Mayor Malz called the regular meeting of the Hamburg City Council to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Steve Trebesch, Councilmember John Barnes, Councilmember Larry Mueller, Councilmember Brian Cummiskey, City Clerk Jeremy Gruenhagen, Deputy Clerk Sue Block, Maintenance Worker Dennis Byerly, and Fire Chief Brad Droege were in attendance. Also in attendance were Brad Falteysek (Abdo, Eick & Meyers), Jared Mackenthun (Hamburg Fire Department), and Justin Buckentin (Hamburg Fire Department).
Agenda Review (Added Items) and Adoption
- Added – Relief Association – Rate of Return for Deferred Members
- Added – City Website – City Events and Local Clubs
Councilmember Mueller moved to adopt the agenda with the two additions, seconded by Councilmember Barnes and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.
Approve the February 9, 2010 Minutes
- Councilmember Mueller moved to approve the February 9, 2010 Hamburg City Council Meeting Minutes, seconded by Councilmember Barnes and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.
Old City Business
Fire Department Report
Out of State Travel Policy (Changes)
- Fire Chief Droege suggested adding "during emergencies or emergency deployment out of state, i.e. crossing state lines, will be covered under the policy.
2009/2010 FEMA Grant Update
- No word yet on the FEMA Grants
US Fish & Wildlife Grant
- Fire Chief Droege applied for a $1,150 grant. Proposed purchases with the grant money: tools for the J-5, bladder bags, filters for air packs.
Hamburg Fire Department 2009 Annual Township Report
- At the last council meeting Fire Chief Droege presented Council with the report.
- Councilmember Mueller moved to approve the Hamburg Fire Department 2009 Annual Township Report, seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.
Engine 12 Transmission (Update)
- The transmission repair on Engine 12 should be completed this Thursday and the cost estimate will be somewhere around $4,000 plus.
1981 Heavy Duty Rescue Truck
The current Hamburg Rescue Truck will be taken to the Radde Auction Sale site on April 26, 2010 with Council's approval. Fred Radde will wave his percentage fee and the truck will be auctioned off with a reserve of $20,000.
- Council discussed what the reserve for the truck should be set at. They decided to set the reserve at $20,000 with the option of $14,000 as the lowest minimum.
Councilmember Cummiskey moved to give permission to Fire Chief Droege to list the Hamburg Rescue Truck at the Radde Auction on April 26 with a $20,000 reserve and at Chief Droege discretion lower the minimum down to $14,000, seconded by Councilmember Barnes.
- Council discussed the motion and decided to amend the motion concerning the reserve minimum.
- Councilmember Cummiskey amended the motion to approve the sale of the Hamburg Rescue Truck at the Radde Auction on April 26, 2010 with a reserve of $20,000 and set a minimum reserve amount at the next Council meeting on April 13, 2010, seconded by Councilmember Barnes and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.
HD Rescue Truck from Chelsea, MI
Approve Resolution Number 2010-04
- City Clerk Gruenhagen informed Council they should pass Resolution 2010-04 authorizing the sale of the Equipment Certificate of Indebtedness. The Certificate of Indebtedness is payable in full by November 30, 2015. The certificate will bear the interest rate of 4.5% annually with payments made to the State Bank of Hamburg.
- Councilmember Trebesch moved to approve Resolution 2010-04 authorizing the sale of the Equipment Certificate of Indebtedness, seconded by Councilmember Mueller and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.
Approve Commercial Security Agreement with State Bank of Hamburg
- Councilmember Trebesch moved to approve the Commercial Security Agreement with the State Bank of Hamburg, seconded by Councilmember Mueller and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.
Approve Transfer of Truck to Hamburg
- Members of the HFD will meet members of the Chelsea Fire Department in Green Bay, WI to pick up the 1981 Rescue Truck. The planned pick-up is scheduled for this Thursday, March 25th.
- Estimated cost for fuel to and from Green Bay, WI was $600.
- Councilmember Trebesch moved to approve the trip to Green Bay, WI to pick up the 2001 Rescue Truck and authorized the estimated fuel and mileage cost of $600, Councilmember Mueller seconded and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.
Relief Association 2009 Audit – Justin Buckentin
- The Hamburg Fire Department Relief Associations By-Laws have not been updated since 1999 and the Auditors pointed out some changes that need to be made. One of the changes is that currently when a fire fighter retires the money is put in a CD and the fire fighter keeps the interest up to 5%. This is against State Statute. The Statue states that the interest rate has to be a set rate. During a Fire Department Board meeting the interest rate for deferred members was set at 3% however this percentage rate can be changed yearly with the approval of the Hamburg City Council.
- Councilmember Mueller moved to approve the rate of return for retired deferred members of the Hamburg Relief Association at 3% as of February 1, 2010, Councilmember Trebesch seconded and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.
Abdo, Eick & Meyers – 2009 Financial Report
Falteysek, Relating to the 2009 Financial Report, reported on the following:
Page 1 - Their Responsibilities under Auditing Standards and Significant Audit Findings
Page 2 - 2009-1 Preparation of Financial Statements
Page 3 - 2009-2 Limited Segregation of Duties (Finding Since 2008)
- There are four general categories of duties: authorization, custody, record keeping, and reconciliation. In an ideal system, different employees perform each of these four major functions. In other words, no one person has control of two or more of these responsibilities.
- The existence of limited segregation of duties increases the risk of fraud and error.
- The risk can be reduced with better monitoring. Recommend that the billing clerk continue to review the unopened bank statement, looking for activity within cancelled checks that appears inconsistent to the checks she prepared and payroll checks. For deposits, she should pay close attention to deposits that were made by the Clerk/Treasurer looking for inconsistencies. The utility billings should be reviewed by someone other than the person entering and printing billing registers. Council should also be reminded of their duties over finance at least annually.
Management Response:
- The City has evaluated the accounting procedures and has determined that the job duties are assigned to the staff most capable. This doesn't always allow for complete segregation. The City will continue to review its processes and make changes where possible.
Page 4 - 2009-3 Audit Adjustment of Fund Balances
- The financial statements are the responsibility of the City's management.
- Financial information reported to Council during the year has been inaccurate. In addition, this indicates that it would be likely that a misstatement may occur and not be detected by the City's system of internal control. The audit firm cannot serve as a compensating control over this deficiency.
- Management reviews each journal entry, obtain an understanding of why the entry was necessary and modify current procedures to ensure that future corrections are not needed.
Management Response:
- Management continues to work with the auditing firm to make all necessary adjustments prior to the year-end audit. All adjusting entries are reviewed by management as a part of the annual audit. Management will implement the recommendations suggested.
Page 5 – 2008-3 – 125th Anniversary Celebration
- Statutes do not specifically authorize cities to spend money on centennial celebrations; cities may spend money to commemorate important historical events under limited circumstances.
- In accordance with Minnesota statue, section 471.93, the City "may appropriate money for the purpose of collecting, preserving, storing, housing, printing, publishing, distributing and exhibiting data and material pertaining to the history of the city, for the purpose of commemoration the anniversary of any important and outstanding event in such history, and to preserve such history data and material for future generations."
- Per State statute 412.271 "no disbursement of city funds shall be made except by an order drawn by the mayor and clerk upon the treasurer" and "no order shall be issued until the claim to which it relates has been audited and allowed by the council."
- Minnesota statute 15.17, subdivision 1, requires the City to preserve all records necessary for "a full and accurate knowledge of their official activities."
Current Year Status:
- The City followed the requirements set forth in the Minnesota statutes 471.93, 412.271, and 15.17, subdivision 1 during 2009 and the finding has been removed from the audit.
Page 5 – 2008-4 – Acceptance of Gifts
- The City had several donations during 2008, $25,150 of which were from the Fire Department Relief Association.
- In accordance with Minnesota statute, section 465.03, every acceptance of gifts "shall be by resolution of the governing body adopted by a two-thirds majority of its members, expressing such terms in full."
Current Year Status:
- The City followed the requirements set forth in Minnesota statute 465.03 for their donations received during 2009 and the finding has been removed from the audit.
Page 6 – Corrected and Uncorrected Misstatements
Page 7 - General Fund
Page 8 – Fund Balance
- Fund balances have increased, 47.87 percent in 2005 to 59.48 percent in 2009. Almost a 60 percent fund balance for 2010. One reason for 2010's high fund balance is due to projects that have been budgeted but put on hold.
Page 9 – Summary of the 2009 Revenues and Expenditures
Revenues were $33,199 above budget.
- Largest revenue budget variance was in miscellaneous revenue, $15,513 over budget. This is in most part from donations from the Hamburg Fire Relief Association toward capital purchases as well as an insurance reimbursement from the League of Minnesota Cities. The next largest variance was provided by property taxes, which were in excess of budget by $13,857. This is a result of collection of previous year delinquent taxes receivable.
Expenditures were $7,581 over budget.
- Expenditures in general government buildings were $16,816 less than anticipated. However, the largest expenditure variance was in capital outlay which was $19,479 over budget. This over expenditure was partly covered by donations from the Hamburg Fire Relief Association.
Page 10 – Comparison between 2007, 2008, and 2009 General Fund revenues and other financing sources
- Taxes – 66.4%
- Intergovernmental – 20.6%
Page 11 – Comparison between the 2007, 2008, and 2009 General fund expenditures and transfers
- General Government – 38.6%
- Public Safety – 23.0%
- Public Works – 11.0%
- Culture and Recreation – 12.7%
The City is spending more per resident but receiving more taxes. The City is "not just keeping" the money but spending the money on the residents.
Page 12 – Special Revenue Funds & Capital Projects
Page 13 – Debt Service Funds
Page 14 – Enterprise Fund - Water
Page 15 – Enterprise Fund – Sewer
- 2009 Operating revenues was more then expenses, $26,927, mostly due to rate increases. However, Non-operating revenues (expenses) for 2009 were ($190,829) due to the City's Inflow and Infiltration project.
Page 17 – Policies and Procedures
- Currently the City has a limited number of written policies and procedures kept on file.
- Without these policies, it is more likely the processes to account for operations are inefficient. This is especially true in times of turnover. It could also lead to omission of material information if the processes are not clear.
- The City begins creating and adopting written policies and procedures. This may result in additional time for the clerk/treasurer to complete. This time can be minimized by using a neighboring City as a starting point. The Auditing firm may have some examples if needed.
Page 18 – Interest on Cash Balances
- The City had $515,615 in the checking account at the State Bank of Hamburg. This is not an interest bearing account. The City also had cash balances invested in savings and CDs, which averaged approximately $68,000 and earned a combined average of 2.3 percent.
- Based on current interest rates on the City's CDs and the cash flow pattern evident from month end checking balances, it would be reasonable to expect the City's interest earning to be $9,000 higher than the actual results.
- In accordance with Minnesota Statute, section 427.05, it is the duty of the Council "to secure safe depositories for the funds of the city and to obtain the highest rate of interest possible consistent with safety for such moneys." It was recommended that the City develop an investment cash flow projection and implement a more focused investment strategy. This will ensure that the City earns at least market rates and that it utilizes all available cash to earn interest.
Annual Financial Report – City of Hamburg – Year Ended December 31, 2009
Page 13 – Management's Discussion and Analysis
Page 70 – Gives an overview of the City's revenues budgeted and actual for the year ending December 31, 2009.
Dennis' Report (Public Works & Utilities)
Hall Ceiling Tile
- Maintenance Worker Byerly informed Council that the ceiling tile project has been completed.
Wax Hall Floor
- This is almost completed. A few more coats will be applied to the flooring behind the bar and kitchen areas. The restroom floors have not been started yet.
Plumbing Repairs at Hall
- Dan Swanson was contacted to do some plumbing repairs at the Hall. No word yet from Mr. Swanson on when he will be able to come out to start the repairs.
Lift Station Bids
Lawn Mowing for the 2010 Season
Council discussed if they should hire someone to mow the grass on a part-time basis or go to bids. They decided to hire a part-time "as needed" seasonal worker for lawn mowing and general maintenance work.
- Pay - $8 to $10 per hour
- 10 to 20 hours a week up to 26 weeks
- Must have valid driver's license
- City Clerk Gruenhagen added that the part-time person would be covered under Workmen's Comp.
- Council also discussed purchasing a lawn mower. Currently there is $4,500 in the budget for the purchase and this amount could be divided between hiring a part-time person and purchasing a mower.
- Councilmember Cummiskey moved to have City Clerk Gruenhagen place an add in the newspaper advertising for a part-time seasonal lawn mowing and light maintenance person, $9.00 per hour pay and 10 to 20 hours per week up to 26 weeks, Councilmember Barnes seconded and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.
- A committee consisting of Maintenance Worker Byerly, City Clerk Gruenhagen, Councilmember Steve Trebesch, and Councilmember John Barnes will review the applications, hold the interviews, and make the decision of who to hire from the list of applications submitted.
City Clerk Gruenhagen informed Council that Rich Schug from the baseball club informed him that the club has a X-Mark 2009 lawnmower for sale. It has 71and a half hours on it, 60 inch deck, 27 horse power, also with a one year factory warranty. They are asking $8300 for it.
- Council decided to wait until the next council meeting to discuss purchasing a lawn mower.
Safety Meeting
- Wm. Mueller and Sons will be holding a Safety Meeting on March 23 and 24, 2010 at the Hamburg Community Center starting at 8:00 a.m. Maintenance Worker Byerly and Deputy Clerk Block will be attending.
West Carver RSG Training Meeting
- Maintenance Worker Byerly will be attending the meeting on April 7, 2010. Cost of registration will be $300.
Sweep City Streets
Flush Hydrants
- Hydrants will be flushed after the street sweeping is completed.
Lift Station Repairs
- Northstar was contacted as to when the lift station repairs could be made. Their reply was that Hamburg is second on the list however it may be awhile because they are helping with the flooding.
Water Wells Usage – Water Consumption
- To help determine a possible cause for the amount of water pumped versus billed issue Maintenance Worker Byerly will, when doing monthly meter reads, try and read the residents outside meter and the inside meter at the same time. Reading the inside and outside meters should help in identifying which residents have 1000 or 100 meters. This information can then be verified with the billing entries to make sure we are entering the correct water amount usage.
Paint Picnic Tables
- The STS (Sentence to Serve) will be out this Friday, March 26th, to help paint picnic tables.
Recall on Fire Hydrants (Update)
- No new information on when this project can be started.
Wax Community Center Offices
- Maintenance Worker Byerly is working on having someone from STS come out to wax the floors.
Shop Vacuum Cleaner
Maintenance Worker Byerly – Hours
Henning – Shop Driveway Project
- Councilmember Mueller had spoken with Henning about the storm sewer repair. He asked Henning to hold off on the project until the end of April due to several hall rentals at the beginning of April. Councilmember Mueller will contact Henning again around the middle of April.
Compost Dumpster
Gate Valves
Ditch Clean Out
S.E.H. – Sump Pumps
Ditch High Water Mark
City Park
- Council requested the water be turned on at the Park the first part of May.
- Councilmember Barnes requested the play ground equipment be checked for safety issues.
- Council also discussed and decided not to have the Portable Handicap Bathroom ordered for the summer until the beginning of May.
- Dan Swanson will be out to check where and how to install a water meter in the Park. He will also look at where and how to install a water meter in the Hall.
Deputy Clerk Report
Delinquent Utility Bills
- Shut off notices will be sent out on delinquent accounts. The winter shut off rule will no longer be in effect on April 15th.
Council discussed the delinquency amount due from Emily Siebold, 625 Kim Ave.
- Deputy Clerk Block will send out a disconnect letter.
Councilmember Barnes asked what the Level and Total Level on the Delinquency Report represent.
- Deputy Clerk Block will put this out on List Serve to find the answer to this question and report back to council.
Email from Richard Odoms – 150 Jacob Street
Notary Registry
- Deputy Clerk Block informed Council that on the Claims List there is a $100 check request to register her as a notary at the County. There is also a $19.25 check request to send for a Notary stamp.
Clerk/Treasurer Report
EAID Grant Program
- The State of Minnesota grant application has been sent in and the City may receive approximately $3,000 to install an automatic door opener at its polling place (Community Center).
Local Government Pay Equity Act (Notification of Compliance)
- The City of Hamburg received notification that it is in compliance with the pay Equity.
2010 Mosquito Spraying Schedule – Clarke Mosquito Control
- The city will be sprayed for mosquitoes on May 19, June 2, June 16, June 30, July 14, July 28, August 11, and August 25th.
- Changes to the schedule can be made with at least a 72 hour advance notice and there are also options to do additional spraying if needed.
2009 Financial Audit - Abdo, Eick & Meyers
Letter of Support for Senator Ortman's Bill (S.F. No 3170)
- City Clerk Gruenhagen informed Council that he had drafted and sent a letter of support for Senator Ortman's Bill (S.F. No 3170) relating to expanding the economic development grant program to small cities in the metropolitan area.
I/I Abatement Program - Easements
City Clerk Gruenhagen asked Council for approval to allow Deputy Clerk Block to call Doug Parrott (City Engineer) if she has any residential questions she can not answer during City Clerk Gruenhagens absence.
- Council gave their approval on the request.
City Clerk Gruenhagen asked Council how they wanted to handle requests from residents if they ask if they will receive any monetary value for signing the Easement papers.
- It was decided to reply to those residents that the less the city has to pay to obtain easements the less the burden on the tax payer.
Councilmember Mueller commented that there should be one change to the plans if the water main loop is going to be put in. A new hydrant is planned to be put in by Dorothy Grimm's property (701 Park Avenue) and fifty feet down the road is a water hydrant that was installed in 1955. Councilmember Mueller suggested that this hydrant be removed as part of the project. Doug Parrott (City Engineer) did not see a problem with the old hydrants removal when he talked to Mr. Parrott.
- Council discussed and decided that this was a good idea.
- Councilmember Cummiskey moved to add to the specs the removal of the old water hydrant by 719 Park Avenue, seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.
City Clerk Gruenhagen mentioned to Councilmember Mueller that Lois Droege (719 Park Avenue) would like to talk to him and City Engineer Doug Parrott about the easement request on her property.
- Councilmember Mueller will have Doug Parrott contact Lois Droege to set up a time Mr. Parrott could meet with her.
Hall Canopy
- The cities insurance company will pay for the cosmetic repairs but if council wants to brace it or anchor it in any way this would not be covered.
- The damage was caused by an ice jam between the Hall roof and the canopy.
- Councilmember Trebesch will collect some estimates on the cost of repair.
City Clerk Gruenhagen – Vacation
- City Clerk Gruenhagen will be on vacation from March 25th through April 9th.
City Council Reports
Councilmember Mueller (Sewer & Water)
- Councilmember Mueller commented that if any city employees feel they work in a hostile work place they are to immediately report it to Mayor Malz or City Clerk Gruenhagen.
Councilmember Cummiskey (Streets) – had nothing further to report.
Councilmember Trebesch (Buildings) – had nothing further to report.
Councilmember Barnes (Parks)
- Councilmember Barnes requested that before Zummerfest (June 18 to 20, 2010) the park building that still has the wood siding be repaired with aluminum or steal siding.
- Council discussed and decided to have Councilmember Trebesch get some estimates on how much this would cost to replace. There is enough siding and soffits in the City Shop to do the siding without buying new.
Mayor Malz
- Mayor Malz requested someone from the H.I.P. group dump the garbage bags of cans into the can trailer by the Bank before they rip open.
Approve Claims List for March 2010
Claims List for March 2010
- Added check number 14354 pay to Jeremy Gruenhagen in the amount of $602.81 for the purchase of miscellaneous office supplies, conference hotel room, and mileage. City Clerk Gruenhagen does have all the receipts to verify the purchases. Deputy Clerk Block did verify the amounts with the receipts.
- Added check number 14355 pay to MPCA Water Seminar in the amount of $300.00 to register Maintenance Worker Byerly for the seminar.
- Change check number 14346 payment amount from #3.51 to $2.89 for Steve Trebesch. Claims List shows he purchased Textured Lay-In 2.4 and All Purpose Scrub. Councilmember Trebesch only purchased the Textured Lay-In for the city.
Councilmember Barnes moved to approve March ACH payment and March claim numbers 14336 through 14353 with the additions of check number 14354 to Jeremy Gruenhagen in the amount of $602.81 and check number 14355 to MPCA in the amount of $300.00. Also approve the change to check number 14346 to Steve Trebesch for $2.89, seconded by Councilmember Mueller and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.
Councilmember Cummiskey moved to adjourn the Hamburg City Council meeting at 9:45 p.m., seconded by Councilmember Mueller and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.
Submitted by:
Sue Block
Deputy Clerk