Mayor Malz called the regular meeting of the Hamburg City Council to order at 8:00 p.m. Councilmember Steve Trebesch, Councilmember John Barnes, City Clerk Jeremy Gruenhagen, Deputy Clerk Sue Block, Maintenance Worker Dennis Byerly, and Fire Chief Brad Droege were present. Others present were Richard Odoms (150 Jacob Street). Councilmember Larry Mueller arrived at 8:13 and Councilmember Brian Cummiskey arrived later during the meeting.
Agenda Review (Added Items) and Adoption
- Added – H1N1 memo from Carver County Public Health
- Added – Updated Delinquent Water Bill Report
- Added – Claims List
- Added – Quote from Henning's Excavating for storm sewer work at the City Shop.
Councilmember Barnes moved to accept the agenda with the four additions, seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion unanimously carried.
Old City Business
- Number 1 – The cities web site is almost up and ready. It just needs some updating and corrections.
- Number 3 – Changing the wording in Ordinance #95.06 (B) – This will be done at the same time the cities zoning ordinances are adopted.
- Number 4 – Business Cards – The business cards should be ready by the next council meeting.
- Number 5 – Community Center – will be kept as an on-going project.
- Number 6 – Evaluation Forms - Another meeting will be set up with Councilmember Trebesch and Councilmember Cummiskey to finalize them.
- Number 7 – Discuss charging organizations a fee to help cover background fees. - Has been completed.
- Number 8 – Video Tape City Property and Equipment – is on-going.
- Number 9 – Set up a Committee and Meeting for City Sign Usage – City Clerk Gruenhagen, Councilmember John Barnes, and a member from each organization except churches will be on the committee. When to meet has not been decided.
Approve Minutes for July 28, 2009 and August 11, 2009
- Councilmember Barnes moved to approve the City Council meeting minutes for July 28, 2009 and August 11, 2009, Councilmember Trebesch seconded and motion unanimously carried.
Fire Department Report – Chief Brad Droege
US Fish & Wildlife Grant & 2009 FEMA Grant
FEMA Grant
- Fire Chief Droege reported that what he has heard from vendors the grants will be out the end of November or early December.
Fire Hall Garage Door
- The Ambulance door (Garage Door Opener) at the fire station stopped working. The door was installed new in 1989, last year $150 was spent to repair it. The year before that $100 was spent fixing it. Now the cost would be around $175 to fix it again this year. Fire Chief Droege and City Clerk Gruenhagen discussed what should be done about the garage door opener and decided to have a new one installed. The new opener cost $900 however Ridgeview Medical will be paying $650 and the City of Hamburg will pay $250. Council had no objections to installing a new opener as stated above.
Fire Fighter Radio
- Last spring there was a large swamp fire that the Hamburg Fire Department helped extinguish but during the fire one of the fire fighters radio was accidentally submerged in swamp water. Four months later the radio stopped working. Fire Chief Droege is working with the insurance company to find out if the radio would be covered under the policy. The radio is valued at $2,500.
J5 Trailer
- Fire Chief Droege asked Council for a motion to accept a donation for the purchase of a J5 Trailer. The Fire Department Relief purchased the trailer for somewhere around $4,400 to $4,500.
- Councilmember Barnes moved to accept the Fire Department Relief Associations donation for the purchase of a trailer for the J5, seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion unanimously carried.
Handicap Bathrooms at the Hall
- Fire Chief Droege reported that at a wedding dance last weekend there was a person in an electric wheel chair that could not get through the women's bathroom door. The entrance door to the bathroom was to narrow. Something has to be done, there is a handicap ramp to get into the Hall but the bathrooms are inaccessible to persons in wheel chairs.
- Council discussed this issue and no decision was made at this time.
H1N1 Flu Virus
- Fire Chief Droege handed out informational pamphlets that he had received during last nights Fire Department meeting. He went over some of the basic information that was listed.
Influenza – Basics
- Contagious viral respiratory illness.
Fever, Headache, body aches, sore throat, cough, runny nose
- Very abrupt onset
- Contagious 1 day before to 7 days after symptom onset
- Every year 5% to 20% of population gets infected
- Typically 36,000 deaths per year (0.01%)
Virus changes yearly
- Hence the need for yearly shot
Hospital Beds
- There are only 3,000 in the 7 county metro area.
- Store a two week supply of water and food.
- You may not be able to get to a store, the store is out of supplies, or there are not enough employees to work in the store.
- If a person contracts H1N1 they are not to go back to work for 7 days.
EMS Response
- During a pandemic, EMS resources will vary; how bad is it today?
- Green – usual EMS operations
- Yellow – EMS services are pending or not answering calls that normally would warrant a Code 3 response.
- Red – EMS services are pending or not answering calls for which there is a significant risk of death for the patient.
- May be a delay in responding, 1st responders may be busy with another call or they are short staffed to respond. The calls will be triaged.
EMS Staffing
- Will likely not respond with 2 paramedics to help protect them from the H1V1 flu.
- Hamburg Fire Department has received a thousand masks from Carver County. They also received foam hand cleaner which will be mounted in the fire trucks, fire station, and in the Community Center bathrooms. They also ordered goggles and liquid hand sanitizer.
- Typical government, they knew last year that this virus was coming and should have had the vaccination ready.
- The first responders will not be getting their shots until the end of October when this will be the pike time to get the H1N1virus.
- Adam Glander (201 Martha Street) will keep a list of first responders and members of the Fire Department who are sick with H1N1 and who are available to respond to emergencies.
- The Hamburg Fire Department is ready for the H1N1 outbreak and will be meeting once a month at the Fire Station and through emails with the County to keep on top of it.
Fire Prevention (October 9th)
- The yearly fire prevention event will be held at the Hamburg Fire Station on October 9, 2009.
S.A.F.E.R. Breakfast - October 11, 2009
The planning of the breakfast is on track. The founders of S.A.F.E.R. will be there with the new S.A.F.E.R. puppy and the Fire Department will be putting on demos. Some of the sponsors are; Thrivent for Lutherans who are supplementing funding and the Fire Department Relief Association's from Hamburg, Norwood/Young America, Waconia, and Cologne.
- City Clerk Gruenhagen mentioned to Fire Chief Droege to let him know what he wants on the electric sign.
- Fire Chief Droege continued that there will be a silent auction.
Pension Increase for Reporting Year 2010
- Fire Chief Droege commented that the pension increase is when ever Council makes a decision.
Dennis' Report (Public Works & Utilities)
Storm Sewer Repair & Driveway Replacement (City Shop)
Maintenance Worker Byerly asked City Clerk Gruenhagen if he had received an estimate from Henning's.
- City Clerk Gruenhagen replied that he received it today and one from Juul for $8,548.50. The estimate from Henning Excavating was for $6,222.00.
Mayor Malz asked if they were comparable to each other.
- City Clerk Gruenhagen replied that they are pretty much comparable. Councilmember Mueller agreed.
Councilmember Trebesch asked where the manhole would be placed.
- Councilmember Mueller replied that the manhole would be in the lawn between the sidewalk and the play ground swings then a line will run towards the building to a regular catch basin with an open back plate. By doing this it will lower the catch basin from were the existing slab is. Then the water would flow into the new 21" sewer line to the County ditch. There is a storm sewer line already in this area between the Post Office and the Hall/City Shop buildings.
- Council discussed the estimates and decided that if they go with Henning's a completion date should be given so it gets completed on a timely basis's.
- Councilmember Mueller moved to hire Henning Excavating to install a new storm sewer pipe to the ramp at the City Shop for the price of $6,222 and have it completed by, no later than, October 20, 2009, seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.
City Clerk Gruenhagen asked Maintenance Worker Byerly to call Henning's Excavating.
- Councilmember Mueller asked Maintenance Worker Byerly to tell Henning's that he would like to talk to them before they order the manhole or catch basin.
- Council will discuss having the shop driveway done next year.
Community Hall Repairs – Doors
- City Clerk Gruenhagen informed Council that he had received an estimate from K&K Services to replace the side shop door. The cost for a commercial steel door with panic hardware and labor was $3,485. H2 Development Inc. sent in an estimate for the same type of door in the amount of $1,740.
- Council discussed that the side shop door does not need a panic bar. They discussed the type of door they wanted, what type of handle, does it need a door closer, and should the handle have a lock and the door have a dead bolt or just use a dead bolt. Council also discussed both bids and decided that neither one placed a bid for the type of door they wanted to be installed. Council decided to have both companies re-bid. Council requested a bid for a commercial door with no panic bar, a lever handle with no lock, a dead bolt key lock only, and no door closer. They also requested the debris be removed. Council decided to have Maintenance Worker Byerly paint the door before it is hung.
- City Clerk Gruenhagen will call both companies and ask for re-bid estimates for the specs that Council had decided on. He will also ask that the bids be in by the next City Council meeting.
Community Hall Repairs – Fans
Gate Valve on Henrietta Avenue (Between Hall & Post Office)
Water Line in Park
Loss Control Meeting
Cleaning Community Center
- Councilmember Barnes asked Maintenance Worker Byerly how often he cleans the Community Center?
- Maintenance Worker Byerly replied once a week, the Lions used it last night.
- Councilmember Barnes stated that when there is a Council meeting and the Community Center is open to the public the floor should at least be swept.
- Maintenance Worker Byerly responded: OK.
Air Conditioning for Hall
- Councilmember Mueller suggested getting more estimates for installing an air conditioner at the Hall. Two bids were received however they are completely opposite of each other. He thought it would be best to hire a consultant, get an experts opinion on what type of air conditioner would be best and costs.
- City Council agreed but decision was made at this time.
Deputy Clerk Report
Delinquent Utility Bills
- Deputy Clerk Block reported that the delinquencies are getting better and no one had their water turned off.
- Emily Siebold is still making her payments.
Jeff Muri was sent another letter asking for payment. Mr. Muri does not own the house anymore so the water can not be turned off. The Title Company says it is not their place to pay the bill even though the amount due at closing was their mistake, they are not responsible. All the Title Company can do is ask Mr. Muri to pay. If he does not pay Deputy Clerk Block will leave it up to Council on what they want done next.
- City Clerk Gruenhagen suggested that if Mr. Muri does not respond to the letter then have Mac Willemsssen (City Attorney) send Mr. Muri a letter.
- Council discussed taking this matter to small claims court but the expenses to file a court claim is about the same as his unpaid water bill of $85.62. Council also discussed who you would take to court, Mr. Muri for not paying or the Title Company for making the error.
- Council decided to wait to find out if Mr. Muri responds to the letter from the city before taking up more time to discussing it at this meeting.
- Kim Barstad did make a $110.00 payment on September 8th but she is still 30 days past due on the rest of the amount owed. Deputy Clerk Block commented that if Ms. Barstad does not pay at the end of the month (September 30th) she will be sent another shut off notice.
- Robert Gregonis (320 Sophia) paid his delinquent amount but was short sixty-six cents.
Mayor Malz asked about the delinquent amount due from MES Group (Parkside Tavern).
- Deputy Clerk Block responded that their delinquency was not over 30 days past due, they have until September 30th to pay before a shut-off letter could be sent.
- Deputy Clerk Block informed Council that City Clerk Gruenhagen and she worked for about an hour adjusting EFN Investments penalty amounts per Councils direction from the last Council meeting. They have since paid the adjusted amount and the account is now current.
Clerk/Treasurer Report
Mosquito Control for 2010
Ceiling Fans at Hall
- City Clerk Gruenhagen reiterated that Council was in agreement that if the Lions Club wants the Hall ceiling fans they can have them. The Lions Club would have to pay for installing the fans at the park.
Health Insurance Options for 2010
- City Clerk Gruenhagen informed Council that he had spoken with Bill Singer from the AT Group. Mr. Singer represents the City in finding affordable Health Insurance. Mr. Singer is willing to come out to a Council meeting to discuss the different types of Health Insurance coverage or members of council can call him individually.
- Council, Mayor Malz, and City Clerk Gruenhagen all agreed that Mr. Singer should come out to a council meeting to discuss the various policies.
- City Clerk Gruenhagen will contact Mr. Singer and ask him to attend the council meeting scheduled for the end of October.
City Share of Fines
- City Clerk Gruenhagen asked Council that if they remembered when Jim Keeler (Carver County) was at a council meeting discussing the Prosecution Contract. He talked about the fines being a third, a third, a third, well that has been changed by a new Minnesota Law. Rita Worm (Court Operations Supervisor) sent an email stating due to the new law the fine shares will now be distributed two-thirds to the municipality and one-third to the state. The courts will no longer be disbursing one-third to the prosecution contract. Hamburg should see an increase in fine payments to the city.
To The Home Insurance Coverage
City Zoning Ordinances – Storm Sewer Ordinance
- City Clerk Gruenhagen informed Council that he had included in their agenda packets a template of the Storm Sewer Ordinance. Ann Perry (City Planning Consultant) will be able to attend the October 13th City Council meeting. He asked Council if they would like to meet at 6:00 p.m. before the council meeting or set a separate date to go over ordinances.
- Council discussed and decided to hold the special meeting at 6:00 p.m. on October 13th before the regularly scheduled City Council meeting.
- Councilmember Cummiskey made a motion to hold a Special Meeting to discuss the City Zoning Ordinance and Storm Sewer Ordinance at 6:00 p.m. on October 13, 2009, seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.
- Council also asked City Clerk Gruenhagen to forward the Storm Sewer Ordinance to Ann Perry so she could look it over before the meeting.
Elm and Ash Wood – Disease Trees
- Councilmember Cummiskey brought up the issue again concerning elm and ash wood being stored in town plus other items concerning diseased wood.
- Other members of Council and Councilmember Cummiskey discussed several different scenarios. It was decided to wait until there is a problem in or close by the city and discuss it at that time.
MN Valley Regional Rail Coalition Whistle Stop Tour
- City Clerk Gruenhagen reminded Council that the Whistle Stop Tour will arrive in Hamburg on Tuesday, September 29, 2009, at 9:30 a.m. and depart the city at 9:50 a.m. Councilmember Mueller and City Clerk Gruenhagen will be attending. Other Council members could attend if they wanted.
- Councilmember Cummiskey moved to hold Tuesday, September 29, 2009 at 9:30 a.m. as a Special Meeting at the Railroad crossing and until the Train leaves Hamburg, seconded by Councilmember Mueller and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.
H1N1 Memo from Carver County
- City Clerk Gruenhagen brought up the subject that if he or Deputy Clerk Block comes down with the H1N1 flu he would prefer that she or he stays home for at least 7 days. As a city precaution if anyone on Council or Maintenance Worker Byerly comes down with it they should take the precautionary steps and stay at home for the recommended 7 days also.
- Councilmember Cummiskey suggested that each city employee write down their main priorities that have to get done and to have one or two persons trained to back them up.
- Council discussed what could be done to try and minimize the possibility of contracting the H1N1 virus. They decided to have Maintenance Worker Byerly purchase some Lysol Disinfectant Wipes for the phones, to clean and disinfect the drinking fountain, and wipe down the door handles.
City Council Reports
Councilmember Mueller (Sewer & Water)
- Councilmember Mueller informed Council that the storm sewer bids could vary depending how far Henning will have to dig down to find the existing line. They charge by the foot.
Councilmember Cummiskey (Streets)
- Councilmember Cummiskey informed Council that there is an auction tomorrow, September 23rd, in Cologne and an 8' meat cooler will be auctioned off. He does not know if it is a standup or walk-in cooler. Councilmember Cummiskey was going to the auction and asked Council if he should consider purchasing the cooler if it was in good shape.
- Council discussed if they should give Councilmember Cummiskey permission to use his own judgment whether or not the cooler is in good enough condition to purchase. Councilmember Cummiskey asked if he could go up to $1,500 if it is a walk-in cooler.
- Councilmember Mueller moved to give Councilmember Cummiskey authority to look at the cooler and use his best judgment on purchasing the cooler at a maximum of $1,500, seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.
Councilmember Trebesch (Buildings)
Councilmember Barnes (Parks) had no further comments.
Mayor Malz had no further comments.
Approve Claims List for August 2009
City Clerk Gruenhagen explained claim #14044, Twin City Garage Door, for $900. The City of Hamburg will pay $250 and Ridgeview will reimburse the City $650 for the new garage door opener.
City Clerk Gruenhagen also explained claim #14038, LMCIT, Property & Casualty Insurance Renewal, for $19,492. This bill is for insuring city property (buildings). After all the changes that were made by Council the insurance coverage premium only increased by about $200.
Mayor Malz questioned claim #14030, Wm. Mueller & Sons, fuel for City vehicles & topsoil, totaling $4,094.26. He was absent at the last council meeting when this was approved but asked if it could be explained to him.
- City Clerk Gruenhagen explained that most of the bill was gas for the City vehicles and Fire Department trucks. About $30 of the bill was spent on topsoil for the ball field.
Councilmember Mueller asked if Maintenance Worker Byerly is using off road fuel for the city vehicles, because he can.
- City Clerk Gruenhagen replied that he did not know if he was or not.
Councilmember Trebesch asked if Xcel Energy has any lights for the park building and if the price would be cheaper buying through Xcel.
- City Clerk Gruenhagen replied that he previously had checked into this and purchasing the light bulbs somewhere else would be cheaper.
Councilmember Trebesch made a motion to accept Claim Numbers 14003 through 14047 and the three ACH payments, Councilmember Barnes seconded and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.
Councilmember Barnes moved to adjourn the Hamburg City Council meeting at 9:42 p.m., seconded by Councilmember Mueller and motion unanimously carried. All Council Members were present.
Submitted by:
Sue Block Deputy Clerk