be held on March 26, 2010 at the Hamburg Hall.
  • Councilmember Cummiskey moved to approve the Temporary On-Sale Liquor License for the Hamburg Lions Club Ham Bingo & Meat Raffle on March 26, 2010 at the Hamburg Hall, seconded by Councilmember Muller and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.


  • February 16th to 18th Abdo, Eick & Meyers will be at the city office to do the 2009 Financial Audit.
  • 2010 Local Board of Appeal/Equalization/Open Book meetings will be held April 19th to 23rd – 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. – in the County Assessor Office.
  • LMCIT Bond Coverage for Public Employees – before LMCIT will give a quote several forms have to be filled out first.
    • Council discussed how much the city employees should be covered for and possible cost. Council decided to have City Clerk Gruenhagen to check with the Hamburg Bank on what type of Bond coverage they could provide.
  • Hamburg year end Profit & Loss totals which are cash basis were presented to council. In March 2010 City Clerk Gruenhagen will submit to Council an actual financial report based on accrual basis.
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen informed Council that he finished month end totals and the sewer fund is down to $20,000. He suggested that Council start looking at other ways of funding the sewer fund; one would be transferring some money from the General Fund, include some of the Engineer fees into the bond.
      • Councilmember Mueller suggested starting a Storm Sewer Utility Fund fee.
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen added that in general the city has a six (6) month cash flow which is recommended.
  • EAID Grant Program – City Clerk Gruenhagen had spoken with the Township about applying for the Election Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities (EAID) grant. These funds are available to pay for automatic door openers to make polling places more accessible to individuals with disabilities. This grant is expected to be large enough to cover the vast majority of the costs associated with purchasing and installing a typical automatic door.
    • Council discussed and agreed that this grant should be applied for.
  • Shopping List – The city office is in need of several supplies. City Clerk Gruenhagen will go shopping on Monday to purchase;
    • Fax machine – the one we have now you can only receive faxes not able to send
    • Upgrade Quick Books – ours was new in 2000
    • Purchase a better Security Program for the computer
    • Upgrade Office Chairs – these were budgeted for
    • Label Maker – ours is broken
    • New Phones – upgrade so all office phones have caller id windows, transfer call option, and the office only has two phones need three.
    • Purchase new tape recorder – the one we have now the play button does not work
    • Purchase DVD-R discs – Need to remove old files to free up space in the computer.
    • PDF Program – needed when sending out information on e-mails so others can not change the information.
  • NPDES/SDS (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System/State Disposal System) Permit Renewal Application was sent in. The MPCA (Minnesota Pollution Control Agency replied in a letter that they received the application.
  • Solicitor Permit for Chris Lund
    • City Attorney Mac suggested the city change its Solicitor permitting to exclude background checks. A background check is only needed if the Council wants to verify the information given. Mr. Lund is only going around Hamburg as more to meet and greet city residents. If Mr. Lund starts to solicit for his business then he would need a Peddlers permit along with a background check.

Time Off Request

  • City Clerk Gruenhagen asked for Councils permission to take vacation time off from March 25th to April 9th, 2010. He did not want to book his fight until he had approval from Council.
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen also asked if Deputy Clerk Block could work 40 hours per week during his absence.
  • Council discussed and did not have any objections.

Notice of Public Hearing (Carver County Code)

  • A Public Hearing will be held on Tuesday, February 16, 2010 in the Commissioner's Meeting Room at the Carver County Government Center, Chaska, MN to consider a newly drafted "Adult Use Businesses" Ordinance amending the Carver County Code to regulate Adult Uses. All persons interested are invited to attend.


  • An informational letter was received from Ehlers about potential refunding of the cities existing bonds.


City Council Reports


Councilmember Mueller (Sewer & Water) – had nothing further to report.

Councilmember Cummiskey (Streets)

  • Councilmember Cummiskey gave an up date on the handicap bathroom for the Hall.
  • Council discussed and asked Councilmember Cummiskey to continue with the project.

Councilmember Trebesch (Buildings) – had nothing further to report.

Councilmember Barnes (Parks) – had nothing further to report.

Mayor Malz

  • Mayor Malz commented that the city sign does not register the temperature if it is below 32 degrees Fahrenheit.
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen was aware of the problem and will check into it.
  • Mayor Malz requested that Hamburg official web sit be put on the city sign.
  • Mayor Malz asked if a letter was sent requesting the resident on Railroad Street to tie up his dog so the animal is unable to be on the sidewalk.
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen responded not yet but he will get one sent out.


Approve Claims List for February 2010


Claims List for February 2010

  • Councilmember Barnes asked what check number 14279 to Wells Fargo HBS in the amount of $25.50 was for.
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen explained that it is a fee for Wells Fargo to administer the Health Savings account.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen informed Council that check number 14282 – MN DNR Water – will be added to the claims list. When he finishes the report tomorrow he will know the amount.
  • February Wages for Jeremy Gruenhagen will be removed and added to the claim list for the February 23rd Council meeting.
  • Councilmember Trebesch questioned check number 14267 to Foley Brothers in the amount of $501.20. He was wondering why it was so high of an amount.
    • Deputy Clerk Block replied that the Fire Department purchased a 100 cup coffee maker costing $135 from Foleys.
    • Council questioned why the Fire Department purchased one.
      • City Clerk Gruenhagen suggested withholding payment until it is verified as to why the purchase was made and why it cost so much. City Clerk Gruenhagen will check into this.


Councilmember Barnes moved to approve claims 14260 through 14266 and 14268 through 14282 with holding 14267(Foley Brothers - $501.20), seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.


City Clerk Gruenhagen informed Council that he will be forwarding an email to them that lists the duties and new requirements for general accounting internal controls.


Councilmember Mueller moved to adjourn the Hamburg City Council meeting at 9:12 p.m., seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.

                                        Submitted by:

                                        Sue Block                        Deputy Clerk

Hamburg City Council Minutes – January 26, 2010

Mayor Malz called the regular meeting of the Hamburg City Council to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Steve Trebesch, Councilmember John Barnes, Councilmember Larry Mueller, Councilmember Brian Cummiskey, City Clerk Jeremy Gruenhagen, Deputy Clerk Sue Block, and Fire Chief Brad Droege were in attendance. No public in attendance. Maintenance Worker Dennis Byerly was absent.


Agenda Review (Added Items) and Adoption

  • Added – Updated Claim Lists for December 2009 and January 2010
  • Added – Updated Delinquency List
  • Added – Memo from Doug Parrott (I & I Project)

Councilmember Mueller moved to adopt the agenda with the three additions, seconded by Councilmember Barnes and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.


Old City Business

  • Number 1 – Cities Website – Information is continually being entered on the web site. If council     wants any different or additional information on the site let City Clerk Gruenhagen     know.     
  • Number 3 – City Business Cards – City Clerk Gruenhagen will be able to print them for council     when requested.
  • Number 6 – City Sign Usage – The City Sign will only be used for city functions, non-profit     organizations, and local events. No private or individual advertisement will be put on     the sign.
  • Number 9 – Projector Screen and Projector – City Clerk Gruenhagen has spoken with Tom     Simmons (NYA City Administrator) about using the Cablecom Franchise Fund to     purchase a projector screen and projector for the Hamburg Community Center. Mr.     Simmons comment was that the NYA Council will probably not have any objections.     City Clerk Gruenhagen will work Mr. Simmons on getting some estimates and bids.     City Clerk Gruenhagen will also speak with Elroy Latzig to get his opinion.
  • Number 10 – The Research Fee was published in the newspaper on Thursday (January 21, 2010).     The City Fee Schedule for 2010 is now official.
  • Number 11 – Draw up specs for the 2010 lawn mowing and send out for bids – Council to start     drafting specs in February and send them out in March.
  • Number 13 – Ask H.I.P. officers to come to a Council meeting and recap their plans and finances.     Councilmember Cummiskey commented that he has spoken with Maggie Cummiskey     (Treasurer) of H.I.P. and she estimated that the group has approximately $5000 in a CD     and about $6,000 in checking. The group is considering installing play equipment in     the park by the Hall. Tammy Trebesch (member of the H.I.P. group) is heading     the annual Easter Egg Hunt on March 28, 2010.
    • Mayor Malz asked Councilmember Cummiskey to inform the H.I.P. group that they have been requested to attend a February Council meeting.
    • Councilmember Trebesch suggested that someone from the H.I.P. group should attend a council meeting at least once a month to report on their finances and projects.
    • Council discussed the group's lack of visibility within the community and shortage of acting members. Council suggested that the H.I.P. group should hold a public get-together to inform city residents on what the H.I.P. group does for the community. Holding a public meeting, handing out flyers, or calling residents to inform them of the group is a good way to recruit new members.
      • City Clerk Gruenhagen added that the H.I.P. group is separate from the city and are a non-profit group.

Fire Department Report – Chief Brad Droege


FEMA Grant

  • The FEMA grant questionnaire has not been sent out yet. Fire Chief Droege is hopeful that he will receive the paperwork by this Friday.

Fire Department Firefighters Jenny Baker & Justin Spande

  • Jenny Baker & Justin Spande both passed their FF1 & FF2 tests. The last requirement is passing a burn which will be done on February 6, 2010.

Warning Siren/Radios/Pagers Programming Upgrade for 2012

  • Warning Siren - By the 3rd quarter of 2012 the siren will have to be reprogrammed to a narrow band.
  • Pagers – By 2011 or 2012 the Fire Department pagers will have to be Minitor 5's. Hamburg along with the county will apply for a FEMA grant to help cover the cost.

N95 Masks

  • The Hamburg Fire Department received 1,600 N95 masks. These masks are to be used for any type of infectious mass outbreak that could accrue. The masks were purchased by a grant from the County.

Wellness Fit Testing for Hamburg Firefighters

  • Fire Chief Droege reminded Council that this year the city staff is included in receiving the Wellness Fit test along with firefighters who did not receive the test last year. The test will be held on Monday, February 1, 2010 between the hours of 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.


  • Fire Chief Droege informed Council that he will be on vacation during the next Council meeting on February 9th.


  • Chief Droege commented that members of a small Carnival contacted him about performing at a city function. He asked if Council would be interested.
    • Council members did not respond.

Fire Department Relief Association

  • Fire Chief Droege informed Council that at last nights Relief Association meeting they voted to lower the retirement years of service from 20 years to 10 years.
    • This increases the number of persons eligible to retire from nine (9) to twenty-three (23).
  • Fire Chief Droege asked Council if they have any ideas on how to recruit new day time members.
    • Council discussed several ideas but came to no definite conclusion.
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen will put this out on List Serve and ask what other cities do to cover day time hours and how they recruit for new members.

Carver County Mutual Aid

  • Fire Chief Droege and Council discussed the importance of Mutual Aid between the area Fire Departments and Police.
    • The basic conclusion was that no advancement has been made on Mutual Aid within Carver County.


Dennis' Report (Public Works & Utilities)

Maintenance Worker Byerly was absent.


City Clerk Gruenhagen informed Council that he will give a brief update on the Public Works & Utilities however Maintenance Worker Byerly is the person that should be giving Council an update as to where he is at on the Project List.

Project List

  • #3 – Contact Henning's in spring the redo the Shop Driveway.
    • Keep on list so it is not forgotten about.
  • #6 – Maintenance Schedule
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen did receive Maintenance Worker Byerly maintenance schedule for the Water Treatment Plant but does not know if any of it is done.
  • #7 – Paint Picnic Tables
    • Has not been completed.
    • Councilmember Trebesch commented that the tubing on the picnic tables are being spray painted by using a spray can. This is a waste of money because of the high purchase price of a can of spray paint.
    • Council commented that the picnic tables have been in the shop to be painted since the middle of November 2009 and still not done.
  • #9 – Paint Shop Door and have it installed.
    • The door has been primed but will have to be redone. There are ripples in the paint and members of Council commented that it looks terrible.
    • The door has been in the shop since November 2009 and not done. The scheduled completion date was December 31, 2009.

Mayor Malz will speak to Maintenance Worker Byerly tomorrow (January 27, 2010) about getting these projects done.

  • City Clerk Gruenhagen suggested to Council that they set deadlines as to when the projects are to be completed. Let Maintenance Worker Byerly know that if the project is not completed on time disciplinary action may be taken.
  • #19 – Wax Hall floor was added to the Project List with a completion date of March 31, 2010.
  • #20 – Wax Community Center floor was added to the Project List with a completion date of March     31, 2010.

MRWA Annual Water & Wastewater Technical Conference – March 2, 3, and 4, 2010

  • Maintenance Worker Byerly will be attending this conference however he has not filled out the registration form. Early registration is $40 cheaper and the form along with payment has to be returned by February 19, 2009.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen will also be attending and after tonight's meeting his registration with payment will be sent in.

Project List - continued

  • #11 – Secure Hall Ceiling Tile.
    • Councilmember Trebesch let Council know that 361 tiles are needed to fix the ones that are loose on the Hall ceiling.
    • Council discussed the price of different types of tile and other options as to what could be done about the Hall ceiling.
      • No definite conclusion was made.

Fuse Box in Hall Basement

  • City Clerk Gruenhagen suggested to Council that the fuse box in the Hall basement be redone. The box is using fusses not breakers.






Deputy Clerk Report


Delinquent Utility Bills

  • Diana Payne was sent a final bill at her new address in Chaska.
  • Emily Siebold is continuing to make $50 payments every other week.
  • Deputy Clerk Block will send out delinquent notices during the first week of February.
  • Council discussed and decided to have the water shut off at the curb stop for any home in Hamburg that is empty.

City Council Minutes

  • The January 12, 2010 minutes are done they just need to be reviewed.


Clerk/Treasurer Report


Mosquito Control (Clarke) Pricing for 2010

  • The price for the 2010 mosquito spraying season will be the same as in 2009.
  • The cities three year contract with Clarke will expire this year (2010).
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen suggested that this summer Council should look at renewing with Clarke or look at other alternatives. Plunkett's Pest Control has indicated their interest in putting in a bid.

Carver County Community Development Authority – Quarterly Foreclosure Report

  • Carver County Community Development Authority sent an informational letter to the City of Hamburg informing them that three (3) residents have contacted the CDA for assistance with Foreclosure Mitigation.
  • Four (4) residents have contacted the CDA with Pre-Foreclosure letters. These properties are close to a Sheriff Sale.
  • There were no Sheriff Sales between the periods of October 1, 2009 through December 31, 2009.

Franchise Agreement with Mediacom (Update)

  • City Clerk Gruenhagen had previously meet with a representative from Mediacom to discuss extending the Franchise agreement for only two (2) years. This would provide the city an opportunity to use the proposed Fiber Optic line instead of Mediacom. Another meeting with Mediacom will be set up in a month or two to go over the two year option.

Senator Julianne Ortman (Emails)

  • City Clerk Gruenhagen reported to Council that he had emailed Senator Ortman about attending a City Council meeting but has not received any communication back. City Clerk Gruenhagen will follow up with another email to her.


I & I Abatement Program Update – Obtaining Easements

  • City Clerk Gruenhagen has spoken with Doug Parrott (SEH) and City Attorney Mac about what is the best way of obtaining easements from the city residents affected by the I & I project. It was suggested to set up some Public Meetings with just the persons involved and have Mr. Parrott give a brief overview of the project. City Attorney Mac along with Mr. Parrott would be available to answer any questions the residents may have.
    • Council discussed and decided to hold two Special Meetings, one on February 16, 2010 and the other one on February 18, 2010. Both starting at 7:00 p.m. at the Hamburg Community Center.
      • A letter notifying just the residents involved will be sent out listing the date, time, and place of the meetings.
      • City Clerk Gruenhagen will also post three (3) Special Meeting notices just incase other city residents would like to attend.
  • Councilmember Cummiskey moved to hold two Special Public Hearing Meetings for the I & I easements at the Hamburg Community Center on February 16, 2010 and February 18, 2010 both starting at 7:00 p.m., Councilmember Trebesch seconded and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.


2010 Project Priority Listing (Storm Water)

  • Doug Parrott (SEH) recently talked with Ron Seymour (SEH Financing) who had spoken with Bill Dunn from MPCA regarding PFA funding for the Storm Water project. Mr. Dune commented that the approval for eligibility for the storm water portion of the project must come from Gene Erickson at the MPCA. Mr. Dunn has continued to state that the storm water improvements are as important as the sanitary sewer improvements on this project. Both are needed for a total solution to Hamburg's I/I abatement work.
  • Mr. Dunn suggested that in order to have a chance for PFA funding to be approved on the storm water portion, a meeting will likely be needed with Gene Erickson to go over the details of a total solution for the project.
  • In Doug Parrott (SEH) letter he asked Council if they would want him to attend the meeting.
    • Council discussed and decided to have Mr. Parrott attend the meeting.

Wetland Delineation (Storm Water Pond)

  • The request to construct a storm water pond east of the City Park has been approved. Documentation of the approval was received at the City Office.

Sewer Connections to Homes – Illegal

  • Council discussed how to handle illegal and noncompliant sewer line connections from resident's homes to the new sewer line.
  • Councilmember Cummiskey moved to amend the Public Hearing Meetings motion to include discussion at the meetings of easements to discuss an ordinance on illegal connections, Councilmember Trebesch seconded and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.

Next Steps

  • The next steps in the I & I project would be;
    • Obtaining easements
    • Decide on what to do about illegal sewer connections
    • Talk with the State Bank of Hamburg about low interest loans for residents affected by this project.

Xcel Energy – Notice of Changes in Rates

  • Northern States Power Company (Xcel Energy) sent notification that they have filed for a general increase in rates for natural gas services. They are requesting a maximum of $19.67 million or approximately 3.4 percent overall for the customers in the State of Minnesota.
  • The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission has authorized a total interim rate of $11.076 million to be effective January 11, 2010 with a decision by December 2010. The average Xcel Energy gas customers' bills will be approximately 1.91 percent higher.
  • For the average residential customer the interim increase will be $1.53 per month or $18.36 per year.
  • Once a decision is made any over-collection under interim rates will be refunded with interest to customers in a manner determined by the Commission. If final rates are higher than interim rates, Xcel Energy will not charge customers the difference.



LMCIT Public Employee Bond Coverage

  • City Clerk Gruenhagen informed Council that he is bonded for $5,000 however LMCIT suggests a bond amount of $125,000 to $150,000. This is based on the Exposure Index which equals 10% of Hamburg's gross annual revenues plus the market value of any negotiable securities.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen will check into the cost of bonding and report back to Council at the next meeting.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen also suggested bond coverage for Deputy Clerk Block. At this time she does not have bond coverage.

Emmanuel Lutheran Ladies Aid

  • The Emmanuel LWML has requested Councils approval to use the small freezer from the Park at the Hamburg Fish Fry (February 6, 2010). The Emmanuel LWML will be selling pie and ice cream during the event and need a freezer to keep the ice cream frozen.
    • Council discussed what they used before and decided to allow the LWML the use of the freezer if they pick it up and return it.
  • Councilmember Barnes moved to allow Emmanuel LWML the use of the chest freezer in the Park during the Hamburg Fish Fry as long as they pick it up and return it, Councilmember Mueller seconded and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.

Hamburg's Official Web Site

  • The Hamburg Web Site is up and running. City information is continually being added and if Council wants to add anything just let City Clerk Gruenhagen know.


City Council Reports


Councilmember Mueller (Sewer & Water)

  • The Snyder Drug Store in Norwood is closing and the city of Norwood/Young America is trying to bring another drug store into the city. Councilmember Mueller suggested that the Hamburg Council should send a letter of support to Norwood/Young America Council in trying to obtain another drug store.

Councilmember Cummiskey (Streets)

  • At a previous council meeting Councilmember Cummiskey suggested that the city should think about regulating resident Christmas Light displays.
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen did check with Ann Perry (City Planning Consultant) and she has never come across an issue like this.
    • Council decided not to take any action at this time but wait until a situation like this does come up. Council will deal with it at that time.

Councilmember Trebesch (Buildings)

  • Councilmember Trebesch asked Councilmember Cummiskey how the planning of the Hall handicap bathroom was coming along.
    • Councilmember Cummiskey responded that he has not had time to work on the project.
    • Council discussed and decided that a cost of the project should be obtained and to continue with plan drawings.
  • Councilmember Trebesch asked Mayor Malz if he was going to check on the cost of ceiling tile to replace the damaged ceiling tiles in the Hall.
    • Mayor Malz responded that he was going to check on the possibility and cost of just using insulation on the ceiling in addition to new tiles.
    • Council discussed checking prices with local contractors.


  • Councilmember Trebesch and Councilmember Mueller informed the other council members that the new shop door that was painted but it looks terrible. They suggested having Maintenance Worker Byerly take the paint off and redo it.

Councilmember Barnes (Parks) – had nothing further to report.

Mayor Malz

  • Mayor Malz asked City Clerk Gruenhagen to send the resident at 430 Railroad Street a letter asking him to tie his dog further back on his property so the dog can not be on or reach the public sidewalk. Council has received a complaint about residents not being able to walk on the sidewalk when the dog is tied up outside the home.
  • Mayor Malz asked City Clerk Gruenhagen to send a letter to the owner of the property between 430 Railroad Street and 440 Railroad Street requesting the snow be removed from the sidewalk. Council discussed who owns the land. City Clerk Gruenhagen will find out who owns the land and will send them a letter with the city ordinance about snow removal on sidewalks.
  • Mayor Malz also asked City Clerk Gruenhagen to send a letter and a copy of the city ordinance to Dan Thaemert asking them to clear the snow off the sidewalk adjacent to their property which is across the street from Parkside Tavern.


Approve Claims List for December 2009 and January 2010


Claims List for December 2009

  • City Clerk Gruenhagen added to the December 2009 Claims List four (4) budgeted transfers.

Councilmember Cummiskey moved to approve the 2009 December Claim Numbers 14137 through 14205 including the City transfers, one PAD payment, and four ACH payments, Councilmember Mueller seconded and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.


Claims List for January 2010

  • City Clerk Gruenhagen informed Council that he added check number 14259, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for $350.00. This would be for the application fee for NPDES/SDS permit MN25585 renewal (discharge permit).
  • Councilmember Cummiskey moved to approve January Claim Numbers 14206 through 14207 also Claim Numbers 14245 through 14259 and the three ACH payments, Councilmember Mueller seconded and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.


Councilmember Cummiskey moved to adjourn the Hamburg City Council meeting at 9:06 p.m., seconded by Councilmember Barnes and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.

                                        Submitted by:

                                        Sue Block                        Deputy Clerk

Hamburg City Council Minutes – January 12, 2010

Mayor Malz called the regular meeting of the Hamburg City Council to order at 7:04 p.m. Councilmember Steve Trebesch, Councilmember Larry Mueller, Councilmember Brian Cummiskey, City Clerk Jeremy Gruenhagen, Deputy Clerk Sue Block, and Fire Chief Brad Droege were in attendance. Others present were Ty Turnquist (MNSPECT), Adam Glander (201 Martha Street), Chris Lund (612 Kim Avenue), Joel Franck (605 Robert Avenue), and Jared Mackenthun (FD). Councilmember John Barnes and Maintenance Worker Dennis Byerly were absent.


Agenda Review (Added Items) and Adoption

  • Added – Letter from Richard Odoms (150 Jacob Street)
  • Added – Updated Claims List for December 2009 and January 2010
  • Added – Updated Old City Business
  • Added – Updated Delinquency List

Councilmember Mueller moved to adopt the agenda with the four additions, seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion carried. Councilmember Barnes was absent.


Designate Official Depository (Bank) and Official Newspaper for 2010

  • Official Depository (Bank) – State Bank of Hamburg
  • Official Newspaper – Norwood/Young America Times
  • Councilmember Mueller moved to designate the State Bank of Hamburg as official depository and the Norwood/Young America Times as the official newspaper for the City of Hamburg, Councilmember Trebesch seconded and motion carried. Councilmember Barnes was absent.


Appoint Assistant (Acting) Mayor for 2010

  • Mayor Malz appointed Councilmember Larry Mueller as acting mayor however Mayor Malz will also designate the acting mayor duties to other council members during 2010.


Designate Departments for City Council Members for 2010

  • Councilmember Mueller – Sewer & Water
  • Councilmember Cummiskey – Streets
  • Councilmember Trebesch – Buildings
  • Councilmember Barnes – Parks


Set City Council Meeting Start Time for 2010

  • Council discussed and decided to keep the City Council meeting start time for 2010 at 7:00 p.m.


Approve Minutes for November 24, 2009 and December 8, 2009

  • Councilmember Mueller moved to approve the November 24, 2009 and December 8, 2009 City Council Meeting minutes, Councilmember Cummiskey seconded and motion carried. Councilmember Barnes was absent.


Old City Business

  • Number 1 – Cities Website – End of January 2010 all information for the web site should be entered.     Hamburg's Domain name will be; cityofhamburgmn.com or cityofhamburgmn.net.
  • Number 2 – Ask Representative Kohl's and Senator Ortman back to discuss infrastructure issues         again. – City Clerk Gruenhagen will report on Senator Ortman's resent emails during the     Clerk/Treasurer's Report.


  • Number 3 – City Business Cards – City Clerk Gruenhagen will be able to print them for council     when needed.
  • Number 4 – Expanding Community Center – Keep on list. - $2,000 per year (for the last three years)     has been added to the budget for this project.
  • Number 5 – Take pictures and keep list of City property – Keep on list.
  • Number 6 – Set up committee meeting for city sign usage – City Clerk Gruenhagen and Fire Chief     Droege are gathering information from other cities.
  • Number 7 – Install hand railing for stairs by the city shop door – Change completion date to spring     2010.
  • Number 8 – Fix hole by hall dumpster – Done remove from list.
  • Number 9 – Bid and build Handicap Bathroom in Hall – keep on list.
  • Number 10 – Projector Screen for Community Center – City Clerk Gruenhagen will check into using      the Cablecom Franchise Fund to purchase a projector screen.
  • Number 11 – Add research fee to City Fee Schedule starting January 1, 2010 – City Clerk     Gruenhagen will report on this during his report.
  • Number 12 – Draw up specs for 2010 lawn mowing and send out for bids – Draft specs in February     and send out in March.
  • Number 13 – Take pictures of Grams and send nuisance letter – spring 2010.
  • Number 14 – Ask H.I.P. to come to a Council meeting and recap their plans and finances. - Keep on     list.


Hamburg Lions Club – MN Lawful Gambling Permit (Bingo)

  • Joel Franck representing the Hamburg Lions Club requested a MN Lawful Gambling Permit for March 26, 2010. The Lions Club will be hosting a Ham/Bingo event.
  • Councilmember Cummiskey moved to approve the gambling permit for the Hamburg Lions Club Bingo event that will be held on March 26, 2010, Councilmember Mueller seconded and motion carried. Councilmember Barnes was absent.


Fire Department Report – Chief Brad Droege


FEMA Grant

  • Fire Chief has not heard anything on this grant.


Fire Department Firefighters Jenny Baker & Justin Spande

  • Fire Chief Droege requested Council to approve Baker & Spande as Hamburg Firefighters contingent on them passing their FF1 & FF2 tests which they will be completing tonight (January 12, 2010).
  • Councilmember Cummiskey moved to approve Jenny Baker and Justin Spande as full time Hamburg Firefighters contingent on each of them passing their FF1 & FF2 tests, Councilmember Muller seconded and motion carried. Councilmember Barnes was absent.


2009 Donation Summary (HFDRA)

  • Fire Chief Droege presented Council with a list documenting the Hamburg Fire Department Relief Association's 2009 Donations. Total 2009 donations were $17,199.72 included in this amount was $11,892.68 that was donated to the City of Hamburg.
    • $2,000 was donated towards the Ambulance Certificate with the deal that the city will be paying $2,000 less for the Ambulance and could pay $2,000 more for an upgraded Rescue truck.
  • Resolution Number 2010-01 - Accepting Donations Received in 2009
    • Councilmember Mueller moved to accept Resolution Number 2010-01 accepting donations to the City of Hamburg from the Hamburg Fire Department Relief Association in the year 2009, Councilmember Trebesch seconded and motion carried. Councilmember Barnes was absent.


HFD Relief Association – Required Municipal Contribution for 2010

  • City Clerk Gruenhagen presented council with a copy of the Form SC-09 schedule which determines the Fire Departments Relief Association municipal contribution for 2010. The required 2010 contribution increased from $42,101 in 2009 to $46,529 for 2010.


City Rescue Truck (Upgrade)

  • Fire Chief Droege asked Council for permission to pursue; the Fire Department has formed a committee and waited for this council meeting and to talk to the area Townships in looking at the availability or feasibility of a used Rescue Truck in the future.
  • Fire Chief Droege continued to comment that he had brought this up in the last council meeting, or two meetings before, it does not really affect the City of Hamburg or Fire Department as it does the Townships because if the city so wishes the Rescue Truck loan could piggy back off of the Ambulance loan and take that money and flop over on the payments. There are two years left (2010 and 2011) to pay off the Ambulance.
    • Mayor Malz asked Fire Chief Droege if his request was just to check into things.
      • Fire Chief Droege replied that in the past he started checking into things and then all he heard was why no one was told about it. This time he is telling council about it and asking for permission to pursue it. Right now there is a 2001 truck available exactly (according to the picture in the magazine) what they are looking for. The price was $109,500 and that price has been reduced. He does not know how to do it but you may have to put earnest money down or something because it will be one of those things that when you find a used one you can not wait 6 months or a year to get it. It is like a used vehicle, who ever put the money down first gets it.
      • Fire Chief Droege continued commenting that he would like to do a few months of research and have a Township meeting in February 2010. He would like to get the people in to talk to them and find out if they are even interested. If not then it gets dropped.
  • Mayor Malz added that it was a good thing to get the publics opinion.
  • Fire Chief Droege also mentioned that up-grading the Rescue Truck was part of the package that was brought up to Council two years ago but was dropped at that time not thinking the economy would stay this bad. By 2018 the city will also be looking at purchasing a new Fire Engine, the one the city has now will be 25 years old at that time.
  • Fire Chief Droege noted that in the near future the fire equipment should be updated with LED side lights. If there is money left over at the end of the year from the Gambling Fund the fire department will look into the possibility of purchasing them.
  • Fire Chief Droege asked if a motion was needed to give him permission to look into a truck.
    • Council and City Clerk Gruenhagen did not think a motion was needed.
    • Councilmember Trebesch commented that everyone knows Fire Chief Droege will look it up and come back to council with his findings.
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen will have it noted in the minutes that there were no objections from Council.


Community Center Projection Screen

  • Fire Chief Droege suggested to Council that instead of purchasing a projection screen use the Cablecom Franchise Fund for obtaining a screen and ceiling mounted projector.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen will look into this.

Fire Hydrants

  • On behalf of the Fire Department Fire Chief Droege thanked Maintenance Worker Byerly for keeping the fire hydrants clear of snow.


County Road 50 (Park Avenue) – Ice

  • Fire Chief Droege (also the head of the cities snow plowing) commented on the complaint from a city resident about the ice on County Road 50 (Park Avenue).
    • His comment was that with this extremely cold weather neither salt nor sand will work. All that can be done is to wait until warmer weather comes then the salt will start thawing the ice.


MNSPECT – Ty Turnquist


Contract Agreement Extension for Building Inspections

  • At the last council meeting in December Council discussed amending the contract service agreement with MNSPECT as follows;
    • Changes would be to the date of termination from December 31 2009 to December 31, 2010.
    • The contract will automatically renew for successive one year terms unless notice is provided by the City of Hamburg 90 days prior to expiration of the agreement.
    • Upon receipt of approval from the State Plumbing and Engineering Unit the MNSPECT inspectors shall begin reviewing commercial plumbing plans on behalf of the City.
    • All other terms and conditions of the existing agreement shall remain in effect.
  • Councilmember Cummiskey moved to accept the contract amendment as printed, Councilmember Trebesch seconded and motion carried. Councilmember Barnes was absent.


State Building Code/Hamburg City Code – Ordinance Number 136

  • At the present time all Commercial Plumbing contractors send the plumbing plans to the State for their review. The State then charges for their review and sends the plans back to MNSPECT for them to do the inspection on site. Ordinance 136 would change the Commercial plumbing review from being sent to the State to being reviewed by MNSPECT.
  • Councilmember Cummiskey moved to adopt Ordinance Number 136 (Building Code) amending Chapter 150.01 of the Municipal Code of Hamburg pertaining to the building code to include Plumbing Plan Review, seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion carried. Councilmember Barnes was absent.


Dennis' Report (Public Works & Utilities)

Maintenance Worker Byerly was absent City Clerk Gruenhagen gave the report.


Project List

  • #1 – Raise or lower all curb stops to ground level.
    • This has not been done.
  • #3 – Contact Henning's in spring the redo the Shop Driveway.
    • Keep on list.
  • #4 – Sidewalk replacement in front of Parkside Tavern.
    • Keep on list.
  • #6 – Maintenance Schedule
    • Maintenance Worker Byerly found an old schedule and is in the process of up dating the list.
  • #7 – Paint Picnic Tables
    • Maintenance Worker Byerly is working on getting them painted.
  • #9 – Paint Shop Door and have it installed.
    • This has not been completed.
  • #11 – Secure loose ceiling tile in Hall.
    • There is $500 in the budget for this repair.
    • Council discussed and decided to paint the grid work at the same time the ceiling tiles are replaced. Councilmember Trebesch will check into the number of tiles needed and cost.
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen will talk with Maintenance Worker Byerly about getting this completed this winter.
  • #15 – Repair of hydrants from AFC recall notice.
    • This has not been completed.


Carver County Right of Way Permits, Registration Form, Obstruction Permits

  • Maintenance Worker Byerly attended this meeting and the City of Hamburg received a letter from the Carver County Public Works Department.
  • The Public Works Department has begun a Fee-For-Service in 2010, concerning any work done in the County Right-of-Ways.
    • Carver County will not be imposing the Fees unto Local Municipalities at this time. However, they would like the city to fill out a Registration form and an Obstruction Permit. The registration Form is for contact information and the Obstruction Permit is for any routine maintenance work on their road system. A permit will still be needed for any new installation or upgrade to an existing system.


Deputy Clerk Report


Delinquent Utility Bills

  • Diana Payne called the city office notifying them that her home on 350 Louisa is being foreclosed on and to send her a final billing. A final utility bill was sent to Ms. Payne at her new address.
  • Emily Siebold is continuing to make $50 payments every other week.
  • Deputy Clerk Block reported to Council that she has not pursued collection of delinquent accounts because of the winter months. Delinquent letters will be continued next month in February.


City Council Minutes and Special Meeting Minutes

  • All city council meeting minutes are completed. The special budget meeting minutes just need to be reviewed and will be ready for the next council meeting on January 26, 2010.


Clerk/Treasurer Report


City Fee Schedule for 2010

  • During the Public Hearing (which was held this evening at 6:50 p.m.) the letter from Mr. Odoms was taken into consideration. It seemed that Mr. Odom's main concern was the research fee for public data.
    • Currently stated on the City Fee Schedule, Schedule A, Information Research Fee (Public Data Only) - If over 30 minutes the charge is $35 per hour plus materials.
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen suggested to Council that the wording "if over 30 minutes" should be removed from the fee schedule. Another item to discuss is electronic publications or transfers.
  • Council discussed if city organizations should or should not be charged for using the City Hall or Community Center.
    • Council decided to have City Clerk Gruenhagen check with the city auditors to find out if the City of Hamburg can accept donations from organizations for using the halls.
  • Councilmember Cummiskey moved to adopt Ordinance Number 135, City of Hamburg Fee Schedule as printed minus the wording "If over 30 minutes." relating to the research fee, Councilmember Trebesch seconded and motion carried. Councilmember Barnes was absent.


2009/2010 Park and Ball Program (Community Education)

  • The Parks program in 2009 had 14 school age children registered and 12 preschoolers registered.
  • The summer ball program for residents of Hamburg had 26 children in T-ball, 16 in Combo-ball, 8 in Pee-Wee Baseball, 5 in Little League Baseball, 8 in Pee-Wee Softball, and 2 in Little League Softball.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen informed Council that participating in the Community Ed Park & Ball program is a budgeted line item and the cost to participate in 2010 is $375. No motion is needed because this is in the cities budget.
    • Councilmember Mueller asked if Community Ed has or will be asking the townships for their contribution to this program
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen will mention this to the Director of Community Ed Julie Kuenzel.


Audio/Visual for Oak Grove City Center Council Chambers

  • The City of Norwood/Young America is requesting the use of the cable franchise fees to fund an optional recess ceiling projection screen and projector. Also an optional media control system that would allow city staff (from the Council table) to switch back and forth from one camera shoot to another. The optional media control system is also needed for the optional projection equipment
    • Optional media control systems cost - $11,431 plus tax.
    • Optional projection equipment cost - $6,930 plus tax.
  • Currently there is $63,125.55 in Cable Franchise Fund.
  • Councilmember Cummiskey moved to approve the request from the Norwood/Young America Council to use the Cable Franchise Fees in the amount of $18,361 plus tax to purchase the optional media control system and the optional projection equipment for the Oak Grove City Center Council Chambers, Councilmember Mueller seconded and motion was carried. Councilmember Barnes was absent.


Senator Julianne Ortman (Emails)

  • Senator Ortman emailed to let Council know that she if looking forward to getting together to talk about the upcoming 2010 Legislative Session and the large budget deficit.
    • Senator Ortman's first intention to meet with Council is to discuss the budget outlook for the Legislature in 2010 and how the deficit may affect our city. She would like to see the city's budget goals and asked to have any specific bonding bill requests sent to her as soon as possible because these bills will be coming together quickly.
    • Senator Ortman asked Council to consider and make suggestions regarding how government services, both local and statewide, may be consolidated and made more efficient. This may come in the form of eliminating duplicative services, repealing unfunded mandates, or streamlining government processes.
  • The other email that was received was email communication between Senator Ortman and city resident Chris Lund. Mr. Lund requested Senator Ortman to assist the City of Hamburg in it's I & I funding problem. Senator Ortman responded back asking Mr. Lund, when the time comes, if he would be willing to speak to the Tax Committee on behalf of Hamburg and its I & I complications. Mr. Lund emailed City Clerk Gruenhagen informing the city that he told Senator Ortman that he would help when and how he could.
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen commented that if he had time he would like to go with Mr. Lund to speak to the Tax Committee on behalf of the City of Hamburg about it's I & I issues.
    • Councilmember Mueller commented that if Mr. Lund is willing to go and talk to the Tax Committee he should go as a resident not as a city delegate or as a representative of the city.
    • Council discussed and decided that if Mr. Lund does go he should go as a resident not as a city representative.
      • City Clerk Gruenhagen will inform Mr. Lund and Senator Ortman about Councils decision. He will also ask Senator Ortman to keep him informed about these meetings.


I & I Abatement Program Update – Obtaining Easements

  • City Clerk Gruenhagen had asked City Attorney Mac what is the best way of obtaining easements from the city residents affected by the I & I project.
    • City Attorney Mac replied that one of the best ways is to set up some Public Meetings with just the persons involved. Have SEH attend the meetings and give the residents a brief update on the project. With SEH at the meetings residents could ask questions that the City Council may not have the answers to.
    • Council discussed and decided to hold one or two Special Public Meetings.
      • City Clerk Gruenhagen will work with Doug Parrott (SEH) on setting up some dates.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen brought up the subject of what to do about non compliant sewer service connections and illegal connections from the resident's home to the new sewer line.
    • Council discussed this issue and decided that they will have to pass an ordinance requiring a permit so that the line will be inspection making sure the hook ups are in compliance.


Employee's Break Down of 2009 Hours Report

  • City Clerk Gruenhagen gave Council a report showing the city employee's hours worked which department the hours were worked in and percentage of actual time. Accumulative vacation and sick time earned and used.
  • This information was not provided to the public because it contained some personal information.


LMCIT Public Employee Bond Coverage

  • City Clerk Gruenhagen informed Council that he had just renewed the City Clerk Bond coverage. The bond coverage for the City Clerk (Jeremy Gruenhagen) is $5,000 at a premium cost of $85 per two years. According to the League of Minnesota Cities suggested minimum amounts of Bond Coverage for the city's gross annual revenues plus the market value of any negotiable securities is $100,000 to $125,000. The premium cost is $5 per $1,000 of coverage.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen also mentioned that the city does not have any Bond Coverage for the Deputy Clerk (Sue Block).
  • Council discussed bonding coverage for the City Clerk and Deputy Clerk positions and decided to have City Clerk Gruenhagen work with the Hamburg State Bank in obtaining a faithful performance bond.


Time Off Requests (January 22, 28, 29 & February 4, 5, and 23, 2010)

  • City Clerk Gruenhagen requested to leave the office at 4:00 p.m. on these days.
  • Councilmember Mueller moved to approve City Clerk Gruenhagen request to leave at 4:00 p.m. on January 22, 28, and 29 & February 4, 5, 23, Councilmember Trebesch seconded and motion carried. Councilmember Barnes was absent.


Informational Items

  • Central Public Schools (Referendum Bonds)
    • The Central Public School sent out a notice informing voters that there were no buyers for the 0% bonds. The school was able to secure a supplemental coupon at 1.26%
  • City Offices will be closed January 18, 2010 in observance of Marin Luther King, Jr. birthday.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen clarified to Council that the ticket Brian Biermann (210 Broadway) received concerning a barking dog was waived. Per Jim Keeler (City Attorney) the City had in place an ordinance allowing the City the right to request the ticket to be waived.


City Council Reports


Councilmember Mueller (Sewer & Water)

  • Councilmember Mueller suggested that when the I & I project starts maybe the city could work with the State Bank of Hamburg to provide residents, who need help financially, a low interest loan to help cover the cost of hooking up the home to the new city sewer lines.
  • Councilmember Mueller also stated that Mr. Odoms (150 Jacob Street) should talk to Council about the dog incident not City Clerk Gruenhagen because Council made the decision.


Councilmember Cummiskey (Streets)

  • Councilmember Cummiskey suggested that Council should think about regulating resident Christmas Light displays.
    • Council discussed and decided to have City Clerk Gruenhagen check with Ann Perry (City Planning Consultant) if she has ever come across any issues like this.


Councilmember Trebesch (Buildings)

  • Councilmember Trebesch commented that a number of residents are blowing snow into the city streets.
    • Council discussed this issue and decided that about the only thing that could be done would be to send the residents a nuisance letter.


Councilmember Barnes (Parks) was absent.


Mayor Malz

  • Mayor Malz commented that the members of council should help support Organizations and Clubs that rent the Hamburg Hall by attending their functions.
  • Mayor Malz mentioned that the City of Hamburg residents should not complain about the City Fee Schedule. Compared to Norwood/Young America City Fee Schedule they have a lot more fees than Hamburg.




Approve Claims List for December 2009 and January 2010


Claims List for December 2009

  • Councilmember Mueller asked if claim number 14197 (K & R Towing, Inc.) was the bill for towing the City truck from New Ulm, MN back to Hamburg.
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen replied that this claim was for towing the City truck back to Hamburg when the fuel pump went out.
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen will check if the towing charge is covered under the insurance policy.

Councilmember Mueller moved to approve December Claim Numbers 14182 through 14205 including budgeted transfers and ACH payments, Councilmember Cummisky seconded and motion carried. Councilmember Barnes was absent.


Claims List for January 2010

  • Councilmember Mueller moved to approve January Claim Numbers 14206 through 14246 and the six ACH payments, Councilmember Trebesch seconded and motion carried. Councilmember Barnes was absent.


Councilmember Cummiskey moved to adjourn the Hamburg City Council meeting at 9:06 p.m., seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion carried. Councilmember Barnes was absent.


                                        Submitted by:


                                        Sue Block                        Deputy Clerk

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Debt rises to incredible heights yet Americans are blind

This morning I am reading Star Tribune and various other news sites I follow when I came across this headline: CBO report: Debt will rise to 90% of GDP (http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/mar/26/cbos-2020-vision-debt-will-rise-to-90-of-gdp/) in the Washington Times. The headline enough raised my ire and should every American. Now, I have been railed against for my push of smaller government, more freedom and lower taxes platform. I hope this article puts things in perspective for those that believe I am "chicken little" on the size and scope of government.

The article notes that the Federal public debt when Obama took office was $6.3 trillion or $56,000 per household. That number has expanded to $8.2 trillion or $72,000 per household today. The CBO estimates that by 2020 we are on path to reach a debt of $20.3 trillion or $170,000 per household. I understand and acknowledge that Republicans, especially under Bush, lost their fiscal conservative way which lead to the historic election of Barack Obama. I recall last year when the unemployment rate hit 10% Vice President Biden noted that the Obama administration did not realize how bad the economy was and their numbers were off.

James Horney, a federal-budget analyst at the liberal Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, said, " The biggest part of the deficit difference [between the Obama's administration and CBO numbers] is lower tax revenue due to the different economic assumptions." Horney is correct that the Obama administration has a rosary outlook but it is that thinking that tripped them up last year as unemployment surpassed 10%. We need to get Americans back to work and being productive. Too many of our manufacturing jobs are being outsourced and due to our mounting debt America is put in a conundrum. The conundrum is protecting America jobs while not alienating our ATM; China.

Sure the Fed could print money hand over fist but that will only lead to inflation and a deeper recession. So how do we jump start the economy and reverse the trend this article warns? To start we need to demand that our government go on a diet and that Americans be held accountable for their actions. Right now Obama is proposing incentives that will encourage banks to rework mortgages that are underwater for those that are unemployed. This new incentive will create more debt for taxpayers and further our co-dependence on Government solutions. It is unfortunate that people are losing their jobs and making the house payment is tough but that does not mean the government is the answer.

When will Americans realize that entitlements, cash for clunkers, tax credits and health care reform legislation are only hurting the future of America? We need to wake up and demand that government shrink and allow the private sector be allowed to work. We need to demand that more States Attorney General join the fight for State Rights against the growing tyranny of the Federal Government. Obama did not start us down that road but he is standing on the accelerator with both feet.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Sen. Klobuchar’s response to the current employment situation.

This is a response I received today from Sen. Klobuchar to my plan of getting America back on its feet.


Dear Mr. Lund:


Thank you for taking the time to contact me about our current employment situation.  I appreciate your thoughts, stories, and concerns.


The weak economy and continued high unemployment rate are among the most challenging problems facing our country.  Across the state, Minnesotans continue to make a great effort to pay their mortgages and provide for their families. While we have seen signs of some economic improvements, there are too many people who have lost their jobs in Minnesota and across the country. 


For these reasons I have supported extending benefits to help out-of-work Americans endure the current economic crisis.  Recently, I supported H.R. 4213, the American Workers, State, and Business Relief Act of 2010, which extends emergency unemployment benefits and COBRA health insurance subsidies through December 31, 2010 for those who have lost their jobs. On March 10, 2010 this legislation passed in the Senate with a bipartisan vote of 62 to 36.  Additionally, I supported the Temporary Extension Act of 2010, the Worker, Homeownership, and Business Assistance Act of 2009, the Consolidated Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2010 and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, all of which provided temporary support and helped put Americans back to work during these tough economic times.  As long as the dynamics of our economy necessitate extensions, I will continue to support them for the suffering Minnesotans that need interim relief. 


Providing for out-of-work Americans, however, is just the first step.  Every day I hear from Minnesotans who are urgently seeking work and can't find it.  I also hear from businesses large and small that want to hire, but can't in this struggling economy.  That is why I supported the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment (HIRE) Act, which recently passed in the Senate with a 70 to 28 vote.  This legislation provides tax breaks and credits to small businesses for hiring and retaining unemployed workers, and making purchases of needed equipment. This legislation is paid for by increasing foreign tax compliance and eliminating the abuse of tax credits by closing offshore loopholes. 


Someone once said of our current economy, that while Wall Street got a cold, Main Street got pneumonia.  That's why I also support initiatives that help small and mid-sized businesses overcome the current tight credit constraints.  Last fall I advocated for a targeted lending program to increase the available credit to small and mid-sized businesses, and I continue to work on proposals to encourage lending to responsible and promising businesses and entrepreneurs.  The Small Business Association has more than doubled the amount of available loans to businesses, and while I recognize that this is a start, I believe there is more that can be done.  Providing the needed additional credit will help small businesses hire new employees, purchase needed equipment, invest in research and development, and expand their facilities.


American businesses can't grow if the demand for their products stays constant. We also need to increase the demand for American products through export promotion.  There's a lot of potential in harnessing the customers abroad; 95 percent of the world's customers are located outside the United States.  That is why I introduced S. 3084, the Export Promotion Act of 2010, which provides businesses with direct assistance and increases available resources for representation and counseling on starting export operations.  The Department of Commerce found that every dollar spent on export promotion resulted in $213 of export revenue for our businesses. 


As we continue to work on legislation that will help restore our economy's ailing health and provide needed relief to millions of Americans, we should put aside partisan differences to do the necessary and critical work to ensure our long-term economic stability.  I will continue to take action to help middle-class families and build a stronger, more prosperous America while being fiscally responsible. 


Again, thank you for writing to me about this issue.  One of the most important parts of my job is listening to what the people of Minnesota have to say to me.  I am here in our nation's capital to do the public's business and to serve the people of our state.  With that in mind, I hope you will contact me again about matters of concern to you.



Amy Klobuchar

United States Senator