Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Pledge to America or Hope and Change: Which will get America back on track?

The GOP launched their Pledge To America (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/documents/GOP_pledge_09222010.pdf) in an attempt to win back Congress. Take a moment and read it for yourself to determine if the message that is being sent is what is being portrayed in the media. Based on my understanding of the "Pledge" here is what I took away from it.

A plan to create jobs, end economic uncertainty, and make America more competitive

  • Permanently stop job-killing tax hikes
  • Small business that create jobs will get a 20 percent tax deduction
  • Require Congressional approval of any new federal regulation
  • Repeal small business mandates passed via the health care law

A plan to stop out-of-control spending and reduce the size of government

  • Roll back government spending to pre-stimulus, pre-bailout levels – estimated savings $100 billion in year one
  • Cut Congress' budgets, establish strict budget caps, net hiring freeze, review government programs for redundancy and duplication
  • Reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
  • Safe guard entitlement programs for seniors and future generations

A plan to repeal and replace the government takeover of health care

  • Allow Inter-state purchasing of health care coverage
  • Enact real medical liability reform
  • Give small business greater purchasing power
  • Create new incentives to save for future health requirements
  • Codify the Hyde Amendment
  • Ensure people with pre-existing conditions can get coverage
  • End taxpayer funding of abortion

A plan to reform Congress and restore trust

  • Require every bill to contain Constitutional citation
  • Allow all Americans to read the bill for at least three days prior to vote
  • Cut out unnecessary spending

A plan to keep our nation secure at home and abroad

  • Fully fund a missile defense
  • Enforce sanctions on Iran
  • Keep terrorist combatants at Guantanamo Bay
  • Ensure federal government fulfills its constitutional duty to protect citizens through enforce of border security

After the Pledge to America was unveiled I received the following retort from the Democrat Party.

Chris -- 

Yesterday morning, Republicans unveiled their plan for governing -- their Pledge to America.

They're pledging to cut taxes for millionaires and billionaires.

They're pledging to roll back regulations on big oil and Wall Street.

They're pledging to strike down rules reining in the credit card lenders and the insurance companies.

They're pledging to increase the deficit by trillions of dollars.

Their agenda is a windfall for the folks spending millions to put them back in power -- the lobbyists, the big corporations, and the special interests.

We're not sitting by watching this scheme become a reality. Our plan to win this fall is as different from that of the GOP as our agenda for the country.

We've got organizers on the ground in every state, working with campaigns and volunteers to coordinate an unprecedented voter-turnout operation.

We're knocking on thousands of doors and making millions of calls to get our voters out to the polls.

We pay for this work with our By the People Fund -- and we're trying to reach 3 million grassroots donations through the course of this campaign.

To stay on pace, we need 5,241 donations by the end of the week.

Can you chip in $5 or more to help us meet our goal?

This Republican Pledge to America is nothing new. Even John Boehner said, "We are not going to be any different than we've been."

They're offering up the very same agenda that put us on a path to the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.

That means they're not prepared to discuss protecting Social Security and Medicare.

They have no plan for education or teachers.

They offer up no solutions to the outsourcing of American jobs.

They lay out no plans to invest in key industries like clean energy and manufacturing.

They don't talk about rebuilding our crumbling roads, bridges, and railways.

With your help, we can send the Republicans back to the drawing board.

Together, we'll make sure the country never returns to the failed policies of the past. But that means moving forward with our plan to win the 2010 elections.

Please support the By the People Fund today:



Governor Tim Kaine


Regardless of the results in November, one thing that will not change is both major parties got us in this mess. How can we trust either party to move the country forward? We know the current regime running record deficits with no end in sight while the other party had an opportunity to be fiscally conservative but failed us during the Bush era. What do we do as Americans? Where do we turn?

Friday, September 24, 2010

Hamburg City Council Agenda – September 28, 2010




7:00. Call City Council Meeting to Order @ 7:00 PM

  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Miscellaneous Business (Public Comments)
  • Agenda Review (Added Items) and Adoption
  • Review Claims List for September 2010
  • Approve Minutes for September 14, 2010
  • Old City Business (Memo)


7:10. Fire Department Report

  • 2010 FEMA Grant/US Fish & Wildlife Grant/DNR Grant
  • New Paging System
  • Defibrillator Recall
  • Fire Prevention Week (October 3 – 9)
  • Hamburg Fire Department Officers
    • Selection vs. Election
  • Pension Increase for Reporting Year 2010


7:20. Hamburg Lions Club

  • Open Park Shelter
  • Temporary On-Sale Liquor License for November 19, 2010


7:30. Dennis' Report (Public Works & Utilities)

  • Community Hall Ramp Canopy Repairs (Estimates)
    • Scaffolding Purchase
  • Mock OSHA Inspection (July 14th, 2010)
    • Storage of HFD Apparatus (WTP)
  • Water Wells Usage/Water Consumption for 2010
  • Project List (Additional Items)


7:45. Deputy Clerk Report

  • Delinquent Utility Bills Report
  • Project List (Additional Items)


7:50. City Clerk/Treasurer Report

  • I/I Abatement Program (Sanitary Sewer/Storm Water Improvements)
    • Easements for Project
    • Pre-Construction Pictures
    • Project Schedule
    • Funding for Sanitary Sewer/Storm Water Improvements
  • 2010 Budget Items
    • Items Budgeted to be Completed in 2010
  • Small Cities Grant (Residential)
  • Sewer/Water Connection Fees for 411 Maria Avenue
  • Tax Forfeiture Sale (470 Brad Street)
  • Carver County Attorney Jim Keeler & Commissioner Jim Ische
    • Attending October 12, 2010 Meeting
  • 2nd Quarter Policing Report for City of Hamburg (Informational)
  • Public Safety Costs – Glencoe Study (Informational)
  • Menards Account (Informational)


8:20. City Council Reports

  • Councilmember Mueller Report (Sewer & Water)
  • Councilmember Cummiskey Report (Streets)
  • Councilmember Trebesch Report (Buildings)
  • Councilmember Barnes Report (Parks)
  • Mayor Malz Report


8:35. Approve Claims List for September 2010


8:40. Recess City Council Meeting


8:40. Move to Closed Meeting for the purpose of Land Acquisition Negotiations (Purchase of Private Property for Storm Water Pond)


9:00. Move to Reopen the City Council Meeting


9:00. Adjourn City Council Meeting (Adjournment of City Council Meeting following completion of Closed Meeting)




"The times set forth above are estimated.  Some subjects may take a longer time to discuss and take action on; some subjects may take less time than set forth."

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Polysorbate 80 In Swine Flu Vaccines = Infertility In Humans

Polysorbate 80 In Swine Flu Vaccines = Infertility In Humans

The article asserts that the WHO jumped the gun on raising the level of urgency to quell the swing flu breakout in Mexico. A few weeks after the big breakout, the wife and I talked about how overblown the swine flu outbreak is and now this article surfaces. Is there a rogue or elite group of people sitting in the UN trying to practice population control? The article does point to a 2009 brief. I never got the vaccine and have never even participated in the annual flu vaccine.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

A question from the flight home

Dedicated readers of the blog I apologize for my tardiness this week in posting something to discuss. I had planned to compose an entry prior to leaving last Sunday for sunny Tempe, Arizona but time got away from me. The training I was involved in was intense and long which left little time to analyze the events of the day or meet up with those of my friends in Arizona.

On the flight back, which was really bumping when we were on approach to MPS, I had several conversations. An interesting question was posed during the conversation though and I want to see how others may respond prior to getting on my soap box.

Does the lack of a clear National message from the Tea Party regulate them to a blip on the radar? Or because they lack a clear National message they represent the truest form of grassroots campaigning?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Hamburg City Council Minutes – August 24, 2010

Acting Mayor Mueller called the Hamburg City Council meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. Councilmember Steve Trebesch, Councilmember Brian Cummiskey, City Clerk Jeremy Gruenhagen, Maintenance Worker Dennis Byerly, and Fire Chief Brad Droege were in attendance. Chris Lund (612 Kim Avenue) was also in attendance. Mayor Richard Malz, Councilmember John Barnes and Deputy Clerk Sue Block were absent.


Agenda Review (Added Items) and Adoption

  • Added – 2010 August Claims List
  • Added – Small Cities Grant Summary
  • Added – Letter from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
  • Added – Letter from the Minnesota Valley Regional Rail Authority
  • Councilmember Cummiskey moved to adopt the agenda with the four additions, seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion carried. All Council members present voted aye. Mayor Malz and Councilmember Barnes were absent.

Review Claims List for August 2010

  • Council discussed different options and cost for paper towels other than using single fold towels purchased from CCP Industries.

Approve Minutes for July 27, 2010 and August 12, 2010

  • Councilmember Trebesch moved to adopt the July 27, 2010 and August 12, 2010 City Council Minutes, seconded by Councilmember Cummiskey and motion carried. All Council members present voted aye. Mayor Malz and Councilmember Barnes were absent.

Old City Business

  • Remove item #3 – Bid and build Handicap Bathroom in Hall.
  • Item #4 – Projector Screen, Projector, and Sound System
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen spoke with Tom Simmons (NYA) and he sees no problem with the City of Hamburg using the Mediacom Franchise Fee fund to purchase the requested items (sound system, projector, and projector screen).
    • The request will have to be brought before the NYA Council for final approval.
  • Item #5 – Repair Hall Canopy will be discussed in the Public Works & Utilities report.
  • Item #6 – Closing the Pond gates this Saturday will be Councilmember Mueller.
  • Remove item #9 – Discuss Mayor and Council wages. Council agreed not to increase wages.
  • Remove item #10 – Pre-Budget Meeting was just held.


Fire Department Report


US Fish & Wildlife Grant/DNR Grant

  • The Fire Department received a $450 DNR Grant.

FEMA Grant

  • No information on the FEMA Grant.

Hamburg Fire Department Officers – Selection vs. Election

  • City Clerk Gruenhagen is waiting for information from Chris White (League of MN Cities) about the pros and cons of appointing or going through a hiring process.

New Paging System

  • Four Fire Departments within Carver County (Chanhassen, Watertown, Mayer, and Victoria) are working on obtaining new pagers. The new paging system would call individuals cell phones in areas where the current pagers do not work.

Training Grant

  • A State Grant for approximately $2,800 was applied for.

Mediacom Franchise Fund

  • Fire Chief Droege brought up again the usage of the Mediacom Franchise Fund to purchase a projector screen and projector for the Hamburg Community Center.
  • Council and Fire Chief Droege discussed where to put the projector and screen.
  • Fire Chief Droege suggested looking at the projector and screen purchased by the Norwood/Young America City Council and purchasing the same kind.
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen will contact the City of NYA on purchasing a similar projector and screen.

Debriefing for FD Members

  • Due to the tragedy that happened two weeks ago to a retired Hamburg Fire Fighter the Hamburg Fire Department members went through a debriefing.

Donation of Cement Work for Fire Hall Door

  • K&K Carpentry Services donated their work on the installation of a cement slab by the Fire Hall back door. A donation letter was sent to K&K for tax purposes and a Thank-You letter was also sent.

National Night Out

  • National Night Out was a success.
  • Next year the planning for the event should start in May or early June.

Proposed 2011 Budget Items

  • Fire Chief Droege was going to bring up wages but since Council had already decided on no wage increase he decided not to comment on the subject.
  • The Hamburg Fire Department is over budget in their Repair Fund. Fire Chief Droege thought that the money received from the Green Isle fire service call (July 2009) would have decreased the amount they are over budget.
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen responded that all the money reimbursed is accounted for in the General Fund. The Fire Department is part of the General Fund so whatever comes back to the City goes in the General Fund. About $4,000 from the Green Isle fire payment will go towards the Hamburg Fire Department Repair Fund.
  • Fire Chief Droege requested the amount budgeted for Rescue Reserves stay at $600 due to possible increased daytime calls.
  • Fire Chief Droege would like the Truck Replacement Fund added back into the 2011 Budget.
  • Debt Service Fund (2010 Certificate of Indebtedness)
  • Fire Chief Droege and Council discussed how to break down the Cities portion (payment) for the 2001 Heavy Duty International Rescue Truck.
    • For budget reasons City Clerk Gruenhagen will have to know what amount is coming from the FD Relief Association and what amount the City will have to cover. This information is needed in order to set the Proposed Tax Levy for 2011.
    • The Fire Department was asking $17,500 for the old Rescue Truck but has dropped the price to $15,000. This money was to be used towards (cities) payment for the 2001 HD Rescue Truck. This has created a budget shortfall for the old Rescue Truck has not sold.
    • Fire Chief Droege commented that the FD Relief Association committed to $20,000 towards the purchase if the City lost all its LGA.
      • City Clerk Gruenhagen responded that the principal payment due right now is $19,700 and $4,432.50 is due for interest totaling $24,132.50. A total of $15,160 will be received from the two Townships for their agreed upon share of the Rescue Truck This leaves the City with a balance still owed of $8,972.50 for 2011.
      • Council stated that they understood the original agreement for the purchase of the 2001 International HD Rescue Truck was that "NO" City tax dollars would be used (or needed) for the purchase of the new HD Rescue Truck.
    • Fire Chief Droege concluded that it was his understanding that if the City did not loose any LGA they would help pay for the International HD Rescue Truck.
      • The FD Relief Association was going to pay $20,000 and another $15,000 would be from the sale of the old Rescue Truck.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen and Council agreed to budget $8,973 (Property Tax Line Item) to cover the payment on the Certificate of Indebtedness. This amount will be collected through the proposed tax levy in the 2011 preliminary budget. The Relief Association will make a donation towards the end of the year.


Dennis' Report (Public Works & Utilities)


Mock OSHA Inspection – July 14th, 2010

  • Maintenance Worker Byerly is continuing to work on correcting the items listed.

Loss Control Follow Up Letter from LMCIT

  • The only item left to complete is the railing on the east side of the city shop doors.

City Shop Driveway/Sidewalk Update

  • There were additional costs to the project of about $930. This was for a 6 x 6 area of new sidewalk, 6' x 9' cement area that was tore out and replaced were the old Fire Department sign had been and an additional 24 feet of curb.
  • Maintenance Worker Byerly was asked by Council to locate where the Shop floor drains come out. Once located he should then cut them off and put a sump pump in the City Shop to keep rain water from coming in through the drains.
    • Council discussed how Maintenance Worker Byerly could locate the pipe.

City Sidewalk across from Parkside Tavern

  • Hanson & Vasek Construction provided an estimate on redoing the sidewalk along (361) Henrietta Avenue. The amount was roughly $7,500 for a six inch (deep) by six foot (wide) sidewalk going directly behind the curb.

Community Hall Ramp Canopy Repairs (Estimates)

  • Council discussed the repair of the Community Hall Ramp Canopy and decided to continue to receive estimates until the next Council meeting.

Water Tower Cleaning and Stand Pipe Repair

  • There is one more hole to patch in the stand pipe.
  • The Water Tower was cleaned and everything looked good inside.
    • It is recommended that every two years the water tower should be cleaned and inspected.
  • The Water Tower has been primed but not painted this will be done at a later date.

Water Well Usage/Water Consumption for 2010

  • Water consumption for un-metered water has gone up from last month.
  • Council discussed what could be causing the fluctuation in usage.
  • Council decided to only use pump #2 for the month of September to see if this would affect the month's usage.
    • To help clarify, Pump #1 is at the old water treatment well and this well is only used in an emergency. Pump #2 and Pump #3 are located in the new Water Treatment Building.

Project List (Added Items)

  • The meter and a pump at Lift Station have not been working correctly. North Star Pump was called out to check what the problem could be. They found a chunk of cement had fallen in and gotten lodged in the pump and also a wire to a meter (readings) was loose.
    • The pump will have to be re-sleeved.
  • There was a water leak at the Baseball Field (meter) and it has bee repaired.
  • Air Dryer in the Hall women's bathroom broke. Council decided to have Maintenance Worker Byerly order a new one.
  • Council discussed what to do with the City Office flooring. The floor is beyond repair. Council decided to check with Adam Glander.


Deputy Clerk Report


Delinquent Utility Bills

  • Diana Payne (350 Louisa St) – Home is in foreclosure – no information on who to contact.
  • Chris Tordsen (618 Kim Ave) – Home is in foreclosure – MN Abstract & Title Co. requested assessment & utility search.
  • Nick Nordin (419 Railroad StUtility bill will be paid in full at time of closing.

Refund ($260) for MCFOA Conference

  • The full refund in the amount of $260 (registration free) was received from MCFOA Conference that Deputy Clerk Block was going to attend. Due to a medical leave for one of the Cities employees she was unable to attend.


City Clerk/Treasurer Report


I/I Abatement Program (Sanitary Sewer/Storm Water Improvements)

  • The good news is that the City of Hamburg is on the 2011 Project Priority List. The bad news is that PCA has come out with its ruling that the Storm Sewer will not be eligible for PFA funding.
    • Roughly $900,000 of the project will not be put towards the 2011 Project Priority Listing for Clean Water Projects.
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen will contact Ron Seymour (S.E.H.) to find out if the City of Hamburg can get on the PPL Storm Water Funding list.
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen will check on the City of Hamburg's rank in the 2011 Project Priority List.
  • Easements for Project
    • City Attorney Mac has drafted a letter to be mailed to the County for approval for the easement at 470 Brad Street.
    • Thomas Siebold signed his easements.
    • Sonny Kleman is requesting that whatever footage he agrees to for the two easements going across his property he wants that amount deducted from his assessment.
      • Council discussed the possibility of re-routing the storm and sewer lines around his property thus eliminating the need for the easements. The Council agreed to reroute the storm sewer line towards Brad Street.
    • Council discussed how to obtain the required easements from the property owners at 631 Parke Ave (Mackenthun Estate) and 625 Park Ave (David & Diane Mackenthun). They have shown no interest in working with the City so the project can move forward.
  • Easements Needed For Placement Of Lines In Private Property.
    • Mackenthun - 625 Park Ave
    • Kleman - 619 Park Ave – Storm Sewer will be rerouted around his property
    • State of Minnesota Trust (Carver County) – should be signed within the next month
    • Cummiskey - 724 Park Avenue
  • Easements Requested For Only Digging/Trenching In Private Property.
    • Panning - 631 Kim Avenue – Has verbally agreed to sign a temporary easement.
    • Mackenthun Estate - 631 Park Avenue – No definite decision received from residents
    • EFN Investments - 613 Park Avenue – Storm Sewer may be rerouted, eliminating the need for an easement.
    • Schoeppner/Alling - 619 Park Avenue – Have indicated that they will sign easement.
    • Klugherz/Hammers - 613 David Ave – No definite decision received from residents.
  • Easements Requested For Access In Order To Do Digging/Connecting Sewer Services
    • Kleman – 619 Park Ave.
    • Mackenthun – 626 Park Ave
  • Council discussed and decided to have City Clerk Gruenhagen contact City Attorney Mac about Legal Options and Legal Costs to obtain remaining easements.
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen will also talk with City Attorney and Doug Parrott (S.E.H.) about Panning and Schoeppner agreeing to sign temporary easements.

CCWMO Cost Share Fund Application

  • The County has approved the 2011 Cost Share Funding for the I&I project.
  • The City of Hamburg should be receiving about $10,000 towards the pond construction.

I/I Grant Program (Metropolitan Council)

  • The City of Hamburg is not eligible for the I&I Grant from Met Council. The grant is for cities connected to the Met Council Metro Sewer Line.

Variance Request for 775 Park Avenue

  • Councilmember Cummiskey moved to hold a Public Hearing on September 14, 2010 at 6:50 p.m. for the variance request at 775 Park Avenue, seconded by Councilmember/Acting Mayor Mueller and motion carried. All Council members present voted aye. Mayor Malz and Councilmember Barnes were absent.

Ordinance Change – Uncovered Deck Set Backs

  • Councilmember Cummiskey moved to hold a Public Hearing for September 14, 2010 at 6:45 p.m. for changing the current Zoning Ordinance set back requirement for uncovered decks from 35 feet to 15 feet, seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion carried. All Council members present voted aye. Mayor Malz and Councilmember Barnes were absent.

2011/2012 Joint Assessment Agreement with Carver County

  • Councilmember Cummiskey moved to approve the Service Agreement for Joint Assessment with Carver County, Councilmember Trebesch seconded and motion carried. All Council members present voted aye. Mayor Malz and Councilmember Barnes were absent.

Equipment Sharing Agreement with Carver County

  • Melchert – Hubert – Sjodin, PLLP represent various municipalities in Carver County and are requesting the City of Hamburg sign a waiver of potential conflict interest agreement regarding the Equipment Sharing Agreement with Carver County.
  • Councilmember Cummiskey moved to approve the Waiver of Potential Conflict of Interest Regarding Equipment Sharing, seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion carried. All Council members present voted aye. Mayor Malz and Councilmember Barnes were absent.

Property/Casualty Insurance Renewal

  • Council discussed if the City should require additional liquor liability coverage for Hall rentals.
  • No decision was made at this time.

2011 Preliminary Budget

  • 2010 Budget Items to Consider
    • Items to be completed yet this year will be largely determined by the final cost to repair the Hall Canopy.
    • Cash flow estimates will be looked at towards the end of the 2010. The City is pushing towards a six to eight month cash flow. The requirement suggested for a City is a five to six month cash flow. Later this year the Council will discuss taking any excess monies and putting it towards the 2011 budget and/or set the money aside for future Capital purchases.
    • Council discussed purchasing a small used truck for Maintenance Worker Byerly and decided to put it on the Budget Items to Consider (Wish List).
  • 2011 Budget Items to Consider
    • 2011 Policing Model (Proposed Reduction of one full time employee.)
    • City Council Wages/Employee Wages for 2011
    • Set of forks for the Bobcat – Council added $700 in the 2011 Proposed Budget for this item.
    • New Generator for Lift Station – Current generator is around 30 years old.
      • Maintenance Worker Byerly will be asked to check into pricing for a new one.
    • 2011 Certified LGA ($58,777)
      • Council had previously discussed and decided not to add the 2011 LGA into the 2011 Budget. This money may or may not be received (in full) from the State of MN.
  • Set Date for Next Budget Workshop Meeting
    • Councilmember Cummiskey moved to set the next 2011 Budget Workshop meeting on August 31, 2010 at 7:30 p.m., seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion carried. All Council members present voted aye. Mayor Malz and Councilmember Barnes were absent.

Request for Time-Off (September 7, 2010)

  • City Clerk Gruenhagen requested September 7, 2010 off.
    • Councilmember Trebesch moved to approve City Clerk Gruenhagen request for September 7, 2010 off, seconded by Councilmember Cummiskey and motion carried. All Council members present voted aye. Mayor Malz and Councilmember Barnes were absent.

Portable Restroom (Park)

  • Council discussed and decided to have the Park Portable Restroom removed on September 28, 2010.

Minnesota Valley Regional Rail Authority

  • The Minnesota Valley Regional Rail Authority submitted a new MVRRA Fee Schedule. The fee amount for Hamburg will be $450 for the year 2011. The fee amount for 2010 was $216.73.


City Council Reports


Councilmember Mueller (Sewer & Water)

  • Councilmember Mueller commented on his disapproval of the paper singling out Councilmember Cummiskey for not yet signing his easement.
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen added that he had spoken with the Cummiskey's on what was printed in the paper, where they basically singling out Councilmember Cummiskey, but did not list anyone else who has not signed.
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen wanted it on record that he did reply to the editor of the article that he should have listed all the people where easements need to be obtained. City Clerk Gruenhagen wanted it on record that what was written did not come from him. It was also stated in the article that stated people had not come in to him to give reasons why they have not signed. City Clerk Gruenhagen commented that people have not come in to do any further negotiations. People have given him reasons why they are not signing.


Councilmember Cummiskey had nothing further to report

Councilmember Trebesch had nothing further to report.


Councilmember Barnes (Parks) was absent.


Mayor Malz was absent.


Approve Claims List for August 2010


Claims List August 2010

  • Councilmember Trebesch moved to approve the August Claims List from claim number 14560 through 14601 plus the four (4) ACH payment, seconded by Councilmember Cummiskey and motion carried. All Council members present voted aye. Mayor Malz and Councilmember Barnes were absent.


Councilmember Trebesch moved to adjourn the Hamburg City Council meeting at 8:57 p.m., seconded by Councilmember Cummiskey and motion carried. All Council members present voted aye. Mayor Malz and Councilmember Barnes were absent.



Submitted by:                                                    



Sue Block

                                                                                         Deputy Clerk

Friday, September 10, 2010

Hamburg City Council Agenda – September 14, 2010

*****Public Hearing Notice and Ordinance Number 138 have been posted on the blog site as well ****



6:45. Public Hearing – Ordinance Number 138


7:00. Call City Council Meeting to Order @ 7:00 PM

  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Miscellaneous Business (Public Comments)
  • Agenda Review (Added Items) and Adoption
  • Review Claims List for September 2010
  • Approve Minutes for August 24, 2010
  • Old City Business (Memo)


7:10. Fire Department Report

  • 2010 FEMA Grant/US Fish & Wildlife Grant/DNR Grant
  • Emergency Response Equipment Grant Program
  • Support of AFG Grant
  • Hamburg Fire Department Officers
    • Selection vs. Election
  • New Paging System
  • FD Training Grant


7:25. Dennis' Report (Public Works & Utilities)

  • Mock OSHA Inspection (July 14th, 2010)
  • Community Hall Ramp Canopy Repairs (Estimates)
  • Water Tower Stand Pipe Repair
  • Water Wells Usage/Water Consumption for 2010
  • Project List (Added Items)


7:50. Deputy Clerk Report

  • Delinquent Utility Bills Report


7:55. City Clerk/Treasurer Report

  • I/I Abatement Program (Sanitary Sewer/Storm Water Improvements)
    • Easements for Project
    • Pre-Construction Pictures
    • Funding for Sanitary Sewer/Storm Water Improvements
  • Variance Request for 775 Park Avenue
    • Adopt Ordinance Number 138
  • Tax Forfeiture Sale (470 Brad Street)
  • Commercial Building Rehabilitation Loan Program
  • Carver County Open Fiber Initiative (Broadband Grant)
  • 2011 Proposed Tax Levy and 2011 Budget
    • Set Proposed Property Tax Levy for 2011
    • Approve 2011 Preliminary Budget
    • Set Public Comment Meeting for Final 2011 Budget
      • December 7, 2010
  • Potential Refunding of Bonds (Informational)
  • Letter from Abdo, Eick & Meyers (Informational)




8:30. City Council Reports

  • Councilmember Mueller Report (Sewer & Water)
  • Councilmember Cummiskey Report (Streets)
  • Councilmember Trebesch Report (Buildings)
  • Councilmember Barnes Report (Parks)
  • Mayor Malz Report


8:45. Approve Claims List for September 2010


8:50. Recess City Council Meeting


8:50. Move to Closed Meeting for the purpose of Land Acquisition Negotiations (Purchase of Private Property for Storm Water Pond)


9:15. Move to Reopen the City Council Meeting


9:15. Adjourn City Council Meeting (Adjournment of City Council Meeting following completion of Closed Meeting)
































"The times set forth above are estimated.  Some subjects may take a longer time to discuss and take action on; some subjects may take less time than set forth."

City of Hamburg – Ordinance Number 138









The City Council of the City of Hamburg ordains the following amendment to Chapter 160A - Zoning Ordinance of the City of Hamburg Code of Ordinances:


Section D – General Provisions, Subdivision 3 - Lot and Yard Provisions and Exceptions, Subpart B - Yard and Setback Requirements is amended to insert item f. under subpart 3. as follows:


Rear yard setback exceptions:

In the R-1 Single Family Residential District, balconies, steps, patios, terraces, and uncovered decks may extend into the required rear yard setback by a distance not to exceed twenty (20) feet.


(Note:    The stricken language is deleted; the underlined language is inserted.)


SECTION 2. Effective Date of Ordinance.


This ordinance shall be in effect from and after its passage and publication according to law.


Passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Hamburg this 14th day of September, 2010.




                                CITY OF HAMBURG:





                                Richard Malz, Mayor





    Jeremy Gruenhagen, Clerk-Treasurer






(Published in the Norwood-Young America Times on September 16, 2010)

City of Hamburg – Notice of Public Hearing – September 14, 2010








Notice is Hereby Given that the Hamburg City Council will hold a Public Hearing on September 14, 2010 at 6:45 p.m. at the Hamburg Community Center at 181 Broadway Ave., Hamburg, MN.


The reason for the public hearing is to amend the portion of the Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 160A) pertaining to back yard setbacks pertaining to decks. The minimum back yard setback is proposed to be fifteen (15) feet from the back lot line, rather than thirty-five (35) feet as stated in the existing ordinance.


If you have any questions or concerns about this hearing feel free to attend this hearing, call the City Offices at (952) 467-3232 or write in advance to the City of Hamburg, 181 Broadway Ave., Hamburg, MN 55339.





                            Jeremy Gruenhagen

                            City Clerk-Treasurer




Thursday, September 9, 2010

Burning the Koran: Freedom of Speech?

Terry Jones, a preacher in a small Florida church, is making a name for himself as he plans to burn the Koran on September 11th. General David Petraeus warned, in an e-mail to the Associated Press, last week that "Burning copies of the Muslim holy book could endanger U.S. troops and Americans worldwide." Americans already, especially our troops in the Middle East, have targets on their backs. Terry Jones is simply exercising his American born right to freedom of speech to send a message to the Muslims that America will not cower to Islam. I do not see why people are raising a fuss over this. If the media had not given this event the coverage it has then only the people in the 50 member congregation would have known about it. Instead the media blows this up and demonizes an American by using the military as its foil; how ironic is that?

When the dust up erupted over the Mosque being built so close to Ground Zero the same media zealots and White House stated emphatically that it was the Imam's Constitutional right to build. Why then are the same people going after Terry Jones for exercising his Constitutional right? Are Constitutional rights's only applicable to non-white, non-christen, non-male members of society? General Petraeus and President Obama, are you serious when you feel that after the book burning that our troops will have bigger targets on their backs? Really? Will the burning of the Koran enrage the radical elements of Islam? Of course it will but not any more or less than the existence of the Imperial West does already. Will other Muslims be irked by the burning? Probably but they too should understand the context of the burning as well. Just as many that I speak of are looking for the Tea Party to call out the fringe elements of the movement so should non-radical Muslims denounce the radical elements within their midst.

Much like the Mosque fiasco, no one can argue that Constitutionality of the event planned by Terry Jones instead the focus is on whether it is right or wrong. And if we don't want to send the wrong message to the world then either doesn't report it at all or report the event as one American exercising a freedom granted every citizen of the United States.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Year of the Raven

After a nice long weekend and reading that the private sector is creating jobs while good ole big government is not perhaps the man in charge will realize his economic philosophy is not working. That being said the NFL starts another season on Thursday when the Minnesota Vikings travel to New Orleans to take on the defending Super Bowl champs. So what do people think?

Let's start over in the AFC East where Owens bolted from the Bills for greener pastures in Cincinnati. Tom Brady will try to make it a go this year and Randy Moss is hungry for a Super Bowl ring. With all that said, no sophomore slump will take place in New York as the Jets will roar and win the AFC East.

Pittsburgh Steelers will have a tough time this year taking the division let alone making the playoffs but having Big Ben's suspension reduced by 2 games could help. The loss of Leftwhich will really hurt them. The Cleveland Browns will be the doormat of the league this year especially after losing their rookie running-back to ACL tear. The division will come down to a re-vamped Ravens O and Bengals. Carson Palmer has the weapons to have a Peyton Manning style season but is he the same quarterback before the knee injury suffered in the playoffs? Even with Ed Reed out the Ravens will take the division as the O will get the D 20-24 pts a game.

AFC South will continue to be dominated by the Colts. The Jags will fair well as they always play the Colts tough but it won't be enough to overcome Manning. The Texans could make things interesting if Foster can improve on Slaton's numbers and Walter and Owens come back in prime form from season ending injuries. The Titans may figure out a way to get into the playoffs as a Wild Card team but losing some keep members on D may prevent that.

The AFC West had a clear cut winner in the Chargers before Vincent Jackson held out. Without Jackson the Chargers offense may struggle this season as they will have a rookie running back carrying the load for the first time in 10 seasons. The Raiders showed promise in the pre-season but a lot of answers were still left unanswered. If the O can get on track then they may break .500 for the first time since their Super Bowl appearance. The Broncos are not going anywhere this year and may be the doormat of this division.

Divisional Winners – Chargers, Colts, Ravens, and Jets with the Titans and Bengals making the Wild Card. The Ravens will represent the AFC in the Super Bowl.

The NFC won't be so much a crap shoot as each division has a clear winner with few dark horses.

The Cowboys are the class of the NFC East with the Giants a close second. McNabb going to an aging Redskins team will do little but get them a high draft pick next season. The Eagles are in rebuilding mold with a young QB and a second-year back.

The NFC North goes to the Packers. Rodgers has looked near MVP like this pre-season and with another year under his belt in the O; watch out. The Vikings will go as far as Favre goes which may be only until Thursday. The Bears could be the most interesting as Martz takes over the O. The Lions are one year away from actually competing for the division.

New Orleans Saints won't experience the Super Bowl hangover that so many previous winners have. Brees comes out slinging with 4 TD's against the Vikings on Thursday night. The Falcons will give them a run for their money but in the end the Saints D wins out. Panthers and Buccaneers are both in re-building mode and will not factor this year.

With the changes in the desert and Alex Smith finally getting back to back years with the same O Coordinator, the 49ers are the front runner in the NFC West. The Rams will rely on overused Jackson to shoulder the load as the rookie attempts to learn under fire. The Seahawks will battle the Browns all season for the overall number one pick.

NFC Divisional Winners – 49ers, Saints, Packers, and Cowboys with the Vikings (if Favre holds up) and the Giants rounding out the playoff picture.

It will be the Packers going to the Super Bowl. Once at the Super Bowl the Ravens will eke out a last second win as Ed Reed picks off Rodgers bringing back memories of the INT return for a TD by the Raiders when they defeated the Vikings in Super Bowl XI.