Hamburg City Council Meeting
April 10, 2012
Mayor Malz called the Hamburg City Council meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. Councilmember John Barnes,
Councilmember Larry Mueller, Councilmember Steve Trebesch, Councilmember Chris Lund, City Clerk
Jeremy Gruenhagen, Deputy Clerk Susan Block, and Fire Chief Brad Droege were in attendance.
Maintenance Worker Dennis Byerly was absent.
Public Comment
No one from the Public was present.
Agenda Review (Added Items) and Adoption
Added under Maintenance Report: Purchase larger weed sprayer
Added under Maintenance Report: Repairs to City (1 Ton) Truck
Added under Consent Agenda: Relay for Life April 11th
Added updated Delinquent Utility Bills Report
Added Carver County Sheriff Report
Added estimates from Pat Shanahan for residing the Park Food Stand
Added estimate from Laurel Builders for removal and installation of door
Added updated Claims List
Councilmember Mueller moved to approve the agenda with the added items, seconded by
Councilmember Barns and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.
Approve Consent Agenda
Resolution Number 2012-02
Resolution Number 2012-03
Severe Weather Awareness Week (April 16-20)
Carver County Cancer Awareness Day April 11 (Relay for Life)
Proposed Amendments to Carver County Ordinance 153
Water Usage Report for 2012
January/February Cash Flow Statements
Delinquent Utility Bills Report
Employee Project Lists
Time Off Request for Sue Block
Councilmember Lund moved to accept the Consent Agenda, seconded by Councilmember Mueller
and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.
Fire Department Report – Chief Brad Droege
Memorial for Public Servants (Protective Services) Update
Chief Droege updated Council on the progress of the Public Servants Memorial.
The draft listing the names to be engraved on the granite plaque was sent back for name spelling
Yellow Ribbon Program
Fire Chief Droege updated Council on the new Yellow Ribbon program. This program was started in
Minnesota to be a support group for military personal. The Federal government has now mandated
that every state is required to have a Yellow Ribbon program.
OutdoorWarning Siren Upgrade
The new warning siren upgrades should be arriving in April with late May or early June installation.
The majority of the cost will be paid by a grant the County applied for.
Hamburg City Council Meeting
April 10, 2012
NYA Come Together
The Hamburg Fire Department will be helping out at the Norwood Young America Come Together
on April 29, 2012.
FDIC Training
Next week Fire Chief Droege and Mayor Malz will be attending the FDIC conference in
Street Repair Estimate fromWm. Mueller and Sons
Council discussed the submitted estimate from Wm. Mueller & Sons for repairing various streets in
Hamburg. Council decided to have Wm. Mueller and Sons repair the streets as stated on their
estimate for the sum of $4,500.
o City Clerk Gruenhagen noted that there is $44,500 in the 2012 Budget for street and sidewalk
Councilmember Trebesch moved to have Wm. Mueller and Sons repair the City streets as listed in
their proposal, Councilmember Barnes seconded and motion unanimously carried. All Council
members were present.
Old City Business
City Clean Up Day (Fall 2012)
Due to the short time span to plan a Spring Clean-up Day, City Clerk Gruenhagen and Waste
Management decided to set a clean-up day in fall 2012.
2010 Census Count/Met Council Population Estimates (June 1, 2013)
This will be discussed next year.
Purchase Tables for Community Center
Ordering tables will be done before the next Council meeting.
Community Center Closet Door (Repair/Replace)
Received an estimate from Laurel Builders to remove the existing Community Center storage door
and trim for $45. The cost to install a new door, door knob, and casing was estimated at $175. The
estimate did not include painting or staining.
Menards’ listed a 36 in x 80 in. hollow core interior pre-hung door for $50. Comes with jams but not
finished or with trim.
Councilmember Mueller asked City Clerk Gruenhagen to check if Mark Laurel could get a prestained
door matching the doors already installed at the Community Center and what the cost would
o City Clerk Gruenhagen will check on this.
Change Locks/Keys for Hall
Locks/Keys for the Hall were changed last week.
Revised NIMS Training Program (Requirements)
Councilmember Steve Trebesch and Councilmember Larry Mueller have completed level 100 and
Maintenance Worker Byerly has completed level 100.
City Clerk Gruenhagen and Fire Chief Droege have completed 100, 200, and 700.
Mayor Malz will check on what level of training he has completed.
Estimates for Residing Food Stand (Park)
Council reviewed the estimates to reside the Food Stand per specs.
o Laurel Builders - $7,295
o Dan Oelfke Construction
Cement Board - $6,440; with cladded door jamb - $6,581.
Hamburg City Council Meeting
April 10, 2012
Steel Siding - $6,140; with cladded door jamb - $6,281
o MJS Construction (Mike Schwartz) - $7,250
o Dvorak Brothers - $10,752.59
o Shanahan Construction (Pat Shanahan) - $4,995
Council discussed and decided to hire Shanahan Construction from Norwood Young America.
Councilmember Barns moved to award the residing of the Park Food Stand to Pat Shanahan
Construction at the submitted bid cost of $4995, seconded by Councilmember Mueller and motion
unanimously carried. All Council members were present.
o Council approved to go with the Cement Board and to have City Clerk Gruenhagen, Deputy
Clerk Block, and Maintenance Worker Byerly pick out the color.
Estimates for Sidewalk Replacement (Henrietta Ave)
Council reviewed the estimates to replace the sidewalk along Henrietta Ave.
o Hanson & Vasek Construction - $12,330
o G.M.M. Construction - $15,558
o Hard Stuff Masonry - $10,260.80
o Chard Tiling & Excavating - $14,922
Council discussed who should be awarded the contract. Council agreed to approve the bid with
Hanson & Vasek based on their quality of workmanship. Council decision was based on bid price
and workmanship of the companies.
Council agreed to contact City Attorney to verify they are not required to take the lowest estimate.
Councilmember Mueller moved (pending approval from the City attorney) to award the sidewalk
replacement along Henrietta Avenue to Hanson & Vasek Construction for the quote of $12,330,
seconded by Councilmember Lund and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were
National Night Out
A meeting will be set up this month (April) to discuss plans for the cities National Night Out.
Members of the NNO committee will consist of the following:
o Lions Club - Chris Lund and Bob Gregonis
o Fire Department – Chief Droege and one additional member
o City Council/Staff – Richard Malz and Larry Mueller and Clerk Gruenhagen
Public Works & Utilities Department Report
Quotes for Tree Trimming
City Clerk Gruenhagen reported the quote from Lawn Ranger did include cleanup.
Council discussed the quotes from Lawn Ranger and Bob Shanahan’s Tree Service. Council decided
to go with Lawn Ranger.
Councilmember Barnes moved to award the tree trimming to Lawn Ranger’s at their rate of $130
per hour with a maximum cap of eight hours for tree trimming, not including travel time to and
from the site, and in a timely manner, seconded by Councilmember Lund and motion unanimously
carried. All Council members were present.
o Council questioned if Lawn Ranger include travel time in their $130 per hour rate. City Clerk
Gruenhagen will check on this and report back to Council.
Stabilization Pond Seminar (New Ulm) – April 10-12, 2012
City Clerk Gruenhagen updated Council on the Pond Seminar that he and Maintenance Worker
Byerly were attending.
Hamburg City Council Meeting
April 10, 2012
LargerWeed Sprayer Attachment
Councilmember Mueller suggested checking into purchasing a larger sprayer that will attach to the
lawnmower. Council discussed and decided this is something that can be put on the budget for next
Ford Ranger and Chevy 1 Ton
Mayor Malz informed Council that the tool box for the Ford Ranger has arrived and just needs to be
installed. The beacon has been installed on the Chevy 1 Ton; however the driver’s door needs new
hinge pins and a door handle.
o Mayor Malz will ask Brad Droege if Wm. Mueller & Sons can make the repairs.
Camera/Locator Training
City Clerk Gruenhagen, Maintenance Worker Byerly, and Councilmember Mueller practiced using
the new camera/locator at the Huron Rental apartments last week. At a later date they will have a
follow up training session.
City Clerk/Treasurer Report
Local Water Management Plan Update – Cost Estimate/Options
City Clerk Gruenhagen and the Cities engineer will be meeting with Carver County Water Services
on April 19th at 3:00 in the Hamburg Community Center to discuss the Cities local water
management update.
Stabilization Pond Seminar (New Ulm) – April 10th to 12th
Office hours were changed, presented to Council, and will be posted while City Clerk Gruenhagen
and Maintenance Worker Byerly attend the Pond Seminar in New Ulm on April 10 - 12.
Workers Compensation
City Clerk Gruenhagen will renew the Cities Workers Compensation to include Council and City
volunteers. The cost for basic coverage and medical for City Volunteers was $160 last year but
dropped this year to $145.
Minnesota State Flag – Park
Council discussed and agreed to only fly the Minnesota State Flag on the flag pole (West Parking
Lot) at the City Park.
Approve Payment of April 2012 Claims
Approve Payment of April 2012 Claims
The following claims were added: Check #15593 to South Central College for Fire Department
Training in the amount of $480.00 and Check #15594 to Gopher State One Call in the amount of
Councilmember Mueller moved to approve the five ACH payments and claim number 15566
through 15594, seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion unanimously carried. All
Council members were present.
City Council Reports
Councilmember Mueller (Sewer &Water) had nothing further to report
Councilmember Lund (Streets)
Councilmember Lund updated Council on the ACCEL meeting he had attended.
Hamburg City Council Meeting
April 10, 2012
Councilmember Lund asked if the City can add new homes or businesses now that the I & I project is
o City Clerk Gruenhagen will discuss this with the City Engineer and PCA and report back to
Councilmember Trebesch (Buildings)
Requested the sign up sheet to close the Ponds this summer. Deputy Clerk Block provided Council
with the sign up sheet.
Councilmember Barnes (Parks)
Councilmember Barnes questioned if the company that seeded the areas where the fiber optic line
was buried were coming back to reseed the areas where the grass has not grown.
o City Clerk Gruenhagen will check into this.
Mayor Malz
Mayor Malz commented that the committee handling the funds for the Public Servants Memorial
should pay for the trash cans. The cans are part of the landscaping and the City should not pay for
Adjourn City Council Meeting
Councilmember Barnes moved to adjourn the Hamburg City Council meeting at 8:23p.m., seconded by
Councilmember Trebesch and motion carried.
Submitted by:
Sue Block
Deputy Clerk