Monday, August 3, 2009

Hamburg City Council Minutes - May 12, 2009

Mayor Malz called the regular meeting of the Hamburg City Council to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Larry Mueller, Councilmember Brian Cummiskey, Councilmember Steve Trebesch, Councilmember John Barnes, City Clerk Jeremy Gruenhagen, Deputy Clerk Block, and Fire Chief Brad Droege were present. Others present were Stacie Franck (Lions Club). Maintenance Worker Dennis Byerly was absent until 8:08 p.m.

Agenda Review (Added Items) and Adoption

  • Added – Hamburg Lions Club request for a Lawful Gambling Permit for Poultry on November 20, 2009.
  • Added – Parking Ordinance.

Councilmember Mueller moved to approve the agenda with the two additions, seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion unanimously carried. All Council Members were present.

Old City Business

  • Mayor Malz commented that he is still working on getting the Hamburg web sight set up.
  • Councilmember Cummiskey asked when council will move on the evaluations forms.
    o City Clerk Gruenhagen replied that he will bring this up under his report.

    Fire Department Report – Chief Brad Droege

2009 FEMA Grant Application

  • Fire Chief Droege is about 80% done with filling out the narrative part of the application and will be able to submit it on time.

Sibley County Fire Chiefs Meeting

  • The Sibley County Fire Chiefs Meeting will be held at the Hamburg Community Center on July 9, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.

J-5 Rig

  • The call lettering has been completed and the rig is ready to go.
  • Fire Chief Droege asked Mayor Malz to sign the form transferring ownership of the J-5 rig from Green Isle to the City of Hamburg.
    o Mayor Malz signed the transfer of ownership papers.

Joint Powers Agreements – Article in LMC Magazine

  • City Clerk Gruenhagen pointed out that when the Mutual Aid Agreement with Washington Lake Township was signed there was some concern about the indemnity of responsibility section in the agreement that was taken out. The LMCIT sent out a memo recommending that:
    o The employees of the responding party be treated as employees of the requesting party and under the command of the requesting party. The governmental unity receiving assistance should defend and indemnify the responding party. LMCIT also recommends that each party be responsible for its own workers’ compensation costs and damage to their own property, regardless of who is at fault.
    o City Clerk Gruenhagen recommended that when the Joint Powers Agreement is renewed it should be sent to the League for review. LMCIT will assist cities by reviewing joint powers agreements at no charge.

City Old Business – Not Allowing Street Closures

  • Fire Chief Droege questioned the Councils decision, at a previous council meeting, not allowing street closures. He was wondering if City Clerk Gruenhagen had any follow up clarification on this.
    o City Clerk Gruenhagen and Council discussed the original motion made by Councilmember Cummiskey on how the motion was stated and if Watertown had been contacted for their policy on street closings.
    o City Clerk Gruenhagen thought allowing streets to be closed could be done by issuing a permit. He will look into it again.
    o Mayor Malz asked to have the wording of the motion clarified and add this topic to the next council meeting agenda.

Lions Club Gambling

  • Stacy Franck, representing the Hamburg Lions Club, requested a Lawful Gambling Exempt Permit for the Lions Poultry Party which will be held on November 20, 2009 at the Hamburg Hall. They would like to have bingo, gambling, and tip boards.
  • Councilmember Cummiskey moved to grant the Hamburg Lions request for a Lawful Gambling Exempt Permit for the Poultry Party to be held on November 20, 2009, seconded by Councilmember Barnes and motion unanimously passed. All Council members were present.

    Deputy Clerk Block’s Report

Delinquent Utility Bills Report

  • Deputy Clerk Block reported that Chris Tordsen had informed the city office that he would make another utility payment on April 29, 2009, however, as of this council meeting no additional payment has been received. The city office has sent him letters, certified notices, and the CSO has posted water shut off notices on his door. The city has been very patient in waiting for payments that Mr. Tordsen had set up and agreed upon but every agreement was broken. What ever dollar amount is delinquent in November 2009 that amount will be assessed to his taxes
    o Councilmember Mueller commented that Mr. Tordsen has been slowly chipping away at his bill. It’s not that he has not paid anything towards his bill, so lets not shut his water off at this time. Other members of Council agreed.
  • Councilmember Trebesch questioned the delinquent water bill for 941 Park Ave. Jeff Muri is the owner of the property and isn’t he responsible for the renter’s delinquent amount.
    o Deputy Clerk Block replied that Mr. Muri had called the City Office and requested that a copy of the water bill be sent to him.
    o The renters of the property (941 Park Ave) had previously called the City Office informing them that they no longer live at this address, they have moved out.
    o City Clerk Gruenhagen added that the City has not received official word that the renters have moved out and it may not be theirs or the Sheriff’s Office’s responsibility to notify the City.

    City Clerk/Treasurer Report

I & I Abatement Program Update

  • City Clerk Gruenhagen reported that he had received a call from Becky Sabie of the Minnesota Public Facilities Authority and that they will be the Minnesota organization working with the stimulus monies. What she said is that it will be about a 20% grant which will be called Principal Forgiveness trying to get around Federal requirements tied to stimulus money. The rest of the project would be a low interest loan with an interest rate of about 2.75% to 2.8%. The monies will be given out on a first come first serve bases. The City has to submit a PCA certification and a bid cost estimates to the PCA to be considered for the stimulus money. Within the next month there should be more information on the stimulus money.
  • Councilmember Trebesch asked how far the City is away from getting this all in.
    o City Clerk Gruenhagen answered that Councilmember Mueller, Mayor Malz, and himself will be meeting with Doug Parrott (S.E.H.) on Thursday, May 14, 2009, to get a schedule update. The project is at the final design stage now.
  • Councilmember Mueller asked if the 20% grant money would be for both, the sanitary sewer and storm water projects.
    o City Clerk Gruenhagen replied that according to Ron Seymour he is hoping the 20% stimulus money will be for both projects but this has not been clarified. Clerk Gruenhagen suggested following up with Doug Parrott about this.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen reported that Doug Parrott (S.E.H.) would like to set up a Neighborhood Meeting for May 19, 2009 (Tuesday) at 6:30 p.m. This meeting would be posted as a Neighborhood Meeting (open meeting laws would still be in effect) hosted by Mr. Parrott and himself. Council would be audience participants. Notifications will be sent out to all affected property owners.
    o Councilmember Cummiskey moved to have a Special Neighborhood Meeting on May 19, 2009 (Tuesday) at 6:30 p.m., Councilmember Mueller seconded and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen noted to Council that Ann Perry would like to meet before the June 9th, 2009 City Council meeting to finalize the Comprehensive plan and go over some Zoning Ordinance changes.
    o Councilmember Trebesch moved to have a Special Meeting with Ann Perry to go over the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance review on May 19, 2009 at 6:00 p.m., Councilmember Mueller seconded and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.

Carver County Base Fiber Optic Ring

  • City Clerk Gruenhagen had previously asked Carver County if they would want the Fiber Optic Ring to go on the North or South side of Park Avenue. They replied back asking the city which side we would like the line on.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen was under the assumption that they would come out and do some pre-construction analysis to find out what works best for them.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen asked Council if they had any preference on with side of the street the line should run. Clerk Gruenhagen feels they should come out and assess the area to find out what works best for them.
  • Councilmember Mueller commented that from Railroad Street going east on Park Avenue would be better going on the north side of the street because on the south side the line they would have to cross the storm sewer lines three times.
  • Members of Council discussed different options, depth of line, crossing the sewer lines, etc. Council agreed that it should be up to Carver County to decide on what side of the street would be the easiest for them to install the line. It is their R.O.W. and it should be their decision.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen informed Council that he would contact Doug Parrott (S.E.H.) and have him draw up a map showing where everything will be located under ground for the I & I Abatement Project and send it to Carver County.
  • Councilmember Mueller commented that he thinks the line should go down Jacob Street then down Maria Avenue instead of County Road 50. However, it is totally up to them on the route of the line.

Additions via Laterals Based upon Funding from Stimulus Funds

  • City Clerk Gruenhagen reminded Council of the emails he had sent to the County and copied them concerning the two additional laterals, one going to the Water Treatment Plant and other one going to the Community Hall (City Maintenance Shop)
  • Councilmember Trebesch asked if they were the ones putting green lines in the city streets.
    o Councilmember Mueller replied that Maintenance Worker Byerly was marking all the under ground lines.

Clarke Mosquito Control – Outdoor Pest Control Dates for 2009

  • City Clerk Gruenhagen informed Council of Clarke Mosquito Control schedule. They will start spraying from May 20, 2009 to August 26, 2009. The spraying will be done every two weeks during that period. Due to weather conditions or other factors the schedule may change. If the city wants to change any of the dates then Clarke Mosquito would like a three day notice.

To The Home Internet

  • City Clerk Gruenhagen reported to Council that he had two inquiries about the wireless network.
  • Mayor Malz added that he has had several inquiries from people who live in the township.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen mentioned that he did put a notice in the paper that if anyone is interested they should contact the City office.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen reported on the letter he received from Mr. Odoms (150 Jacob Street) that To The Home Internet is looking at an alternate route outside of town. In his opinion the wireless internet would not hurt or harm anything if the wireless network would be installed for the city. The city probably would not gain anything financially from it anyway.
    o Mayor Malz commented that it would be minimum or no profit for the city.
  • Councilmember Trebesch asked if they were still going to place the equipment on the cities water tower.
    o Mayor Malz and City Clerk Gruenhagen both replied yes.
  • Councilmember Barnes asked if To The Home Internet would need to use the building located just below the water tower for their equipment...
    o Council discussed what they had heard from the last council meeting discussion.
    o Mayor Malz suggested that Mr. Sprengeler be asked to attend another council meeting to clarify this.
  • Councilmember Mueller added that some type of agreement should be made so the City is not liable or responsible for anything.
    o Councilmember Cummiskey stated that the City should get a copy of Mr. Sprengeler insurance policy.
    o City Clerk Gruenhagen suggested that some type of agreement be written up and reviewed by legal (Mac).
  • Councilmember Cummiskey thought that something should be put on the Cities electronic sign about the possibility of a wireless network coming to town and to call the City Offices if you have an interest.
  • Councilmember Mueller commented that the company should promote their wireless network themselves.
    o City Clerk Gruenhagen added that he was not going to put a lot of city time in to advertising when the city is not going to benefit from it however, he would put a message on the city sign.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen suggested meeting with Mr. Sprengeler again to go over how he is going to promote his business. It is his business and the city should not be promoting it for him. It looks like Mr. Sprengeler is waiting to hear from the City to give him the go ahead to move forward. The city has to decide if they want Mr. Sprengeler to provide the service or not. Then leave it up to him to send out flyers to drum up business.
  • Mayor Malz suggested getting a hold of Mr. Sprengeler to come to another council meeting.
    o City Clerk Gruenhagen will contact him and set something up.

Community Center Rentals – Use of Alcohol

  • City Clerk Gruenhagen informed Council that in the Community Center rental agreement it states that alcohol is not permitted unless there is a written agreement from Council allowing alcohol in the building.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen asked if Council would like the same type of wording that is in the Hall rental agreement be added in the Community Center rental agreement, allowing alcohol in the Community Center. He guessed that Council did not want to have an on-sale liquor license or allow alcohol to be sold within the building. Just allow 3.2 beer to be given away, without any compensation.
  • Council discussed and decided to allow alcohol in the Community Center.
  • Councilmember Cummiskey moved to add the last paragraph from the Hamburg Hall Lease Agreement – Liquor, wine, and beer may be served in connection with events at the Hamburg Community Center if they are neither sold nor exchanged for compensation. If beer, wine, or liquors are consumed upon said premises by the Lessee or by any guests, invitees, patrons of any kind or any other third parties, Lessee shall assume all responsibility for such consumption and for all resulting actions and behavior of said persons caused or influenced by such consumption of beer, wine, or liquors, Councilmember Mueller seconded and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.

Employee Evaluations

  • City Clerk Gruenhagen suggested setting up a committee, two council members and himself, to review the employee evaluation forms. The committee would make any changes or additions and then present the changes to City Council for review and approval.
  • Mayor Malz asked for volunteers.
    o Councilmember Cummiskey and Councilmember Trebesch volunteered
    o If one or both would be unable to commit to the committee then either Councilmember Barnes or Councilmember Mueller could be a replacement.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen will set up a meeting to review the job descriptions and then review the evaluation forms.

Projection Screen

  • Fire Chief Droege asked if the projection screen was located and brought to the Community Center.
    o City Clerk Gruenhagen replied that Maintenance Worker Byerly had said the screen was up at the Hall and he will bring it to the Community Center.
  • A suggestion came up about purchasing a new projection screen, one that would pull down from the ceiling. City Clerk Gruenhagen will follow up with the Lions Club if they were going to purchase a new pull down screen. The cost for a good screen is around $200.

    Dennis’ Report (Public Works & Utilities)

    City Clerk Gruenhagen reported to Council that he did not receive any word from Maintenance Worker Byerly that he was not going to be present at this meeting. City Clerk Gruenhagen will present the Public Works & Utilities report.

Project List

  • Councilmember Mueller questioned if Maintenance Worker Dennis Byerly had mentioned anything about public nuisances within the city.
    o City Clerk Gruenhagen mentioned that he had spoken with Maintenance Worker Byerly about reporting any public nuisances when he reads the water meters. City Clerk Gruenhagen asked Deputy Clerk Block if Dennis made any notes on the meter reading form.
    § Deputy Clerk Block replied that he did not.
    o City Clerk Gruenhagen will drive around town and take some pictures of nuisance areas and then send out letters.

Water Main Leak (Brad Street)

  • There was a water main leak on Brad Street and Henning’s will be coming out Wednesday, May 13, 2009, to fix the leak.
  • Councilmember Mueller commented that a locate company was hired. Larry stated it was probably cheaper to hire a locate company for $500 or $600 then to dig up different areas trying to find it.
  • The water in the area of Brad Street will have to be shut of for a brief period of time.

NYA Water Tower – Update

  • Mr. Parrott (SEH) relayed the following information to City Clerk Gruenhagen about the NYA water tower:
    o The tower is a 300,000 gallon tank
    o A new water tower would cost between $900,000 and 1 million dollars.
    o To disassemble the NYA tank, move it to Hamburg, and reconstruct it the cost would be around $250,000 to $300,000. This amount does not include soil boring samples, engineering services, labor cost, connection fees, or tank inspection cost once reconstructed.
    o The water level is 85 feet to 115 feet which would give the City of Hamburg a water pressure of 37 to 50. Because of its size some type of equipment would be needed to circulate the water in the tank to prevent it from freezing during the winter. The City would gain about 5 pounds of pressure.
  • Mayor Malz questioned because of its height how does it compare with the water pressure the city has now.
    o City Clerk Gruenhagen estimated that the new water tower would be about 10 feet higher then the one we have now.
    o Councilmember Mueller commented that the city would gain about 5 pounds of pressure.
    o City Clerk Gruenhagen added that the tower could be made taller which would add more water pressure but at a higher cost.
    o Councilmember Mueller added that it would all depend on where the water tower would be located. Right now the comparison between the two is based on where the water tower is currently located.
  • Councilmember Trebesch questioned if the old tower would still be used.
    o Councilmember Mueller answered that he does not think so.
  • Councilmember Trebesch asked how big the tower we have now is.
    o Fire Chief Droege replied it is a 50,000 gallon tank.
  • Councilmember Trebesch asked if the current water lines could handle the added pressure.
    o Other members of Council replied that they did not know why they would not. The added pressure is a small amount, its not like it would be 70 lbs. of added pressure.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen commented that he does not know if Council wants to pursue this any further and asked for Council’s opinions.
    o Council discussed the different ways the water tower could be moved and the cost involved.
    o Councilmember Mueller does not know where the money would come from, the water fund is broke.
    o Councilmember Cummiskey asked how old the “new” NYA water tower is.
    § Council replied that it is 15 years old.
    § Councilmember Mueller replied that Hamburg’s current water tower was built in 1930 or 1940 which puts it at 69 or 79 years old.
    o Councilmember Trebesch asked what the condition of the current Hamburg water tower is.
    § The reply from other members of Council was that it was in good shape.
    § City Clerk Gruenhagen answered indicating that the inside of the tank will have to be re-painted soon.
  • Mayor Malz asked Council to think about this and that this proposal should not be forgotten.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen added that he would like to run this by Ron Seymour (S.E.H.) to find out if there is any grant money available. This may cost the City a few hundred dollars but it may be worth it.
    o Council agreed that this would be a good idea.
  • Council continued to discuss this issue on various different topics.

Cell Phone Usage – Maintenance Worker Byerly

  • City Clerk Gruenhagen was hoping that Maintenance Worker Dennis Byerly would be at the Council meeting to help explain the high minute usage.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen informed Council that over a two month period at least $100 was spent on minutes. With pay-as-you-go calls can not be tracked. City Clerk Gruenhagen does not know how he can be using this many minutes, right now the city is paying $52 a month for minutes.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen suggested switching plans so the phone numbers could be tracked. In his opinion the cell phone is being used for personal calls. There is no way he can use 260 minutes per month on city business.
  • Council discussed the various plans and agreed to have City Clerk Gruenhagen purchase a new plan once the minutes purchased are used up.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen will also remind Maintenance Worker Byerly that the city purchased cell phone is for city business only.
  • Council continued to discuss the issue of using the city cell phone for personal use and what plans are better then others.

2009 Budget Cuts – LGA Loss for 2009

  • City Clerk Gruenhagen gave Council a list of items that could be cut from the 2009 budget and asked council to priorities them. There is about $62,150 worth of items that could be cut. Council does not have to go to extremes but there are some possibilities on the list to cut.
    o The City of Hamburg was certified to receive $59,961 (LGA) in 2009. The Governors current proposal is to cut $21,641 from LGA and in the House of Representatives they are planning to cut $6,282 from the LGA.
    o It could be until the end of June before the City of Hamburg knows what the actual LGA cut will be for 2009 and 2010.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen continued to suggest that the first two items, that could be cut, are the Equipment Replacement and the City Maintenance Funds, the two put together total over $14,000. Also with the cutting of Maintenance and Deputy Clerk hours the cost savings to the city is about an additional $4,000 to $5,000.
    o Adding these items together would about equal what the city needs to cut for this years budget.
  • Mayor Malz suggested holding off on redoing the City Shop driveway for another year.
    o City Clerk Gruenhagen added this would save the city at least $15,000. Any project that is cut this year should be held off for another two years because in 2010 the government cuts may double.
  • Fire Chief Droege informed Council that the Fire Department can not carry over a balance in their Gambling Fund from year to year.
    o Mayor Malz added that this means the Fire Department has to lower the gambling fund balance by the end of the year. The city can not hold the money as if it were a savings account, the money has to have a purpose.
    o Fire Chief Droege gave Council an example:
    § The Fire Department will make a $10,000 payment towards the Tanker but in return the City puts $5,000 in the Fire Departments Relief Fund. This would save the City $5,000.
    o City Clerk Gruenhagen asked what the time frame was for using the money.
    § Mayor Malz replied that a check would have to clear by the last day of the year. The check could not carry over into the next year.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen commented that the main purpose for the 2009 Budget Cuts worksheet is for Council to prioritize what projects should be done this year and which projects should be put on hold.

Estimates for Sidewalk Replacement

  • City Clerk Gruenhagen informed Council that he is waiting on an estimate from Hard Stuff Masonry & Concrete (Don Harms). The Council had requested Mr. Harms to break out his costs.
    o There were no estimates on a truncated dome or Ped ramp for the end of the sidewalk.
    o Hard Stuff Masonry estimate to do just the sidewalk portion on Railroad Street from Maria to Sophia basically came in at $8,389.50.
    § On this portion he was the lowest.
    o His estimate to do the other sidewalk from the alley down to the corner of Henrietta and Railroad was $4,180.50.
    § On this portion he was higher.
  • Chard Tiling estimate was $10,792.40.
  • Hanson & Vasek Construction, Inc. estimate was $14,280.
  • Councilmember Trebesch questioned the quotation from Hard Stuff Masonry & Concrete (Don Harms) which lists the sidewalk across from Parkside Bar as 133 feet x 9 feet wide.
    o Councilmember Mueller and City Clerk Gruenhagen replied that they have asked Mr. Harms to redo his estimates and change the sidewalk width from 9 feet wide to 5 feet wide.
    o City Clerk Gruenhagen will ask Mr. Harms to clarify in his estimate if he is going to remove the cement or not.
  • Councilmember Mueller commented that Don Harms (Hard Stuff Masonry & Concrete) should be contacted to do just the section along Railroad Street (Maria to Sophia). He is about $2,000 under what the City has budgeted.
    o Councilmember Trebesch questioned if Mr. Harms price would be the same without doing the other part. Would doing both sections be cheaper than doing just one?
    § Mayor Malz replied that it does not say anything different.
    § City Clerk Gruenhagen replied that the quotation would be a ballpark figure, not a bid.
    o Councilmember Mueller added that Chard has a $600 mobilization fee if he would have to come back to do the other section from the alley down to the corner of Henrietta and Railroad.
    o City Clerk Gruenhagen reminded Council that they had budgeted $10,000 for this repair.
    o Councilmember Mueller commented that the City is trying to cut some money out of the budget and by doing both sections the City would have to come up with extra funds. There also would be landscaping costs. Any restoration will be done by Maintenance Worker Byerly.
    o City Clerk Gruenhagen noted that Hard Stuff Masonry & Concrete is about $2,400 cheaper than the others estimates.
    o Fire Chief Droege reminded Council that there are 5 drains in the sidewalk. Council acknowledged that they were aware of them.
    o Councilmember Trebesch asked if Xcel Energy will be asked if they want to put new poles in, the sidewalk goes around the poles.
    § Councilmember Mueller replied that the poles are only guide wire poles.
    § City Clerk Gruenhagen replied that out of courtesy he will contact Michelle Swanson (Xcel) and let her know about the sidewalk project.
  • Councilmember Mueller made a motion to contact Hard Stuff Masonry & Concrete to tear out and replace the sidewalk on Railroad Street, the section along Railroad Street between Maria Avenue and Sophia Avenue for the cost of $8,389.50, seconded by Councilmember Barnes and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.
  • Councilmember Mueller suggested that City Clerk Gruenhagen send a courtesy letter to Chard Tiling and Hanson & Vasek Construction, Inc. letting them know that the project was awarded to Hard Stuff Masonry & Concrete and that the City appreciates their time spent on sending in their estimates.
  • Fire Chief Droege asked Council to have some temporary access ramps put in place for residents along the project area otherwise some may not be able to get into or out of their homes.

Estimates for Seal Coating – CC/Fire Hall/WTP Parking Lot & Donald Avenue

  • City Clerk Gruenhagen reported to Council that bids were received from Minnesota Roadways, Southwest Paving, and Pearson Bros.
    o Minnesota Roadways was cheapest per square yard.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen asked Councilmember Mueller that on Southwest Paving they had “spread fa 2 granite”. What is the depth?
    o Councilmember Mueller replied that he thinks fa 2 is three eighths.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen reported that looking at the estimates Minnesota Roadways is one fourth inch granite chips, Southwest Paving is the fa 2 granite, Pearson Bros. is one eighth inch Trap Rock.
    o Councilmember Mueller replied that Trap rock is fa 2 granite. Minnesota Roadways is the smallest grade and that is what he would recommend. Fa 2 and trap rock are more flat.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen commented that Minnesota Roadways submitted a proposal using polymer modified oil for a harder set surface. This would increase the cost by about $400 to $500 more.
    o Councilmember Mueller replied that in his opinion the polymer modified oil would not have to be used. He also added that looking at the proposals only Minnesota Roadways has crack seal included in their proposal for the amount of $435.00. Bargen has already completed the crack sealing so this can be deleted from the bid.
  • Councilmember Mueller continued by pointing out that Roadways and Southwest Paving both will restripe. Pearson Bros. did not include striping in their bid that cost would be above their submitted price.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen informed Council that there is $13,000 available for Seal Coating.
  • Fire Chief Droege noted to have Minnesota Roadways do the Community Center parking lot it would cost $8,887 plus $915 for the after sweep and $385 for striping.
    o City Clerk Gruenhagen and Councilmember Mueller both agreed that Southwest Paving is almost $1,200 cheaper. Southwest Paving has pre-clean lot and fill cracks with hot crack fill included in their estimate. This would have to be adjusted out because Bargen has already done the crack sealing for the parking lot.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen suggested to Council that when projects go to bids the city should have a list of their own specs that would be sent out to companies. Right now companies are submitting their own specs and they are not the same from company to company. Pearson Bros., Inc. is starting to complain about this.
    o Councilmember Mueller noted that one bid was for 5,600 square yards, another was bid for 5,300 square yards.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen stated the he thinks Southwest Paving is the cheapest.
  • Councilmember Barnes informed the other members of Council that he is still in favor of holding off on doing this project this year.
    o Mayor Malz replied that some areas of the parking lot really need to be done.
    o Chief Droege (Wm. Mueller & Sons) commented that the lot does need to be seal coated.
    o Other members of Council replied that the Community Center lot does need to be done and doing it this year (2009) would extend its life.
    o Councilmember Barnes responded that the lot does need to be done but not this year.
    o Council members and Chief Droege further discussed this issue and they all greed, except Councilmember Barnes, to go ahead with the project this year. They also discussed what type or quality of work Southwest Paving does.
  • Councilmember Cummiskey moved to accept the estimate from Southwest Paving, Inc. to do the CC/Fire Hall/WTP Parking Lot, less the cost for crack sealing if they still honor the submitted estimate price from March 31, 2009, seconded by Councilmember Mueller and motion carried. Councilmember Barnes voted nay.

    Dennis’ Report (Public Works & Utilities)
    Maintenance Worker Byerly arrived at the City Council Meeting at 8:08 pm.
  • Projection Screen
    o City Clerk Gruenhagen asked Maintenance Worker Byerly if he had located the projection screen and if it is at the Hall to bring it over to the Community Center.
    o Maintenance Worker Byerly replied that he would try and locate it and bring the screen over to the Community Center.
  • Cell Phone
    o City Clerk Gruenhagen informed Maintenance Worker Byerly that he and the Council had previously discussed changing his cell phone plan.
  • Trim Trees – on Project List
    o Councilmember Trebesch asked if trimming the trees has been completed.
    § City Clerk Gruenhagen replied that this is on the list as a possible budget cut item.

    City Council Reports

Councilmember Mueller (Sewer & Water)

  • Councilmember Mueller asked about the Cities parking ordinance. He thinks it states 24 hours but there are some boats that have been sitting in the same place for months. Councilmember Mueller does not want them ticketed but a letter sent to them outlining the cities ordinance.
    o City Clerk Gruenhagen asked if he know the names of the owners.
    o Councilmember Mueller replied that one is Dale Stuewe (636 Kim Avenue) and the other one is Dan Nash (619 Kim Avenue).
    o City Clerk Gruenhagen stated that letters would be sent out and if the residents do not comply then he will have the CSO post the ordinance at their residents.
  • Councilmember Mueller asked Maintenance Worker Byerly if he attended the Water School in Victoria.
    o Maintenance Worker Byerly responded, no.

Councilmember Cummiskey (Streets) had nothing further to report.

Councilmember Trebesch (Buildings)

  • Councilmember Trebesch asked to get clarification on opening and closing the pond gate (locking it). Maintenance Worker Byerly is responsible for opening it and whose ever turn it will close and lock the gate at noon.

Councilmember Barnes (Parks) had nothing further to report.

Mayor Malz

  • Mayor Malz mentioned that he had seen a notice on the cities water bill reminding residents to change their sump pumps over from winter.
    o City Clerk Gruenhagen added that he had this reported in the paper also.
  • Mayor Malz commented that he was asked by one of the cities residents who had a billing disagreement with Waste Management and Waste Management came and took their garbage containers away. The resident asked what he should do. Mayor Malz did not have an answer for them other than work it out with Waste Management.
    o City Clerk Gruenhagen responded that the only time Waste Management removes garbage containers from residents is if they do not pay their bill. Waste Management is supposed to contact the city when this happens. If the resident can not get this resolved City Clerk Gruenhagen asked Mayor Malz to have the resident contact him.
    o Mayor Malz replied that the issue was resolved.
    o City Clerk Gruenhagen added that if this happens in the future to have the resident contact him if they are unable to resolve the issue with Waste Management.
  • Mayor Malz made the comment that since Bargen was here doing the crack sealing there is a lot of debris in the curb gutters.
    o City Clerk Gruenhagen replied that Lonnie will be contacted to come back and sweep the gutters where Bargen did the seal crake sealing.
    o Members of Council added to wait until Xcel is done trimming the trees in town, then call him.
  • Councilmember Mueller, Fire Chief Droege, and Mayor Malz commented that some city streets are starting to unravel at the edges. This is a sign that the streets should be overlaid.
    o City Clerk Gruenhagen and Councilmember Mueller commented that what is budgeted next year for seal coating should be used for overlay.

    Approve Claims List for May 2009

City Clerk Gruenhagen added an ACH payment to the claims list to Wells Fargo to City Employee’s HSA’s in the amount of $8,000.

City Clerk Gruenhagen added a payment of $615 payable to the City of Norwood/Young America for their attorney cost to attend the Franchise Agreement between the cities and Mediacom Cable. This claim will be paid out the JPB Cable Comm. Account.

Councilmember Trebesch questioned claim number 13820, belt for generator – batteries – fuel filters. He asked if these items were for the WTP generator.

  • City Clerk Gruenhagen replied that the belt was for the generator in the park and the batteries and fuel filters were for Fire Department equipment.
    Councilmember Trebesch questioned claim number 13821, cell phone minutes and claim number 13822, two $50 calling cards.
  • City Clerk Gruenhagen answered that he is looking into a different calling plan because of the high number of minutes purchased each month.

Councilmember Mueller moved to approve the May 2009 Claims list including the three ACH payments through claim numbers 13813 to 13843, seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.

Councilmember Mueller moved to approve the claim for $615 to the City of Norwood/YA, payment to be drawn out of the Cable Account, Councilmember Trebesch seconded and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.

Councilmember Mueller moved to adjourn the Hamburg City Council meeting at 8:38 p.m., seconded by Councilmember Cummiskey and motion carried. All Council Members were present.

Submitted by:

Sue Block Deputy Clerk

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