Monday, April 23, 2012

APRIL 24, 2012
1. Call City Council Meeting to Order
 Pledge of Allegiance
2. Public Comment (Individuals may address the City Council about any non-agenda item(s) of concern.
Speakers must state their name, address, and limit their remarks to three minutes. The City Council may not
take official action on these items and may refer the matter to staff for a future report or direct that the matter be
scheduled for a future meeting agenda.)
3. Agenda Review (Added Items) and Adoption
4. Consent Agenda (NOTICE TO PUBLIC: All those items listed as part of the Consent Agenda will be
approved by a single motion, unless a request to discuss one of those items is made prior to that time. Anyone
present at the meeting may request an item to be removed from the consent agenda. Please inform the Council
when they approve the agenda for this meeting.)
 Payable 2012 Property Tax Distribution Dates
 Fiber Optic Project Status Update
 Potential Refunding of Existing Bonds (Ehlers)
 Taste of NYA
 NYA WTP Open House
 Medicine Take-Back Day – April 28th 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
 NYA Citywide Garage Sale Days
 January/February Cash Flow Statements
 Delinquent Utility Bills Report
 Employee Project Lists
 Time Off Request for Jeremy Gruenhagen
5. Fire Department Report – Chief Brad Droege
 Memorial for Public Servants (Protective Services) Update
 Sibley County Mutual Aid Agreement for Emergency Management
 Fire Department Instructor Conference
6. Rich Schug (Hamburg Baseball Club)
 Hamburg Baseball Tournament
7. Brian Eggers (Parkside Tavern)
 Request for 3.2 Liquor Licenses for May 5, 2012 & May 19, 2012
8. Stacie Franck (Cub Scouts)
 Cub Scouts Request for use of Park in May & August 15, 2012
APRIL 24, 2012
9. Old City Business (Memo)
 City Clean Up Day (Fall 2012)
 2010 Census Count/Met Council Population Estimates (June 1, 2013)
 Purchase Tables for Community Center
 Estimates for Sidewalk Replacement (Henrietta Ave)
 Community Center Closet Door (Repair/Replace)
 National Night Out (August 7th) – Committee Meeting May 1 @ 7:00 PM
 Revised NIMS Training Program (Requirements)
10. Public Works & Utilities Department Report
 Quotes for Tree Trimming
 Sanitary Survey Report for Hamburg Public Water Supply
11. City Clerk/Treasurer Report
 Local Water Management Plan Update
o Cost Estimate/Options
 Sanitary & Storm Water Improvement Project
o Final Check/Punch List Items
o Private Property Service Lines (Illegal Connections/Replacement)
 Handicap Mini-Biff Rental for Park
 Sign for City Hall/Township
 Use of SHIP Monies (Handicap Access to Parks)
12. Approve Payment of April 2012 Claims
13. City Council Reports
 Councilmember Mueller Report (Sewer & Water)
 Councilmember Lund Report (Streets)
 Councilmember Trebesch Report (Buildings)
 Councilmember Barnes Report (Parks)
 Mayor Malz Report
11. Adjourn City Council Meeting
APRIL 24, 2012
MAY 5 – Parkside Kickball Tournament (Park)
12 – Dinner Theatre Production (Park)
19 – Pool Team Fundraiser (Park)
26 – Wedding Reception (Moonen)
APRIL 1 – Community Center Rental (Nelson)
2 – Hamburg Lions Club (Lions/YA Twp. Room)
2 – Hamburg Fire Department Training
6 – Community Center Rental (Wm. Mueller & Sons)
10 – Hamburg City Council Meeting – 7:00 PM
16 – Hamburg Lions Club
23 – School Board Meeting – 6:00 PM
24 – Hamburg City Council Meeting – 7:00 PM
25 – Hamburg Lions Club Zone Meeting
30 – Hamburg Fire Dept. (Relief Association) Meeting
MAY 1 – National Night Out Committee Mtg. – 7:00 PM
6 – Community Center Rental (Glander)
7 – Hamburg Lions Club (Lions/YA Twp. Room)
7 – Hamburg Fire Department Training
8 – Hamburg City Council Meeting – 7:00 PM
15 – Hamburg Lions Club
28 – Memorial Day Holiday (City Offices Closed)

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Rhetoric of the campaign season

It does appear now that Gov. Romney will secure the Republican nominee for President of the United States and President Obama will be the Democratic nominee. Before the media starts spinning things and before Super PAC's start running their ads for or against a candidate let's get some definition's out there that we can all agree on. Here is a short list:

Democrat - A member of the Democratic Party.

Republican - A member of the Republican Party.

Socialism - A theory or system of social reform which contemplates a complete reconstruction of society, with a more just and equitable distribution of property and labor.

Capitalism - An economic system based on predominately private (individual or corporate) investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of goods and wealth.

Fascism - An authoritarian system of government under absolute control of a single dictator, allowing no political opposition, forcibly suppressing dissent, and rigidly controlling most industrial and economic activities.

Communism - A scheme of equalizing the social conditions of life; specifically, a scheme which contemplates the abolition of inequalities in the possession of property, as by distributing all wealth equally to all, or by holding all wealth in common for the equal use and advantage of all.

Republic - A state in which the sovereign power resides in the whole body of the people, and is exercised by representatives elected by them.

Democracy - Government by popular representation; a form of government in which the supreme power is reatined by the people, but is indirectly execercised through a system of representation and delegated authority periodically renewed.

Liberalism - An economic theory advocating free competition and a self-regulating market and the gold standard.

Progressive - Disposed toward adopting a new methods in government or education, holding tolerant and liberal ideas, and generally favoring improvement in the civic life.

Conservative - One who desires to maintain existing institutions and customs; also, one who holds moderate opinions in politics.

All these definitions are taken from It is interesting to see the root definitions of these words. I think for an accurate debate and character to develop we need this common ground. Now, if others feel Webster has it wrong then let's redefine them so we are all on the same page going forward.

Sunday, April 15, 2012


Recently I engaged into an interesting topic with a close friend of mine. We were discussing various political topics which included the "Buffet Rule", entitlements, health care and other topics. During our conversation we touched on war. The question my friend offered up is, and I paraphrase, why is it that in war today that the country doesn't sacrifice as it was expected when the United States entered in World War II?

 It is a great question. So we brainstormed on why there isn't the level of sacrifice displayed now with two wars going on as there was during World War II. The reason for our resurgence into Afghanistan was to get Bin Laden - well we have him yet we have troops still there and in Iraq. While I acknowledge it is not as easy as flipping the light switch to pull out, it should be noted that we still have not. True a time table exists for Iraq. Throughout our conversation my friend pondered if we should feel guilty for not making sacrifices as brave men and women fight in a land with no clear objective. Granted one could argue that the objective is to root out Al Queada.

 I offered up a theory as to why American's may not feel guilty or have the sense of sacrifice that has allowed Iraq and Afghanistan to drag on and on and on. That theory is that American's have become so reliant on the Federal Government that if our elected officials say its good to stay then it must be so. When our ancestors lived through their Great Depression they did something about it. They didn't look for the government to provide them a paycheck for 99 months or pay for the health care. We have become so reliant on the Federal Government that we have lost our way as Americans. Freedoms have been slowly eroded away for various reason - National Security, general health and welfare - and instead of America standing up to our elected officials, we cower and wait for our next entitlement.

 After Sen. Obama won the Presidency a sector of society started to wake up to the fact that our deficits are too large, our spending is out of control and we have lost a number of person freedoms. Freedoms that our Founding Fathers agreed to, in the end, belonged at the State level. Instead of American's embracing this movement - Tea Party or the Coffee Party - the Right worked hard to CO-OP them while the Left looked to demonize them. The same can be said of the Occupy (fill in the blank) group. The Left is working to back them while the Right is looking to point out their flaws. We have lost the ability to be accountable for ourselves, our town, our community, our county, our state and our Federal Government. While a small part of society gives the ultimate sacrifice in the Middle East, the rest of us go about our lives looking for the next entitlement program. We don't demand that our Commander in Chief go before Congress to engage our country in armed conflict nor do we demand our Congress to hold said Commander in Chief in contempt for doing so. Instead both parties play their political theater and grand stand the soupdujour in an effort to get re-elected.

 Damn straight we should feel guilty. Trouble is that we allow this to continue, we allow our elected officials to dictate to us how it is we are to live and which freedoms we get to enjoy. Be accountable, hold others accountable. Call, write, visit your elected officials at every level of government and demand accounability. America is living on borrowed time and money - time has come for all of us to make sacrifice and demand our society to do so as well.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Good Friday Rant 2012

Followers of The Hamburg Post I do apologize for my lack of participation over the past month or so. Rest assured I have not forgotten about things or neglected to track the events of the day.

This past week has seen President Obama act Un-Presidential like by weighing in on Augusta National's tradition of being a men's only association and more importantly the threat leveled at the Supreme Court as they decide the fate of Obamacare. I have watched over the past week the stumbling the administration has done to cover President Obama's gaffe - to think that we thought it be Biden making gaffe's.

More to come as I take time this weekend to piece together the events as they unfolded. Now I did not see President Obama actually speak about the "unprecedented" event it would be for the Supreme Court to strike down a law passed by Congress and signed into law by a President of the United States so I cannot say if he was on or off teleprompter. Either way it shows a real concern that all Americans should have in President Obama. President Obama is suppose to be a Constitutional lawyer yet signed into law a mandate that demands and punishes American citizens to purchase a product for just being an American citizen.

Have a great Good Friday and Easter weekend.

Hamburg City Council Agenda - April 10, 2012

APRIL 10, 2012
1. Call City Council Meeting to Order
 Pledge of Allegiance
2. Public Comment (Individuals may address the City Council about any non-agenda item(s) of concern.
Speakers must state their name, address, and limit their remarks to three minutes. The City Council may not
take official action on these items and may refer the matter to staff for a future report or direct that the matter be
scheduled for a future meeting agenda.)
3. Agenda Review (Added Items) and Adoption
4. Consent Agenda (NOTICE TO PUBLIC: All those items listed as part of the Consent Agenda will be
approved by a single motion, unless a request to discuss one of those items is made prior to that time. Anyone
present at the meeting may request an item to be removed from the consent agenda. Please inform the Council
when they approve the agenda for this meeting.)
 Resolution Number 2012-02
 Resolution Number 2012-03
 Severe Weather Awareness Week (April 16-20)
 Carver County Cancer Awareness Day April 11 (Relay for Life)
 Proposed Amendments to Carver County Ordinance 153
 Water Usage Report for 2012
 January/February Cash Flow Statements
 Delinquent Utility Bills Report
 Employee Project Lists
 Time Off Request for Sue Block
5. Fire Department Report – Chief Brad Droege
 Memorial for Public Servants (Protective Services) Update
 Street Repairs (Patching)
o Estimate from Wm. Mueller & Sons
6. Old City Business (Memo)
 City Clean Up Day (Fall 2012)
 2010 Census Count/Met Council Population Estimates (June 1, 2013)
 Purchase Tables for Community Center/Hall
 Estimates for Residing Food Stand (Park)
 Estimates for Sidewalk Replacement (Henrietta Ave)
 Community Center Closet Door (Repair/Replace)
 Change Locks/Keys for Hall
 National Night Out (August 7th)
 Revised NIMS Training Program (Requirements)
APRIL 10, 2012
7. Public Works & Utilities Department Report
 Quotes for Tree Trimming
 Stabilization Pond Seminar (New Ulm)
o April 10-12
8. City Clerk/Treasurer Report
 Local Water Management Plan Update
 Cost Estimate/Options
 Stabilization Pond Seminar (New Ulm)
 April 10-12
9. Approve Payment of April 2012 Claims
10. City Council Reports
 Councilmember Mueller Report (Sewer & Water)
 Councilmember Lund Report (Streets)
 Councilmember Trebesch Report (Buildings)
 Councilmember Barnes Report (Parks)
 Mayor Malz Report
11. Adjourn City Council Meeting
APRIL 10, 2012
MARCH 7 – Bongards Creameries
30 – Lions Club Spring Bingo
MARCH 3 – Community Center Rental (Emerson)
5 – Hamburg Lions Club (Lions/YA Twp. Room)
5 – Hamburg Fire Department Training
11 – Washington Lake 4-H Club
12 – Young America Mutual Insurance
13 – Hamburg City Council Meeting – 7:00 PM
17 – Community Center Rental (Buckentin)
19 – Hamburg Lions Club
21-22 – Wm. Mueller & Sons Safety Meetings
26 – Hamburg Fire Dept. (Relief Association) Meeting
27 – Hamburg City Council Meeting – 7:00 PM
29 – Zebra Ditch Authority (YA Twp. Room) – 7:30 PM
30 – Community Center Rental (Haas)
APRIL 1 – Community Center Rental (Nelson)
2 – Hamburg Lions Club (Lions/YA Twp. Room)
2 – Hamburg Fire Department Training
6 – Community Center Rental (Wm. Mueller & Sons)
10 – Hamburg City Council Meeting – 7:00 PM
16 – Hamburg Lions Club
24 – Hamburg City Council Meeting – 7:00 PM
25 – Hamburg Lions Club Zone Meeting
30 – Hamburg Fire Dept. (Relief Association) Meeting

Hamburg City Council Minutes - February 28,2012

Hamburg City Council Meeting
February 28, 2012
Mayor Malz called the Hamburg City Council meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember John Barnes,
Councilmember Larry Mueller, Councilmember Steve Trebesch, Councilmember Chris Lund, City Clerk
Jeremy Gruenhagen, Deputy Clerk Sue Block, Maintenance Worker Dennis Byerly, and Fire Chief Brad
Droege were in attendance.
Public Comment
 No one from the Public was present.
Agenda Review (Added Items) and Adoption
 Added – Preliminary Spec Sheet for replacing the siding at the Food Stand in the Park.
 Added – Proposal from Norwood Electric for updating lighting at the Community Center and Hall.
 Added – Updated Project Lists
 Added – Updated Delinquency Report
 Added – Mayor Malz will report on the FDIC Conference in Indianapolis.
 Added – Updated Claims List
 Councilmember Lund moved to approve the agenda with the added items, seconded by
Councilmember Trebesch and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.
Approve Consent Agenda
 Approve Minutes for February 14, 2012
 LMC 2012 City of Excellence Awards
 FEMA Flood Risk Information Open House (March 8, 2012)
 Carver County Road Cost Sharing Policy Update
 Water Usage Report for 2012
 Delinquent Utility Bills Report
 Employee Project Lists
 Approve Time Off Request for Jeremy Gruenhagen
 Councilmember Mueller moved to accept the Consent Agenda, seconded by Councilmember
Barnes and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.
Fire Department Report – Chief Brad Droege
Hwy 5 & 25 Addresses
 The addresses along Hwy 5 & 25 will be changed by adding North or South to the current addresses.
The addresses on the south side of Hwy 212 will be changing to Hwy 5 & 25 South and the Hwy 5 &
25 addresses north of Norwood/Young America will be changed to Hwy 5& 25 North.
 Five firefighters will be attending the State Fire School at Mankato State. The Hamburg FD Relief
Association will reimburse the city $160 of the approximate $500 in training expenses.
Christmas Lights
 All proceeds from the sale of Christmas lights, which are used by the City but were purchased by the
Lions Club, would be retuned to the Lions Club to purchase lights in the future.
Memorial for Public Servants (Protective Services) Update
 Chief Droege updated Council on the progress of the Memorial. The granite center piece for the
Memorial will be in the end of March. Brad mentioned that anyone donating $100 or more to the
Memorial fund will have their names engraved on the granite center piece. The cut off date for this
type of donation is the end of March. The center piece will be updated once or twice a year.
 Received donation of lights (red, white, blue) to display on Memorial Day & 4th of July.
Easter Egg Hunt
 The annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held on March 25th. Time will be announced at a later date.
Hamburg City Council Meeting
February 28, 2012
Fire Board Meeting
 On February 9, 2012 Council members Mueller and Trebesch, Hamburg Fire Department,
Washington Lake Township, and Young America Township met to discuss increasing the Townships
per unit cost by $5.00. This increase would generate approximately an additional $880 per year for
the Hamburg Fire Dept.
FDIC Conference – Indianapolis, IN
 Fire Chief Brad Droege and Mayor Malz (retired Hamburg Firefighter) requested permission to
attend the International Fire Department Conference in Indianapolis, IN.
o They will pay the round trip mileage and/or air fair to attend the conference.
o Mayor Malz and Chief Droege asked if the city would pay for the following:
 Registration at $75 per person, total of $150.
 Hotel Room for three (3) nights at $150 per night, total $450
 Meals - $30 per day per person for three (3) days, total $180
o The total cost would be $780.00 with the cost being paid out of the Hamburg Fire Department
Training Budget.
 Councilmember Mueller moved to grant Fire Chief Droege and Mayor Malz permission to attend
the FDIC Fire Convention in Indianapolis, In, seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion
carried. Mayor Malz abstained.
Fire Department Calls
 The number Fire Calls for 2012 versus 2011 is
Old City Business
City Clean Up Day (Spring 2012)
 No new information.
2010 Census Count/Met Council Population Estimates (June 1, 2013)
 This will be discussed next year.
Purchase Tables for Community Center/Hall
 Councilmember Chris Lund, representing the Lions Club, informed Council that the Lions approved
donating up to $2,100 for the purchase of tables for the Community Center.
o Council thanked the Lions Club for their generous contribution.
 The Council discussed how many tables to order and decided on 24 rectangular commercial grade
(plastic) tables.
Additional Lateral Quotes for Carver County Fiber Optic Ring
 No additional information or discussion.
Annexation of Land from YA Township
 Council went over the amended resolution for the annexation of land from Young America
Township. The amended/added line number six reads as follows;
o The City of Hamburg has agreed to pay a reimbursement to Young America Township of
$250 within one year of receipt of the Chief Administrative Law Judge of the State of
Minnesota order for annexing the property to the City. This line number was added to the
following resolutions:
 Resolution Number 2011-05 (.486 Acres)
 Resolution Number 2011-16 (3.7 Acres)
 Councilmember Barnes moved to approve amended Resolution Number 2011-05 and amended
Resolution Number 2011-16, seconded by Councilmember Mueller and motion unanimously
carried. All Council members were present.
Hamburg City Council Meeting
February 28, 2012
Estimates for Residing Food Stand (Park)
 Councilmember Mueller drafted a spec sheet to be handed out to companies that would like to submit
a bid for residing the Park Food Stand.
 Council decided to obtain at least three bids.
Estimates for Sidewalk Replacement (Henrietta Ave)
 Councilmember Mueller will draw up specs to replace the sidewalk along Henrietta Avenue from
Railroad Street to the Hamburg Post Office.
 Councilmember Mueller will also obtain quotes for the project.
Public Works & Utilities Department Report
Purchase Utility Locater/Camera – Ordinance Number 124
 The camera is in but the locator is not, for it is on backorder.
o Council discussed and decided to have the camera delivered while the locator is on baclorder.
 Council discussed if the City should charge a fee to the homeowner when Maintenance Worker
Byerly televises the service laterals.
o City Clerk Gruenhagen will check with Glencoe, MN on how they handled televising
 Council did decide that the homeowner must provide the City with access to the home and if a toilet
has to be pulled for inspection the cost of hiring a licensed plumber will be at the owner’s expense.
Lighting System Analysis for CC/Fire Hall, Community Hall & Park
 Council discussed the previous approved Xcel Energy Rebate Program and estimate from BLI
Lighting to update the city buildings lighting systems. The estimates that were approved from BLI
Lighting at the February 28, 2012 Council Meeting did not include labor as requested. After the
approval Council received updated estimates that included labor.
o Council also noted that estimates were received from Norwood Electric ($14,000), Rob’s
Electric for approximately $14,000, and AME Electric out of Mayer, MN was around $4000
for installation only.
 Councilmember Mueller moved to amend his motion from the last Council Meeting held on
February 14, 2012 to approve the estimates received from BLI Lighting to replace the entire
Community Center building lighting according to the Xcel Energy recommended lighting system
upgrade and at the cost of $2,141.90 after rebate ($4,764.79 before rebate) and the estimate for the
Hall, City Shop, and Hall Restrooms at the cost of $696.84 after rebate ($2,095.22 before the rebate),
seconded by Councilmember Mueller and motion carried.
Light Duty Truck Purchase (Ford Ranger)
 During the Special Meeting on February 23, 2012 City Council approved the purchase of a 4 x 2 Ford
Ranger Super-Cab from Wolf Motor Company in Jordan, MN for a total cost of $17,120.83.
 Council discussed and decided to purchase a toolbox, rack, amber beacon, and floor mats.
o Councilmember Trebesch moved to authorize Mayor Malz to purchase a toolbox, rack,
amber beacon, and floor mats for the Ford Ranger, seconded by Councilmember Mueller
and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.
 Maintenance Work Byerly will have Andy Wigfield apply the city logo on the truck doors.
Paint Community Center
 Council decided to hold off on painting the Community Center until the new storage closets are
Wastewater Conference - St. Cloud – March 6-8, 2012
 Maintenance Worker Byerly asked Council if he could stay at a hotel while he attended the
Wastewater Conference in St. Cloud. He was unsure of the cost for staying two nights.
Hamburg City Council Meeting
February 28, 2012
 Councilmember Trebesch moved to allow Maintenance Worker Byerly to stay at a hotel where the
conference is held for the lowest rate for two nights during the Wastewater Conference, seconded
by Councilmember Barnes and motion unanimously carried. All Council members were present.
 City Clerk Gruenhagen or Councilmember Mueller will do the rounds on the 7th and 8th.
City Clerk/Treasurer Report
2011 Financial Audit (Abdo, Eick & Meyers)
 The auditors are still working on the cities financial audit and should be ready to present the report to
Council at the March 27th meeting. Some problems they have run into;
o Engineering Charges for the I/I Project were not broken down between the Sewer, Water and
Storm Water funds.
o Excess money from GO Utility Revenue Bonds, how to distribute.
o Easements obtained by the City are considered assets and a value needs to be placed on them.
Norwood/Young America Chamber of Commerce Business Expo – March 24, 2012
 Council was asked if they would like to reserve a booth to promote businesses in Hamburg during the
NYA Business Expo. The cost to reserve a booth was $100 for the event.
o No decision by Council was made.
Time Off Request – City Clerk Jeremy Gruenhagen
 Councilmember Barnes moved to approve City Clerk Gruenhagens time off request for a half day
on March 1 and all day on March 2nd, seconded by Councilmember Mueller and motion
unanimously carried. All Council members were present.
Time Off Request – Deputy Clerk Susan Block
 Councilmember Mueller moved to approve Deputy Clerk Blocks request for time off on April 16,
17, and 18, 2012 and possible the 19th, seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion carried.
Councilmember Barnes abstained.
Approve Payment of February 2012 Claims
Approve Payment of February 2012 Claims
 Councilmember Mueller moved to approve the one ACH payment and claim numbers 15494
through 15515, seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion unanimously carried. All
Council members were present.
City Council Reports
Councilmember Mueller (Sewer &Water) had no further comments
Councilmember Lund (Streets) had no further comments
Councilmember Trebesch (Buildings)
 Councilmember Trebesch reported that Xcel fixed the light pole by his shop.
Councilmember Barnes (Parks)
 Councilmember Barnes suggested that the City Council Meetings should be changed from meeting
twice a month to once a month. Council decided to think about this and make a decision at the next
Mayor Malz
 Mayor Malz asked that a Thank You note be sent to Rob Trebesch and Brad Droege for getting the
trenching done for the city electronic sign.
Hamburg City Council Meeting
February 28, 2012
 Mayor Malz had heard that the Lions Club was in charge of National Night Out. He just wanted to
make it clear that the City Council is in charge of organizing National Night Out.
o A committee will be set up at the next Council meeting
Adjourn City Council Meeting
 Councilmember Barnes moved to adjourn the Hamburg City Council meeting at 8:05 p.m.,
seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion unanimously carried. All Council members
were present.
Submitted by:
Sue Block - Deputy Clerk