Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Hennipen County goes overboard

Okay, no one will deny that smoking is bad for ones health. At the same time, one cannot deny the fact that tobacco is a legal product and a cash cow for adding taxes to the coffers. That being said, the County Commissioners in Hennipen County, by a vote of 6-1, enacted a new ordinance that bans smoking from all county property with the exception of roads. The new ordinance is reported to potentially cost those taxpayers in Hennipen County $120,000 for new signs.

The costs of the signs is not really the issue; rather the issue is more government intrusion into our lives. One of the Commissioners who voted for the measure said that taxpayers rights end at "our" property lines. Mr. Commissioner I ask you, "Who is it that you refer to when you say 'our'?" My impression would be that all Hennipen County property really belongs to the taxpayer and not to the any elected official. Perhaps I am mistaken and I missed that part of my training to be City Council.

What will be next? What aspect of our lives that is legal for us to do will be banned? Did we not learn anything from Prohibition?

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Uprisings...fabricated or real?

Okay, I am reading the Sunday paper about the wrapping up of the United States efforts in Libya before handing off things to NATO. Then I flip the page and read of an uprising in Syria. Something does not make sense here. Why does it appear to be a domino effect going on? Or is it an orchestrated attempt to keep the United States engaged in the Middle East?

The other side of me wonders how can a man who is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize is having a difficulty of keeping peace in the Middle East. I leave this open to all the readers of my blog as I find it very interesting that more and more countries in the Middle East are seeing uprisings. Is it a coincidental or a scheme put in place by the New World Order?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Could Libya be Obama’s Waterloo?

Last week on Thursday the United Nations Security Council passed a resolution that authorized a no-fly zone over Libya. In addition to that resolution the UN resolved that an "immediate establishment of a cease fire" and gave authorization to all UN member states to use "all necessary measures" to protect civilians and civilian populated areas. Based on this UN Resolution, President Obama authorized the use of United States military to carry out, jointly, an attack on Libya. Without a clear plan on what the United States role, conversation is taking place on whether a UN Resolution is enough to prompt the use of the United States military. Professor Oona Hathaway, Yale Law School, pondered the question if Obama's use of US military violated the US Constitution by saying, "Judging just from the pictures of what we are seeing happening on the ground, this is quite substantial, and this is the sort of thing that would have needed Congressional approval" (

Should have President Obama gone to Congress for approval prior to using US military forces as President Bush did prior to the Iraq War? Or does the President of the United States have the power to use the US Military as he sees fit as stated in the War Powers Act of 1973?

Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) suggested this week that, "President Obama moved forward without Congress approving. He didn't have Congressional authorization, he has gone against the Constitution, and that's got to be said. It's not even disputable; this isn't even a close question. Such an action – that involves putting America's service men and women into harm's way, whether they're in the Air Force or the Navy – is a grave decision that cannot be made by the president alone." Kucinich said this during an interview with Raw Story.

Vice President Biden, then Sen. Biden warned that if President Bush forged forward without Congressional approval into Iran it would be an impeachable offense. See the interview here:

Then Sen. Biden's logic was that it would be impeachable since, "Iran is no immediate threat to the Unites States of America". Which begs the question, whether Libya poses an immediate threat to the United States?

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Is our society hypersensitive?

Okay, today I had a few more minutes than in the past couple of weeks to participate in Facebook conversations. One of my Facebook friends posted a Huffington Post article, Lawrence O'Donnell Says He's 'Driving Glenn Beck Crazy', to which I wondered why we care about what one pundit is saying about another pundit. After several posts I made the comment "I call a spade a spade regardless of the side of the fence it finds itself" which was in response to the assertion that I always rail against the Left and primarily President Obama.

After a few more posts another Facebook member piped in calling me a racist because of what I posted. After a series of posts in all caps and filled with obscene language I was blocked from seeing this gentlemen's future posts. The conversation that led to the blocking was if the phrase "calling a spade a spade" originated as a racial slur or has it just become one over time. After a quick Google search I found several websites that point to Greek phrase of calling a fig a fig that was transformed into a spade a spade due to the agrarian culture. My question is the phrase calling a spade a spade really racist? Or is it just now considered a racial slur because of Obama becoming president?

Friday, March 18, 2011

Hamburg City Council Agenda – March 22, 2011

1. Call City Council Meeting to Order @ 7:00 PM

  • Pledge of Allegiance


2. Public Comment
Individuals may address the City Council about any non-agenda item(s) of concern. Speakers must state their name, address, and limit their remarks to three minutes. The City Council may not take official action on these items and may refer the matter to staff for a future report or direct that the matter be scheduled for a future meeting agenda.)


  1. Agenda Review (Added Items) and Adoption


4. Consent Agenda
(NOTICE TO PUBLIC: All those items listed as part of the Consent Agenda will be approved by a single motion, unless a request to discuss one of those items is made prior to that time. Anyone present at the meeting may request an item to be removed from the consent agenda. Please inform the Council when they approve the agenda for this meeting.)

  • Approve Minutes for March 8, 2011
  • February 2011 Policing Report
  • Public Hearing March 24, 2011 (Benefits for County Ditch #4A)
  • Time-off Request for City Clerk Gruenhagen


5. Old City Business (Memo)


6. Fire Department Report – Chief Brad Droege

  • Retirement of Volunteer Firefighter Cummiskey
  • FEMA Grant/US Fish & Wildlife Grant
  • 2010 Annual Township Report (Approve)
  • Approve Firefighter Chris Petz
  • Civil Defense Siren Upgrades
  • Hamburg Fire Department Officers
    • Selection vs. Election


7. Abdo, Eick & Meyers (Matt Vos)

  • 2010 Financial Report


8. Waste Management – Garbage Contract

  • Current Contract for Garbage Service
    • Spring Clean Up Date
    • Garbage in Alley
  • RFP for Contracted Garbage Services for Residential/Commercial (Draft)
    • Advertisement (Draft)
    • Letter to Waste Management (Draft)





9. Sanitary Sewer & Storm Sewer Improvements Project

  • Financing Options
    • Clean Water Revolving Fund Loan (Application)
    • Assessment Option
  • Pre-Construction Meeting March 25, 2011 @ 2:00 PM


10. Public Works & Utilities Department Report

  • Handicap Bathroom Estimates/Proposals
  • Energy Efficient Lights (Rebates) for City Buildings
  • G&K Contract for Cleaning Supplies
  • Sweep City Streets/Flush Hydrants
  • Lift Station Repairs (Replace Brackets for Pumps)
  • City Office Floor Repairs
  • Industrial Stormwater General Permit – No Exposure Exclusion Certification
  • Water Wells Usage/Water Consumption Reports for 2010/2011
  • MN Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network (MnWARN) Update
  • Project List (Added Items)


11. Deputy/Utility Billing Clerk Report

  • Delinquent Utility Bills Report
  • Project List (Added Items)


12. City Clerk/Treasurer Report

  • To The Service
    • Joint Powers Agreement with City of Cologne
  • SHIP Update
  • 2010 Financial Audit (Abdo, Eick & Meyers)
  • Project List (Added Items)
  • Taxpayer Services Department – 2010 Settlement Adjustments


13. Approve Payment of March 2011 Added Claims


14. City Council Reports

  • Councilmember Mueller Report (Sewer & Water)
  • Councilmember Lund Report (Streets)
  • Councilmember Trebesch Report (Buildings)
  • Councilmember Barnes Report (Parks)
  • Mayor Malz Report


15. Adjourn City Council Meeting











MARCH                 1 – Bongards Creamery

                     5 – Wedding Reception (Farias)



APRIL                    15 – Lions Club Ham Bingo

                    16 – Believe in Brandi Benefit










MARCH                 7 – Hamburg Lions Club (Lions/YA Twp. Room)

                     7 – Hamburg Fire Department Training

                     8 – Hamburg City Council Meeting – 7:00 PM

                     8 – Young America Township Meeting

                    10 – HFD Training

                    14 – Young America Mutual Insurance Company

                    15 – HFD Training

                    17 – HFD Training

                    21 – Hamburg Lions Club

                    22 – Hamburg City Council Meeting – 7:00 PM

     22–23 – Wm. Mueller & Sons Safety Meetings

                    28 – Hamburg Fire Dept. (Relief Association) Meeting

                    31 – Zebra Ditch Drainage Association (Twp. Room) 7:30 PM




Wednesday, March 16, 2011

NFL: The new slavemaster?

During a recent interview in reaction to the lockout by NFL owners and the decertification of the players union Adrian Peterson made this statement: "It's modern-day slavery, you know? People kind of laugh at that, but there are people working at regular jobs who get treated the same way, too." Really? Making millions of dollars to play a kids game equates to images of poor working conditions, whippings, lynchings, family upheaval and not getting paid for work performed?

I understand that game has evolved and the average lifespan in the NFL is 5 years thus forcing players to ensure they can earn as much as possible in a very short time frame. Yes, nearly every owner in the league is white. I struggle with AP's assessment of being an NFL player equating to being a slave. It is not like AP, or any other NFL player, is forced to play football or play in the NFL for that matter. If one does not like the working conditions and is unable to influence change then try the CFL.

Perhaps I give this topic too much ink with all the rest that is going on in the world but it really struck me that AP would say something like that.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Hamburg City Council Minutes - February 22. 2011

Mayor Malz called the Hamburg City Council meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember John Barnes, Councilmember Larry Mueller, Councilmember Steve Trebesch, Councilmember Chris Lund, City Clerk Jeremy Gruenhagen, Deputy Clerk Sue Block, Maintenance Worker Dennis Byerly, and Fire Chief Brad Droege were in attendance. Judy Feltmann (319 Casper St., NYA) was also in attendance.


Agenda Review (Added Items) and Adoption

  • Added – Updated February Claims List
  • Added – Updated Delinquency Report
  • Added – New City Nuisance Form
  • Added – New Training/Education/Conference/Seminars Form
  • Councilmember Mueller moved to accept the agenda with the four added items, seconded by Councilmember Barnes and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.


Public Comment

  • There were no comments from the public.


Approve Consent Agenda

  • Approve Minutes for January 25, 2011 and February 8, 2011
  • Approve Payment of Claims for February 2011
  • Adopt Resolution Number 2011-06
    • Application to conduct off-site gambling for NYA Lions
  • Adopt resolution Number 2011-07 (Clean Water Revolving Fund)
    • Approve Forms 5 and 6 of CWRF Application
  • Final Board of Appeal and Equalization Schedule for 2011
  • Temporary On-Sale Liquor Licenses for Hamburg Lions Club
    • April 15, 2011 and April 16, 2011
  • Councilmember Lund moved to approve all items listed in the Consent Agenda, seconded by Councilmember Mueller and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present


Old City Business

  • Item #3 – ToTheHome Internet Electrical Wiring at the Water Tower.
    • Mr. Sprengeler was unable to fix the wiring on the following dates that he had scheduled; Friday (Feb 18), Monday (Feb 21) was a snow storm, and on Tuesday (February 22) Mr. Sprengeler reported that he was back logged and would be out Wednesday (February 23) at 11:30 a.m. to work on the wiring.
    • Council discussed the continued delays and asked City Clerk Gruenhagen to inform Mr. Sprengeler that if the wiring is not fixed by the next council meeting on March 8th his internet system will be unplugged.
  • Item #4 – Finish installation of the new play ground equipment at the Hall Park.
    • Councilmember Barnes will check on the size of boarder needed to go around the new play ground equipment and have it ordered.
  • Item #8 – Councilmember Barnes and Mayor Malz check if the pop canisters in the Hall can be moved upstairs.
    • Councilmember Barnes and Mayor Malz rescheduled for some time this week.




  • Item #9 – Waste Management Contract with the City
    • The Waste Management contract with the City of Hamburg is expiring on July 31, 2011. Council decided to notify Waste Management (90 days before July 31, 2011) that the Council has decided to go out for bids.
      • One part of the RFP will request free garbage service for five (5) of the cities events through out the year.
  • Item #10 – Decision on Resolution Number 2011-07 has been completed, take off list.


Fire Department Report


FEMA Grant for Pagers (Carver County)

  • The grant for the pagers has been received and once a certain part is signed the Fire Department has one year to complete the project.


FEMA Grant/US Fish & Wildlife Grant

  • Waiting on some stuff from Claries.


New Paging System

  • The new paging system is up and running.


Civil Defense Siren Upgrades

  • Fire Chief Droege will call the electrician to install the Civil Defense Siren upgrades.


Payment for Emergency Service Call

  • Received the $450 Emergency Service Call fee from an accident that occurred in December 2010.


Hamburg Fire Department Officers – Selection vs. Election

  • Keep on agenda for future discussion.


FEMA Grant Approval

  • Fire Chief Droege requested permission from Council to apply for a 2011 FEMA Grant.
    • Councilmember Barnes moved to give permission to Fire Chief Droege to apply for a 2011 FEMA Grant, seconded by Councilmember Mueller and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.


Dennis' Report (Public Works & Utilities)


Project List

  • Item #5 – Strip and wax Fire Department Office Floor and report on the outcome at the February 22nd City Council Meeting.
    • Maintenance Worker Byerly was out sick for three days and unable to complete the work.
    • Council did not reschedule a different completion date other than to have the work completed as soon as possible.
  • Item #6 – Mock OSHA Inspection
    • Only item left for completion is the ToTheHome Internet wiring at the city water tower.



  • Council discussed and asked City Clerk Gruenhagen to inform Mr. Sprengeler that if the wiring is not corrected by the next council meeting (March 8th) his internet system will be unplugged.
  • Item #8 – Check how much Ag-Lime costs.
    • Ag-Lime would be used on the Hamburg Ball Fields.
    • Maintenance Worker Byerly reported that he still needs to check on the price.
  • Item #13 – Bids for Handicap Bathroom in Community Hall
    • Several questions have come up concerning the building of the handicap bathroom, if certain items have to be brought up to code. City Clerk Gruenhagen will check into the regulations and report back to Council at the March 8th meeting.
  • Item #17 – Repairs to Hall Canopy
    • This has been completed, take off list.
  • Item #32 – Purchase a spray gun. (Council previously approved (by motion) up to $150 for Maintenance Worker Byerly to purchase a spray gun.)
    • Council again discussed if a spray gun should be purchased and decided that to help reduce labor time and cost a spray gun should be purchased. Mayor Malz will check into what type of spray gun would be best for completing projects around the City.

G&K Contract for Cleaning Supplies

  • Council discussed looking at other cleaning supply companies to find out if the city could get lower prices on the supplies that are now ordered through G&K.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen will send a cancelation notice to G&K. Once the contract is canceled Maintenance Worker Byerly can decide what company would be best to order from.

Industrial Storm Water General Permit – No Exposure Exclusion Certification

  • City Clerk Gruenhagen is working on this to get it renewed.

Water Wells Usage/Water Consumption for 2010

  • Council discussed and decided to have Maintenance Worker Byerly contact Rural Water asking if they have any ideas as to why Hamburg's water usage is less then what is pumped.

MN Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network (MnWarn) Update

  • Council was asked to read over the MnWarn Mutual Aid Agreement information packet and make a decision at the March 8th Council meeting if Hamburg should become a member.

Bobcat Tires

  • Maintenance Worker Byerly reported to Council that he had purchased new Bobcat tires.
  • Councilman Mueller requested that Maintenance Worker Byerly get a written quote for 48" forks for the Bobcat.

Water Meter Readings for February

  • Due to the depth of the snow within the City the water meter readings will not be read for the month of February. All entries will be estimated.

Pre-Bid Conference for I & I Abatement Program

  • City Clerk Gruenhagen informed members of Council about the topics discussed at the Pre-Bid Conference meeting that was held at the Community Center on February 22, 2011 at 1:30 p.m.
    • Scope of Work
    • No construction during the Zummerfest celebration June 17-19, 2011.
    • Completion Dates
      • Substantial Completion – August 19, 2011
      • Final Completion – June 29, 2012
    • The different phases of work.
    • Access Routes
    • Summary of Work
    • Service Line Marking and Records
    • Pre-Award Meeting
    • Bids for the I & I project will open on March 3, 2011.


Deputy Clerk Report


Delinquent Utility Bills

  • Diana Payne (350 Louisa Street) – Delinquent amount sent to Re/Max Advisors West for payment.
  • Jon Reed (416 Jacob St) – Set up a payment plan.
  • Betty Griffin (420 Maria Ave) – Unable to turn water off curb stop. Received $76.00 on 02/15/11 however no payment plan was requested by Betty Griffin.
  • Brian Cummiskey (724 Park) – Set up a payment date.
  • Nick Nordin (419 Railroad St) – Home going in to foreclosure, delinquent amount due was sent to Freddie Mac.
  • Darrell Grams (410 Sophia Ave) – Delinquent letter sent.

Project List

  • Item #2 – January 25th and February 8, 2011 Council meeting minutes were completed.
  • Item #6 – Delinquencies were followed up on.
  • Item #17 – Attended Safety Meeting in Waconia. Meeting was attended.
  • Item #28 – Meeting with Mayor Malz, Councilmember Lund, Maintenance Worker Byerly, and Deputy Clerk Block to go over Dennis's Project List was completed.
  • Item #31 – Follow up on Robb's Electric bill for Hall cooler motor and labor was completed.
  • Item #33 – Find out where the drain pipes in the shop floor come out.
    • Councilmember Mueller explained to other members of Council why this is needed and project will be put on Maintenance Worker Byerly's list.
  • Item #34 – Order Councilmember Lund a City shirt.
    • Council decided to leave the ordering of additional shirts up to City Clerk Gruenhagen and Deputy Clerk Block.
  • Item #35 – Obtain list of Cleaning Supply Companies was completed.
  • Item #37 – Create an information pack to send new city residents.
    • A meeting will be set up with City Clerk Gruenhagen, Deputy Clerk Block, Councilmember Mueller, and Councilmember Barnes to complete the packet and report back to Council.
  • Item #38 – Nuisance form was completed and handed out to Council.
  • Item #39 – Create a file and excel form for events available for Council, City Clerk, Deputy Clerk, and Maintenance Worker Byerly to attend or did attend.

Water and Sewer Charges for Apartments and Duplexes

  • City Clerk Gruenhagen asked Council if the city should be charging apartment buildings and duplexes per unit for water usage or just one base fee per complex. At the present time the city is charging per unit for sewer usage but only charging for water usage as one rate. Question to Council was if they would want to charge per unit for water and sewer or per unit just for sewer.
    • Council discussed and decided to have City Clerk Gruenhagen put this question on List Serve to find out how other cities charge apartments and duplexes for water and sewer.




City Clerk/Treasurer Report


Payment from JPBCC account to Central High School Media News Class

  • Members of the CHS Media News Class requested $500 from the JPBCC fund for equipment needed to film City Council Meetings/Events.
  • Councilmember Mueller moved to grant the Central High School Media News Class request to use $500 from the JPBCC account to purchase equipment needed for filming City Council Meetings/Events as long as the filming is specific to NYA or Hamburg city events and Council meetings, seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.

Data Closet Location for CCOFI Fiber Line

  • Council discussed using the Community Centers current utility closet for the Fiber Optic equipment but decided to wait for Randy Lehs to come out and take a look at it first. The utility closet may not be suitable for the equipment.

2010 Financial Audit (Abdo, Eick & Meyers)

  • The auditors have completed their field audit which only took two days instead of the normal three days. The auditors are planning on presenting the audit overview during the March 22, 2011 City Council meeting.

Project List

  • Item #10 - Plaque for the cities electrical sign is still being worked on.
  • Item #11 – Do the Townships contribute to the Community Ed Summer Park Program. This was completed and the area Townships are not asked to contribute.
  • Item #12 – Obtain key to Fred Paweks' apartments is being worked on by Mayor Malz.
  • Item #13 – Follow up with Shawn about completing the wiring at the water tower. If not completed by March 8th Council decided to have the internet service unplugged until it is up to code.
  • Item #14 – Update the Cities Website.
    • After the audit is completed City Clerk Gruenhagen will work on this.
  • Item #15 – Follow up on the title transfer for the Tanker that was sold by the Hamburg Fire Department.
    • This is still being worked on.
  • Item #17 – Report electrical sign outage to the insurance company has been completed.
  • Item #18 – Order more shirts and/or fleece vests. Council decided to leave this up to City Clerk Gruenhagen and Deputy Clerk Block on ordering and who to order from.

Pre-construction Pictures for the I & I Project

  • Council decided to have S.E.H. take the pre-construction pictures of where the I & I Project will be going.
    • Council agreed this would be the best solution.

Brian Cummiskey Land Purchase and Easements

  • City Clerk Gruenhagen will check with Mr. Cummiskey informing him that the City still needs the tax roll and the Banks partial mortgage release.

New Agenda Format

  • Council liked the consent agenda format.
  • Would like the pre-construction agenda put on the agenda.
  • Would like the time put back on the agenda instead of numbers.
  • Council agreed to have the Claims List moved from the beginning with the consent agenda items to the end of the agenda like was.


Time Off Request

  • City Clerk Gruenhagen requested to take time off on March 4th, 17th, and 18th, 2011.
    • Councilmember Mueller moved to grant City Clerk Gruenhagens requested time off (March 4th, 17th, and 18th), seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.


City Council Reports


Councilmember Mueller (Sewer & Water)

  • Councilmember Mueller would like the boarder for around the new playground equipment ordered.

Councilmember Lund (Streets) – Had nothing further to report.

Councilmember Trebesch (Buildings) – Had nothing further to report.

Councilmember Barnes (Parks)

  • Councilmember Barnes will follow up with the Committee to make sure the boarder has been ordered.

Mayor Malz - Had nothing further to report.


Councilmember Mueller moved to adjourn the Hamburg City Council meeting at 9:15 p.m., seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present


Submitted by:                                                    



Sue Block

                                                                                             Deputy Clerk

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

GOP - Small Government, right?

Yesterday the Star Tribune reported that the Minnesota State Legislature is debating a bill that would ban all abortions after 20 weeks unless the health of the mother is in danger. My first thought when reading the article was, "Didn't people vote in GOP candidates to reduce the size and scope of government?". I struggle with the topic of abortion because my unscientific view is that the decision should be between the female (and her support staff) and her doctor. Government should not dictate if abortion is legal or illegal.

That being said, taxpayer dollars should not be used to pay for abortions or anything that related to abortions. Why should the Government be involved in abortion decisions?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

1. Call City Council Meeting to Order @ 7:00 PM

  • Pledge of Allegiance


2. Public Comment
Individuals may address the City Council about any non-agenda item(s) of concern. Speakers must state their name, address, and limit their remarks to three minutes. The City Council may not take official action on these items and may refer the matter to staff for a future report or direct that the matter be scheduled for a future meeting agenda.)


  1. Agenda Review (Added Items) and Adoption


4. Consent Agenda
(NOTICE TO PUBLIC: All those items listed as part of the Consent Agenda will be approved by a single motion, unless a request to discuss one of those items is made prior to that time. Anyone present at the meeting may request an item to be removed from the consent agenda. Please inform the Council when they approve the agenda for this meeting.)

  • Approve Minutes for February 22, 2011
  • MNSPECT Minute
    • Building Inspection Open Houses
  • Mediacom Transfer Fee (Letter from Mediacom)
  • Potential Refunding of Bonds (Letter from Ehlers)
  • Service Quality Tariff (Letter from Xcel Energy)


5. Old City Business (Memo)


6. Fire Department Report – Chief Brad Droege

  • FEMA Grant/US Fish & Wildlife Grant
  • Retirement or Volunteer Firefighter Cummiskey
  • 2010 Annual Township Report/Meeting
  • Energy Efficient Lights (Rebates) for City Buildings
  • Civil Defense Siren Upgrades
  • Hamburg Fire Department Officers
    • Selection vs. Election


7. Sanitary Sewer & Storm Sewer Improvements Project

  • Tabulation of Bids
    • Base Bid
    • Options 1-4
    • Resolution Number 2011-08
  • Assessment Options
  • Financing Options






8. Public Works & Utilities Department Report

  • Hall Canopy/Handicap Bathroom for Hall
  • G&K Contract for Cleaning Supplies
  • Industrial Stormwater General Permit – No Exposure Exclusion Certification
  • Estimates for Pallet Fork (Bobcat)
  • Water Wells Usage/Water Consumption Reports for 2010/2011
  • MN Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network (MnWARN) Update
  • Project List (Added Items)


9. Deputy/Utility Billing Clerk Report

  • Delinquent Utility Bills Report
  • Project List (Added Items)



10. City Clerk/Treasurer Report

  • C.U.P. for 953 Park Avenue (TCW)
  • 2010 Policing Contract Refund ($357.47)
  • 2011 NYA Area Guide
  • January Cash Flow Statement
  • 2010 Financial Audit (Abdo, Eick & Meyers)
  • Project List (Added Items)


11. Approve Payment of March 2011 Claims


12. City Council Reports

  • Councilmember Mueller Report (Sewer & Water)
  • Councilmember Lund Report (Streets)
  • Councilmember Trebesch Report (Buildings)
  • Councilmember Barnes Report (Parks)
  • Mayor Malz Report


13. Adjourn City Council Meeting







MARCH                 1 – Bongards Creamery

                     5 – Wedding Reception (Farias)



APRIL                    15 – Lions Club Ham Bingo

                    16 – Believe in Brandi Benefit




MARCH                 7 – Hamburg Lions Club (Lions/YA Twp. Room)

                     7 – Hamburg Fire Department Training

                     8 – Hamburg City Council Meeting – 7:00 PM

                     8 – Young America Township Meeting

                    10 – HFD Training

                    14 – Young America Mutual Insurance Company

                    15 – HFD Training

                    17 – HFD Training

                    21 – Hamburg Lions Club

                    22 – Hamburg City Council Meeting – 7:00 PM

     22–23 – Wm. Mueller & Sons Safety Meetings

                    28 – Hamburg Fire Dept. (Relief Association) Meeting

                    31 – Zebra Ditch Drainage Association (Twp. Room) 7:30 PM




Thursday, March 3, 2011

Al Jazeera “Real News”

Yesterday United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton claimed, "Viewership of Al Jazeera is going up in the United States because it's real news. You may not agree with it, but you feel like you're getting real news around the clock instead of a million commercials and, you know, arguments between talking heads and the kind of stuff that we do on our news which, you know, is not particularly informative to us, let alone foreigners." Because viewership is up that translates to "real news"? Many, here on the blog and elsewhere, rail against Fox News for their fabrications and stretching of the truth. If viewership is the prerequisite of "real news" then Fox News would trump them all.

Perhaps Secretary Clinton should look to the recent Census Bureau report that counted nearly 1.2 million Arabs in 2000; 860,000 in 1990; and 610,000 in 1980. Combine the rising Arab population with the increase uses of the internet and it is reasonable to conclude that increased viewership is driven by other factors unrelated to "real news". Or did CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News change their programming similar to what MTV did when they moved from music videos to reality television shows? I figured Secretary Clinton to be smarter than this. Then again she may be taking a shot at the liberal media outlets for their lack of vetting and holy alliance with Obama during the Democratic Primary and the 2010 Presidential campaign. Either way, if Al Jazeera is being considered as a "real" news source by the Obama Administration over the outlets here in the United States does make one ponder…….