Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sen. Specter defection shines light on the need for politcal parties

Sen. Arlen Specter from Pennsylvania has switched back to the Democrat Party yesterday. As a moderate Republican he often voted with the Democrat Party on several issues. In his press conference yesterday, Sen. Specter stated that after looking at polling numbers from the upcoming Republican primary for the Senate race and figured it was time to re-join the Democrat Party. Sen. Specter tried to make it sound, during his press conference, that he was making the switch because it is in the best interest of those he represents in Pennsylvania.

Are you kidding me? How is switching parties for political survival in the best interest of our constituents? The move by Arlen Specter is job security. When looking at the polls, Sen. Specter realized that he trailed Pat Toomey 20 points. In the 2004 primary, Specter held off Toomey by 2 points. Seeing the door, Specter did what every good politician does, run away from principles and toward political expediency.

If I lived in Pennsylvania I’d be upset had I voted for Specter or donated money to him. “I am not prepared to have my 29 year record in the United States Senate decided by the Pennsylvania Republican primary electorate,” said Sen. Specter during his press conference. Sen. Specter is admitting that making the switch is for personnel reasons and not because his constituents are looking for new leadership.

The Republican Party has lost their direction. The Democrats are courting Moderates in an effort to balance the run to the Left. Adams and Jefferson loathed political parties even though it was their hyped and gave birth when the two squared off for the Office of the Presidency. Americans need to take a moment today and examine what took place yesterday with Sen. Specter.

It is time to take an inventory of one’s belief and view on Government. The overriding question is to ask oneself is, “How big do I want Government to be?” As the answer to that question will drive the regulations, taxes, and spending that will be carried out by the Government one envisions. Then ask oneself, “Can my vision of Government guarantee everyone the rights and freedoms established by the U.S. Constitution and the principles of Democracy?”

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