Acting Mayor Larry Mueller called the Hamburg City Council meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Steve Trebesch, Councilmember Chris Lund, Councilmember John Barnes, City Clerk Jeremy Gruenhagen, Deputy Clerk Sue Block, Maintenance Worker Dennis Byerly, and Fire Chief Brad Droege were in attendance. Others in attendance were Darryl Will (431 Maria Ave), Nichelle Schug and Dave Towner (618 Kim Ave), Jim Ische (Carver County Commissioner), Gary Marquardt (624 David Ave - for Fire Department), Tara Chevaller (Green Isle Softball Tournament), and Jen Meyer (Green Isle Softball Tournament). Mayor Malz was absent.
Public Comment
Agenda Review (Added Items) and Adoption
- Updated Claims List for June, July, August
- Updated Delinquency List
- Added – Updated Nuisance Letter List
- Added – Memo from Carver County concerning the memorial monument.
- Added – Memo from Ehlers, Todd Hagen, concerning Kim Avenue Repairs.
- Added – Memo from City Auditor concerning can collections.
- Added – Updated Punch List for Sanitary Sewer and Storm Sewer project.
- Added – Garbage pick up in alleys to Councilmember Lund's report.
- Councilmember Lund moved to approve the agenda with the added items, seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.
Approve Consent Agenda
- Approve Public Hearing Minutes for May 24, 2011 and CC Minutes for June 12, 2011.
- On-Sale Temporary Liquor License (Lions Club).
- Postcard Memorabilia from 1936
Safety Partners Article – Regional Safety Groups
- Certificate of Appreciation from LMCIT
- Water Usage Report for 2011
- Cash Flow Statement for June
- Hamburg Fire Department Relief Association 2011 Year To Date Return Summary
Councilmember Lund moved to approve the Consent Agenda, seconded by Councilmember Barnes and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.
Fire Department Report – Chief Brad Droege
DNR Grant
- A new DNR Grant was applied for.
FEMA Grant
- The FEMA Grant application starts Monday, August 15, 2011, and runs for a month. If the Hamburg Fire Department receives the grant they will be requesting the purchase of a thermo imaging camera.
2012 MESB User Fee for Radios – Extended Warranty for Pagers
National Night Out – August 2, 2011
- Fire Chief Droege thanked Council for serving and Maintenance Worker Byerly for cooking the sweet corn on National Night Out.
- Total cost for National Night Out was $293.55. Several donations were received to help off set the cost.
HFD By-Laws/City Personnel Policy – Selection vs. Election
- Fire Chief Droege asked Council to think about the City selecting Fire Department Officers instead of the Department electing the officers. Firefighters who are interested in serving as an officer could put in an application with the Council deciding on whom to select.
- The Fire Department usually starts organizing an election committee in September.
Dehumidifier for Community Center
- The City Office requested if a dehumidifier could be purchased for the Community Center. Fire Chief Droege informed Council that the Fire Department had just purchased one and they would share it with the City Office/Community Center.
Chard Payment to Fire Department
Memorial for Public Servants (Protective Services)
Carver County Commissioner Jim Ische
Rachel Drees – Request to use Portable Air Conditioners at Hall for Wedding Reception
- Ms. Drees was not in attendance.
Softball Tournament – Green Isle
- Tara Chevaller and Jen Meyer asked Council if the Green Isle Softball Teem could hold their two day softball tournament in Hamburg. They requested the use of the Park on September 10th and 11th.
- Council commented that September 10th is the annual Steak Fry held at the Park and that they would have to look at a different date. Council also would require the club to have liquor liability, personal injury waver forms, and pay the required Park Rental Fee of $300 for two days. If these requirements are met then Council had no objection of allowing the Green Isle Softball Tournament to be held in Hamburg.
- Tara and Jen will be talking with the Lions Club to find out if they would like to partner with the Softball Club in hosting the tournament. The softball club then could use the Lions liquor liability and liquor license during the event.
- Tara and Jen will find out what other dates would work out for the tournament and get back to City Clerk Gruenhagen.
Sanitary Sewer & Storm Sewer Improvements Project
Public Facilities Authority Loan
- The City of Hamburg's application for a PFA loan was approved on July 26, 2011. The Authority's financing package consists of a $290,242 Clean Water Revolving Fund 20-year term loan with an interest rate of 1.256 percent. This financing will approximately save local taxpayers $61,642 in interest costs compared with the City of Hamburg's general obligation bond and elated certifications.
Change Order – Substantial Completion Date
- Chard Tiling requested a Change Order to extend the Substantial Completion date to September 15, 2011, for all work related to the Stormwater pond construction only, including fencing. Every item listed on the Punch List will have to be completed by August 19, 2011.
- Councilmember Barnes moved to accept the Change Order from Chard Tiling to extend the Substantial Completion date from August 19, 2011 to September 15, 2011 for all work related to the Stormwater pond construction only, including fencing, seconded by Councilmember Lund and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.
Private Property Service Lines (Illegal Connections/Replacement)
Residents receiving the letter of non-compliance (illegal connections) have asked for more clarification on what they need to fix. Some of the questions most often asked were:
- Who pays the contractor for services if the illegal connection is dug up and it really is not an illegal connection.
- Residents are asking for direction from the City on what they have to do. The letters they received are vague and some of the information dates back to 2004.
Council discussed and decided it would be to the cities advantage to purchase a camera to re-televise the lines. This would give the city and residents a more definite answer if the resident does or does not have illegal connections before digging (floor and garage drains can run into the Sanitary Sewer lines).
- Council directed Maintenance Worker Byerly to obtain at least three (3) estimates of how much a camera would cost and report back to Council.
Repairs of Kim Avenue
- Chard Tiling & Excavating and Wm. Mueller & Sons submitted estimated proposals to repair Kim Avenue. Wm. Mueller & Sons had the lowest estimate.
- Council discussed and decided to make a final decision after August 19, 2011 and to hold a special meeting on August 23rd, 2011 at 7:00 to discuss this issue.
Over or Under Budget
- City Clerk Gruenhagen will ask the City Engineer and Al Hahn to send the City documentation showing if the project is over or under budget.
Punch List
- City Clerk Gruenhagen will ask Al Hahn what is the amount of the per day fine if Chard does not complete all the items on the Punch List.
- Al Hahn will be asked to go through the areas of construction to see if anything else should be added to the punch list. Council asked to have Al go through the Punch List to verify if the projects listed are complete or need to be completed.
Old City Business (Memo)
Community Park Sign
- The new Community Park sign was installed at the Community Park.
Cement Slab for Community Park
- City Clerk Gruenhagen will follow up with K&K Construction as to when they will be pouring the cement slabs in the new park.
Review of Employee Job Descriptions
- Councilmember Lund and Councilmember Trebesch will meet with City Clerk Gruenhagen to go over the descriptions.
City Clean Up Day
- Council decided to start this fall to plan a City wide spring clean up day.
Energy Efficient Lighting – Rebate Programs
Public Works & Utilities Department Report
Hall Door Replacement Proposal
- Council decided to discuss replacing two Hall doors, with panic bars, at the budget meeting on August 23, 2011.
Utility Locater
G&K Contract for Cleaning Supplies
- The City has not signed a renewal contract with G&K which would extend the contract for seven (7) years. The City prefers to sign a contract on an annual basis.
City Alleys (Add Rock/Shape Up)
- More red rock was requested by a resident to fill in the alley by his home. Maintenance Worker Byerly will follow up on this.
Cooler in Community Hall Basement
New Upstairs Cooler for Community Hall
- Council discussed when it would be a good time to install the new upstairs cooler. The old one would have to be dismantled and removed, two feet has to be cut off the edge of the bar, and the new one installed and wired.
- Council decided to remove and replace the coolers the last week in October 2011. A new floor will also have to be installed for upstairs cooler.
Deputy Clerk Report
Delinquent Utility Bills
- 350 Louisa – Home is still in the closing process with no information on who the new owner will be.
- 360 Henrietta – Leona Enger – A delinquent letter was sent with payment due by August 17th.
- 421 Henrietta – Wm. Minnihan - A delinquent letter was sent with payment due by August 17th.
- 625 Kim Ave – Emily Siebold - A delinquent letter was sent with payment due by August 17th.
- 420 Maria Ave – Betty Griffin - A delinquent letter was sent with payment due by August 17th.
- Park Ave – Ken Bauer Apartments - A delinquent letter was sent with payment due by August 17th.
- 410 Sophia – Darrell Grams, Jr. - A delinquent letter was posted and they have since paid.
Nuisance Letters
- The two abandoned vehicles located behind the Car Wash at 679 Park Ave have been removed.
- Dennis Mielke owner of the vacant lot at 146 Jacob Street did have the lot mowed.
- Teresa Swenson – Brad Street Vacant Lot – was sent violation letter 93.48 Elimination of Weeds and Grass. No response.
- Possible abandon car at 470 Maria Ave – CSO checked ownership, however, the car was moved by the next day.
- David Chadwick – 710 Park Ave was sent violation letter 93.19 and 93.20 Vehicles. He has until August 23rd to reply.
- Carver County Auditor owner of vacant lot on Brad Street will be sent violation letter for Elimination of Weeds and Grass.
- Darrell Grams – 410 Sophia – will be sent a violation letter listing several ordinance violations.
MCFOA Clerks Conference – July 11 – 15, 2011
- Deputy Clerk Block gave a brief overview of the MCFOA Clerks Conference she had attended in July.
City Clerk/Treasurer Report
2010 Census Count – Met Council Population Estimates
- FYI - According to the 2010 Census the City of Hamburg has gained 16 homes since the 2000 Census and lost 25 persons from 2000 to 2010.
Liquor Liability Insurance Clause for Hall/Park/Community Center Rentals
- City Clerk Gruenhagen informed Council that he made some changes to the wording in the lease agreements concerning liquor liability insurance. The new wording is based on information received from City Attorney Mac.
Utility Rate Study/Five Year Budget Plan
- City Clerk Gruenhagen is starting to work with Abdo, Eick & Meyers on the Utility Rate Study. The main focus will be on the dept portion then the OEM cost will be looked at.
Local Government Aid
- Hamburg will receive $58,777 in LGA for 2011 and the same amount is certified for 2012.
Property/Casualty Insurance Renewal
- Cities obtaining liability coverage from the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust must decide whether or not to waive the statutory tort liability limits to the extent of the coverage purchased.
- Councilmember Barnes moved that the City of Hamburg does not waive the monetary limits on municipal tort liability established by Minnesota Statutes 466.04, Councilmember Mueller seconded and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.
Park Rentals – Use of Hot Water
Can Trailer – Can Proceeds
- The H.I.P. Group will no longer be handling the proceeds from the aluminum cans and would like the City to take over the responsibility. After checking with the city auditors there is no reason why the city could not take over hauling the cans to the recycling center and depositing the proceeds into a park improvement fund.
- Councilmember Barnes moved to take over the recycling of the pop cans, seconded by Councilmember Mueller and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.
Special Meeting for August 23, 2011
- A special meeting will be held on August 23, 2011 to discuss; 2012 Workshop Budget, adopting resolution for accepting MN PFA loan, and discussion on estimates for repairing Kim Avenue. Meeting time was set for 7:00 p.m.
Agreement for Ponds (Lagoons)
- The original agreement for mowing the Pond area was located and Council will send out for bids next spring.
Approve Payment of June/July/August 2011 Claims
Approve Payment for Added June 2011 ACH Claim and Transfer
- Harland Clarke Check Orders - $44.89
- City of Hamburg Transfer Back to Cities Savings Account - $80,000
Approve Payments for Added July 2011 Claims
- Two added ACH payments to PERA and Check Numbers 15139 through 15149.
Approve Payment of August 2011 Claims
- Two ACH payments and Check Numbers 15152 through 15186.
Councilmember Trebesch moved to approve the June, July, and August 2011 Claims List as stated, seconded by Councilmember Barnes and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.
City Council Reports
Councilmember Mueller (Sewer & Water) had nothing further to report.
Councilmember Lund (Streets)
- Councilmember Lund made a motion to allow garbage and recycling pick up in the through alley's except when the spring weight restrictions are in place, seconded by Councilmember Mueller and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.
Councilmember Trebesch (Buildings)
Councilmember Barnes (Parks) had nothing further to report.
Mayor Malz was absent.
Councilmember Trebesch moved to adjourn the Hamburg City Council meeting at 9:47 p.m., seconded by Councilmember Barnes and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.
Submitted by:
Sue Block
Deputy Clerk