Saturday, October 23, 2010

Hamburg City Council Election

To all resident's of Hamburg that may not get the Norwood Young America Times see that link,, to see what the candidates said. I am one of those candidates that will be running for one of the two seats on the City Council. If anyone has any questions about me or my candidacy please post them here and I will respond. Or stop by my house. I will be walking around Hamburg over the coming week to re-introduce and introduce myself. Please take a moment to talk with me and get to know me.

I will answer all questions as I do not shy away from any conversation.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Proposition 19: State Rights being tested

California is at it again. Proposition 19 – Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act – is on the ballot for November. "Attorney General Eric Holder said the Obama administration 'strongly opposes' a California ballot measure to legalize marijuana, warning that federal drug-enforcement efforts would be 'greatly complicated' if the measure passes" ( Putting aside the issue of marijuana as a control substance, a bigger issue is at hand. The issue is State Rights vs. Federal powers. Personally, I do not see why a state could not pass a law that would legalize marijuana.

America has spent trillions on fighting the drug trade. Not to say that is a reason to legalize it but those that I know that use marijuana are not a threat to society no more than the person getting behind the wheel that has been drinking. Then again I don't want to get bogged down in a conversation on the substance control aspect of marijuana. This is similar to the same sex marriage debate. If a group of people, as in California, want to legalize marijuana and are not going to sell it or advertise the sale of it outside of the state does the Federal government have jurisdiction? Does the Supremacy Clause apply? Is this an example of State Rights vs. enumerated powers to the federal government?

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Reenactments Participation really campaign fodder?

Wow, I really mean WOW!!!! It is Sunday morning and along with it brings tea, making breakfast for the family and reading the Star Tribune. It did not take long in reading the paper this morning to find a story that has no purpose in the election process. The story was one transplanted from the Washington Post with the tag line "GOP candidate wore Nazi uniform at reenactments". Democrats are truly worried about losing the House of Representatives, rightfully so, and have done a hit piece on Republican challenger Rich Iott. According to the article, Rich Iott participated in reenactments, with his son, of 5th SS Panzer Division Wiking as they fought the Soviets.

Rich Iott defended himself by saying, "Never, in any of my reenacting of military history, have I meant any disrespect to anyone who served in our military or anyone who has been affected by tragedy of war. I have immense respect for veterans who served our country valiantly, particularly those who fought to rid the world of tyranny and aggression by relegating Nazism to the trash heap of history." Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee spokesman Ryan Rudominer stated, "It sends a chilling message to all Americans, especially to our veterans and to those of the Jewish faith, that John Boehner and the Republican leadership in Washington would actively seek out a candidate like this and embrace him." Rich Iott, as of yesterday, was listed on the Republican's website as one of the "Young Guns". Is this really an issue in the campaign? Does participating in a reenactment translate to a character flaw for office?

Every year, up and down the East Coast reenactments of the Civil War takes place. Does that mean that every person that fights on the side of Johnny Reb is a racist, bigot and insensitive to minorities? This attempt to smear a challenger is why so many Americans are turned off by politics. Is Rep. Marcy Kaptur really in that much trouble of losing her House seat that she needs to campaign on a non-issue of reenactments? I am running for City Council in Hamburg this year. Granted we are talking about a small community, to many in Hamburg I am still an outsider even though I have lived there for nearly 8 years. While those seeking re-election have made decisions that I don't agree with, I will not use inflammatory attacks on their non-council decisions to win an election. I will stand on my own two feet and state my vision, principles and thoughts of what can move Hamburg forward and if that is not what residents of Hamburg seek then life will go on.

For politicians that seek to use the smear campaign or supporters of said candidates is a weak attempt and indicates, to me at least, that their candidate doesn't have the mustard to hold office. So, does it really matter that Rich Iott participated in reenactments of WWII as a SS solider?

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Hamburg City Council Agenda – October 12, 2012




7:00. Call City Council Meeting to Order @ 7:00 PM

  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Miscellaneous Business (Public Comments)
  • Agenda Review (Added Items) and Adoption
  • Review Claims List for October 2010
  • Old City Business (Memo)


7:10. Fire Department Report

  • 2010 FEMA Grant/US Fish & Wildlife Grant/DNR Grant
  • State Fire Chiefs Convention
  • New Paging System
  • Defibrillator Recall
  • Hamburg Fire Department Officers
    • Selection vs. Election
  • Snow Removal Contract for 2010-11 (Wm. Mueller & Sons)


7:20. Hamburg Lions Club

  • Lawful Gambling Permit for November 19, 2010


7:25. Joe & John Hubler (411 Maria Avenue)

  • WAC & SAC Fees (Memo from Ann Perry)
  • Public Hearing – October 26, 2010 @ 6:45 PM
    • Rezoning of 411 Maria Avenue
    • Conditional Use Permit


7:40. Carver County Attorney Jim Keeler

  • 2011 Prosecution Contract


7:55. Carver County Commissioner Jim Ische & Steve Taylor

  • Carver County Open Fiber Initiative (ARRA Funding)
    • Additional Line for HFD
  • County Road 50 Overlay
  • TCW Disposal


8:15. Dennis' Report (Public Works & Utilities)

  • Community Hall Ramp Canopy Repairs
    • Insurance Coverage (Repairs)
  • Mock OSHA Inspection (July 14th, 2010)
  • Water Wells Usage/Water Consumption for 2010
  • Project List (Additional Items)


8:35. Deputy Clerk Report

  • Delinquent Utility Bills Report
  • Project List (Additional Items)






8:40. City Clerk/Treasurer Report

  • I/I Abatement Program (Sanitary Sewer/Storm Water Improvements)
    • Easements for Project
    • Pre-Construction Pictures
    • Project Schedule
    • Funding for Sanitary Sewer/Storm Water Improvements
      • Clean Water Revolving Fund (2011 Project Property List)
  • Proposal from EPA Audio Visual, Inc. (Projector & Screen)
  • 2010 Budget Items
    • Items Budgeted to be Completed in 2010
  • Statewide Health Improvement Program (SHIP)
  • Request for Time-Off
    • October 21st & 22nd
  • Notice of Public Hearing – County of Carver (Informational)
  • Letter from Tom Horner (Informational)


9:10. City Council Reports

  • Councilmember Mueller Report (Sewer & Water)
  • Councilmember Cummiskey Report (Streets)
  • Councilmember Trebesch Report (Buildings)
  • Councilmember Barnes Report (Parks)
    • Community Hall Park Equipment
  • Mayor Malz Report


9:25. Approve Claims List for September 2010


9:30. Recess City Council Meeting


9:30. Move to Closed Meeting for the purpose of Land Acquisition Negotiations (Purchase of Private Property for Storm Water Pond)


9:50. Move to Reopen the City Council Meeting


9:50. Adjourn City Council Meeting (Adjournment of City Council Meeting following completion of Closed Meeting)














"The times set forth above are estimated.  Some subjects may take a longer time to discuss and take action on; some subjects may take less time than set forth."

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Rutgers Student’s face possible Hate Crime charges after violating roommate’s trust

Last week saw Tyler Clementi jumping off the George Washington Bridge after realizing his tryst with another man was shown on the web. The display on the web was not by accident rather it was the work of Clementi's roommate Dharun Ravi and another fellow Rutgers University student Molly Wei. After ruling Clementi's plunge as a suicide, Ravi and Wei were charged with invasion of privacy. Since that time Middlesex County Prosecutor Bruce Kaplan is considering additional charges, "We will be making every effort to assess whether bias played a role in the incident." The additional charge is to charge the duo with a hate crime.

While the action taken by Ravi and Wei violates the trust of roommates and Clementi's cowardly reaction to it, does it really warrant the label of hate crime? Let's say that Clementi does not take the plunge, is anything done? Probably not! The other charge being levied, invasion of privacy is interesting as well since nothing in the Constitutional gives anyone the right to privacy. The Constitutional protects one from right of property but not privacy. What should be the punishment for Ravi and Wei for their violation of trust? Does the punishment increase because Clementi committed suicide? Does it rate as a hate crime?

Friday, October 1, 2010

Hamburg City Council Minutes – Preliminary Budget Workshop – August 24, 2010

Acting Mayor Larry Mueller called the Special Meeting of the 2011 Preliminary Budget Workshop to order at 6:01 p.m. Councilmember Steve Trebesch, Councilmember Brian Cummiskey, and City Clerk Jeremy Gruenhagen were present. Chris Lund (612 Kim Ave), Maintenance Worker Dennis Byerly, and Fire Chief Droege arrived later during the meeting. Mayor Richard Malz, Councilmember John Barnes, and Deputy Clerk Block were absent.


General Fund Budget – The print out listed the 2009 Budget, Year End Totals for 2009, 2010 Budget, Estimated Actual as of 08/20/2010, and what is proposed for the 2011 Budget.

  • Intergovernmental Receipts
    • Local Gov't Aid (LGA)
      • No dollar amount was entered for the 2011 Budget.
      • Certified LGA amount for 2011 is scheduled to be $58,777.
      • Council had previously agreed not to list the LGA amount in the 2011 Budget because this amount may not be received (fully) due to the current economic status and the States Budget deficit.
  • Revenues
    • Property Taxes for 2011 will remain the same as in the 2010 Budget ($374,401).
    • 2011 Budget is currently based on a zero percent tax increase.
  • Expenses – General Government
    • Wages will remain the same, zero percent increase from the 2010 Budget ($51,075).
    • Payroll Taxes increased by approximately .25 to .5 percent due to increases in PERA.
    • Health Insurance was increased ten percent. Actual figures (rates) will not become available until the end of October.
    • Workers Comp. Insurance and Property & Casualty Insurance was increased five percent. Rates for 2011 will not be available until the end of October.
    • Office Equipment
      • New Laptop Computer was budgeted for 2011; current one is four years old and slowing down.
      • New Copier was budgeted for 2011; current copier is about five years old.
    • Telephone & Internet Fees were increased by two percent.
    • Electricity was increased by three percent.
    • Natural Gas was increased by ten percent.
    • Equipment & Improvements – General Government Buildings – budget was increased an additional $1,000 in 2011.
    • Repairs & Maintenance – General Government Buildings – budget was increased an additional $3,000 in the 2011 Budget.

Public Safety

  • Police Protection
    • Police protection budget decreased from $23,941 in 2010 to $15,263 in the 2011 Budget.
      • 2011 Tri-City Police Plan
        • Hourly - $9,463 (reduction in hours)
        • CSO - $3,700 (no reduction in hours)
        • SWMDTF - $2,100 (no reduction in hours)
  • Animal & Mosquito Control
    • Budgeted amount will stay the same from 2010 to 2011 ($2,650) unless Council decides to increase the 2011 Budget amount.


  • Fire Department Relief Association – Cities Municipal Contribution for 2011
    • The Cities contribution to the Fire Departments Relief Association in 2011 will be $46,725.
      • This amount does not include any additional contribution. The past two years the City has contributed an additional $2,000 per year to improve funding ratios.

Public Works

  • Streets
    • Street Lighting budget was increased by 3%
    • Seal Coating, Crack Sealing, and Street Maintenance & Sidewalk Repairs
      • Council will have to discuss and make a decision on what projects should be done if LGA funds do become available.
      • Council discuss and decided to get estimates on how much it would cost to mill and overlay several of the Cities Streets in 2011.

Park & Recreation

  • Repairs & Maintenance and Equipment & Capital Improvements Budget.
    • Council had previously discussed residing the Park Food Stand at a cost of around $5,000 to $6,000. This will be included on "2011 Other Things to Consider" List.
    • Contracted Mowing Services.
      • Council decided to put money into the 2011 Budget for part-time help just in case a part-time person would need to be hired in 2011.
    • Council also discussed whether or not to budget for spraying weeds.

Community Hall

  • Repairs & Maintenance
    • Items to Consider for the 2011 Budget are many items that were budgeted for in 2010 but were put on hold for a variety of reasons.
      • Council discussed and agreed that the Hall Handicap Bathroom should be a high priority. Estimated cost to build the bathroom was around $14,000 to $15,000. 2010 Budget included $8,000 for the project.
  • Equipment & Capital Improvements
    • The Hall Ramp/Canopy has to be repaired before winter.
    • There is $11,000 in the 2010 Budget for Equipment & Capital Improvements.
  • Air Conditioning for the Hall
    • Council discussed going "Green" to heat and cool the Hall. The cost of a geothermal unit will be looked into.

Transfers Out

  • As of this meeting there is only one Transfer Out Budgeted for 2011 and that is $15,000 to the Water Fund.


City Clerk Gruenhagen informed Council that if no changes are made to the 2011 Preliminary Budget, as printed, and keeping the Tax Levy the same, the City would have a net income of about $6,935. This amount would give Council some room to decide on what they want to include in the Final 2011 Budget.

  • One of the biggest concerns is maintenance on the City streets.
  • Other items can be decided on when the City knows the amount of LGA funding in 2011.


Debt Service Budget to Actuals

  • No major variances from 2010 to 2011.


Debt Service 2011 Budget

  • 2008 Peterbilt Certificate of Indebtedness
    • Equipment Replacement Fund Budget line item ($7,500) will be used towards the 2009 Peterbilt Tanker Certificate payment for 2011.
  • Fire Chief Droege requested budgeting money for the Truck Replacement Fund.
    • Currently no money is being set aside for future Capital purchases.
    • This item was eliminated to off set the increase for the Cities share of the New Peterbilt Tanker.
  • 2001 International HD Rescue Truck Certificate of Indebtedness
    • City Council will need to work with the Fire Department Relief Association on how to handle the budgeted line items (property taxes/miscellaneous income) for income that were left blank.
    • When the 2001 International HD Rescue Truck certificate was purchased there was no real definite agreement drawn up on how the City's portion would be paid. What was talked about was if the City did not loose any LGA it was agreed that the City would help out. No dollar amount was budgeted for income (property taxes/miscellaneous income) and City Clerk Gruenhagen needs to know what amount and what line item to budget for income since the old HD Rescue Truck did not sell and no contributions from the HFDRA have been received at this time.
    • Council discussed and decided that no agreement was made, Fire Chief Droege was the only one who mentioned that if the City does not loose its LGA then maybe the City could put some money towards the purchase. The City Council never agreed to use City monies toward the purchase of the truck.
    • The old Rescue Truck was estimated to be sold for $15,000 and that money was to be used as a partial payment for the new Rescue Truck. However, the old Rescue has not sold and the price has now been reduced.
    • At this time not knowing what the FD Relief Association will be giving towards the purchase City Clerk Gruenhagen will have to budget $8,972.50 as income received from Property Taxes for the Cities payment. Young America and Washington Lake Townships will be paying a combined $15,160 towards their portion of the yearly certificate payment. Total payment for 2011 is $24,133.
    • The priority for the 2011 budget is to receive information on the amount the Relief Association will be putting towards the certificate payment for 2011. Without this information and the sale of the old Rescue Truck the Cities taxpayers will have to cover the remaining 2011 payment in the amount of $8,972.50.
      • City Clerk Gruenhagen Stated it is in the Cities best interest to have a set (written) financial plan on how equipment will be purchased before the purchase is made.
    • Originally the agreement was that the purchase of the Rescue Truck would be split three ways; one-third paid by Young America Township, one-third paid by Washington Lake Township, and one-third paid by the HFD Relief Association with no cost to the taxpayers.
      • Fire Chief Droege previously commented that the City did not loose any LGA so the City can put that towards the purchase. Council discussed and agreed that the Fire Chief can not spend taxpayer's money. It will be up to them on how to handle this situation.


The Proposed Tax Levy has to be set by September 15, 2010.


Water/Sewer Fund

  • No major changes for 2011 but City Council will have to decide on setting user fees for 2011.
  • Water Fund
    • With no increases and if everything comes in according to 2011 budget there will be about a $10,000 surplus including the transfer of $15,000 from the General Fund. The water fund will be about $5,000 short from being self sufficient; funded by user fees only without a transfer from the General Fund.
  • Sewer Fund
    • With the I/I project possible starting next year the Council will have to look at user fee increases and a Water Utility Fee to cover debt payments.
    • The Sewer Fund is almost depleted due to Engineering Fees for the I/I project. Over the past two years $250,000 has been spent on this project.


Councilmember Cummiskey moved to adjourn the 2011 Preliminary Budget Workshop meeting at 6:57 p.m., Councilmember Trebesch seconded and motion carried. All Council members present voted aye.




                                        Submitted by:




                                        Sue Block

                                        Deputy Clerk




Hamburg City Council Minutes – September 14, 2010

Mayor Malz called the Hamburg City Council meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Steve Trebesch, Councilmember John Barnes, Councilmember Brian Cummiskey, Councilmember Larry Mueller, City Clerk Jeremy Gruenhagen, Deputy Clerk Sue Block, Maintenance Worker Dennis Byerly, and Fire Chief Brad Droege were in attendance.


Agenda Review (Added Items) and Adoption

  • Added – Estimate from Vos Construction, Inc.
  • Added – Estimate from K and K Services, LLC.
  • Added – Updated Delinquency List
  • Added – Commercial Building Rehabilitation Loan Program
  • Added – Updated Claims List
  • Councilmember Mueller moved to adopt the agenda with the five additions, seconded by Councilmember Barnes and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.

Review Claims List for August 2010

  • Check #14610, 14611, and 14612 were voided due to a printing error.
  • Check #14622 to City Clerk Gruenhagen was mostly for mileage to and from Election training, the purchase of a new fax machine, and QuickBooks 2010.
  • Check #14632 (Robb's Electric) grant money was received to install the automatic opener for the Handicap door at the Hamburg Community Center. The Grant money covered the electrical billing from Robb's Electric to wire door.
  • Check #14617 (Econo Foods) $126 of the total amount was reimbursed by the H.I.P. Group for National Night Out.

Approve Minutes for August 24, 2010

There was one correction to the August 24th minutes and that was to change:

  • City Shop Driveway/Sidewalk Update

    There were additional costs to the project of about $930. This was for a 6 x 6 area of new sidewalk, 6 x 9 cemented area that was tore out and replaced were the old Fire Department sign had been, and an additional 24 feet of curb.

    • Correction: was for a 6" deep and 6' area of new sidewalk,
  • Councilmember Barnes moved to adopt the August 24, 2010 with the noted change, seconded by Councilmember Mueller and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.

Old City Business

  • Item #3 – Projector Screen and Projector, and Sound System
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen did speak with Tom Simmons (NYA) however NYA Council has not been addressed on this issue.
  • Item #5 – Closing Pond gates this coming Saturday will be Councilmember Cummiskey.
  • Item #6 – City Clerk Gruenhagen will contact Shawn (To The Home) about correcting the electric wiring for his equipment at the Cities Water Tower.
  • Item #7 – Set Up Play Ground Equipment
    • It will be brought up at the Fire Department meeting if anyone would like to volunteer to help set up the equipment at the Hall Park Area.


Fire Department Report


US Fish & Wildlife Grant/DNR Grant/FEMA Grant

  • No new updates.


Emergency Response Equipment Grant Program

  • A grant application was submitted to AgStar for $2,310. If the grant is received the money would be used for purchasing seven (7) Voicemiters.

Support of AFG Grant (Aid to Firefighters Grant)

  • Letters and emails were sent to Senator Klobuchar, Senator Franken, and Representative Kline requesting their support for the Aid to Firefighters Grant application for the Fire Paging project
    • Representative Kline's office responded back stating his office has already sent a letter of support.

Hamburg Fire Department Officers – Selection vs. Election

  • City Clerk Gruenhagen will follow up on this with the League of Minnesota Cities.

New Paging System

  • No new information however there will be a Chief's meeting in October and more information should be obtained at that time.

Training Grant

  • This item will stay on the agenda as a reminder to send in for reimbursement until the money is used up.

Accident Service Call on March 23, 2010

  • The Hamburg Fire Department finally received partial payment ($350 instead of the set rate of $450) from NEP Logistics for the accident service call on March 23, 2010.

NFPA Lighting on Trucks

  • The Fire Department will be checking into the cost of putting Chevron lights on the back of the Rescue Truck and Tanker.

Truck Replacement Fund

  • Fire Chief Droege would like to have money set aside in the budget for truck replacement.

Relief Association

  • Fire Chief Droege wanted to request a raise for the Fire Relief Association however the Council felt his request should have been presented before the Preliminary Budget Meeting. As of this meeting it's too late in the Budget process to ask for a raise now.

Fiber Optic Line

  • Only one fiber optic line is scheduled to be brought into the City offices. Councilmember Mueller suggested having two fiber optic lines, one for the City Office and one for the Fire Department. By having two lines the Fire Department and Ambulance would have a backup line incase one line is down during an emergency.

Old Rescue Truck

  • The old HD Rescue Truck is listed in the Fire Fighters Magazine for $17,500.


Dennis' Report (Public Works & Utilities)


Mock OSHA Inspection – July 14th, 2010

  • All items listed have been completed.

Community Hall Ramp Canopy Repairs (Estimates)

  • Council discussed the estimates received to repair the Community Hall Ramp Canopy. The City Council agreed to dismiss the estimates and agreed to have Maintenance Worker Byerly contact the three contractors who submitted estimates on what they would charge per hour instead of by completed project.

Water Tower Stand Pipe Repair

  • This has been completed.

Water Well Usage/Water Consumption for 2010

  • Water consumption for un-metered water has gone up from last month (31.72% to 41.37%).
  • Council discussed what could be causing the continued increase.
    • Council agreed to continue monitoring the situation.

Project List

  • #4 – Make water shut off key for 420 Maria.
    • Take off list, this has been completed.
  • #7 – Purchase new Shop Vac.
    • Maintenance Worker Byerly commented that he is getting by with the one he has.
    • Council decided to have this removed from the Project List.
  • #8 – Purchase scaffolding at Menards for it is on sale.
    • Councilmember Mueller informed Maintenance Worker Dennis Byerly that scaffolding was on sale. Maintenance Worker Byerly will check into purchasing and using the Menards Rebates received from the Ceiling Tiles purchase.
  • #9 – Fix Ladies Bathroom Door at the Community Center.
    • This can be taken off the list, this was fixed by Councilmember Cummiskey.
  • #11 – Contact Chaska Recycling for price on recycling light bulbs.
    • Maintenance Worker Byerly has called several times but no one has answered.
    • Council discussed various ways to get rid of bulbs. No final decision was made.
  • #14 – Locate where the drain pipes exit the City Shop.
    • Assignment date was August 24, 2010 however this project has not been started.

CCP Industries – Estimate for Shop Towels

  • Representatives for CCP Industries gave Maintenance Worker Byerly an estimate on cleaning supplies. They indicated that they would be cheaper than G&K.
    • Council discussed and decided not to change suppliers at this time. Council did ask Maintenance Worker Byerly to check into various companies about their pricing.


Deputy Clerk Report


Delinquent Utility Bills

  • Diana Payne (350 Louisa St) – Home is in foreclosure – no information on who to contact.
  • Chris Tordsen (618 Kim Ave) – Home is in foreclosure – MN Abstract & Title Co. requested assessment & utility search.
  • Nick Nordin (419 Railroad St)Utility bill will be paid in full at time of closing.
  • Wm. Minnihan (421 Henrietta Ave) – Delinquent Letter Sent – Scheduled water shut off for 9-20-10.
  • Emily Siebold (625 Kim Ave) - Delinquent Letter Sent – Scheduled water shut off for 9-20-10.
  • Brian Cummiskey (724 Park Ave) - Delinquent Letter Sent – Scheduled water shut off for 9-20-10.
  • Fay Buckentin (153 Jacob St) – Per residents request name was changed on water/sewer utility billing and payment agreement was sent.


City Clerk/Treasurer Report


I/I Abatement Program (Sanitary Sewer/Storm Water Improvements)

  • Easements - There are four (4) Easements remaining to be signed.
    • Brian Cummiskey - 724 Park Avenue
    • David Klugherz & Becky Hammers - 613 David Avenue
      • Mr. Klugherz stated he would sign.
    • Schoeppner/Alling - 619 Park Avenue
    • William Panning - 631 Kim Avenue
    • Mackenthun Estate - 631 Park Avenue
      • City Engineer working on a temporary easement but easement may not be required.
  • Councilmember Barnes thanked Councilmember Mueller for all the work he has put into this project.
  • Pre-Construction Pictures
    • Doug Parrott (City Engineer) has asked to go along the proposed sewer lines and take pictures at a cost of no more than $3,200.
    • Council discussed and decided to ask Doug Parrott if there would be a cheaper way to record what items/foliage is in the path of the lines. Council agreed to only proceed if/when the project is a go.
  • Funding for Sanitary Sewer/Storm Water Improvements
    • Once the City knows for sure the project will be started Council will have to decide how the assessment cost will be figured. The funding options will have to be figured out as soon as possible for this is a high priority.
    • The City's 2011 Intended Use Plan (IUP) requested $1,253,178 as the estimated project cost. Some components included in the estimate were determined by the MPCA as not eligible. Therefore the PFA will use the City's estimated sanitary sewer project cost of $371,731 for the 2011 Intended Use Plan for funding through PFA.
  • Council is considering eliminating the easements needed for Mark Kleman, EFN Investments (613 Park Avenue), and the Mackenthun properties by rerouting the storm sewer line to Brad Street.

Variance Request for 775 Park Avenue

  • Adoption of Ordinance Number 138 will eliminate the need to grant a variance for 775 Park Avenue.

Adopt Ordinance Number 138

  • Councilmember Cummiskey moved to adopt Ordinance Number 138, seconded by Councilmember Mueller and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.

Tax Forfeiture Sale

  • The property located at 470 Brad Street will be sold on a Tax Forfeiture Land Sale on September 23, 2010.
    • Minimum bid is $2,500. City assessments are $12,000, excluding any back taxes.

Commercial Building Rehabilitation Loan Program – NYA/Cologne/Hamburg

  • This is a Small Cities Grant application for commercial rehabilitation funds. The maximum loan amount is $40,000 per property. Property owners are required to contribute at least 30% of the total project cost.
  • The city of Norwood/Young America will be the administrator and grantee for the project.
  • Councilmember Mueller moved to apply with Norwood/YA and Cologne for the 2010 Small Cities Grant and to approve the Cooperative Agreement with Norwood/YA and Cologne, seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.

Carver County Open Fiber Initiative (Broadband Grant)

  • Carver County will receive nearly $6 million in federal stimulus funds to expand its fiber optic ring project to provide high-speed Internet connectivity to 86 community partners throughout the county.
  • Council discussed again having two connections from the main line. One lateral for the City office and one for the Fire Department.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen will check if this is a possibility.

Set Proposed Property Tax Levy for 2011

  • Council held a Budget Meeting on August 31, 2010. As a worse case scenario, the Council agreed to eliminate LGA funds from the 2011 Budget and propose a 3.3% property tax levy increase.


  • Councilmember Cummiskey moved to set the proposed Levy Certification for 2011 at $416,601 (3.3% Increase from 2010 Levy), seconded by Councilmember Mueller and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.

Set Public Comment Meeting for Final 2011 Budget

  • Councilmember Barnes moved to set the Public Comment Meeting for the Final 2011 Budget on December 7, 2010 at 7:00 p.m., seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.

Approve 2011 Preliminary Budget

  • Councilmember Cummiskey moved to approve the 2011 Preliminary Budget, second by Councilmember Mueller, and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.


City Council Reports


Councilmember Mueller (Sewer & Water)

  • Councilmember Mueller questioned the incident at 160 Jacob Street (Fatal Accident) listed on the Sheriff's report. He commented that since the accident occurred in Young America Township shouldn't the Township be charged for the Service Call and not the City of Hamburg?
    • Council discussed and decided to bring this up at the next contract meeting with the Sheriff's Department.

Councilmember Cummiskey

  • Councilmember Cummiskey asked if Xcel Energy had been contacted about the leaning pole behind the Hall.
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen responded that he is meeting with Michelle Swanson (Xcel Energy) tomorrow and will report on this at that time.
    • Councilmember Mueller requested City Clerk Gruenhagen to also ask if there would be any cost saving, for the City of Hamburg, to run the generator at the Water Treatment Plant during peak electrical hours.

Councilmember Trebesch

  • Councilmember Trebesch questioned if there is any information on possible rebates for switching over to the new T-3 bulbs.
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen responded that he had asked Maintenance Worker Byerly to follow up on this but has not received any feedback from him.
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen commented that he also asked Maintenance Worker Byerly to check into the cost of redoing the electrical panel in the Hall basement and lighting for the Hall. Again he has not heard back from Maintenance Worker Byerly.

Councilmember Barnes (Parks) had no additional questions or comments.

Mayor Malz had no additional questions or comments.


Approve Claims List for September 2010


Claims List September 2010

  • Councilmember Mueller moved to approve the September Claims List from claim number 14602 through 14639 plus the five (5) ACH payment, seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.




Councilmember Mueller moved to recess the City Council meeting at 8:56 p.m., Councilmember Barnes seconded and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.


Councilmember Barnes moved to close the City Council meeting at 8:57 p.m. for the purpose of land acquisition discussion for purchase of private property for the storm water pond, seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.


Councilmember Barnes moved to close the Closed Meeting at 9:05 p.m., seconded by Councilmember Mueller and motion carried. All Council members were present.


Councilmember Barnes moved to reopen the City Council meeting at 9:06 p.m., seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.


Councilmember Barnes moved to adjourn the Hamburg City Council meeting at 9:06 p.m., seconded by Councilmember Trebesch motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.




Submitted by:                                                    



Sue Block

                                                                                                 Deputy Clerk