Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Polysorbate 80 In Swine Flu Vaccines = Infertility In Humans

Polysorbate 80 In Swine Flu Vaccines = Infertility In Humans

The article asserts that the WHO jumped the gun on raising the level of urgency to quell the swing flu breakout in Mexico. A few weeks after the big breakout, the wife and I talked about how overblown the swine flu outbreak is and now this article surfaces. Is there a rogue or elite group of people sitting in the UN trying to practice population control? The article does point to a 2009 brief. I never got the vaccine and have never even participated in the annual flu vaccine.


  1. What are some other common uses for polysorbate 80? Is it only used in vaccines?

  2. Polysorbate 80 is a solubilizing agent ubiquitously used in nutritives, creams, ointments, lotions, and multiple medical preparations (eg, vitamin oils, vaccines, and anticancer agents) and as an additive in tablets.

    So if conspiracy theorist want something to discuss then they have it here. On a quick scan of the net it appears that Polysorbate 80 is used in a number of items we all use everyday.

  3. So maybe the rogue or elite group of people trying to practice population control goes far beyond the U.N. How big is this conspiracy?

  4. My brother monitors the conspiracy sites. I will have to pick his mind to see what is being said. There is a book that I have recently been told about that talks about how the creation of the United States was a mistake and the original families are attempting to bring it down.

  5. I'd love to see how someone can explain why the UN helps to feed millions of starving people in developing countries but yet would secretly want population control. But, why look at something rationally.

  6. Viper,
    With regards to the "swine flu" warnings the forecasters are damned if they do and damned if they don't.

    Here's 3 scenario's to think about.

    A) they make the prediction to forewarn the public of a potential hazard. The hazard does occur and the scientists are hoisted up like heroes.

    B) they make the prediction to forewarn the public of a potential hazard. The hazard doesn't occur and the scientists are hoisted up to be hung from nooses for being wrong.

    C) they make no prediction to forewarn the public of the potential hazard. The hazard occurs and they are hoisted up to be hung from nooses for not warning us.

    They have 1 good possible outcome out of 3. If they do nothing they're damned. If they do something and nothing happens they're damned. If they do something and they get lucky, well, they got lucky.

    As to the conspiracy piece - it's BS. As with any conspiracy it presumes hyper-competence on the part of the government. Remember, we're talking about a government that can't even get food and water to a location where a hurricane is going to hit even though they can see the hurricane coming for a week in advance.

    How on earth would they ever have the competence to pull off any of the conspiracies they've been accused of let alone keep it secret?

  7. I really hope you aren't taking this seriously. You aren't concerned it fails to mention a rate of occurrence in the rats? The method? Peer review? Any actual connections or proof to humans having problems? I can only hope you are joking.

    To be honest, it seems like your whole goal is to create fear.

  8. Truman

    I disagree with your three scenario's. The WHO could have localized the issue before making a world pandemic. Once it was known that the Swine Flu was possible to spread with devastating effect then raise the alert. The truth is that more people died last year from the regular flu than the swine flu in the United States.

    As for the conspiracy angle, one of the Czar's enlisted by Obama wrote a book about population control so I don't think its that far outside of the realm of possibilities that asserting swine flu was a pandemic and the vaccine is required to save your life is that far fetched.


    There are links within the article that take you to the abstract of the study then from there you can see the actual study. I suspect a control group was used and it was peer reviewed prior to publication. My goal is not to create fear. Just to bring awareness and if the story is debunked then we all have learned a little more. I was searching last night for an alternative story to refute the assertions made in the article and came up with nothing.

  9. "The WHO could have localized the issue before making a world pandemic."

    This presumes that you know they didn't. I have never seen anything showing that they didn't do this prior to the actions they took regarding the "pandemic".

    "As for the conspiracy angle, one of the Czar's enlisted by Obama wrote a book about population control so I don't think its that far outside of the realm of possibilities that asserting swine flu was a pandemic and the vaccine is required to save your life is that far fetched."

    Correlation does not equate to causation. I have worn a cowboy hat once upon a time, does that make me a cowboy? O'Donnell was into witchcraft once upon a time, does that make her a witch? Palin had a brain once, does that make her smart?

    Again, conspiracy theorists ignore the problems around the concept of the "hyper competent government". It doesn't exist. This isn't a hollywood movie where everything goes perfectly. There aren't men sitting in dark rooms plotting to keep you sterile or help the aliens take over. And even if there were, one of them would go to the local pub and leak the story to the Enquirer for $100k and a nice new Ford F150.

    If you think there are people out there to get you, you might want to talk to a psychiatrists about your problems with paranoid delusions.

  10. And the media would have needed to be in on it in order to not report anything. And pretty much every doctor since they might question these things. And the manufactures, and researchers . . .

    "As for the conspiracy angle, one of the Czar's enlisted by Obama wrote a book about population control so I don't think its that far outside of the realm of possibilities that asserting swine flu was a pandemic and the vaccine is required to save your life is that far fetched."

    So you must think it is outside the realm of possibility. Otherwise, the distance outside would matter.

    Please think hard about what you are asserting. That it is possible the government conspired to control the world's population by given flu shots in a developed country. Yet we preach abstinence only programs.

    Let me just flat out ask it, do you believe it was possibly a conspiracy to control the population?

  11. Is it possible for the government to slip in an infertility component to a vaccine; yes. Do I personally believe that there exist a clandestine group that is dictating population control; no. Does this article raise a few red flags; sure.

  12. Truman - you don't think we need to be aware of an advisor to the president that believes in population control? And ypu don't think that he is not trying to find a way to enact that thought or idea?

  13. "Does this article raise a few red flags; sure."

    NO it doesn't. It raises hyperbole and conjecture, nothing more. There are no facts, only innuendo and unsubstantiated implications. That's not journalism, it's gossip and sadly most Americans can't tell the difference.

    "you don't think we need to be aware of an advisor to the president that believes in population control?"

    Nope. My thought is this, you need a license to drive a car, but any moron can have a baby. If the government is going to regulate one of those two activities, shouldn't it be the latter and not the former? After all, there are millions of unwanted babies, millions on welfare, millions living in poverty. And, according to most studies, the number one cause of poverty is unplanned children.

    "And ypu (sic) don't think that he is not trying to find a way to enact that thought or idea?"

    Nope, because I understand that while people have their own ideas, some of which are radical, they know that their opinion of what is best is not always the same as what is in fact best. Most self-aware people can differentiate personal opinion from fact.

    I guess I'm saying that I'm not paranoid enough to worry about it. I find it odd that you are seemingly that worried about it.

    Is this another case where you see the "big bad gub'mint" out to get the little people? If so, why do you feel that way? Were your parents victims of the Tuskegee Experiments? I'm just not sure how you came by this seemingly irrational level of distrust for an entity that has proven itself inept time and again.

  14. If we wanted population control why offer any assistance programs? Why have free lunch programs? Why not taint HIV medicine in Africa? Why do any of the work we do over there? There would be so many easier ways, such as cutting off aid. Or make contraception available to everyone at no charge?

    Is it possible for the government to? Well, just about anything is possible, but the probable, come on.

    If you don't believe, why make it such a part of your post. This is irresponsible at best to me.

  15. For the record, the advisor made whatever statements you deem important three decades ago and here is just a portion of the book, written with other professors, mind you: "To date, there has been no serious attempt in Western countries to use laws to control excessive population growth, although there exists ample authority under which population growth could be regulated. For example, under the United States Constitution, effective population-control programs could be enacted under the clauses that empower Congress to appropriate funds to provide for the general welfare and to regulate commerce, or under the equal-protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Such laws constitutionally could be very broad. Indeed, it has been concluded that compulsory population-control laws, even including laws requiring compulsory abortion, could be sustained under the existing Constitution if the population crisis became sufficiently severe to endanger the society. Few today consider the situation in the United States serious enough to justify compulsion, however"

    This part is especially telling since it limits even the idea to an extreme case, one that was not present: "if the population crisis became sufficiently severe to endanger the society. Few today consider the situation in the United States serious enough to justify compulsion, however."

    Why is context important, though.

  16. Viper. I think you are giving John Holdren way too much credit here. He's an advisor to the President. Last I checked, he is not the Congress, the President and the Judiciary all wrapped into one.

    Do you honestly believe that an advisor to the President would have a realistic chance of enacting legislation, through whatever channels may be available to him, focused on forced population controls?

  17. Viper, have you read the book in question?

    If not, I find it ironic you use it as an example when you railed against Congress for not reading all of the health care reform act.

  18. Anonymous - I have not read the book as I don't think it is out yet. I have read excerpts posted online from the book and listened to others that have read the book. They too found it interesting how absence Clinton was in the book.

  19. Clark - Executive Orders have been routinely used to push the boundaries of their original intent and been able to stay in place. Why is out of the realm of possibilities for Obama to send an Executive Order to the FDA requiring a substance that is none to cause infertility in all vaccines?

    That is more believable and possible than President Bush masterminding the 9/11 event isn't it?

  20. Anonymous - Not sure how free lunch programs has to do with population control but as for HIV in Africa there is a contingent that believe it was spread there to control the population of Africa.

    Contraception at no charge does not guarantee no one has babies. It is still possible for the contraception to fail.

    "If you don't believe, why make it such a part of your post. This is irresponsible at best to me. "

    Three reasons - 1. I like a good debate 2. I like to play devils advocate 3. Just because I don't believe it to be doesn't mean it is not. I don't believe in words of the Koran but that doesn't mean it does not exist.

  21. Then have a constructive debate. This is just ridiculous. How about this, God doesn't exist and there is no higher power or spiritual beings. Why, I've never seen them nor have you.

    Oh, and Elvis is alive. ANd the moonlanding is fake, because I haven't been there.

    And using 9/11 as an inside job as a measuring stick shows the ridiculousness of this.

  22. No free lunches, kids die. Those that believe it was spread for that reason are idiots you shouldn't be listened to. Contraception is a quick easy conspiracy free way to advance the same goal.

    All you have done is make yourself look like a fool. You want to advance the debate, topics like this, stances like this, do nothing but turn people against you, create fear, and give weight to whack job conspiracies. It does nothing to move anything forward and is an unfortunate use of your blog. You make extreme claims with pretty much zero support.

    But, if you want to look like a fool, that's your call.

    You know what, I think you actually do believe it. The good news is that your crazy pills are now covered under health care reform. (I joke). But how about discussing something worthwhile and not statng facts in your headlines when they aren't supported as fact, but rather opinion and inconclusive.

  23. Viper, I'll tell you why it is out of the realm of possibilities for Obama to send an Executive Order to the FDA requiring a substance that is known to cause infertility in all vaccines?

    Because it is out of the realm of possibilities.

    That's it. Simple as that. No conspiracies. No theories. Just that.

    How can it be? Because I say it is.

    Prove me wrong.

  24. Oh, and the devil's advocate BS is just your cheap excuse to get out of a hole that you've dug. It's the weakling's white flag.

  25. Anonymous - This discussion is ridiculous because you disagree with it and cannot fathom that our government would exert such power? We have propped up many countries via the CIA and even ran a drug trade through the same group to help fund their activities. Currently there is a covert CIA war in the Middle East that is getting some light but not a lot. The gentlemen that recently received the Medal Of Honor was a participate of a secret war while Vietnam raged on.

    No free lunches does not translate into dead children. The article that I used to launch this blog entry is full of facts that were used to apply the theory asserted by the author.

    Clark - Are you in the Obama administration? Because if you are not then you have no authority to rule out an Executive Order of this nature. Carter issued an Executive Order to halt the re-use of spent rods for nuclear power plants. Shouldn't that have been legislated? And you are correct I cannot prove you wrong just as you cannot prove the assertion that Obama could issue the Executive Order.

    Devil's Advocate is not BS nor is it a cheap excuse. I have several times on my blog written, quite successfully, a defense for a position that I do not believe in or share. Does the concept of population control have not place in critical debate? Yes because there a groups of the United Nations, within our own ruling class and other nations that would like to see it done. China has a one baby rule as do other Asian countries.

  26. Viper, I chuckle at the very thought of the United States government having the ability to effectively install a population control policy. Yet, it is the type of change we could see from this administration. I laugh even harder at those that attack your choices of blog entries. I ponder this: Are they more the fool for responding or are you more the fool for allowing them a forum to respond?

    Clark, Anonymous, Truman

    Where is your blog? Where are your facts to refute? What topics or stance would you like to see the Ardent Viper take on? I believe that Viper, and he has demonstrated it, can talk about a topic from either side of the fence. Can you with the same effectiveness and passion?

  27. "Why is out of the realm of possibilities for Obama to send an Executive Order to the FDA requiring a substance that is none to cause infertility in all vaccines?"

    There you go making baseless accusations bordering on slander and then playing it off as a hypothetical.

    Do you want to be taken seriously or not?

    "Not sure how free lunch programs has to do with population control but as for HIV in Africa there is a contingent that believe it was spread there to control the population of Africa."

    It was spread there because abstinence only programs funded by the US gov refused to take common sense measures such as condoms and distribute them.

    So that must mean this is some big conspiracy by the fundamentalist christians to control the growth of muslim populations in africa right?

    "This discussion is ridiculous because you disagree with it and cannot fathom that our government would exert such power?"

    NO, the discussion is ridiculous because it presumes all the things that conspiracy theorists require to make it plausible.

    Those things are as follows:

    1) no patriotic americans work for the government.
    2) plots can be carried out without anyone knowing, talking or finding out.
    3) the government is hyper-competent.

    All of those are absurd on their face, Viper.

    "Currently there is a covert CIA war in the Middle East that is getting some light but not a lot."

    Really? Might I ask what level of security clearance you have to know this? And if you know it, obviously it's not covert is it? Please! The assertion that you know something that covert agencies are running is such a bold faced absurdity that it makes the rest of this pale in comparison.

    "I laugh even harder at those that attack your choices of blog entries. I ponder this: Are they more the fool for responding or are you more the fool for allowing them a forum to respond?"

    Your kidding right? So because we don't subscribe to the truther, birther, conspiracy buff idiots that plague the extreme far right of the political spectrum we are fools for speaking out against those who post falsehoods, inaccuracies and mistruths? Really? I'll tell you this, when you who sit in that wacko world can get facts right and stop posting made up crap I'll happily stop posting here.

    "Clark, Anonymous, Truman, Where is your blog?"

    LOL.....stop hiding behind "anonymous" and we might take you with a bit more credence.

  28. You're right anon, I don't have "facts" that a multi-national, multi-organizational, conspiracy to create a disease and vacine to engage in population control does not exist. I'd email the WHO or my Representatives to deny it, but I'd imagine I wouldn't get a response, and even if I did, it would just be part of the cover up.

    I do have commonsense, though.

    I also don't have independent proof that China exists, since I've never been there, but I commonsense says it does. I know people who think Elvis is alive because they have seen him and sense I don't have his corpse next to me, I suppose that is possible, too.

    I think this conversation is ridiculous for the reasons Truman mentioned.

  29. Truman - You are right I don't have top security clearance but Bob Woodward must because he revealed last week Biden's role in the covert CIA fight in the Middle East.

  30. "Truman - You are right I don't have top security clearance but Bob Woodward must because he revealed last week Biden's role in the covert CIA fight in the Middle East."

    Actually he doesn't, but his stature in the journalistic circles gets him access you and I don't have. Nothing in his book was classified in nature, so this must be old news. I know this, because the CIA only requested 1 redaction in his entire book.

    It's not hard to believe that there is a covert war over there, but you are using the fact that the CIA operates covertly as proof of the "possibility of plausibility" that the CIA in conjunction with parts of the federal government went about intentional sterilization of populations to control their growth.

    That's one seriously HUGE jump. That's like saying just because the US is having a "war" with illegal aliens along our Mexican border, we are also having a convert war with outerspace aliens. After all, if one is plausible, the other surely must be.

    It's an appeal from ignorance. Because we can't prove it false, it must therefore be plausible that it's true.

    So, based upon this logic, is it plausible that we're at war with space aliens?

  31. Truman - Come on. Our government ran experiments on people in the past and you don't think it is possible they are still doing it? Your jump to a war with Space Aliens is even further of a leap than the US Government tainting vaccines.

  32. "Come on. Our government ran experiments on people in the past and you don't think it is possible they are still doing it?"

    Sure they do, they're called FDA drug trials and they're closely monitored by the government agencies like the CDC and FDA. The Tuskegee experiments you reference were decades ago, long before the information age.

    Please tell me what programs in the last 5 years that the government has been able to keep secret that had the kind of scale that you are refering to here?

    Supposition, innuendo, conjecture and implication DO NOT equate to fact. Appealing from a position of ignorance does not make you knowledgeable. It shows that your argument is flawed at it's foundation.

  33. Didn't Viper post a while ago that he has a friend that was a CIA spy or something like that? Someone that claimed some truths would come to light in like 3 and 20 years?
    So obviously some guy that claims to be a CIA spy and tells people "secrets" is a very credible source.

  34. I said agent. Never said to what extent the role my CIA friend played.
