Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Senate votes down ban on earmarks, 39-56 - The Hill's On The Money

Senate votes down ban on earmarks, 39-56 - The Hill's On The Money

In a show of bipartisan support the Senate voted down an amendment that would have banned all earmarks for 2012 and 2013. Voters went to the mid-term voting booths with one message in mind - stop spending that increases the deficit.

"I believe I have an important responsibility to the state of Illinois and the people I represent to direct federal dollars into projects critically important for our state and our future," Durbin said. I think this is telling and really disturbs me. The money that our Federal Government brings in should be going for Federal Projects and not State projects. This reliance by States on Federal handouts is just another reason why we have seen an erosion in the 10th Amendment and a lack of accountability of the Federal Government by the States. Sen. Durbin is correct that he has the responsibility to ensure that Illinois has a voice at the Federal level but it should be directed at protecting the Rights of Illinois to be free of Federal mandates like "No Child Left Behind", highway funding, and the health care mandate to name a few.

We need to start electing officials that are willing to go to Washington D.C. and wrestle back control that the States have willfully lost through decades of poor representation of their elected House of Representatives and Senators. That is part of the message, I believe, the Tea Party movement is trying to assert. To allow the further erosion of the 10th Amendment is to put the United States on the same financial footing as Greece and Ireland.

On a side note I started reading a book my daughter gave me for my birthday: Lincoln President-elect: Abraham Lincoln and the Great Secession Winter 1860-1861 by Harold Holzer

Monday, November 29, 2010

The Lame Duck Session of Congress starts today!!!!

It is Cyber Monday and many of us will be going back to work after a four-day weekend as well. For those that work in the corporate world with a computer be mindful of your company's internet policy as you can find yourself unemployed by partaking in Cyber Monday. That aside the citizens of the United States wake up this morning to the start of the Lame-Duck session of Congress. A lot of conversation will be focused on the expiring Bush Tax cuts. Earlier this year a Deficit committee was established to tackle the growing deficit and out of control spending, to which I already talked about, the trouble is a lot of the suggestions made by the Deficit committee won't take place until 2015. Why?

Other issues facing the Lame-Duck Congress are the START Treaty, "Don't ask, Don't Tell", and the extension of Unemployment Benefits. If you are politically junkie, which I am, it will be fun watching this session of Congress as it will be entertaining and most likely unproductive. Then throw into the realm the fiasco in the Korean peninsula and the wikileaks new document dump. Another point to watch is if Republicans stick to their pledge to no pork added to bills or will that pledge not really begin until they take control of the House?

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Hamburg City Council Agenda – November 23, 2010




7:00. Call City Council Meeting to Order @ 7:00 PM

  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Miscellaneous Business (Public Comments)
  • Agenda Review (Added Items) and Adoption
  • Review Claims List for November 2010
  • Old City Business (Memo)
  • Approve Minutes for October 26, 2010 & November 9, 2010


7:10. Fire Department Report

  • 2010 FEMA Grant/US Fish & Wildlife Grant/DNR Grant
  • New Paging System
  • Hamburg Fire Department Officers
    • Selection vs. Election


7:20. Dennis' Report (Public Works & Utilities)

  • Community Hall Ramp Canopy Repairs
    • Insurance Coverage (Repairs)
  • Mock OSHA Inspection (July 14th, 2010)
  • 420 Maria Avenue Curb Stop
  • Water Wells Usage/Water Consumption for 2010
  • 2011 Budget Items
  • Project List (Additional Items)


7:35. Deputy Clerk Report

  • Delinquent Utility Bills Report
  • Project List (Additional Items)
  • Time Off Request for December


7:45. City Clerk/Treasurer Report

  • I/I Abatement Program (Sanitary Sewer/Storm Water Improvements)
    • Easements for Project
    • Pre-Construction Pictures
    • Funding for Sanitary Sewer/Storm Water Improvements
    • Land Purchase for Storm Water Pond/Storm Sewer Options
      • Options to Reduce Property Purchase
    • Project Schedule
  • Metropolitan Livable Communities Act 2011 – 2020 Housing Action Plan
    • Adopt Resolution Number 2010-07
  • Proposal from EPA Audio Visual, Inc. (Projector & Screen)
    • Proposal from EPA Audio Visual, Inc. (Portable Sound System)
  • Mosquito Control Contract – Clarke Environment
  • 2010 Budget Items
    • Review 2010 Budgeted Items & Estimated Year-End Totals






  • Set Special Meeting for Budget Workshop Meeting
    • 2011 Final Budget
    • City Fee Schedule for 2011
  • December 28th City Council Meeting (Cancel)
  • Time Off Requests (December)
  • Project List
  • Informational Items (Comments)
    • Public Hearing – December 1st - Variance for James Stuewe
    • New Federal Regulations – Fiduciary Responsibility for Municipal Advisors
    • City Offices Closed November 25th & 26th for Thanksgiving!


8:15. City Council Reports

  • Councilmember Mueller Report (Sewer & Water)
  • Councilmember Cummiskey Report (Streets)
  • Councilmember Trebesch Report (Buildings)
  • Councilmember Barnes Report (Parks)
  • Mayor Malz Report


8:30. Approve Claims List for November 2010


8:35. Recess City Council Meeting


8:35. Move to Closed Meeting for the purpose of Employee Reviews [Unless any employee requests an Open Meeting for his/her review. Any Open Meeting for Employee Review(s) shall be held prior to any Closed Meeting for Employee Review(s)]

  • Sue Block
  • Dennis Byerly
  • Jeremy Gruenhagen


9:20. Move to Close Closed Meeting for Employee Reviews


9:20. Move to Closed Meeting for the purpose of Land Acquisition Negotiations (Purchase of Private Property for Storm Water Pond)


9:40. Move to Close Closed Meeting for Land Acquisition Negotiations (Purchase of Private Property for Storm Water Pond)


9:40. Move to Reopen the City Council Meeting


9:40. Adjourn City Council Meeting (Adjournment of City Council Meeting following completion of Closed Meetings)




"The times set forth above are estimated.  Some subjects may take a longer time to discuss and take action on; some subjects may take less time than set forth."

Saturday, November 20, 2010

$11,000 fine, arrest possible for some who refuse airport scans and pat downs - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

$11,000 fine, arrest possible for some who refuse airport scans and pat downs - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

The Terrorist have won!!! I previously raised concern over these body scanners. To have your body scanned to display your birthday suit is a violation of ones privacy. I know people are arguing that flying is not a right and one gives up the right to illegal search and seizure by purchasing a ticket to fly. Last time I flew to Tempe, Arizona for work I do not recall seeing a disclaimer or a waiver of rights on it. Nor did anything pop up when we booked a family vacation flight for April. So if you decide to opt out of the body scanner the answer is a full body pat down. Really? I understand that Homeland Security is concerned with keeping the airways safe but a full body pat down or scanners is a bit much.

I know profiling is not a politically correct option but let's get serious and rational about this. Profiles are used all the time by the FBI, CIA, NSA, etc to help them determine cases that present themselves. So why not allow profiles to be established for those that fly? I mean if Person A flies from Minnesota to Florida every year at Thanksgiving odds are their intent is not to blow up the plane. Now if Person B flies to and from locations that are hot beds for Terrorist activity then yes pull them out of line and ensure they are not bringing on items to blow up the plane. When did we lose our rational thought process to keeping our country safe? By profiling in this manner will mitigate the racial aspect. In all the pictures of Terrorist that entered a plane that I have seen not once have they been wearing a turban or traditional Middle Eastern garb; rather they all attempted to wear clothing that blended in with the rest of the passengers.

Profiles work and are effective. Prior to scanners going in and money being wasted on their purchase many said that the images would never be saved or uploaded to the internet. Well that is simply not the case as several hundred images have already found their way to the internet. Plus, is it necessary to pat down a Nun or a three year old child? I encourage everyone that will be traveling this holiday season, if you can, to use the bus, railway or drive your car instead of flying. Let's protest in the most Capitalistic manner we can; with our pocket books. Once airlines start losing capacity their high priced lobbyist will pressure Congress and the rules of the TSA will be changed.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform raises the ire of all sides

On February 18, 2010, President Obama signed an executive order establishing a bipartisan National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform during a ceremony in the Diplomatic Room of the White House. Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson were set as co-chairs of the commission. November 10, 2010, the Co-Chairs Bowles and Simpson put forth their proposal to deal with the United States mid- and long-term fiscal challenges. Here is a link to the Co-Chairs Proposal: http://www.fiscalcommission.gov/sites/fiscalcommission.gov/files/documents/CoChair_Draft.pdf and to their $200B in cost cutting measures : http://www.fiscalcommission.gov/sites/fiscalcommission.gov/files/documents/Illustrative_List_11.10.2010.pdf.

Some of the headlines that followed the unveiling of the proposal were:

The Debt Commission's Free Ride for Boomers – Business Week

Debt panel head: Congress must 'face up' to issue – The Associated Press

Deficit panel's Schakowsky wants defense cuts, higher corporate
taxes – Washington Post

Stop whining about Bowles-Simpson. Let's make it better – CNN Money

That being said, I did read the entire report to see what all the ire raised by both Liberals and Tea Party members was all about. One particular line I enjoyed was made during the "Our Guiding Principles and Values" section (p. 3) "American families have spent the past 2 years making tough choices in their own lives. They expect us to do the same. The American people are counting on us to put politics aside, pull together not pull apart, and agree on a plan to live within our means and make America strong for the long haul." I couldn't agree more with this assessment the trouble for the commission will be getting lawmakers to agree with it.

The "Five Part Plan" for making America strong laid out by the Commission is:

  1. Enact tough discretionary spending caps and provide $200 billion in illustrative domestic and defense savings in 2015.
  2. Pass tax reform that dramatically reduces rates, simplifies the code, broadens the base, and reduces the deficit.
  3. Address the "Doc Fix" not through deficit spending but through savings from payment reforms, cost-sharing, and malpractice reform, and long-term measures to control health care costs growth.
  4. Achieve mandatory savings from farm subsidies, military and civil service retirement.
  5. Ensure Social Security solvency for the next 75 years while reducing poverty among seniors.


Some of the ways the Commission is looking to achieve the five part plan is through reducing tax rates, cap revenue at or below 21% of GDP and bring spending down to 21% as well. One of the proposals to achieve the $200 billion in cuts goes directly opposite of Obama's recent announcement to give Congressional and White House staff a raise during the lame duck session. The Commission is looking to save $50.4, mind you in 2015, by reducing Congressional & White House budgets by 15% and freezing federal salaries, bonuses and other compensation at non-defense agencies for three years. While I agree with reducing budgets and the freezing of salaries but why are we waiting until 2015? Just a generation ago 1 in every 40 Americans working worked for the government now that number is 1 in 4. This ratio the Commission does address as they propose to cut the federal workforce by 10%.

Proposal #15 – Slow the growth of foreign aid – is a good step as our foreign aid has gotten out of control. I understand we live in a global economy but we need to take care of home first before helping others throughout the world. Per the report, under Obama, our foreign aid will increase another 40% which builds upon the 80% increase since 2008. This spreading of American wealth is something we need to curb.

Proposal #21 – Eliminate all earmarks – now this has been a topic for years. The Commission reports that in FY2010 "Congress approved more than 9,000 earmarks costing taxpayers at least $16 billion." Per the Commission one such earmark included $1.9 million for "a Pleasure Beach Water Taxi Service in Connecticut." Really? I recall a lot of discussion over the Stimulus Bill and the pork that was in it. I how many jobs this study in Connecticut saved or created!

Proposal #29 – Sell excess federal property – I don't get this one. Will this be similar to the garage sale that California had last year?

Proposal #32 – Cut Funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting - $500 million dollar savings by eliminating NPR is interesting especially with the rise of talk radio being slanted toward the Conservative thought process. Then again NPR is not suppose to be Left leaning but when one of their own voiced an opinion not of the Left he got fired then promptly hired making big dollars.

Proposal #39 – Apply the overhead savings Secretary Gates has promised to deficit reduction. Defense Secretary Gates goal is to create $100 billion over five years while the Commission only looks to save $28 billion. Then again that makes sense since all of these proposals are for 2015. I will admit I do not nor do I recall hearing about Defense Secretary Gates proposal.

Proposal #40 – Freeze federal salaries, bonuses, and other compensation for the civilian workforce at the Department of Defense for three years - $5.3 billion in savings and Proposal #41 – Freeze non-combat military pay at 2011 levels for 3 years - $9.2 billion. Why not freeze the compensation now? Why wait and allow Congress and/or the President to seek higher increases for these workers?

Proposal #51 – Reduce military personal stationed at overseas bases in Europe and Asia by one-third - $8.5 billion in savings. I'd argue let's reduce it further – say cut it in half. Then again we may need the extra forces in both areas if this new SALT Treaty is passed during the lame duck session.

Proposal #58 – Integrate children of military personnel into local schools in the United States - $1.1 billion in savings. I find this one a bit interesting since it would shift the burden onto the States or other localities where bases exists. I defer more to my military friends for additional information though.

For when it comes to tackling the tax code, I don't think the commission goes far enough. It would eliminate the AMT and some mortgage interest deductions. It is time for America to get serious about simplifying the tax code by implementing a flat tax and eliminating all tax credits. By proposing to eliminate all earmarks, it will be tax credits that will achieve similar ideals that earmarks do. While I agree with many this is a starting point, it will be interesting how things go forward. The 2010 mid-terms resulted in more Conservatives in office and they will have the task of putting up what they ran on.



Thursday, November 11, 2010

Hamburg City Council Minutes – September 28, 2010

Mayor Malz called the Hamburg City Council meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Steve Trebesch, Councilmember John Barnes, Councilmember Brian Cummiskey, Councilmember Larry Mueller, City Clerk Jeremy Gruenhagen, Deputy Clerk Sue Block, Maintenance Worker Dennis Byerly, and Fire Chief Brad Droege were in attendance. Also in attendance was Richard Kroells (Lions Club), Richard Odoms (150 Jacob St.), Joe Hubler and John Hubler (411 Maria Ave).


Miscellaneous Business

  • Richard Kroells representing the Hamburg Lions Club asked Council if they had any objection to the Lions Club upgrading the inside of the Park Band Shelter. There would be no cost to the city.
    • Council discussed and had no objections to the Lion's project.

Agenda Review (Added Items) and Adoption

  • Added – Letter from Melchert, Hubert, & Sjodin
  • Added – Updated Claims List
  • Added – Drawing of proposed location for installation of the new Hall Park play equipment.
  • Councilmember Mueller moved to adopt the agenda with the three additions, seconded by Councilmember Barnes and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.

Review Claims List for August 2010

  • Check #14637 was voided due to data entry error. Check #14638 was issued to replace check #14637 for the correct amount of $2,193.59.
  • Council discussed issuing a check to Henning's in the amount of their bid price for the Storm Sewer work at the City Shop.
    • Council decided to issue Henning's a check for the amount of their bid price ($6,222.00) without receiving an invoice. Henning's are known for not sending out invoices requesting payment for a project they have completed.

Approve Minutes for September 14, 2010

  • Councilmember Mueller moved to adopt the September 14, 2010 City Council Meeting minutes, seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.

Old City Business

  • Item #3 – Projector Screen and Projector, and Sound System
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen and Fire Chief Droege met with Ken Kunkel (EPA Audio Visual, Inc.) at the Community Center to discuss purchasing a projector screen and projector. Also discussed the placement of the equipment.
    • Mr. Kunkel is putting together an estimate for a ceiling mounted electric projector and a projector screen that will come down in front of the east wall cabinet casing. The estimate would also include 4 ceiling speakers.
      • Proposed estimate should not exceed $5,000.
    • No bids are needed because EPA Audio Visual is under the state bid contract.
    • Mr. Kunkel was also sent a request for information on purchasing a sound system.
  • Item #5 – Council decided to open the pond gates (brush pile) one more time this fall.
    • A decision will be made at the October 12th Council meeting on who will close the gates on Saturday October 16th.
  • Item #6 – City Clerk Gruenhagen did contact Shawn Sprengeler (To The Home Internet) about correcting the electric wiring for his equipment at the Cities Water Tower.
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen requested Maintenance Worker Byerly to ask Chuck Allison (Rob's Electric) if the wiring going into the pump house should be on a separate breaker. Also ask if conduit is sufficient or does an outlet need to be run to the outside. Clerk Gruenhagen asked Dennis to find out what is required by code to have an electrical feed to Mr. Sprengeler's internet equipment.
    • Council decided the cost to have the electrical done would be at Mr. Sprengeler's expense.


Fire Department Report


FEMA Grant

  • Grant application should be coming out in November or December.

US Fish & Wildlife Grant

  • Received Grant in the amount of $1,250.

DNR Grant

  • Received Grant in the amount of $450.

New Paging System

  • No new information.

Defibrillator Recall

  • Two of the Fire Departments defibrillators are on a recall list and will be replaced with two new defibrillators.

Fire Prevention Week (October 3-9)

  • The Hamburg Fire Department was invited to the Commissioners meeting in recognition of Fire Prevention Week.

Hamburg Fire Department Officers – Selection vs. Election

  • No new information.
  • An election nomination committee was organized last night during the Fire Department meeting.

Pension Increase for Reporting Year 2010

  • Members of the Fire Department decided not to request a Pension increase for this year.

Convention – October 21, 2010

  • Fire Chief Droege, Adam Glander, Jared Mackenthun, and Brenda Droege will be attending the Fire Chiefs Convention in Rochester, MN on October 21-23, 2010.
  • Members attending will submit receipts for reimbursement of expenses after attending the Conference.

New Applicants

  • Fire Chief Droege received two new applications to be members of the Hamburg Fire Department.

Record Flooding

  • Chief Droege commented on the record flooding in the area. The Hamburg Fire Department may be needed to back up other Fire Departments if more roads are closed and the other Departments are unable to reach any fires or emergencies due to flooding.

Video Taping/Pictures for the I&I Project

  • S.E.H suggested taking pictures/video taping the area where the new sanitary sewer and storm water lines will be installed at a cost of $3,200. Chief Droege suggested asking Brenda Droege to do the video taping instead of S.E.H. Brenda does all the video taping for Wm. Mueller & Sons and the cost would be far less then what S.E.H. suggested.
    • Council will consider Fire Chief Droege's suggestion.

Easements for Sanitary Sewer/Storm Water

  • Fire Chief Droege commented on the urgency of obtaining the remaining easements for the I&I project.



Hamburg Lions Club – Temporary On-Sale Liquor License

  • Councilmember Cummiskey moved to grant the Hamburg Lions Club a Temporary On-Sale Liquor License for their annual Poultry Party on November 19, 2010, seconded by Councilmember Barnes and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.


Sewer/Water Connection Fees – Wac & Sac

  • John and Joe Hubler (411 Maria Avenue) asked Council if the City WAC & SAC charges could be negotiated. Currently the City charges $3,500 per utility hookup, for water and sewer.
  • The City Council and John and Joe Hubler discussed the issue.
    • The Hublers suggested paying $1,500 each for the WAC & SAC charges.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen will get Ann Perry's (Planning Consultant) opinion on possibility of reducing WAC & SAC charges and how to defer payments over a number of years.


Dennis' Report (Public Works & Utilities)


Mock OSHA Inspection – July 14th, 2010

  • Two more exit lights have been purchased for the Hall.

Storage of HFD Apparatus (WTP)

  • Maintenance Worker Byerly asked Council if there is any where else the HFD Apparatus could be stored instead of in the Water Treatment Plant.
  • Council discussed and Mayor Malz volunteered to look at the City Shop area to see if the shop area could be rearranged so the apparatus could stay in the Shop but removed from the electrical box area.

Water Well Usage/Water Consumption for 2010

  • Council continued to discuss possible reasons for the difference between water pumped and water billed. Council's main determination of the difference is that there is one or more leaks and the possibility the last batch of water meters that were purchased are defective.

Community Hall Ramp Canopy Repairs (Estimates)

  • Council discussed the two estimates that were received to repair the Community Hall Ramp Canopy.
    • Vos Construction, Inc. - $60 per hour (153 estimated hrs) - $16,000
    • Dan Oelfke Const, LLC - $7,421
  • Council also discussed a previous bid from K&K Construction which was $40 per hour per person.
  • Council discussed the estimates and decided to hire K&K Construction.
  • Mayor Malz moved to hire K&K Construction at $40 per hour per person to remove and replace all damaged metal from Canopy, cut or remove all fasteners between Hall and ramp and Hall and Canopy, pull posts and supports back to proper position, repair damaged structural supports on ramp to proper height, raise north end landing at top of ramp to proper height, North end of top landing to be sheeted from top to hand rail with plywood, Fix or replace flashing on Canopy over west double doors, if the cost difference for new roof verses repairing the roof is within $250 then a new roof shall be installed, and canapé is not to be tied into the Hall building. Councilmember Barnes seconded and the motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.

Hall Back Steps

  • Council instructed Maintenance Worker Byerly to fix the back steps leading out from the Hall kitchen.

Project List

  • #7 – Purchase scaffolding has been completed
  • #9 – Find out price and places to take light bulbs for recycling.
    • Maintenance Worker Byerly had been giving the schedule and pricing for the Carver County Recycling Center.
  • #11 – Check Heater Chimneys at Fire Station (Leaking)
    • Metro Air will be out tomorrow to fix the problem
  • #14, #15, and #16 – Maintenance Worker Byerly has called but no information received.
  • #12 – Locate drain pipes under shop floor.
    • When Jeff Dale (MN Rural Water) comes out he will be asked to try and locate the drain pipes.
  • Fall – Spray for dandelions in Park – Maintenance Worker Byerly asked Council if they wanted to hire someone to spray for dandelions.
    • Council briefly discussed and decided to have Maintenance Worker Byerly do the spraying. The City does have a sprayer that could be used thus saving the City money.

Electrical Panel by Grinder Station

  • The electrical panel is tipping over and Maintenance Worker Byerly commented that it has been that way for a long time. Council suggested trying to fix the panel.

Curb Stop – 420 Jacob Street

  • Council requested the curb stop by 420 Jacob Street be cut down to road height before winter.

Rural Water Seminar at Cologne

  • Council suggested Maintenance Worker Byerly attends the Rural Water Seminar at Cologne on October 13, 2010.

City Office & Community Center Floors

  • Council discussed the issue with the deterioration of the City Office and Community Center floors.
    • Mayor Malz will contact Adam Glander to look at them and ask him what he would recommend replacing them with.


Deputy Clerk Report


Delinquent Utility Bills

  • Diana Payne (350 Louisa St) – Home is in foreclosure – no information on who to contact.
  • Chris Tordsen (618 Kim Ave) – Home is in foreclosure – MN Abstract & Title Co. requested assessment & utility search.
  • Nick Nordin (419 Railroad St)Utility bill will be paid in full at time of closing.


City Clerk/Treasurer Report


I/I Abatement Program (Sanitary Sewer/Storm Water Improvements)

  • Easements - There are still four (4) Easements remaining to be signed:
    • Brian Cummiskey - 724 Park Avenue
      • In negotiations.
    • David Klugherz - 613 David Ave
      • Mr. Klugherz stated they would sign a temporary easement.
    • Schoeppner/Alling - 619 Park Avenue
      • Have stated they would sign the easement.
    • William Panning - 631 Kim Avenue
      • Mayor Malz will be talking to them.
    • Mackenthun Estate - 631 Park Avenue
      • Mayor Malz will be talking to them.
  • Eminent Domain
    • City Attorney Mac Willemssen had advised the City that if Council wanted to use Eminent Domain it would cost about $4,000 to $5,000 just to start the process. Then there would be the following fees:
      • Fees for the easement/land – negotiation of fair market value.
      • If no agreement is reached then it is sent to another committee/court hearing which would then add more cost to the process.
    • Council continued to discuss what should be done to obtain the remaining easements.
  • Pre-Construction Pictures.
    • Councilmember Mueller and City Clerk Gruenhagen volunteered to go along with Brenda Droege to take pictures and document the route where the water/sewer lines will be going.
      • Council discussed and decided not to have Maintenance Worker Byerly go with when the filming is done. This would eliminate the need to pay out overtime.
    • Council discussed and decided to ask Doug Parrott (S.E.H.) to go with for a few hours so the correct documentation is obtained.
  • Council discussed the memo from Doug Parrott requesting information on what Council sees happening on the project in the upcoming weeks/month. Mr. Parrott is reviewing workload needs for his office employees.
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen will speak with Mr. Parrott on what the City plans are.

2010 Budget Items

  • This information will be kept on the agenda for Council discussion.

Small Cities Grant (Residential)

  • There are two (2) openings for Hamburg residents to apply for the Grant. Program ends when the grant money is exhausted, no specific end date.
  • Commercial Grant is just being started and it may take 2 or 3 years before any grant funds are received.

Tax Forfeiture Sale (470 Brad Street)

  • There were no bids for the land at 470 Brad Street at the County Land Auction Sale on September 23.

Carver County Attorney Jim Keeler & Commissioner Jim Ische

  • Both will be attending the October 12, 2010 City Council meeting.

Melchert – Hubert – Sjodin

  • A letter was received from Melcher-Hubert-Sjodin asking if the City of Hamburg would like to retain the contents of a file referencing legal work done by Paul Melchert in relation to Annexations done in 1971.
    • Due to space limitations the file will be destroyed unless Council would like the contents of the file.
    • Council discussed and decided to pick up the file contents instead of letting it be destroyed.


City Council Reports


Councilmember Mueller (Sewer & Water)

  • Councilmember Mueller had checked the sink hole by Steve Trebesche's property on Railroad Street and concluded that the sink hole was not due to a water leak.


Councilmember Cummiskey had nothing further to report.



Councilmember Trebesch

  • Councilmember Trebesch mentioned that there was oil on the road after Waste Management picked up his garbage container.
    • Council discussed and stated that WM is supposed to clean up any oil that comes from their trucks.


Councilmember Barnes (Parks)

  • Councilmember Barnes and Councilmember Cummiskey presented Council with plans on where the Hall playground equipment would best fit in the area east of the City Hall.
    • Council discussed and did comment that they did like the layout however the plan should be ran by Fire Chief Droege.
      • Fire Chief Droege had previously mentioned that in an emergency the planned out area could be used as a helicopter landing site.
  • Councilmember Barnes also suggested placing a sign between the two existing brick structures indicating that this area is a park.
    • Council agreed and decided to come up with some ideas on what to name the park and present them at the next Council meeting.


Mayor Malz had nothing further to report.


Approve Claims List for September 2010


Claims List September 2010

  • Councilmember Cummiskey moved to approve the September Claims List from claim number 14637 through 14649 plus the one (1) ACH payment, seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.


Councilmember Trebesch moved to recess the City Council meeting at 8:58 p.m., Councilmember Mueller seconded and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.


Councilmember Trebesch moved to open the closed City Council meeting at 8:58 p.m. for the purpose of land acquisition discussion for purchase of private property for the storm water pond, seconded by Councilmember Mueller and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.


Councilmember Trebesch moved to close the Closed Meeting at 9:28 p.m., seconded by Councilmember Barnes and motion carried. All Council members were present.


Councilmember Trebesch moved to reopen the City Council meeting at 9:28 p.m., seconded by Councilmember Barnes and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.


Special Meeting – I/I Abatement Program & Park Equipment

  • Council discussed holding a Special Meeting on October 5, 2010 to meet with City Engineer Doug Parrott to discuss minimum amount of land need for the storm water improvements, other I/I related issues and to the placement of park equipment at the Community Hall.
  • Councilmember Cummiskey moved to hold a Special Meeting on Tuesday, October 5, 2010, at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of meeting with Doug Parrott (S.E.H.) to discuss issues relating to the I/I Abatement Program and to discuss Park Equipment Placement, seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.

Councilmember Barnes moved to adjourn the Hamburg City Council meeting at 9:30 p.m., seconded by Councilmember Trebesch motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.



Submitted by:                                                    


Sue Block

                                                                                                 Deputy Clerk

Hamburg City Council Minutes – October 12, 2010

Mayor Malz called the Hamburg City Council meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Steve Trebesch, Councilmember John Barnes, Councilmember Brian Cummiskey, Councilmember Larry Mueller, City Clerk Jeremy Gruenhagen, Maintenance Worker Dennis Byerly, and Fire Chief Brad Droege were in attendance. Also in attendance was Dean Schule, Joe Hubler and John Hubler (411 Maria Ave), Chris Lund (612 Kim Ave.), Jim Keeler (Carver County Attorney), Steve Taylor (Carver County Commissioner), and Jim Ische (Carver County Commissioner). Deputy Clerk Sue Block was absent.


Miscellaneous Business

  • Dean Scheele was in attendance to hear about the Fiber Optic line.

Agenda Review (Added Items) and Adoption

  • Added – Updated 2010 October Claims List
  • Added – October Check Detail
  • Added – Updated Council's Old Business Memo
  • Added – Updated City Employee Project Lists
  • Added – Updated Delinquency Report
  • Added – Letter from Richard Odoms
  • Councilmember Mueller moved to adopt the agenda with the added items, seconded by Councilmember Barnes and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.

Review Claims List for October 2010

  • Check #14681 (Sun Patriot Newspapers) should be for Legal Notice for Ordinance #138 not #128.
    • Claims list will be corrected.

Old City Business

  • Item #8 – Mayor Malz to contact Adam Glander to look at city office floors.
    • Mayor Malz and Councilmember Mueller met with Adam Glander concerning the deterioration of the city office floors. Mr. Glander was asked what could replace the flooring and the estimated cost.
      • Adam Glander is putting together some ideas and estimated cost to replace the flooring.
  • Item #5 – To The Home Internet Wiring at the City Water Tower
    • Robb's Electric should be out this week to take a look at the wiring and what has to be done to bring the wiring up to code. Mr. Sprengeler (To The Home) will then be contacted to correct the wiring that is currently there.
  • Item #3 – Project Screen, Projector, and Sound System
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen will comment on this during his report.
  • Item #4 – Schedule someone to close the pond gates on October 16th.
    • Councilmember Trebesch volunteered to close the pond gates on October 16th.
  • Item #6 – Install new playground equipment in Hall Park.
    • Councilmember Barnes will comment on this during his report.
  • Item #7 – Decide if the City should require additional liquor liability coverage for Hall, CC, and Park rentals.
    • Council will discuss during the City Clerk Report.
  • Item #10 – Name that Park
    • Will be discussed at the same time item #6 is discussed.






Fire Department Report


2010 FEMA Grant

  • No new information on whether or not the Grant has been given out yet.

US Fish & Wildlife Grant/DNR Grant

  • Grants were received and items have been ordered.

State Fire Chiefs Convention – October 21, 2010

  • Fire Chief Droege, Adam Glander, Jared Mackenthun, and Brenda Droege will be attending the Fire Chiefs Convention in Rochester, MN on October 21, 22, and 23, 2010.

New Paging System

  • During the Fire Chief's meeting on October 14th the paging system will be discussed.

Defibrillator Recall

  • Two of the Fire Departments defibrillators are on a recall list and will be replaced by two new defibrillators.

Hamburg Fire Department Officers – Selection vs. Election

  • More information will be gathered from surrounding Fire Departments on the Pros and Cons of Selection vs. Election.

Snow Removal Contract for 2010 (Wm. Mueller & Sons)

  • Council discussed the proposed snow removal contract with Wm. Mueller & Sons. Council also discussed who will be making the decision of when to plow and sand the city streets.
  • Councilmember Trebesch moved to accept the Snow Removal Contract for 2010 from Wm. Mueller & Sons and to have Mayor Richard Malz and/or Maintenance Worker Byerly act as City Contacts to make the decision, along with Wm. Mueller & Sons, as to when to plow or put sand/salt on the City Streets, seconded by Councilmember Mueller and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.


Hamburg Lions Club

  • Lawful Gambling Permit for November 19, 2010
    • Councilmember Cummiskey moved to grant the Hamburg Lions Club a Lawful Gambling Permit for their annual Poultry Party on November 19, 2010, seconded by Councilmember Mueller and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.


Joe & John Hubler (411 Maria Avenue)

  • WAC & SAC Fees
    • Ann Perry (Planning Consultant) researched and drafted a letter for the City Council showing comparisons of WAC & SAC charges from other smaller cities in Carver County. The comparisons indicated that the City of Hamburg was within the range of rates charged by other nearby communities.
      • Hamburg's fee is $3,500 per utility or approximately $7,000 to hook-up to the Cities sewer and water services.
    • Council discussed lowering the Cities WAC & SAC fees or the possibility of setting up a payment plan with Joe & John Hubler to hook up to the Cities water and sewer services.
      • Council decided to set up a three (3) year payment plan with an interest of $1 per year.
    • Councilmember Cummiskey moved to offer Joe & John Hubler a three (3) year payment contract with a $1 (one dollar) per year interest rate and a final payment due on or before November 1, 2013, upon City Attorney Mac Willemssen approval of the payment plan, for payment of the City of Hamburg's WAC & SAC fees, seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.
  • Public Hearing - Rezoning of 411 Maria Avenue – C.U.P.
    • A Public Hearing was set up for October 26, 2010 at 6:45 p.m. The reason for the meeting is to discuss the request by Joe Hubler to rezone the property located at 411 Maria Ave from R-1 Single Family Residential to B – Downtown Business Mixed Use. A conditional use permit was also requested for 411 Maria Avenue to allow storage, repair, and servicing occupying between 30 to 50 percent of the building and associated with the business use of the property.
    • Councilmember Barnes moved to hold a Public Hearing on October 26, 2010 at 6:45 p.m. for the rezoning (R-1 Single Family Residential to B- Downtown Business Mixed Use) and conditional use permit request from Joe & John Hubler for the property located at 411 Maria Avenue, seconded by Councilmember Mueller and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.


Carver County Attorney Jim Keeler – 2011 Prosecution Contract

  • County Attorney Jim Keeler presented Council with an overview of the 2010 Prosecution Contract and what is planned for in the 2011 Prosecution Contract.
    • The current (2010) contract rate is $305.82 and the proposed contract rate for 2011 is $406.65.
  • Councilmember Cummiskey moved to approve the 2011 Prosecution Contract with the Carver County Attorney's Office, seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.


Carver County Commissioner Jim Ische & Steve Taylor

  • Commissioner Ische and Commissioner Taylor went over the Carver County Open Fiber ARRA Funding and instillation of the Fiber Optic line.
    • Mayor Malz questioned if Emanuel School will be included in the fiber optic ring.
      • Commissioner Ische responded that because Emanuel School is outside of the proposed loop and a private school would not be included in the optic ring or qualify for ARRA funding.
    • Councilmember Mueller and Commissioner Taylor discussed adding an additional line for the Hamburg Fire Department.
      • Commissioner Taylor suggested setting up a meeting with City Clerk Gruenhagen and members of Council to iron out the small details of installing and hooking up to the optic line.
  • County Road 50 Overlay
    • The County is looking to do the overly on County Road 50 through town. The County will complete the overlay when the City completes the portion of the I & I project that will cross County Road 50.
  • TCW Disposal – Glass on County Road 50
    • Council and Commissioner Ische discussed the issue of glass on County Road 50 coming from TCW trucks. They also discussed the Conditional Use Permit between the County and TCW.
    • Council requested another inspection by the County to find out if the requirements of the Conditional Use Permit are being met.
      • Commissioner Ische commented that he would have this done.




Dennis' Report (Public Works & Utilities)


Community Hall Ramp Canopy Repairs

  • K&K Construction (Kip Trebesch) was contacted about being selected to fix the Hall Ramp Canopy. No information on when the work can be started.
    • Maintenance Worker Byerly to follow up on when K&K Construction can start the project.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen submitted the Scope of Work to the Cities Insurance Company (LMCIT) and requested an outline of what they will be covering.

Mock OSHA Inspection – July 14th, 2010

  • Maintenance Worker Byerly will replace the bulb in the outdoor light at the Community Center.

Water Well Usage/Water Consumption for 2010

  • Water usage vs. consumption was down again from last month, however it still does not account for about 20% of usage.

Project List

  • Fall – Spray for Dandelions in Park
    • Has been completed.
  • #26 – Mark Sewer and Water lines at 411 Maria Avenue
    • Continuing to work on.
  • #15 – Check Chimneys in Fire Station (Leaking)
    • Has been completed
  • Find all service lines and curb stops within the City especially the ones along County Road 50.
  • #22 – Move Fire Apparatus from the City Shop to the WTP
    • Will be completed when Mayor Malz has more time to check if the Shop area could be rearranged to store the apparatus rather than moving it.

Request Time Off

  • Maintenance Worker Byerly requested time-off from November 5, 2010 through November 16, 2010. Using 48 hours of vacation time and 8 hours of Holiday pay.
  • Councilmember Mueller moved to grant Maintenance Worker Byerly's requested time off, seconded by Councilmember Barnes and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.


Deputy Clerk Report


Delinquent Utility Bills

  • Diana Payne (350 Louisa St) – Home is in foreclosure – no information on who to contact.
  • Chris Tordsen (618 Kim Ave) – Home is in foreclosure – MN Abstract & Title Co. requested assessment & utility search.
  • Nick Nordin (419 Railroad St)Utility bill will be paid in full at time of closing.
  • Fay Buckentin (153 Jacob St) – Set up a Payment Agreement.
  • Wm. Minnihan (421 Henrietta Ave) – Shut Off Notice sent.

Project List

  • Council had no additions or comments on the project list.






City Clerk/Treasurer Report


I/I Abatement Program (Sanitary Sewer/Storm Water Improvements)

  • William & Deanna Panning (631 Park Ave) have signed their easement.
  • There are still three (3) Easements remaining to be signed.
    • Brian Cummiskey - 724 Park Avenue
      • In negotiations.
    • David Klugherz - 613 David Ave
      • Mr. Klugherz stated he would sign a temporary easement.
    • Schoeppner/Alling - 619 Park Avenue
      • Stated they would sign their easement.
    • Mackenthun Estate - 631 Park Avenue
      • Mayor Malz will talk to them about signing their easement.
  • Pre-Construction Pictures
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen will follow up with Doug Parrott (S.E.H.) on when the pictures need to be completed by.
  • Project Schedule
    • A project schedule will be set up once the remaining easements are signed.
  • Funding for Sanitary Sewer/Storm Water Improvements
    • Council will have to make a decision on how they want the assessments handled along with setting up a Public Hearing to discuss the assessments and the full scope of the project.
  • Clean Water Revolving Fund (2011 Project Property List)
    • The City of Hamburg is currently 111th on the list and is in the fundable range.
      • The Storm Water portion of the project is not fundable according to PFA & MN PCA.
    • Estimated fundable cost of the I&I Project, excluding the Storm Water portion of the project, will be approximately $371,000 for Sanitary Sewer.

Proposal from EPA Audio Visual, Inc. (Projector & Screen)

  • EPA Audio Visual provided Council with an estimated cost of installing a projector and screen in the Community Center. The estimate was $4,331.
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen requested another estimate placing the speakers in the ceiling instead of the walls as stated in the current estimated cost.
  • EPA Audio Visual has not gotten back to Council with an estimate for a Portable Sound System.

2010 Budget Items to be completed in 2010

  • Robb's Electric was asked to come up with an estimated cost to replace the Hall, Shop, and Community Center lights. Once the estimates are received this project could possible be completed this year. There are rebates for replacing or upgrading the lights.
  • Council also discussed other projects that could be completed this year but no decisions were made.

Statewide Health Improvement Program (SHIP)

  • The City of Hamburg has an opportunity to receive grant money through the SHIP program for active living incentives.
  • There are three (3) stages to go through for requesting grant monies.
    • 1st – Conduct an assessment
    • 2nd – Create an action plan.
    • 3rd – Implement action plan
  • There is approximately $10,000 that the City could possible receive through this Grant.
  • Possible Projects
    • Improve traffic areas in town with the new reflective traffic signs that are now required by Federal law. Cities have until 2013/2015 to replace their current signs with the new ones.
    • Sign for Hall Park with a safety barrier around it.
    • Install a bituminous path from the Park parking lot down to the playground equipment.
    • Have the County widen County Road 50 on the west side of town to Hwy 25 for a pedestrian walk way.

Request for Time-Off – October 21st - October 22nd, 2010

  • Councilmember Mueller moved to accept City Clerk Gruenhagens request for time off, Councilmember Cummiskey seconded and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.

Project List

  • Tax Forfeiture Land Sale – 470 Brad Street
    • There were no bids for 470 Brad Street during the land sale.


City Council Reports


Councilmember Mueller (Sewer & Water)

  • Councilmember Mueller reminded Council that by 2013 all traffic signs except no parking signs have to be replaced with the new high density reflective signs with six inch letters.
    • This is a Federal unfunded mandate whereas the City will have to pay for the replacements.
    • By 2015 all city street signs will also have to be replaced with the new reflective signs.
    • The good news is that the County will make the signs free of charge for the City.

Councilmember Cummiskey

  • Councilmember Cummiskey informed Council that he and Russ Schneewind have lined up people to help install the Hall Playground Equipment.

Councilmember Trebesch

  • Councilmember Trebesch asked if the street light located at Sophia and Jacob could be checked by Xcel Energy. The light is continually on.
  • Council mentioned other street lights that should be checked.
    • Light by 311 Jacob Street is out and the one in front of the Myron Stuewes (661 Park Ave).

Councilmember Barnes (Parks) had nothing further to report.

Mayor Malz had nothing further to report.


Approve Claims List for October 2010


Claims List October 2010

  • Councilmember Barnes moved to approve the October Claims List from claim number 14650 through 14688 plus the six (6) ACH payment, seconded by Councilmember Mueller and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.


Councilmember Mueller moved to recess the City Council meeting at 9:30 p.m., Councilmember Trebesch seconded and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.


Councilmember Barnes moved to open the closed City Council meeting at 9:30 p.m. for the purpose of land acquisition discussion for purchase of private property for the storm water pond, seconded by Councilmember Mueller and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.



Councilmember Barnes moved to close the Closed Meeting at 10:12 p.m., seconded by Councilmember Mueller and motion carried. All Council members were present.


Councilmember Cummiskey moved to reopen the City Council meeting at 10:12 p.m., seconded by Councilmember Barnes and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.


Council discussed opening up naming the Community Hall Park to the public. City Clerk Gruenhagen will put something on the City Sign – City looking to name Park by Community Hall. For Information Call City Offices.


Councilmember Mueller moved to adjourn the Hamburg City Council meeting at 10:13 p.m., seconded by Councilmember Barnes and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.



Submitted by:                                                    



Sue Block

                                                                                                 Deputy Clerk

City of Hamburg Special Meeting – 2011 Preliminary Budget Workshop – August 31, 2010

Mayor Malz called the Special Meeting of the 2011 Preliminary Budget Workshop to order at 7:30 p.m. Councilmember John Barnes, Councilmember Brian Cummiskey, Councilmember Larry Mueller, City Clerk Jeremy Gruenhagen, and Deputy Clerk Sue Block were present. Councilmember Steve Trebesch was absent.


General Fund Budget


Intergovernmental Receipts

  • Local Gov't Aid (LGA)
    • Council decided not to include the proposed LGA ($58,777) in the 2011 Budget. This amount may not be received due to the current economic status and the States Budget deficit.
    • If any LGA is received Council will then decide what item on the 2011 Other Items to Consider List should be completed.
  • County Road Aid (County Rd 50)
    • Added $6,750 into the 2011 Budget to be used towards the County Road 50 overlay.
  • Revenues
    • The 2011 Revenues are very similar to what they were in 2010 minus LGA.

General Government Expenses

  • No Wage increases for 2011.
  • Payroll Tax increased by point five percent (.5%) mainly due to PERA increases.
  • Health Insurance was increased ten percent (10%). Will not know actual amounts until the end of October.
  • Workers Comp. Insurance increase of five percent (5%).
  • Telephone increase of two percent (2%).
  • Electricity was increased by three percent (3%).
  • Natural Gas was increased by ten percent (10%) increase.
  • Property & Casualty Insurance increase of five percent (5%) for 2011.
    • Will not know the actual amounts until the end of October 2010.
  • Office Equipment Expenses for 2011 are $1,600.
    • Budgeted purchases for 2011 are for a new Laptop Computer ($1,000) and Copier ($600).

General Government Buildings Expenses

  • Equipment & Improvements
    • Budget includes $1,000 for new tables for the Community Center. This line item could be eliminated or the money used for a different item(s).
  • Repairs and Maintenance
    • There is $3,000 Budgeted for 2011 for (minor) every day repairs.
  • New/Used City Truck
    • Council discussed purchasing a new/used city truck to save on mileage costs and wear & tear on the current City Truck which is ten years old.
    • Council decided to include $5,000 in the 2011 Budget with an estimated cost of $17,000.

City Reserves

  • The Cities cash flow estimate (surplus) could be within the 48% to 52% threshold by the end of the year.
  • Money from the Cities Reserve could be used for capital purchases needed, set aside for future capital purchases, or used to lower the 2011 Tax Levy. The Auditors could question why the City is carrying a surplus above the recommended 40 to 50 percent range; a 40% to 50% surplus is recommended due to cash flow needs. This will be looked at in more detail when the 2011 Final Tax Levy (Budget) is set.


Public Safety

  • Police Protection – Tri-City Police Plan (Hamburg, NYA, Cologne)
    • Hamburg's Portion for 2011 is $15,263 - A decrease of $8,678 from the 2010 Budget.
      • Hamburg Hourly Costs - $9,463
      • Hamburg CSO Costs - $3,7000
      • South West Minnesota Drug Task Force (SWMDTF) - $2,100
  • Mosquito Control
    • Council discussed increasing the 2011 Budget to include an additional spraying for next year.
      • Council decided to add one more spraying for 2011 and increased the Animal & Mosquito Control Budget from $2,650 to $3,000.
  • Fire Department
    • FD Relief Association (Cities Contribution)
      • Currently $46,725 is budgeted for 2011.
      • Council discussed if the City should add an additional $2,000 for 2011. This would be the same amount the City has added in the past years. No decision was made at this time.

Public Works

  • Seal Coating and/or Crack Sealing
    • Council discussed various ideas on what should be done with the city streets and the amount of money that should set aside in 2011.
    • There was $6,000 set aside in last year's budget. Council decided to add $4,000 into the 2011 Budget for Seal Coating and Crack Sealing.
  • Street Maintenance & Sidewalk Repairs has $7,500 in the Budget. Council discussed and decided to add an additional $1,000 to the 2011 Budget.

Park & Recreation

  • Part-Time Help/Contracted Services (Mowing)
    • Council discussed if they should add Part-Time Help and what amount.
    • Council decided to add $1,000 for Part-Time Maintenance help.
  • Pop (Pop Machine in Park)
    • Has $700 in the 2011 Budget
    • City Clerk Gruenhagen will check expenses versus cash receipts if the pop machine at the Park is making any profit.
  • Repairs & Maintenance
    • There is $3,000 in the budget for 2011.
    • Council discussed and decided to make no changes.
  • Equipment & Capital Improvements
    • Council discussed if the $200 should be left in the budget. The $200 was added in 2010 for the purchase of a tree for the Park.
    • Council decided to leave it in the 2011 Budget.
  • New Siding for the Park Food Stand
    • This item was put on the "Wish List" and will be considered if the City receives LGA money.

Community Hall

  • Repairs & Maintenance has $8,000 budgeted for 2011.
  • Equipment & Capital Improvements has $15,000 in the 2011 Budget.
    • Council discussed both items and decided to leave them as is.


Debt Service Budget


2001 International Heavy Duty Rescue Truck

  • Council discussed how the 2001 International Rescue Truck certificate was going to be paid due to the old Heavy Duty Rescue Truck not being sold.
  • The full amount ($24,133) was added to the 2011 Budget minus the $15,160 coming from the two Townships leaving the City with $8,973 to pay. This remaining amount ($8,973) will be paid through City taxes.
    • City does not know what amount the HFD Relief Association will be contributing towards the payment. This amount will not be known until the end of the year.
    • The old Rescue Truck has not sold increasing the amount paid by the City through taxes.


Water and Sewer Fund Budget


  • There is $15,000 budgeted in the General Fund to be transferred to the Water fund.
    • Council discussed and decided to transfer the $15,000 into the Water fund and nothing to the Sewer Fund. The Water and Sewer Fund budgets will be discussed in more detail when the final 2011 Budget is set.


Note: LGA funds amount to about 10% of the Hamburg City budget (revenues).


Council discussed what to set the Proposed Tax Levy at and agreed on a 3.3% increase. The total Proposed Tax Levy for 2011 was set at $416,601.


Councilmember Barnes moved to adjourn the 2011 Preliminary Budget Workshop at 8:58 p.m., seconded by Councilmember Cummiskey and motion carried. All Council members present voted aye. Councilmember Trebesch was absent.



                                        Submitted by:




                                        Sue Block

                                        Deputy Clerk




City of Hamburg Special Meeting – Sanitary & Storm Sewer Improvements – October 5, 2010

Mayor Malz called the Special Sanitary & Storm Sewer Improvements Meeting of the to order at 7:30 p.m. Councilmember Steve Trebesch, Councilmember John Barnes, Councilmember Brian Cummiskey, Councilmember Larry Mueller, City Clerk Jeremy Gruenhagen and Deputy Clerk Sue Block were present. Others in attendance were Maintenance Worker Dennis Byerly and Doug Parrott (S.E.H.).


The reason for the special meeting is to discuss improvements related to but not limited to the construction of sanitary sewer, sanitary sewer services, water main, storm sewer, storm water ponding, easement needs, illegal connections, and miscellaneous items required to properly complete the improvements.


The reason for the special meeting is to also discuss the placement of the new Park Equipment at the Hamburg Community Hall.


Remaining Easements

  • Brian & Maggie Cummiskey - 724 Park Avenue
  • David Klugherz & Becky Hammers - 613 David Ave
  • John Schoeppner & Anna Marie Alling - 619 Park Avenue
  • William & Deanna Panning - 631 Kim Avenue
  • Dustin Mackenthun Estate - 631 Park Avenue


Broken Sewer Line

  • Sean & Heidi Peters, 630 Kim Avenue, had to repair their sanitary sewer service line and when the line was dug up an illegal connection was discovered. A new sewer line was installed and the illegal connection was not reconnected or addressed at this time.
    • During the I & I project more of this type of connection will probable be discovered.


Storm Water Ponding

  • Council discussed other alternatives and possible different sights for the Storm Water Pond.
    • The City has been in negotiations with the Cummiskeys to purchase part of their property to build the Storm Water Pond. At this time no agreement has been reached.
  • Council and Mr. Parrott discussed if Councilmember Cummiskey could be at the Special Meeting.
    • It was decided that as long as no decision was made effecting Mr. Cummiskey directly he could be in attendance as a Council member.


Remaining Easements

  • Council discussed various ways to obtain the remaining easements and what changes the residents are requesting before they sign.
  • Council decided to draft a letter to each resident stating what they are requesting, have the easements changed to meet their requests, and then call to make appointments as to when it would be convenient for them to sign.
  • Council also suggested going to the resident's home with the easement document and Deputy Clerk Block (Notary) and asking them to sign the easement.





Storm Water Pond

  • Council discussed alternative sights on where the Storm Water Pond could be located.
  • Council decided the alternatives would be to eliminate the eastern section of the storm sewer project , work with the Cummiskeys or go through the process and expense of using Eminent Domain.


Placement of Hall Park Playground Equipment

  • Councilmember Barnes presented Council with a diagram of where the new Hall Park playground equipment could be located in the Hall Park.
    • Fire Chief Droege had previously approved the location.
  • Councilmember Barnes moved to approve the submitted diagram for the location placement of the new Hall Park playground equipment, seconded by Councilmember Mueller and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.
  • Council also agreed to name the park and put up a sign stating the site is a Park.


Councilmember Mueller moved to adjourn the Special Sanitary & Storm Sewer Improvements at 8:26 p.m., seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.




                                        Submitted by:




                                        Sue Block

                                        Deputy Clerk




Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Tea Party: Racists or Diverse?


Since the rise of the Tea Party the accusations flew about their racist and bigoted thoughts. At every turn the Liberal media and pundits attempted to paint all Tea Party goers as angry, white, middle aged men. While there was a fringe group that joined the fray for a chance to vent their anger against a black president, the majority of them were just fed up with over taxation, deficit spending, loss of freedoms and the arrogance of a growing central government.

Democrats did their best efforts to put a face on their liberal agenda with Obama because it offered them the opportunity to paint the GOP as the Party of "Fat Cat" white guys. Unfortunately, the Democrats didn't realize the ground swell of fiscal Conservatism that existed in America. Personally, I wished the Tea Party movement had started during the 2010 Primary season to avoid the racist, angry, white man moniker the Left has attempted to paint them.

As the article points out, the Tea Party backed candidates are more diverse then what the media leads on. Probably the biggest Tea Party backed candidate is Marco Rubio and he is a Latino. It will be interesting if the Congressional Black Caucus will offer an invitation to the newly elected black Congressman that are cloaked in the GOP.

Monday, November 8, 2010

7:00. Call Canvass Board Meeting to Order @ 7:00 PM
• 2010 General Election Results
o Adopt Resolution 2010-06

7:05. Call City Council Meeting to Order @ 7:05 PM
• Pledge of Allegiance
• Miscellaneous Business (Public Comments)
• Agenda Review (Added Items) and Adoption
• Review Claims List for November 2010
• Old City Business (Memo)
• Approve Minutes for August 31, 2010, September 28, 2010,
October 5, 2010 & October 12, 2010

7:15. Fire Department Report
• 2010 FEMA Grant/US Fish & Wildlife Grant/DNR Grant
• New Paging System
• Civil Defense Siren Operation
• Old HFD Recue Truck
• Hamburg Fire Department Officers
o Selection vs. Election

7:25. Dennis’ Report (Public Works & Utilities)
• Community Hall Ramp Canopy Repairs
o Insurance Coverage (Repairs)
• Mock OSHA Inspection (July 14th, 2010)
• 420 Maria Avenue Curb Stop
• Sweep City Streets
• Water Wells Usage/Water Consumption for 2010
• Project List (Additional Items)

7:55. Deputy Clerk Report
• Delinquent Utility Bills Report
• Project List (Additional Items)

8:00. Hamburg Improve Parks Group
• Playground Equipment for Community Hall (Park)

8:15. City Clerk/Treasurer Report
• I/I Abatement Program (Sanitary Sewer/Storm Water Improvements)
o Easements for Project
o Pre-Construction Pictures
o Funding for Sanitary Sewer/Storm Water Improvements
o Land Purchase for Storm Water Pond/Storm Sewer Options
 Options to Reduce Property Purchase
o Project Schedule
• Proposal from EPA Audio Visual, Inc. (Projector & Screen)
o Proposal from EPA Audio Visual, Inc. (Sound System)
• 2010 Budget Items
o Review 2010 Budgeted Items to be completed in 2010
• 2011 Health Insurance Rates for Employees
• Closed Meeting for Employee Evaluations
o Employee Valuations – November 23, 2010 Meeting
• Project List
• Informational Items (Comments)
o Carver County Open Fiber Initiative BIT Cities Group
o Policing Contract Clarifications (Memo from Jeff Enevold)
o Public Hearing – Highway 212 ROW in Dahlgren Twp.
o Mediacom Rate Increases
o City Offices Closed November 11th for Veterans Day!

8:45. City Council Reports
• Councilmember Mueller Report (Sewer & Water)
• Councilmember Cummiskey Report (Streets)
• Councilmember Trebesch Report (Buildings)
• Councilmember Barnes Report (Parks)
• Mayor Malz Report

9:00. Approve Claims List for November 2010

9:05. Recess City Council Meeting

9:05. Move to Closed Meeting for the purpose of Land Acquisition Negotiations (Purchase of Private Property for Storm Water Pond)

9:20. Move to Reopen the City Council Meeting

9:20. Adjourn City Council Meeting (Adjournment of City Council Meeting following completion of Closed Meeting)

"The times set forth above are estimated. Some subjects may take a longer time to discuss and take action on; some subjects may take less time than set forth."

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Election Day Results

Well the Republicans won back the House in Congress and gained seats in the Senate. In Minnesota we will have to wait for the official results of our Governor's race as 9000 votes differ between Dayton and Emmer. Surprisingly both chambers of the Minnesota State Legislature will be in the control of Republicans. On a personal note I did win election for City Council to which I appreciate all those that voted for me.

It was entertaining to watch the pundits interpret the national and state results over the past couple of days. While many on the Left point to this being a referendum on the economy those on the Right contend it's the policies enacted by Obama. Which do you think it was? For those in Minnesota, no matter how the recount comes out will either side raise concern over the findings?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Election Day - Go Vote

Today is a special day in America. It is a day that every person on the planet has the freedom to participate in. No matter what you political ideology is find your nearest voting place and cast your lot. You owe it to yourself, to your family, to your fellow citizens, and most importantly to all those that came before you.

For those eligible to vote in Hamburg, please darken the circle next to Chris Lund for City Council.