Monday, April 6, 2009

War against Islam not true, then why do we hunt the terrorists?

President Obama stated in Anakra, Turkey that the United States “is not and never will be at war with Islam.” The number one terrorist is still Osama Bin Laden who, unless recently converted, is a Muslim. Now Bin Laden does preach and practice very strict Islam, one that believes there is no other “God” then Muhammad. This Muhammad dictates that all infidels must kneel before or perish. By definition the infidel is anything non-believer. The reason President Obama is ramping up troops, we won’t call it a surge because we know those don’t work, in Afghanistan to go after Al-Qaida. Al-Qaida belief system is driven by a strict interpretation of Islam.

The United States does not have a state recognized religion. Yet, the common belief is that Christianity is the unofficial religion of the United States. Since the birth of Christianity, a war has been waged between Islam and Christianity. The fact that one of President Obama’s plans in the Middle East is the eradication of terrorist safe havens in Afghanistan and Pakistan is an extension of the war on Islam.

For President Obama to state that the United States is “not and never will be at war with Islam” slaps every man, woman, and child who lost a loved one in the attack on 9/11. We are at war with Islam. Right now we are focused on the Opus Dei wing of Islam. Wake up America and realize the vote for “change” was a vote for the death of the American Dream. Religious tolerance is built into our Constitution but I do not think our Fore Fathers took into account the revenge factor of the Crusades. Either President Obama is naïve or does not understand the reason behind those that seek to destroy the West. Personally I hope President Obama is naïve as the alternative is scarier.


  1. Those comments are bit extreme. To say that a vote for Obama was a vote for America's demise is going too far. After all Obama got more votes than McCain. Are you saying that the majority of people in the U.S. want to destroy the American dream? I'm sure the last president did not set out to harm the nation and no one accused him of trying to destroy the country...he’s accused of just screwing it up.

    Who is more naïve, a president who thinks he can force democracy on the middle east through occupation, or one who is trying to engage the middle east in diplomatic discussion on how terrorism, anti Americanism and anti Semitism is unsustainable and counter productive to the interest of the world? Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance at its core and most followers of Islam hope for peace and prosperity, just like Christians and Jews, so it’s in the best interest of the leaders of Islamic states to encourage their population to moderate their opinions and discourage extremism.

  2. Islam is not a religion of tolerance. In the Qur’an, which I own and have read, it states “Lo! Those who disbelieve the revelations of Allah, and slay the Prophets wrongfully, and slay those of mankind who enjoin equity: promise them a painful doom” (Surah 3:21). It further states “Let not the believers take disbelievers for their friends in preference to believers. Whoso doeth that hath no connection with Allah unless that ye but guard yourselves against them, taking security. Allah biddeth you beware of Himself. Unto Allah is the journeying.”(Surah3:28). There are other examples as well.

    The majority of America that voted for Obama was on hope and change. American’s did not vet Obama completely. For right or wrong, American’s were tired of seeing an old white guy in office and voted to change that by casting a vote for Obama. The majority of American’s got their concept of Obama from the mass media that was one sided throughout the Democrat nomination process and the Presidential race. History will show that a vote for Obama is a vote for Socialism.

  3. Lame dude...lame. I can't discuss this with someone who is a commentator on all topics, but a master of none. I am not going to quote the Old Testament or the Gospel scriptures with the corresponding rhetoric, but I can if you like. I can basically open any page at random of the Christian Bible and find the same thing. The Qur’an whether one "owns" it or not was written after the Jewish "Old Testamate" and even after the Christian Gospels, it's highly influenced by both and worships the same God. need to read some more because you are only scratching the surface.

  4. And by the way who vetted Bush? Where was your critical mind then? You have even admitted that Bush made horrible mistakes. What were his credentials? His father was president? What the hell? Who says anyone is qualified to lead this nation. We are all human, all with what I think is the same capacity for reason and logic. Would John McCain be leading this nation in a different direction? The writer of this blog is someone who benefits from the economic stimulus and the tax decrease that Obama has passed through. I know few people who make more than $250,000 per year. I am reading all these criticisms, but wonder where they were back in 2000, 2001, 2004? What happened to this country in the last 8 years…are we better than we were in 1999? No.

  5. Through my quest to gain Gnosis, I agree that I am not a master of religious dogma. I have read the Bible, Talmud, Torah, Buddha, and Qur’an. Do I possess deep knowledge of all dogma; No. Do I posses the basis of the major dogma; Yes. Your original statement that Islam is a dogma of peace and tolerance is simply not true. Quoting the Bible of the Old Testament does nothing to further your point on Islam. I am currently reading two books on religion: The Great Religions and The Gnosis of the Light.

    I was critical Bush. In 2006 our civil liberties were several harmed with the passing of the Patriot Act. The final two years of Bush’s time in office was with a Democrat lead Congress. Plus, Bush abandons the core conservative beliefs of the Republican Party by spending more money and growing Government. As I have said before, I hold no party affiliation. The Economy works in cycles. The warning flag was raised, while Bush was in office, about the potential dangers of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae policies.
    Republicans warned Congress of the insolvency of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae and to its effects it will have going forward on our Economy.

    Unfortunately the warnings were re-buffed by Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, and others tied to the banking and financial committees in Congress. See the post “Economic woe root cause: Socialism” for more on the warning signs raised.

  6. I am happy to hear about your quest for Gnosis and if you hope to have a spark of the divine then you would understand that all of this discussion about the physical world is a waste of time. If we are talking about Gnostic theology you know that every institution in this world exists to enslave man's soul and repress man's knowledge of the truth. Therefore Gnostics retreated from the institutions of the world to dedicate their lives in the search for the truth through introspection, prayer to the true God and the meditation of the words of his spirit made possible through the man named Jesus of Nazareth.

    To know that the institutions and religions of the world are wrong and misguided by the imposter god means that one wants nothing to do with them. Now, I’d rather you host a blog trying to enlighten your reader’s to the thought that the physical world is too much with us. It would be great to read a blog that exposes the waste of human potential and loss of salvation in the pursuit of status and consumable goods. A blog explaining how our behavior, whether political or religious, turns us into mindless slaves all in an endeavor to repress our spirit and souls, so we cannot know the true God and creator of consciousness and thought.

    I would love such a Gnostic blog. As I know that these petty discussions of the world are really not that important in the grand scheme of things. I know the only way for individuals to escape this world is to examine their lives and attempt to understand to believe in this world is short sighted and a detriment to the soul.

  7. As my quest for Gnosis continues, future blog entries will be along Gnostic thought. But I have much to learn before application can take place.
