Saturday, July 31, 2010

Are Americans on the cusp of a Second American Revolution?

After getting back this morning from a business meeting and setting up quiet time for the kids, I started my daily task of clicking through my internet list of new outlets. I came across this link on the Drudge Report: Paper: Will Washington's Failures Lead to Second American Revolution? ( The article is written by Ernest Christian and Gary Robbins and discussed if changes by the current regime are doing "more harm than good" and if "Too many overreaching laws give the president too much discretion to make too many open-ended rules controlling too many aspects of our lives." While the article does call out, briefly, President Clinton and G W Bush it evokes a warning that President George Washington had in his farewell address in regards to public credit and the revenue source from which it is paid back. So I looked up President Washington's farewell address to gain some context, especially after the recent dust up with words being said not in full context leading to knee jerk reactions, and read firsthand the thoughts of our first US Constitutional President.

Here is a link to the entire address: . The consideration made in the article, by Christian and Robbins, was if Obamcare through it's "insidiously powerful" new rules and regulations; the Dodd-Frank power grab that will allow the President to "control all credit and financial transactions, rewarding friends and punishing opponents, discriminating on the basis of race, gender and political affiliation"; or the attempts by the Obama administration and the EPA "to impose by "regulatory" fiats many parts of the cap-and-trade and other climate legislation…" will lead to a "Second American Revolution." While I believe armed insurrection is a thing of the past in the United States, a sentiment among the populous may be gaining strength. The catalyst of how strong the populous movements of the Coffee and Tea Parties become lie in the decision Congress makes in regards to the expiring Bush tax cuts.

In President Washington's farewell speech he warned:

    As a very important source of strength and security, cherish public credit. One method of preserving it is, to use it as sparingly as possible; avoiding occasions of expense by cultivating peace, but remembering also that timely disbursements to prepare for danger frequently prevent much greater disbursements to repel it; avoiding likewise the accumulation of debt, not only by shunning occasions of expense, but by vigorous exertions in time of peace to discharge the debts, which unavoidable wars may have occasioned, not ungenerously throwing upon posterity the burthen, which we ourselves ought to bear. The execution of these maxims belongs to your representatives, but it is necessary that public opinion should cooperate. To facilitate to them the performance of their duty, it is essential that you should practically bear in mind, that towards the payment of debts there must be Revenue; that to have Revenue there must be taxes; that no taxes can be devised, which are not more or less inconvenient and unpleasant; that the intrinsic embarrassment, inseparable from the selection of the proper objects (which is always a choice of difficulties), ought to be a decisive motive for a candid construction of the conduct of the government in making it, and for a spirit of acquiescence in the measures for obtaining revenue, which the public exigencies may at any time dictate.

A friend of mine on Facebook recently posted an article that was spurned from Governor Tim Pawlenty's statement, "I don't think the argument can be credibly made that the United States of America is undertaxed compared to our competitors" ( To which the article posted pointed out that in a sample graph in 2007, established by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), compared the United States overall tax burden to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and ranked us with 30 other OECD countries. The results were, in 2007, the United States overall tax burden was 28% of GDP and the average of the 30 OECD countries is 36%. The authors of the article did talk to several experts to gain their take and they cautioned interpreting the results as it does not paint a complete picture without taking into consideration deficits of the countries. As William Ahern, the director of policy and communications at the Tax Foundation, cautioned about solely drawing a conclusion from the OECD chart that, "a country with a low tax-to-GDP ratio may have a substantial deficit, and in time, that deficit will put upward pressure on taxes."

Since Obama has taken office, and one can even go back to Bush's term, America has increased the deficit percentage in regards to GDP substantially. The Congressional Budget Office reports that, "Over the past few years, U.S. government debt held by the public has grown rapidly—to the point that, compared with the total output of the economy, it is now higher than it has ever been except during the period around World War II. The recent increase in debt has been the result of three sets of factors: an imbalance between federal revenues and spending that predates the recession and the recent turmoil in financial markets, sharply lower revenues and elevated spending that derive directly from those economic conditions, and the costs of various federal policies implemented in response to the conditions. ( This is precisely what President Washington was warning us about. Our elected officials need to "cherish public credit" and understand that "to have Revenue there must be taxes" to abuse these tenets, as we have seen over the past 10 years, is an "inconvenient and unpleasant" assault on our peace, prosperities and freedoms.

Could we see a Second American Revolution? Has the ruling class embedded themselves in far enough that the only method of removal is by force? Does the current oligarchy of political power preclude Americans from making transformative decisions at the ballot box?

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Jack “The Assassin” Tatum (11/18/48-7/27/10)

It has been reported that Jack Tatum died yesterday at a hospital in Oakland, CA. from a heart attack. The Assassin is best known for his hard hitting no-nonsense approach to roaming the middle of the field. Many receivers found out the hard way coming across the middle on the Soul Patrol in the 1970's. One such example is Tatum's bell ringing and helmet flying hit in the 1977 Super Bowl on Minnesota Viking receiver Sammy White but Tatum is probably better known for his paralyzing hit on Darryl Stingley of the New England Patriots.

The Assassin quipped, "I play a hard-hitting game. I just like to have the receivers think about me a little bit while they're trying to catch the ball." Unfortunately the manner in which Tatum played the game in the '70's would have landed him suspensions and fines in the Common Era. Even though Tatum is known for his hard hitting approach to the secondary he did play an integral part in the Raiders 1976 season. The Raiders went 13-1; oh those were the days, on their way to beating the Vikings 32-14 in Super Bowl XI – Go Willie Brown!!!! I digress.

Mr. Tatum, the manner in which you played football will be missed. My prayers go out to your wife and three children. Today the Raider Nation lost one of its founders.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Hamburg City Council Agenda – July 27, 2010




7:00. Call City Council Meeting to Order @ 7:00 PM

  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Miscellaneous Business (Public Comments)
  • Agenda Review (Added Items) and Adoption
  • Review Claims List for July 2010
  • Old City Business (Memo)


7:10. Fire Department Report

  • 2010 FEMA Grant/US Fish & Wildlife Grant/DNR Grant
    • Request to Contact Congress for Support of AFG Grant
  • Amended By-Laws of the Hamburg Firefighters Relief Association
    • Selection vs. Election
  • HFD Relief Association 2009 Reporting Year Forms
    • Email from State of MN (Items That Require Attention)
  • New Paging System
  • National Night Out


7:25. Dennis' Report (Public Works & Utilities)

  • Mock OSHA Inspection (July 14th, 2010)
  • MN Department of Health Sanitary Survey Findings
  • Community Hall Ramp Canopy Repairs (Estimates)
  • Estimates for Re-Siding Park Food Stand
  • Water Tower Stand Pipe Repair
  • Water Wells Usage – Water Consumption for 2010
  • Project List (Added Items)


7:45. Deputy Clerk Report

  • Delinquent Utility Bills Report


7:50. City Clerk/Treasurer Report

  • I/I Abatement Program (Sanitary Sewer/Storm Water Improvements)
    • Easements for Project
    • I/I Grant Program (Metropolitan Council)
  • 2011 Policing Model (Proposed Reduction of FTE)
  • Automatic Door Opener for Polling Place
  • City Council Wages for 2011
  • Filing Dates for Mayor and Two Council Member Seats
    • August 3rd to August 17th till 5:00 PM
    • Primary Election (August 10, 2010)
  • Special Meeting for National Night Out (August 3rd, 2010)
  • Next City Council Meeting (August 12th, 2010)
    • Set Canvass Board Meeting for August 12, 2010 @ 6:55 PM
  • Foreclosure Report for 2nd Quarter 2010 (Carver County CDA)
  • Reduction to Aids/Credits Payable in 2010 (Memo from MN Revenue)
  • RFI from MN DNR (New Shooting Range Complex Site)


8:15. City Council Reports

  • Councilmember Mueller Report (Sewer & Water)
  • Councilmember Cummiskey Report (Streets)
    • Handicap Bathroom for Hall
  • Councilmember Trebesch Report (Buildings)
  • Councilmember Barnes Report (Parks)
  • Mayor Malz Report


8:30. Approve Added Claims for July 2010


8:35. Recess City Council Meeting


8:35. Move to Closed Meeting for the purpose of Land Acquisition Negotiations (Purchase of Private Property for Storm Water Pond)


8:50. Move to Reopen the City Council Meeting


8:50. Adjourn City Council Meeting (Adjournment of City Council Meeting following completion of Closed Meeting)


"The times set forth above are estimated.  Some subjects may take a longer time to discuss and take action on; some subjects may take less time than set forth."





Wikileaks: Investigative Journalism or “Irresponsible” Journalism?

A newspaper called Wikileaks is at the center of controversy today as it will release 92,000 "secret" documents on the Afghanistan war. The White House is saying the release of information is irresponsible and is a threat to security of our forces in the region. "The United States strongly condemns the disclosure of classified information by individuals and organizations which could put the lives of Americans and our partners at risk, and threaten our national security," National Security Adviser James Jones said in a White House statement ( Wikileaks provided the New York Times, The Guardian and Der Spiegel access to these documents several weeks ago. All three news outlets are stating that the documents bring to light certain elements of the 9-year war but "no smoking gun" exists.

In light of last week's knee jerk reaction by the White House and the NAACP and the fact that wiki is part of this groups name begs the question of the legitimacy of their documents or how they obtained them. To Wikileaks credit they did allow other organizations, see above, to vet the information. The article "CNN Host Calls for Crackdown on 'Bloggers' in Wake of Sherrod Incident: 'Something's Going to Have to be done'" from highlighted the suggestion that a "gatekeeper" is required on the internet because bloggers can post items anonymously without any accountability. Everyone knows, or at least should know, that anyone can post anything in the blogosphere and one should do their due diligence to vet the information before taking it as gospel. Perhaps if organizations like CNN did their journalistic job and got back to investigative reporting the deceptions of the blogosphere would never see the light of day.

Then again, without the internet press, like Wikileaks, would the truth about the Afghanistan War come to light? Don't we, as readers of things on internet, need to ensure the information we are reading is accurate? Or are we suppose to once again turn to the government to tell us which information is true and which are not? I fear a society that relies so heavily on the government to vet the information.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Rep. Charlie Rangel charged with ethics violations -

Rep. Charlie Rangel charged with ethics violations -

Back in October I talked about potential ethic violations of Rep. Rangel. Part of my blog talked about a flat tax which ended up dominating the conversation on Facebook. Now that the subcommittee found Rep. Rangal in violation of ethics, but the specific violations have not been made known. Rep. Rangel did have to step down, temporarily, from his Ways and Means chairmanship. I wonder what will take place. On Hardball tonight they did show some video, which I unfortunately could not hear with all the kids running around, but what I did hear was Rep. Rangel trying to accuse the journalist of being from Fox News when in fact he was with ABC.

I had to laugh. Hopefully the full House Ethics Committee will find this bum in violation and throw him out. It is things like this that gives those that want term limits more ammo. We don't need term limits, we need an educated voter to make smart decisions. As I said back in October, why should we pay our taxes if people like Rangel can get away with not paying theirs?

Monday, July 19, 2010

Unemployment Benefit Extension: Stimulus or Increase debt

President Obama took a mini-vacation over the weekend will be holding a Rose Garden press conference this morning to berate Republicans for their filibustering of unemployment extended benefits. During Obama's weekly internet address he stated, "Too often, the Republican leadership in the United States Senate chooses to filibuster our recovery and obstruct our progress. And that has very real consequences" ( President Obama fails to realize that prior to Sen. Kennedy's death the Democrats had 60 votes to overcome any filibuster Republicans attempted in the Senate. That power in the Senate allowed Obama and Democrats used that power to pass $862 billion stimulus plan last year that was suppose to keep unemployment below 8% and create 8 to 9 million jobs. As we all know unemployment has topped 10% and still hovers around 10%. Now, if one believes the government numbers the Stimulus saved or crated 2.3 million jobs since passing stimulus.

Speaker Pelosi, and was echoed by MSNBC Pundits, are stating that extending unemployment benefits will stimulate the economy. Really? People, on average, are paid just enough money to make the bills. How is just making the bills stimulating the economy? Republicans are right in blocking the extension of unemployment benefits as it does not stimulate the economy. What about President's pledge of "Pay as you Go". It is not the Republicans are against the unemployed; rather they are holding Obama to his own motto. Many economists are stating that the recovery is stalling out.

The Star Tribune ran an article from the New York Times, The Rich are Cutting Back, Stalling Economy's Recovery, on July 17th. Mark Zandi, chief economist for Moody's Analytics stated in the article, "One of the reasons that the recovery has lost momentum is that high-end consumers have become more jittery and more cautious." To which the article hints that additional stimulus may be required. During the last session of the Minnesota Legislature an additional tax on the richest Minnesotans was floated and a similar tax hike is being floating around Washington D.C. and perhaps this is the real reason why the rich are jittery about spending more money.

Motoko Rich, who authored the above article, stated that the top 5 percent income earners represent 60 percent of the country's economic activity. That being said does it make sense to take more money away from the top 5 percent? The CBO warned late last year that the United States is on a collision course as debt ratio is on a trajectory that will put the United States in the league of Greece. So let Obama slam Republicans in the Rose Garden today as the Republicans are just holding Obama to his own words; "Pay as you Go". Still unsure how extending unemployment benefits will stimulate the economy as I doubt people are using those checks to buy a home, a car, a new TV or going on vacation; rather isn't the money being used to keep the lights on, the roof over their heads, and food on the table?

Friday, July 16, 2010

Hamburg City Council Minutes – June 8, 2010

Mayor Malz called the regular meeting of the Hamburg City Council to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Steve Trebesch, Councilmember John Barnes, Councilmember Larry Mueller, Councilmember Brian Cummiskey, City Clerk Jeremy Gruenhagen, Deputy Clerk Sue Block, Maintenance Worker Dennis Byerly, and Fire Chief Brad Droege were in attendance. Also in attendance were Brett and Julie Gamber (851 William Street) and Andy Franck (Hamburg Hunt and Fish Club).


Agenda Review (Added Items) and Adoption

  • Added – Lawful Gambling Permit for the Hamburg Hunt & Fish Club
  • Added – Revised Schedule for the Sanitary Sewer and Storm Sewer Improvements
  • Added – Memo from the Carver County Water Management Organization
  • Added – Updated Delinquency List
  • Added – Sweep Streets before Zummerfest
  • Added – National Night Out Contact Person
  • Added – Dennis's Project List
  • Added – June Claims List

Councilmember Barnes moved to adopt the agenda with the eight additions, seconded by Councilmember Mueller. Councilmember Mueller, Councilmember Cummiskey, Councilmember Barnes, and Councilmember Trebesch voted Aye. Motion carried 4/0.


Approve Minutes for April 27, 2010 and May 11, 2010

  • Minutes were not forwarded to Council for their review. Tabled until next Council meeting.


Review Claims List for June 2010

  • Claim #14466 – City Share of Professional Service for Grant payable to the City of Green Isle.
    • This will be explained under the Fire Department report.


Old City Business

  • #3 – Handicap Bathroom in Hall
    • Councilmember Cummiskey did meet with MNSPECT and will update Council during his Council Report.
  • #9 – Has been completed, remove from list.


Hamburg Hunt and Fish Club – Andy Franck


2011 Calendar Raffle

  • Andy Franck representing the Hamburg Hunt and Fish Club asked Council for a Gambling Permit to hold their annual 2011 Calendar Raffle on January 3, 2011.
  • Councilmember Cummiskey moved to approve the gambling permit request for the Hamburg Hunt and Fish Club, seconded by Councilmember Barnes. Councilmember Mueller, Councilmember Cummiskey, Councilmember Barnes, and Councilmember Trebesch voted Aye. Motion carried 4/0.


Fire Department Report


Retirement of Firefighter Tim Mueller

  • Firefighter Tim Mueller is retiring from the Hamburg Fire Department after 22 years of service. Fire Chief Droege requested Council to grant his retirement.
  • Councilmember Mueller moved to grant Tim Mueller retirement after 22 years of service with the Hamburg Fire Department, seconded by Councilmember Trebesch. Councilmember Mueller, Councilmember Cummiskey, Councilmember Barnes, and Councilmember Trebesch voted Aye. Motion carried 4/0.


2010 FEMA Grant/US Fish & Wildlife Grant/DNR Grant

  • No word yet on these grants.


Amended By-Laws of the Hamburg Firefighters Relief Association

  • No new information.


Rescue Number 11/Engine Number 11 & 12 Repairs

  • Rescue Number 11 had a relay switch replaced.
  • Engine 11 & 12 repairs needed after the engine testing have been completed.


Reimbursement from Green Isle for July 2 & 3, 2008 Fire Service Call

  • The Hamburg Fire Department received $5,200 or $5,300 reimbursement for the July 2 & 3, 2008 Shamrock Fire in Green Isle. Along with the reimbursement was a bill for $682, Hamburg's share of the cost to Green Isle for having Ehlers & Associates obtain a reimbursement Grant from the State of Minnesota.
    • To receive a reimbursement from the State of Minnesota a Grant has to be drawn up and submitted to the state requesting the reimbursement. Ehlers & Associates charged the City of Green Isle $8,000 to draw up the request.
    • The actual reimbursement to the Hamburg Fire Department was $4,600.


Regional Grant for Pagers

  • Fire Chief Droege and City Clerk Gruenhagen drafted and sent the County Commissioners a Thank You letter for their efforts in obtaining funding for the for Pagers.


Mosquito Spraying

  • Clarks will spray the city for mosquitos on June 16th the Wednesday before Zummerfest.


Wills for Hero's

  • This is a new program from the State of Minnesota where members of the program go around to different towns helping Fire Fighters, Police, and First Responders in making out a Will. Hamburg and Norwood have this set up for August 16, 2010.


Spraying Weeds

  • Fire Chief Droege mentioned that he has noticed Maintenance Worker Byerly out spraying the weeds. This is good to have done before Zummerfest.


Floor Buffer for Fire Station

  • Fire Chief Droege requested permission to purchase a floor buffer for the Fire Department station.
    • Maintenance Worker Byerly will check on prices.





National Night Out – August 3, 2010

  • Council and Chief Droege discussed who would be heading the evening event. They decided that if anyone has any questions they can contact the City Office until a group or individual(s) is found to organize the event.
  • The CSO and Ambulance will be at the event.
  • Linda Mueller will inquire if the Canine Unit would also be available.


Convention Expenses

  • Councilmember Cummiskey questioned the pre-payment of convention expenses before receipts are turned in.
  • Council and Fire Chief Droege discussed the Cities policy: Travel and Personal Expense Reimbursement

City employees and elected officials are eligible to receive reimbursement for expenses incurred in the conduct of City business. Under some circumstances, employees and elected officials may be eligible for advance payment of expense moneys in order to attend conferences or schools or for the conduct of official City business. It is the intent of the City to reimburse or pay for necessary transportation, food, lodging, registration fees and authorized miscellaneous expenses. It is expected that employees and elected officials will secure accommodations and services which are reasonable but appropriate. Employees and/or elected officials attending the same function are encouraged to share transportation and accommodations insofar as practical and reasonable. The City Clerk/Treasurer shall have the authority to determine the reasonableness of expense claims for employees. Reimbursements or advances shall be made under the following guidelines:

  1. Travel Expenses. The City of Hamburg covers the cost of work-related travel by providing mileage reimbursement or through the use of a City vehicle. The City shall reimburse employees the current IRS Reimbursement rate for use of a personal vehicle to do required City Business.
  2. Meals. While attending meetings or conferences or traveling on official City business, employees will be reimbursed for meals under the federal regulations for reimbursement. Meals will be reimbursed at a reasonable rate with a maximum daily reimbursement of forty-five (45) dollars for all three meals. Snacks will not be reimbursed. Exceptions will be granted when meals and/or snacks are prepackaged as part of a conference or training session. Gratuities will be reimbursed to a maximum of twenty (20) percent and are to be included in the total reimbursement amount. *No reimbursement shall be made for alcoholic beverages.
  3. Lodging. Lodging reimbursement will be made for the actual cost of lodging up to a maximum of seventy-five (75) dollars per day. Lodging of a greater cost must be pre-approved by the City Council, who will have the authority to determine whether conditions warrant the additional cost. Exceptions may be granted when lodging is prepackaged as part of a conference or training session. Business or Government rates must be requested when making arrangements for lodging. Overnight lodging will only be allowed when the employee must travel beyond a reasonable daily driving distance from Hamburg. Normally, travel within a sixty (60) mile radius of Hamburg will not qualify for overnight lodging.
  4. Additional Expenses. Employees shall be reimbursed for the actual cost of registration fees, parking, business telephone calls, and other necessary expenditures. When possible, registration fees should be paid in advance so that early registration discounts may be obtained.
  5. Advances. Advances for extended travel or exceptional expense may be granted upon approval from the City Council. Upon return from the travel an accurate accounting for advance expense moneys shall be tendered first to the City Clerk/Treasurer and finally to the City Council along with reimbursement of any unused advance moneys or request for additional reimbursement beyond the amount of the advance.

All travel expenses must be submitted promptly on the appropriate form upon returning to work. Such requests must be accompanied by receipts whenever possible. Lack of an appropriate receipt may be grounds for refusal of an expense reimbursement or allowance. Receipts for lodging, airfare, registration and meals are required.


  • Council and Fire Chief Droege continued to discuss this topic and decided that the way it has been done in the past has been working so leave it as is.
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen added that all receipts from conventions should be turned in to verify the actual cost versus advance payment. Then determine if the cities policy should be changed.



Handicap Bathroom for Hall

  • Fire Chief Droege asked when the handicap bathroom will be started.
    • Council discussed the issue and concluded that the city should have contractors draw up the specs for the project.


National Night Out

  • Councilmember Cummiskey gave an update on the H.I.P group.
    • He took the Improve the Parks cans in and noticed the hitch of the trailer was in need of repair.
      • Council suggested taking the trailer to Wm. Mueller and Sons (Brad Droege) and he will have it repaired.
    • Two present members Connie Byerly and Maggie Cummiskey will be quitting the organization once the Hall playground equipment is installed.
    • Later this summer the last three members of H.I.P. will hold a meeting and if no one from the community takes over, the H.I.P. group will be dissolved.
  • Council continued to discuss National Night Out.
    • Councilmember Cummiskey will collect sweet corn for the event.
    • Council members will help with the service line.
    • The Fire Department will furnish the food.
    • The H.I.P. group will provide Council with last year's plan of events and committees.
  • Council will head up the event until someone is found to take over.


Relief Association By-Laws

  • The Hamburg Fire Department Relief Association passed the amended By-Laws.


Brett & Julie Gamber (851 William Street)


Annexation of Property – In-Ground Pool

  • Mr. and Mrs. Gamber are requesting that a portion of their property be annexed into the City of Hamburg for the purpose of installing an In-Ground Pool on the property. They have spoken with the Young American Township and they have indicated that they will release the land as long as the property is annexed into the city.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen informed Council that there is two ways the property can be annexed in.
    • One is by Ordinance, an ordinance would have to be drawn up and a public meeting would then be held.
    • The second way would be the City of Hamburg doing an orderly annexation with Young America Township. This way would not require an ordinance or a public hearing. Typically, in the past an orderly annexation has been done with the Township.
    • There are new State laws requiring reimbursement to the Townships for property annexed into a city. The reimbursement would be between the Young America Township and the Gamber's.
  • Council and the Gamber's discussed the property to be annexed.
    • The County will do the permitting with the stipulation that the property be annexed into the City.
    • The next step would be working with the Township on doing an orderly annexation into the City.



  • City Clerk Gruenhagen will start getting the process underway by talking with
    Ann Perry (City Planner) on the steps to follow and will forward them to Mr. and Mrs. Gamber.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Gamber will fill out a request to have the property annexed into the City.


Doug Parrott – S.E.H. Inc.

I/I Abatement Program (Sanitary Sewer/Storm Water Improvements)


Easements for Project

  • Mr. Parrott gave a brief update on the I/I project.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen informed Council of persons that had not yet signed their property easements and reasons why the have not signed.
    • Council and Mr. Parrott discussed various options on how to work with these property owners and decided to put the ideas and proposals back into committee. The committee will report back to Council at the next City Council Meeting on June 22nd.
  • Mayor Malz questioned if enough residents have signed to begin the project now.
    • Mr. Parrott responded no.


Purchase of Property for Storm Water Pond

  • Council discussed the purchase of Councilmember Cummiskey property for the Storm Water Pond.
    • Council decided to discuss the purchase at a later date.
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen will talk with City Attorney Mac on what type of meeting could be held to discuss the purchase.


2011 Intended Use Plan Deadline (June 4, 2010)

  • Doug Parrott worked with Becky Sabie (PFA) on sending a revised schedule to keep Hamburg on the 2011 IUP list.


Project Schedule for 2010/2011

  • Council received the revised schedule of the Sanitary Sewer and Storm Sewer Improvements. The proposed schedule will depend upon permitting requirements including Carver County, MDH, and the MPCA.
    • Plan Review at 100% Level with Committee – June 15, 2010
    • Present Final Plans and Specifications to Council for Approval and Authorize Ad for Bids – June 22, 2010
    • Pre-bid meeting – July 20, 2010
    • Bid Opening and Submit Bid to PFA/MPCA – July 27, 2010
    • Pre-award Meeting – August 3, 2010
    • Award Construction Contract (Dependent Upon Permitting and Funding Plan) – August 10, 2010
    • Preconstruction Conference – August 17, 2010
    • Begin Construction – August 23, 2010
    • Hold Assessment Hearing – October 5, 2010
    • Substantial Completion Date – November 13, 2010
    • Deliver Assessment Roll to County Auditor – November 22, 2010
    • Final Completion Date – July 29, 2011



Carver County Water Management Organization

  • The Water Management Organization requested the City of Hamburg shift the projects cost share funds for Area 2 Outlet area to area 9.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen asked Council for permission to complete the cost share application requesting the transfer of cost share funds.
  • Councilmember Trebesch moved to grant permission to City Clerk Gruenhagen to fill out and return the Carver County Planning & Water Management Application for Capital Improvement & Water Stewardship Cost-Share Projects, seconded by Councilmember Barnes. Councilmember Mueller, Councilmember Cummiskey, Councilmember Barnes, and Councilmember Trebesch voted Aye. Motion carried 4/0.


Dennis' Report (Public Works & Utilities)


Part-time Seasonal Help

  • Councilmember Barnes informed the other members of Council that the hiring committee had decided on one final applicant for recommendation to hire.
  • Council discussed the question city residents are asking them as to whether or not there is a need to hire part-time maintenance help.
    • Council asked Maintenance Worker Byerly several times what he was behind on and what would not get done if he continued mowing the city property.
      • Maintenance Worker Byerly responded that he is working 40 hours and barely keeping up, not getting anything extra done.
    • Council suggested Maintenance Worker Byerly plan and schedule his hours better.
  • Council continued to discuss if they should hire a part-time person. Maintenance Worker Byerly was asked again what he can not get done.
    • His response was there are not enough hours in the day, not responding with specifics.
      • Council responded that they like what he does but he must get more organized. He should be able to explain to Council exactly what he can not complete during his scheduled hours to show that extra help is needed.
  • Councilmember Mueller moved to not hire a Part-time Maintenance Person, seconded by Councilmember Trebesch. Councilmember Mueller, Councilmember Cummiskey, Councilmember Barnes, and Councilmember Trebesch voted Aye. Motion carried 4/0.


Community Hall Ramp Canopy Repairs (Estimates)

  • Maintenance Worker Byerly has called more contractors for estimates.
  • Council discussed how bad the structural damage could be. They decided to pull some metal off the damaged area so contractors can see the extent of the damage before submitting an estimate.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen will have the insurance inspectors come back out and take pictures. He added that the deductable is $250.


Estimates for Re-Siding Park Food Stand

  • Council decided to have the contractors that come out to give estimates on the Hall canopy also look at the Park Food Stand. Have them give two estimates on re-siding the food stand, one with steel siding and one with Fiber Cement Board. Also have the contractors look at the back stair well at the Hall for their opinions on needed repairs.


Crack Sealing and Seal Coating

  • Council decided to postpone these projects until next year.


Estimates to Replace City Shop Driveway/Sidewalk

  • Estimates were received today from Southwest Paving, Inc., Wm. Mueller & Sons, Inc., and Hanson & Vasek Construction, Inc.
    • Council discussed if the estimates should be reviewed and discussed at the next council meeting or discussed at this meeting.
  • Council also talked about, if the Shop Driveway should be concrete or blacktop.
  • After a lengthy discussion and input of various ideas, Councilmember Mueller suggested that as long as there is $20,000 in the budget, excluding landscaping, why not have (according to the estimates) everything done in concrete and put a trenched drain in. The cost would be $19,280 for everything and due the landscaping next year.
    • Council discussed different ideas on what should be used in the Shop driveway, concrete or blacktop. They also discussed various ways to keep the driveway dry, free of snow and ice with more traction.
  • Councilmember Mueller came up with a plan using Hanson & Vasek's Option 1 for $7328 then have them put in the optional concrete trench drain at the bottom of the shop driveway for $3,000, totaling $12,485. Then blacktop the driveway using Wm. Mueller & Sons proposal to remove and replace the ramp for $8485. Grand total of $19, 813. Then add 38 ton of topsoil to redo the slop would cost $844.36. Doing the project this way would get it done for the money the city has budgeted the project for.
  • Council continued to discuss what type of driveway should be put in at the city shop.
  • Council decided to put this on the next council meeting agenda and make a decision then.


LMC Loss Control Visit (May 21, 2010)

  • Andy Miller (Senior Loss Control Consultant) from the League of Minnesota Cities met with City Clerk Gruenhagen and Maintenance Worker Byerly to go over last years recommendations. Most have been completed however some are still open.
  • Open items to be completed;
    • Repair Entranceway to Shop – there was currently construction/excavation work going on in this area. It will be completed after the construction is finished.
    • Install handrails for the concrete stairs on the east side of the building – there was currently construction/excavation work going on in this area. It will be completed after the construction is finished.
  • Letter of Recommendations
    • Review city electric panels and improve the following deficiencies;
      • Maintain adequate clearance to city electrical panels.
    • Maintain door latches and lock on city electrical panels.
    • Mark and/or adequately label all circuits inside the electric panels and make sure there is no open access to the circuits.
    • Inspect all city owned wooden ladders for defects and discard when inadequacies are found.
    • Complete the LMCIT sewer assessment documents and e-mail back when completed.


Water Wells Usage – Water Consumption for 2010

  • The amount of water pumped versus billed is still off by approximately 300,000 gallons.
  • Maintenance Worker Byerly reported that he did find a valve leaking in the old pump house. It is leaking about 6,000 gallons of water per month. He did not shut off and needs a new 4 inch valve to replace the leaking one.
    • Councilmember Mueller instructed Maintenance Worker Byerly to call Hydro and get a price to fix it.


Project List

  • Added to list was to sweep the city streets before Zummerfest. There is glass all along Park Ave from the east side of town to over the railroad tracks.
    • A letter or email will be sent to the County notifying them of the crushed glass on the County
      Road. The city will be requesting the County to clean up the street and investigate where the crushed glass is coming from.


Deputy Clerk Report


Delinquent Utility Bills

  • Diana Payne (350 Louisa St) and Chris Tordsen (618 Kim Ave) – Homes are vacant and in foreclosure – no information on who to contact about delinquencies. Unpaid amounts will be added to the property tax in November.
  • Eight residents
    were sent shut off notices.
  • Nick Nordin (419 Railroad St – Utility bill will be paid in full at time of closing.


Clerk/Treasurer Report


Liquor License Renewal Requests - July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011

  • Parkside Tavern – (On-Sale, Special Sunday On-Sale, Off-Sale)
  • Hamburg Lions Club – (3.2 Malt Liquor)
  • Hamburg Baseball Club – (3.2 Malt Liquor)
  • All renewals are subject to background checks and insurance requirements.
  • Councilmember Cummiskey moved to approve the three Liquor License Renewal requests from July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011, Councilmember Barnes seconded. Councilmember Mueller, Councilmember Cummiskey, Councilmember Barnes, and Councilmember Trebesch voted Aye. Motion carried 4/0.


Metropolitan Council Population & Household Estimates for 2009

  • City Clerk Gruenhagen had one concern regarding the population estimate. Met Council reported that the City of Hamburg went from 549 people and 212 households as of April 1, 2008 up to 553 people and 214 households as of April 1, 2009. He does not know where the extra two houses are.


Lions Club Request to add Shelving and Paint

  • City Clerk Gruenhagen informed Council that he had given permission to the Hamburg Lions Club to add shelves and paint the walls in the old warming building where the new water heater and sink were installed.
    • Council did not have any objections.
    • The city picked up the bill for the supplies, claim #14473, Hamburg Lions Club, $500.


City Council Reports


Councilmember Mueller (Sewer & Water) – had nothing further to report.


Councilmember Cummiskey (Streets)

  • Handicap Bathroom – Councilmember Cummiskey updated Council on the bathrooms progress.
  • Council decided to;
    • Use the old paneling for the outside wall facing the bar area and put new paneling on the south wall and hall way going towards the ladies bathroom
    • Interior of bathroom use glass board from floor to the 8' ceiling.
    • Interior of janitors closet use glass board from the floor to the 10' ceiling.
    • Flooring - use one piece of vinyl.
    • Solid wood doors will be used.
    • Install a dead bolt lock on the janitor's closet instead of a door handle or lever.
    • Council also decided to hire one contractor for all the work and he can sub-contract out for the plumbing and electrical unless he has a license for them also.

Councilmember Trebesch (Buildings)

  • Councilmember Trebesch volunteered his time to help with the National Night Out event.
  • New Updated Light Bulbs for Community Center
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen has not received information from Robs Electric on the cost to replace the light bulbs in the Community Center.
  • Xcel is working on the electrical wiring on Railroad Street.
  • Last Saturday someone went mudded on the new gravel for the Tractor Pull and Demo Derby in the Park. The police were called and they talked to the father of the trucks owner.

Councilmember Barnes – had nothing further to report.

Mayor Malz

  • Mentioned that the city sign was not working.
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen is working with the sign company to fix the problem.


Approve Claims List for June 2010


Claims List for June 2010

  • Check number 14463 to Brad Droege (Convention Expenses) for $450 and check number 14481 to Paul Dudgeon (Convention Expenses) for $450 will be voided. Fire Chief Brad Droege and Fire Fighter Paul Dudgeon will bring in their receipts from the convention for reimbursement instead of receiving advance payment for the conference.
  • Councilmember Trebesch moved to approve the June Claims List for claim number 14463 through 14481 with the three ACH payments with voiding check number 14463 and voiding check number 14481, seconded by Councilmember Mueller. Councilmember Mueller, Councilmember Cummiskey, Councilmember Barnes, and Councilmember Trebesch voted Aye. Motion carried 4/0.


Councilmember Mueller moved to adjourn the Hamburg City Council meeting at 10:22 p.m., seconded by Councilmember Barnes. Councilmember Mueller, Councilmember Cummiskey, Councilmember Barnes, and Councilmember Trebesch voted Aye. Motion carried 4/0.



Submitted by:                                                            Sue Block

                                                                             Deputy Clerk

Hamburg City Council Minutes – May 11, 2010

Mayor Malz called the regular meeting of the Hamburg City Council to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Steve Trebesch, Councilmember Larry Mueller, City Clerk Jeremy Gruenhagen, Deputy Clerk Sue Block, Maintenance Worker Dennis Byerly, and Fire Chief Brad Droege were in attendance. Also in attendance was Ty Turnquist (MNSPECT). Councilmember Brian Cummiskey arrived at 7:04 p.m. Councilmember John Barnes was absent.


Agenda Review (Added Items) and Adoption

  • Added – Council Old Business
  • Added – Dennis's Project List
  • Added – Updated Delinquency Report
  • Added – Updated April Claims List
  • Added – Picnic Tables for Park – Lions Club

Councilmember Mueller moved to adopt the agenda with the five additions, seconded by Councilmember Trebesch. Councilmember Mueller, Councilmember Cummiskey, and Councilmember Trebesch voted Aye. Motion carried 3/0.


Approve Minutes for March 9, 2010 and March 23, 2010.

  • Councilmember Mueller moved to approve the March 9, 2010 and March 23, 2010 Hamburg City Council Meeting Minutes, seconded by Councilmember Trebesch. Councilmember Mueller, Councilmember Cummiskey, and Councilmember Trebesch voted Aye. Motion carried 3/0.


Review Claims List for May 2010

  • Added claim number 14434 to Sheila Malz in the amount of $22.55. Sheila Malz purchased flowers to be planted in the City Park.


Old City Business

  • #4 – Projector Screen for Hamburg Community Center
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen is working on.
  • #5 – Send out Nuisance letters.
    • Letters are starting to be sent out.
  • #6 – Hire Part-Time Maintenance Worker
    • This will be discussed during City Clerk/Treasurer Report.
  • #7 Hall Canopy Repair
    • This will be discussed during Dennis's Report.
  • #9 – Remove Hall Park Swing Set
    • Henning's will remove when they do the Shop Driveway repair.
  • #10 – Have Inspector check wiring at water tower (To The Home Internet)
    • Inspector will be contacted.
  • #11 – Reminder to wear City Shirts to Council Meetings.


Fire Department Report

FEMA Grant

  • The Hamburg Fire Department needs the ok from Council to apply for the FEMA Grant.
    • Councilmember Mueller moved to grant the Hamburg Fire Department permission to apply for the FEMA Grant, seconded by Councilmember Trebesch. Councilmember Mueller, Councilmember Cummiskey, and Councilmember Trebesch voted Aye. Motion carried 3/0.


US Fish & Wildlife Grant/DNR Grant

  • No word yet on these Grants.

Amended By-Laws of the Hamburg Firefighters Relief Association

  • Fire Chief Droege presented Council with the Amended Bylaws of the Hamburg Firefighter's Relief Association. He requested Council to review the bylaws and give their input before June 1, 2010.
  • Councilmember Cummiskey had a question on Section 5.3; any board member of this association may be removed from office by a 2/3 vote of members of this association. Councilmember Cummiskey suggested adding that a person having to be removed from their Hamburg Fire Departments duties should first be removed by the City.
    • Fire Chief Droege responded that the Fire Department Relief Association has no connection with the City.
    • Council responded that this discussion would be held at the next Council meeting after Council has had time to review the Amended Bylaws.
    • Justin Buckentin (Hamburg Fire Department) will be present at the next Council meeting to answer any questions.

Regional Grant for Pagers

  • County Fire Departments will be meeting with the County Commissioners on May 18th asking for their help in funding 20 percent of the cost for the Pagers and Simulcast.

Background Checks for Fire Fighters

  • City Clerk Gruenhagen had asked Abdo, Eick, & Myers (City Auditors) if Background Checks could be sent in before a City Council Meeting since they require a fee. Is there a way these checks can be issued before the next City Council meeting when conducting background checks?
  • Brad Falteysek, CPA (Abdo, Eick, & Myers) responded; yes you can. They will still need two signatures on the checks. Then include the checks on the next council agenda claims list for approval with an explanation that these have been paid prior to council approval due to …. As long as the reason is documented for not following procedure, there shouldn't be a problem.

Pump Test Repairs

  • One truck did not pass the pump test and another truck needed repairs so Fire Chief Droege had both trucks repaired at the same time saving the City $120.00. To fix both trucks (Engine 11 and 12) came to a total of about $900.00.

Post at Water Tower

  • Wm. Mueller and Sons are ready to pull the post out of the ground. Fire Chief Droege suggested keeping the post just it case it could be used at a later date.
    • Council agreed and decided to have the post stored out at the Lagoons until needed.

Civil Defense Siren Batteries

  • The batteries for the Civil Defense Siren were replaced last summer. They are recommended to be replaced every five (5) years. Documentation is in the old well house shed under the Water Tower.

New Fire Department Member

  • Martin Rademacher is the new Fire Department Member.
    • Councilmember Trebesch moved to approve Martin Rademacher as a new member of the Hamburg Fire Department, seconded by Councilmember Mueller.
      Councilmember Mueller, Councilmember Cummiskey, and Councilmember Trebesch voted Aye. Motion carried 3/0.


  • Last week the Hamburg Fire Department trained with the Norwood/Young America Fire Department on the Aerial Lift.


  • Fire Chief Droege mentioned that he will be submitting forms to hopefully be reimbursed for Department training. One will be for Martin Rademacher Fire Fighter 1 & 2 training this fall. The other reimbursement request will be in January 2011 for Hamburg to host the Annual Bloodborne /Airborne Right to Know Weapons and Mass Destruction class. Fire Chief Droege may also apply for a Defensive Driving class.


Dennis' Report (Public Works & Utilities)


Flag Pole in Park

  • Maintenance Worker Byerly thanked Wm Mueller & Sons for helping him install a new flag rope on the Park flag pole.

Community Hall Ramp Canopy Repairs (Estimates)

  • The Cities insurance company will only cover the cosmetic repair.
  • Maintenance Worker Byerly reported that he had made one call to Vos Construction for the repair on the Hall Canopy.
  • Ty Turnquist (MNSPECT) looked at the Hall roof and Canopy. His suggestion was that the only way to fix the problem is to redo the ramp and change the roof line. If the Canopy is tied into the building then the roof line would have to be changed. Without changing the roof line and the canopy is tied into the building the ice would then start to tear the building wall out.
  • Council discussed using heat tape to eliminate the ice buildup and other ideas to avoid the buildup of ice.
  • Council decided to have Maintenance Worker Byerly get estimates to do the cosmetic repair to put it back the way it was. Also use heat tape during the winter to eliminate any ice jams.

710 Park Avenue – Retaining Wall

  • Ty and City Clerk Gruenhagen looked at the retaining wall at 710 Park Avenue to find out if an above ground fence should be put up.
    • Ty responded at the Council meeting that the code does not require any fencing.
    • Ann Perry (City Consulting Planner) checked the City zoning and ordinances. There is nothing stated that a retaining wall needs protection.

Proposed Hall Handicap Bathroom

  • Ty Turnquist (MNSPECT) informed Council about clearance measurements, building codes, and regulations.

Estimates for Sidewalk Replacement (Parkside Tavern)

  • Two estimates have been received and Council decided to wait until all the estimates have been submitted before putting this on the agenda.
  • Maintenance Byerly will follow up with the contractors letting them know that the estimates have to be received by May 25, 2010.

Crack Sealing (City Streets) and Seal Coating (Donald Avenue)

  • Council asked for bids however will wait on making any decision until they know how much the LGA cuts will be.

Part-time Seasonal Help

  • City Clerk Gruenhagen, Councilmember Trebesch, Councilmember Barnes, and Maintenance Worker Byerly will be meeting tomorrow to finalize the applications down to five (5) candidates.
  • The job description and 100 point scale were sent to Kelly Dohm (City Attorney) for review.

Lift Station Repairs (Replace Brackets for Pumps)

  • Maintenance Worker Byerly did receive a quote to fix the Lift Station brackets. The estimated cost to repair was around $2,300.
  • Council decided to put this on next years Wish List.

Water Wells Usage – Water Consumption for 2010

  • Maintenance Worker Byerly had contacted John Thom and he would like to talk with City Clerk Gruenhagen and Deputy Clerk Block on how the meter readings are entered into the Banyon Utility Program.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen mentioned that a few little things have been found and corrected; a leaking valve at the Treatment Plant was fixed and a few discrepancies in meter readings were found.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen updated the discrepancy amount. In April the amount of water pumped was 1,980,000 gallons but billed 882,000 gallons.
  • Maintenance Worker Byerly was asked to document the before and after reading when he flushes.
  • Council continued to discuss reasons as to why the discrepancy.

Picnic Tables (Paint)

  • One Picnic table is left to be painted and one needs a new wooden top then the project will be completed.

Storm Sewer Repair – City Shop

  • Henning's were contacted and they said they will be out.

Park Sink Repair

  • The City Park water fountain was fixed, a new bubbler was installed.

Back Stairway at Hall

  • Councilmember Cummiskey asked how safe the back stairway in the Hall was.
  • Council discussed what needed to be repaired and how to go about repairing the stairway.
  • Maintenance Worker Byerly will get some estimates.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen will contact Xcel Energy and ask them if they could either cover the electrical wires or move them higher.


Deputy Clerk Report


Delinquent Utility Bills

  • Diana Payne – 350 Louisa St – Home vacant and in foreclosure – no information on who to contact about delinquency.
  • Dan Edwards – 490 Brad St – Payment agreement however missed scheduled payment – shut off notice was posted, payment due by May 19, 2010. Owners will be notified also.
  • Chris Tordsen – 618 Kim Ave – Home vacant and in foreclosure – water has been shut off at curb stop – no information on who to contact about delinquency.
  • David Chadwick – 710 Park Ave – Payment agreement however missed scheduled payment – shut off notice was posted, payment due by May 19, 2010.
  • Nick Nordin – 419 Railroad St – Per Realtor home is being sold and delinquent amount will be paid at Closing.
  • Darrell Grams – 410 Sophia – Payment agreement however missed scheduled payment – shut off notice was posted, payment due by May 19, 2010. Last time current with water bill was in October '08.
  • Councilmember Mueller requested the Delinquent report only list the persons over 30 days past due.
    • Deputy Clerk Block will implement this for the future Council meetings.
  • Emily Siebold – 625 Kim Ave – Paid her delinquent amount and is up to date.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen mentioned that the Reconnect Fee of $100 is set by the City
    Fee Schedule. If Council wants to make any changes to the Reconnect Fee it will have to be done at the time the City Fees Schedule is set.
  • Certifying delinquent payments to taxes can only be done in November.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen is checking on Bonding for Deputy Clerk Block.
  • The Washington Lakers 4-H Club will be planting flowers again this year in the 3 flower pots outside of the City Office.


Clerk/Treasurer Report


I/I Abatement Program – Easements

  • City Clerk Gruenhagen thanked Councilmember Mueller for all the work he has put into obtaining easements for the City.
  • Doug Parrott came out to Hamburg and talked to three residents about their easements.
    All three agreed to sign however none have come up to the City Office to sign.
  • Deputy Clerk Block had followed up with the Auditors Office on who can sign for the vacant lot at 470 Brad Street. As of this meeting she has not heard anything back.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen is calling residents requesting them to make an appointment to either talk to Doug Parrott (City Engineer), Councilmember Mueller, or City Clerk Gruenhagen if they have questions. If he is unable to contact by phone a letter will be sent.
  • The 2011 Intended Use Plan deadline is June 4, 2010. A motion is needed to keep the Sanitary Sewer project on the PPL 2011 Intended Use list for funding. There has been no information on receiving funding for the Storm Water portion of the project. City Clerk Gruenhagen would have Ron Seymour (SEH) handle getting the information to the PFA.
    • Councilmember Cummiskey moved to authorize City Clerk Gruenhagen to work with Ron Seymour (SEH) to keep Hamburg on the 2011 PPL Intended Use Plan with PFA, seconded by Councilmember Mueller. Councilmember Mueller, Councilmember Cummiskey, and Councilmember Trebesch voted Aye. Motion carried 3/0.

Federal Election Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities Grant

  • The City of Hamburg was selected to receive a Federal Election Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities grant in the amount of $3,000. The grant is to be used for wiring and installation of an automatic door opener at the Community Center.
  • Town & Country Glass was contacted for an estimate. They gave a verbal estimate of
    $2500 plus wiring.
  • Councilmember Cummiskey suggested getting bids and present them at the next Council meeting.

Tonka Granit Company, LLC

  • Joe Hubler (Tonka Granite Company, LLC) provided a proposed draft site plan for 411 Maris Avenue (Old City Hall). The plans have been forwarded to Ann Perry (City Planning Consultant) for what conditional uses are needed and possible rezoning.
  • Mr. Hubler is questioning the $7,000 WAC&SAC fee. He thinks this is a substantial amount to them when trying to upgrade the building.
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen suggested that Mr. Hubler and his son come to a Council meeting to discuss the fee.
    • Council discussed this issue and decided to have them come to a Council meeting and negotiate a possible compromise.

Hamburg Lions Club

  • The Hamburg Lions Club asked permission to purchase and install three ceiling fans for the Lions Shelter at the Park. There would be no cost to the City.
    • Council discussed and decided they have no problem with their request.
  • The Lions Club also requested to purchase and place four square purple and yellow picnic tables in the Park.
    • Council did not have any objection.

Painting Street Light Poles – Xcel Energy

  • City Clerk Gruenhagen emailed Michelle Swanson (Xcel) asking if they had any plans on painting more of the street light poles in Hamburg.
    • Council commented that the poles that were painted were the only ones.
  • Councilmember Mueller asked why there is caution tape around some of the light poles.
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen will ask Ms. Swanson.

New Desktop Computer & Router

  • City Clerk Gruenhagen informed Council that he purchased a new desktop computer and router for the City. The purchase was budgeted for.
    • Council agreed that the purchase was necessary.
  • The old computer will be placed in the City Shop for Maintenance Worker Byerly to use.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen asked Council if they had any objection having his brother come out to set up the new server.
    He will be about a third of the cost of calling someone else out.
    • Council did not have any objections.

Parkside Tavern Noise Complaint – May 1, 2010

  • A neighbor to Parkside Tavern called several Council members and the Mayor complaining about the noise. The calls were made around 11:00 p.m.
  • Mayor Malz talked to the manager about the issue and informed him that he has to take accountability for the numerous neighbor complaints.
    • Council discussed the issue and if the situation does not get any better further action will be taken.
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen will follow up with a letter on the Cities Ordinance about noise.

Public Hearing (Ordinance #137) – Amend Side Yard Setbacks

  • There will be a Public Hearing on May 25, 2010 at 6:55 p.m. to Amend Side Yard Setbacks (Ordinance #137) from 15 feet to 10 feet.


City Council Reports


Councilmember Mueller (Sewer & Water)

  • Commented that these easements need to get done.

Councilmember Cummiskey (Streets) – had nothing further to report.

Councilmember Trebesch (Buildings)

  • Reported a leaning light pole.
  • Reported a white truck speeding on Sophia Avenue.
    • Was instructed by Council to inform the police of the incident with the license number.
  • Reported that the down spout at the Hall is draining against the cement wall.
    • Councilmember Mueller will get some supplies to have the water drain away from the building.
  • Council discussed having Maintenance Worker Byerly purchase some scaffolding from Menards while it is on sale this week. He can use the rebate coupons the city has from purchasing the ceiling tiles for the Hall.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen informed Council that the handicap bathroom for the Park was delivered. The bathroom was staked to the tar so it can not be tipped over.


Mayor Malz

  • Requested Thaemert's be contacted to remove the fallen tree branch on their property.


Approve Claims List for April 2010


Claims List for April 2010

  • Councilmember Trebesch moved to approve April 2010 four ACH payments and April 2010 claim numbers 14406 through 14433 with the one addition of check number 14434 to Sheila Malz in the amount of $22.55 for purchasing flowers for the City Park, seconded by Councilmember Mueller. Councilmember Mueller, Councilmember Cummiskey, and Councilmember Trebesch voted Aye. Motion carried 3/0.


Councilmember Cummiskey moved to adjourn the Hamburg City Council meeting at 8:58 p.m., seconded by Councilmember Trebesch. Councilmember Mueller, Councilmember Cummiskey, and Councilmember Trebesch voted Aye. Motion carried 3/0.




                                                                            Submitted by:



                                                                            Sue Block

                                                                             Deputy Clerk

Hamburg City Council Minutes – June 22, 2010

Acting Mayor Mueller called the regular Hamburg City Council meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Steve Trebesch, Councilmember John Barnes, Councilmember Brian Cummiskey, City Clerk Jeremy Gruenhagen, Deputy Clerk Sue Block, and Fire Chief Brad Droege were in attendance. Also in attendance were Kip Trebesch (K & K Construction), Ty Turnquist (MNSPECT), and Tim Mueller (Retired Hamburg Fire Fighter). David Chadwick (710 Park Avenue) arrived later during the meeting. Mayor Richard Malz and Maintenance Worker Dennis Byerly were absent.


Agenda Review (Added Items) and Adoption

  • Added – June Claims List
  • Added – Updated Delinquency List
  • Added – Preliminary Engineering Report
  • Councilmember Barnes moved to adopt the agenda with the three additions, seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.


Approve Minutes for April 27, 2010

  • Councilmember Cummiskey moved to approve the April 27, 2010 City Council Minutes, seconded by Councilmember Barnes and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.


Review Claims List for June 2010

  • Members of Council did not have any questions or comments.


Old City Business

  • #10 – Plan out new play ground equipment for Hall Park when Henning's have completed the drainage reconstruction.
    • Project has been completed.
    • Councilmember Barnes will contact Connie Byerly (H.I.P.) and have her order the play ground equipment.


Fire Department Report


Retirement Recognition of Firefighter Tim Mueller

  • Firefighter Tim Mueller was presented with a City Retirement Appreciation plaque for his 22 years of service with the Hamburg Volunteer Fire Department.


2010 FEMA Grant/US Fish & Wildlife Grant/DNR Grant

  • No new information on the grants.


Amended By-Laws of the Hamburg Firefighters Relief Association

  • No new information from the State if they have accepted the amended By-Laws.


2010 Zummerfest Celebration

  • Fire Chief Brad Droege did not hear of any issues with the city celebration, everything seemed to go as planed.


Floor Buffer for Fire Station

  • Fire Chief Droege reported that the Fire Department had purchased a floor scrubber for the fire station. The cost of the scrubber was $400.

National Night Out – August 3, 2010

  • Linda Mueller (637 David Avenue) has not received information if the K-9 unit will be able to attend the festivity.
  • At the next City Council meeting Council will decide who will be assigned to what event.
    • Councilmember Cummiskey volunteered to head up the event and Councilmember Trebesch volunteered to help.


Fire Department – Fill Up Pool

  • Fire Chief Droege reported that the Fire Department filled up a pool in Norwood/Young America. The resident was charged $360.00 for the service.


MNSPECT – Ty Turnquist


Lead Base Paint

  • Mr. Turnquist went over the informational booklet from the EPA on Lead Base Paint. The agency is working on enforcement and training for persons working on homes built before 1977. Special precautions have to be followed due to the lead content in the paint prior to this date.


What Things Do I Need a Permit For?

  • Ty went over a MNSPECT print out that listed types of work exempt from permit requirements.
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen asked Ty to explain, A. Building Permits, #6 – sidewalks and driveways that are not part of an accessible rout.
      • Mr. Turnquist explained that this refers to ADA construction; handicap and/or disabled ramps.
      • An example of an accessible route would be a route from buildings to accessible parking spaces or to public transit. This would require a permit.


Legislative Update

  • Completion of Exterior Work
    • A municipality may by ordinance adopt an official control that requires exterior work to be completed within a specified number of days. The local regulation may not require completion of exterior work earlier than 80 days following the issuance of the permit.
  • The minimum state general permit surcharge fee will increase from 50 cents to $5.00 on July 1, 2010.


Hall Canopy Repair

  • Council discussed various ways on how to fix the damaged Hall canopy. It was decided on to have Ty Turnquist, Maintenance Worker Byerly, and Brian Cummiskey meet on June 25, 1020 at 2:00 p.m. in front of the Hall. During the meeting they will determine the extent of the damage and decide on the best way to fix the on-going problem of ice damage to the hall and canopy. Specs will be drawn up and given to contractors for their estimates on the cost of the repair.


Dennis' Report (Public Works & Utilities)

(Maintenance Worker Byerly was absent City Clerk Gruenhagen gave the report.)


Estimates for Re-Siding Park Food Stand

  • As of this meeting contractors have been contacted however no bids have been received.
  • Council decided to obtain the cost of the project first then decide if the city can afford to re-side the building.

Project List

  • Council did not have any additions or comments on Maintenance Worker Byerly project list.


Water Wells Usage – Water Consumption for 2010

  • John Thom (S.E.H.) will be at the next Council meeting to discuss the possibilities of why the water pumped versus billed are not coinciding with each other.


Water Tower Stand Pipe Repair

  • Councilmember Mueller requested to have Maintenance Worker Byerly look at the pipe and check on repairing the rusted area.


Estimates to Replace City Shop Driveway/Sidewalk

  • City Clerk Gruenhagen informed Council that there is $20,000 in the cities budget to replace the city shop driveway, sidewalk and do the landscaping ($15,000 for the driveway/sidewalk and $5,000 for landscaping).
  • Council discussed the estimates that were received from Hanson & Vasek Construction, Wm. Mueller & Sons, and Southwest Paving. Council also discussed if the Shop Driveway should be concrete or blacktop.
  • After a lengthy discussion and input of various ideas, Council decided to award the project to Hanson & Vasek Construction, Inc. from Hutchinson, MN. Council decided to use concrete for the shop driveway instead of blacktop.
  • Councilmember Cummiskey moved to award the Shop Driveway project to Hanson & Vasek Construction using Option #2: remove and construct sidewalk for $9,522.12, remove and construct concrete driveway for $9,800, and install the optional Trench Drain for $3,000 totaling $22,322, seconded by Councilmember Barnes and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.
  • With the decision of putting in a concrete driveway Council decided to have Maintenance Worker Byerly use liquid ice remover for two years instead of salting the driveway during the winter months.


Deputy Clerk Report


Delinquent Utility Bills

  • Diana Payne (350 Louisa St) and Chris Tordsen (618 Kim Ave)Homes are vacant and in foreclosure – no information on who to contact regarding payment. Unpaid amounts will be added to the property tax in November.
  • Nick Nordin (419 Railroad StUtility bill will be paid in full at time of closing.


Expenses/Hours for MCFOA Clerk's Conference

  • Deputy Clerk Block requested to be paid for 40 hours instead of her normal 32 hours per week during her attendance at the MCFOA Conference. Dates of the conference are July 12, 2010 through July 16, 2010. Conference hours are Monday through Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. with a half hour lunch and Friday 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. She also requested advance payment for mileage, 106 miles round trip @ .50 per mile (2010 IRS rate) equaling $53.00. Also advance payment for hotel stay, Crowne Plaza 4 night stay @ $99.00 per night plus 13.28% tax (MN Sales Tax) equaling $448.59. Total advance payment request, $501.59.
  • Council agreed to pay Deputy Clerk Block 40 hours for the week of July 12-16, 2010 and allow advance payment of $501.59 for the room rate and mileage. No motion was needed.

    Clerk/Treasurer Report


I/I Abatement Program (Sanitary Sewer/Storm Water Improvements)

  • Remaining Easements to be signed.
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen, Councilmember Trebesch, and Councilmember Mueller met with Doug Parrott (S.E.H.) to discuss the best way to obtain the remaining easements. They also discussed what the residents are requesting concerning the easements crossing their property.
    • Mr. Parrott, Councilmember Mueller, and City Clerk Gruenhagen will call the remaining residents to find out what can be done to have them sign the easements.
    • There are 12 easements remaining to be signed. The residents are;
      • William and Deanna Panning
      • EFN Investments, Inc.
      • John and Anna Schoeppner
      • Thomas Siebold
      • Dale and Karene Stuewe
      • Mark Kleman
      • David and Diane Mackenthun
      • Glenn and Mary Mueller
      • Becky Hammers and David Klugherz
      • Todd and Deborah Shea and Dustin Mackenthun
      • Richard and Sheila Malz
      • Brian and Margaret Cummiskey
  • Purchase of Property for Storm Water Pond
    • City Attorney Mac was previously contacted on the correct procedure Council should take when discussing and purchasing the land for the storm water pond from Councilmember Cummiskey.
    • Attorney Mac suggested that at the end of a regularly scheduled City Council meeting to close the meeting and ask all those attending and Councilmember Cummiskey to leave the council meeting area. Council could then discuss how they would like to purchase the property from Mr. Cummiskey and at what price. Once a final decision is made Mr. Cummiskey and any remaining attendees would be asked to rejoin the Council meeting. Mr. Cummiskey could then discuss with the other members of Council his ideas on the city purchasing his property for the storm water pond.
    • City Attorney Mac had informed City Clerk Gruenhagen that no special meeting was required.
    • The discussion and possible purchase agreement will be put on the next Council meeting agenda for July 13, 2010.
  • 2011 Intended Use Plan - Funding for Sanitary Sewer/Storm Water Improvements
    • PCA is still looking at considering Hamburg's request to include the storm water project as part of the funding through PFA. The PCA is using the Updated Preliminary Engineering Report to help make the decision. Ultimately the decision comes down to pollution control.
  • Engineer Billing Rates through March 31, 2011
    • Beginning with the June 2010 invoicing (May 2010 labor) S.E.H. will be making adjustments to their billing rates. The proposed rate increases will average between 2% and 6% over the billing rates in 2009, depending on the individual staff person. The proposed rates will be effective through March 31, 2011 and will not affect cost of service or budgets for projects already under contract.


TCW Disposal, Inc. Conditional Use Permit Violation

  • The City of Hamburg was copied on a letter sent to TCW Disposal (953 Park Ave) from the Carver County Land Management Department Planning & Water Management Department concerning the recycling activities taking place outside of the north hoop structure and the crushing of glass in order to utilize the material on-site.
    • Hamburg city residents were calling the city office complaining about crushed glass on the city streets.
  • The letter indicated that the Conditional Use permit issued to TCW contained 10 conditions for operation and one of the ten conditions was in violation. Condition #8 – The transferring of municipal solid waste as a licensed transfer station shall be prohibited. The sorting of recyclables on-site shall be permitted, but the recyclables must be removed on an on-going basis and sorting shall be limited exclusively to the inside of the 50' x 84' hoop style storage structure.
  • It was also noted in the letter that TCW violated Carver County Code of Ordinances Chapter 50 (Solid Waste Ordinance) by grinding and land application of source-separated glass on their property. TCW Disposal was instructed to immediately stop the grinding of all source-separated glass and discontinue all land application of glass
  • TCW Disposal, Inc. has until July 16, 2010 to correct the violations.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen emailed the notice to Jim Ische (Carver County Commissioner – District 5).

Estimate for Automatic Door Opener for Polling Place

  • The City of Hamburg received a quote from Roy C., Inc. Hanover, MN to furnish and install the automatic door opener at the Community Center. Price furnished and installed = $1,820. With matching clear anodized bollard post for exterior switch mounting add an additional $255.
  • Council decided to wait until at least two estimates are received before making a decision on whom to award the project to.

City Purchasing Policy (Bids/Quotes Guidelines)

  • City Clerk Gruenhagen suggested changing the Hamburg Purchasing Policy. The changes would match with the LMC recommendations and other city purchasing guidelines;
    • Small Purchase Procedures – These are informal procurement methods used for purchase of services, supplies, or other property. Small purchases procedures include purchases of items of less than $1,000 within budget; anything over budget requires City Council approval. These purchases may be made by the City Clerk/Treasurer or his/her designee.
    • Purchases Not Requiring Quotes - Purchases over $1,000 but less than $25,000 may be made on the open market by the City Clerk/Treasurer without obtaining quotes. These purchases must have approval from City Council.
    • Purchases Requiring Quotes - Purchases over $25,000 but under $100,000 will require at least two quotes, reviewed and approved by the City Council. The quotes must be kept on file for one year.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen commented that following the proposed changed City Purchasing Policy could help move along many of the city projects that are under $25,000 on the open market.
  • Councilmember Cummiskey moved to change the City of Hamburg Purchasing Policy to reflect the recommendations of the LMC and City Staff, seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.

Time Off Request

  • City Clerk Gruenhagen informed Council that he will be taking Friday, June 25, 2010, off.
  • Councilmember Trebesch moved to grant City Clerk Gruenhagen's requested time off on Friday, June 25, 2010, seconded by Councilmember Barnes and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.


City Council Reports


Councilmember Mueller (Sewer & Water) – had nothing further to report.


Councilmember Cummiskey (Streets)

  • Handicap Bathroom – Councilmember Cummiskey updated Council on the bathrooms progress.
  • Council decided to;
    • Use the old paneling for the outside wall facing the bar area and put new paneling on the south wall and hall way going towards the ladies bathroom. Matching the wood work as close as possible to the existing ladies bathroom.
    • Interior of bathroom use glass board and paint it a cream color.
    • Flooring – will be vinyl.
    • Contractor to obtain permit.
    • MNSPECT has gone over drawing; specs are ok to be given out to contractors.
    • Estimated cost of project, $3,000 for Plumbing Permit and $10,000 for Bathroom.
  • Council also decided to add to the bid a 30 day acceptance to completion date.
  • Council decided to contact contractors and proceed with the project.


Councilmember Trebesch (Buildings) – had nothing further to report.


Councilmember Barnes (Parks)

  • Council briefly discussed the purchasing and installation of the playground equipment for the Hall Park. Council was previously shown what equipment could be purchased for the amount of money the H.I.P. Group had set aside.
  • Councilmember Cummiskey moved to approve the H.I.P. Groups purchasing and installation of the Hall Park playground equipment, seconded by Councilmember Barnes and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.
  • Councilmember Barnes will contact Connie Byerly (H.I.P. Group) to order the play ground equipment.


Approve Claims List for June 2010


Claims List for June 2010

  • Councilmember Barnes moved to approve the June Claims List for claim number 14490 through 14507 with the one ACH payment, seconded by Councilmember Cummiskey and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.


Motion to Adjourn

  • Councilmember Trebesch moved to adjourn the Hamburg City Council meeting at 8:52 p.m., seconded by Councilmember Barnes and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.


Submitted by:                                                    



Sue Block

                                                                             Deputy Clerk