Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Liberals should be ashamed

After a smear campaign by the Left, the crown will not switch hands in California. Yesterday Donald Trump vindicated Miss California Carrie Prejean by announcing that Ms. Prejean will retain her crown. The Left did their best attempt to discredit Ms. Prejean because she answered Perez Hilton’s question not to their liking. Ms. Prejean predicated her response by stating that she did not mean to offend anyone while she elaborated on her personnel take on the issue of marriage.

Instead of recognizing, accepting, and understanding her belief that marriage is to be between a man and a woman, the Left moved on to produce swimsuit pictorials in hopes to disgrace Ms. Prejean and pageant officials. Thankfully the shameful propaganda spewed by the Left did not work. I find it a bit ironic that the Left demands open-mindedness on the topic of marriage but if anyone voices their opposition they are ignorant and intolerant. Who is really being intolerant?

President Barak Obama while campaigning for the Presidency agrees with Carrie Prejean on marriage. Why is the Left not trying to smear him? Did they think that Ms. Prejean was an easier target because she is a beauty queen? How appalling!!

Where are the Gay and Lesbian community and National Organization of Women? If I was a part of either organization, I’d be embarrassed by the pathetic attempt to discredit Ms. Prejean just because she has a view different than ours. How are we, as a society, to move forward so everyone is able to enjoy the freedoms and pursue liberty free of government constraint if someone, i.e. Ms. Prejean, cannot voice her opinion?


  1. So this is a political conspiracy? And I thought this was just an entertainment story that fell victim to media sensationalism.

    While her pageant answer may have cost her the title of Miss USA, her beliefs were not the subject under issue with the pageant officials.

    There were 2 things at issue. One was topless photos that she had taken of her that weren't reported in her application. The other issue, and probably the greater one, was that because of the media blitz Miss Prejean was shirking her duties as Miss California. They actually had to bring in the Miss California runner up in to help make sure that Miss Prejean's contract was being fulfilled.

    See the Today's show coverage here... it's actually a fairly complete report of the issues at hand:

    If you want to slam "the Left" with your conspiracy theories, you should back it up with quotes, or facts, or links to other writers' articles. Sourcing might give your position some clout.

    But hell, if you want to think of this thing as a conspiracy, I would look in the direction of The Donald himself. I wouldn't put it past him, as he's always looking for ways to promote himself and his enterprises.

  2. Let’s agree that had Perez Hilton not gone off his hissy fit and called Ms. Prejean a "bitch" while blasting her for a stance she believes in, none of this would have been blown up by the left leaning media.

    I find it odd that the neither NOW nor the Gay and Lesbian community has come out to speak on behalf of Ms. Prejean. Why does either organization not participate in the similar smear campaigns on President Obama who shares the same view on marriage?

    Yes, Donald Trump milked the attention. Why wouldn't he? The media created the storm to try to discredit a conservative thought rather than have a rational debate on the topic.

    As for quotes, all one had to do was watch MSNBC during the day when the topic came up. This is something I have done over the past three weeks.

    Why cannot the left, and sometimes the right, not talk about the issue without partaking in character assassinations.

  3. So your "the Left" is Perez Hilton? He is a celebrity, not a politician. Or is "the Left" actually "the media [that] created the storm to try to discredit a conservative thought rather than have a national debate on the topic."

    I'm confused. Should all liberals be ashamed, liberal celebrities, liberal politicians (who in my mind really is "the Left"), or just the liberal media?

    What did NOW say, and who does the Gay and Lesbian community you write about consist of? Please don't hold back on facts or quotes.

    Didn't left, right and centrist media blow this story up? It's a divisive subject, so no one should really be too surprised by that.

    And what's the tie in with Obama? I don't get your stance here, as some individuals and groups were vocal about his stance on same sex marriage during the two years he was campaigning for office. Plus, Obama's view is not exactly the same as Miss California's, as he was against Prop 8 and does not favor constitutional amendments.

    Here's part of an article from ABC News posted on Nov. 2, 2008:
    "I've stated my opposition to this. I think it's unnecessary," Obama told MTV. "I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage. But when you start playing around with constitutions, just to prohibit somebody who cares about another person, it just seems to me that's not what America's about."

    "Usually, our constitutions expand liberties, they don't contract them," he added.
    Miss California has never said anything like that, at least to my knowledge.

    If you would like to properly debate this topic and others, I would suggest you find and use actual sources for your position instead of generalities. Start with Google and look it up, or maybe You Tube (I did for my end). Otherwise, you might as well change the description of your blog to take out the parts about "intellectual dialog and critical thought" along with "civil discourse," and perhaps replace it with something about it being your personal opinion blog.

    Not taking the time to source on these kinds of issues shows a generic apathy for the subject or a lack of respect for your audience... or both. If you want true dialog and discourse you should write something you're passionate about (even if you have to fake it) and be able to communicate your ideas clearly and completely.

    This is YOUR position, not mine. If you want to make your case, please do so. But if you don't write effectively, it comes off as confusing at best.

    And please realize that I'm being critical of your reporting and writing style, not your opinion or you personally. You're entitled to every opinion, just don't expect me to buy into it just because you wrote it down.

    I know that sometimes I can come off as a Simon Cowell, but sometimes something needs to be said. But while I've been critical of your work, I hope I have given you some helpful insight as well. And just the fact that I've responded to this and other posts of yours at length should show that I respect you. I hope you realize that.

  4. Pat
    I appreciate your candor and like the fact that you were willing to participate in conversation on some of the topics I have blogged on. Your quote from MTV verifies what I said when I stated that Ms. Prejean and President Obama share the same view on same-sex marriage.

    As I have stated, repeatedly, before the concept of marriage is not something Government ought to be in the business of defining. That is why I propose that all states scrape Marriage license and issue Certification of Civil Union.

    When I speak of the Left, in this case, I am including all that lean that way; media, groups, people, etc… The smear campaign distracted to root issue of the conversation and attempted to silence a voice in America. Granted Ms. Prejean did miss an event that she was to be at and a few racy photos materialized, but none of this would have taken place had the Left stayed on point. The topic was the definition of marriage.
    Perez Hilton didn’t like her answer and threatened to “rip” off the crown had she won. How are we to have a rational discussion when emotions cloud the air? NOW and no one in the Gay and Lesbian community has come out to defend Ms. Prejean’s right to voice her opinion on the topic of defining marriage. Not one!!! Why?

    Typically, I do have sources and quotes within my blog to foster the conversation. In this case, I did not feel the need as the reporting has been so one sided. Donald Trump did say, “It’s the same answer the President of the United States gave.” Here is a CNN webpage that establishes President Obama’s stance.

    If Ms. Prejean is getting tossed around by the Left for her definition then why is not the President getting the same treatment? Never mind that. That is not even the topic. Government is too big and public #1 is the definition of marriage. Marriage should not even be the topic of Government consideration. I agree that Constitutional Amendments are a big to far because that means more Government.

    For a community to say they want to define marriage between a man and a woman while another community defines it between a man and a man then so be it. Just as long as both sides agree to respect the position each other is taking. Not to jam down our throats through protests and marches one side or the other. Being tolerant does not translate to bigotry. I hope we can all agree on that.
