Mayor Malz called the regular meeting of the Hamburg City Council to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Brian Cummiskey, Councilmember Larry Mueller, Councilmember John Barnes, Councilmember Steve Trebesch, City Clerk Jeremy Gruenhagen, and Deputy Clerk Block were in attendance. Others present were Adam Glander (Fire Department), Fire Chief Brad Droege (Fire Department), Willard Fuellner (625 David Avenue), and Diane Hoffman (625 David Avenue). Maintenance Worker Byerly was absent.
Miscellaneous Business (Public Comments) - No public comments
Agenda Review (added Items) and Adoption
- Added – Discuss City Water Meter Policy.
- Added – Set up a Special Meeting for March 16, 2009 - Bus Tour and Meeting with Senator Ortman.
- Added – Letter to the Minnesota Valley Rail Association
- Added – Memo from Mediacom.
- Added – Memo from Ron Seymour.
- Councilmember Mueller moved to approve the agenda with the additions, seconded by Councilmember Barnes and motion unanimously carried. All Council Members were present
Approve Minutes for February 2009
- City Clerk Gruenhagen reported on the email he sent to all Council members revising the February 24, 2009 City Council Minutes.
- In the February 24, 2009 minutes under Dennis’ Report, first section. Disconnect City Well in Car Wash was changed to read - Disconnect Well in Car Wash from City Water Distribution System.
o In the February 24, 2009 minutes under Employee Handbook the following was added as a point item - City Clerk Gruenhagen asked Council that if they have anything they would like to discuss about the Employee Handbook to let him know and he will put it in the agenda for discussion.
· Councilmember Barnes moved to approve the February 2009 Minutes with the revisions, seconded by Councilmember Mueller and motion unanimously carried. All Council Members were present.
Old City Business - Council members did not have any additions or completions for the report.
Approve Claims List
· City Clerk Gruenhagen informed members of council that the approval of the claims list has been moved in the agenda to the end.
o During the MMCOA meeting that City Clerk Gruenhagen and Deputy Clerk Block attended it was suggested to approve the claims list at the end of the Council meeting. If there were any additions to the list during the Council meeting the item(s) could be added and then have the approval of claims.
Fire Department Report – Chief Brad Droege
J5 Rig
- Fire Chief Brad Droege asked if Council would like to take a short break to go to the Fire Department bay area to view the J5 Rescue Rig. Council members and public attendees went with Fire Chief Droege to look at the rig.
FEMA Grant
- The Fire Department received the grant money. It has been deposited and now they just have to wait six months to finalize it.
DNR Grant
- The grant money has been received.
US Fish & Wildlife Grant
- Chief Droege has sent in the paperwork and the grant money should be received shortly.
2008 Annual Township Report – March 10, 2009
- Fire Chief Droege presented the 2008 Annual Township Report that will be presented at the Young America Township and Washington Lake Township meeting on Tuesday, March 10, 2009, to Council.
o Total 2008 expenses for the Hamburg Fire Department were $103,420.24, less fees paid by Young America and Washington Lake Township in the amount of $83,180.24, leaving $83,180.24 expenses paid by the City of Hamburg.
o Total hours attending Fire Drills and Department meetings – 1344 hours.
o Total hours attending Regional and State meetings – 210 hours.
o Total hours attending First Aid and Rescue Trainings – 520 hours.
o A slip-on unit for the grass rig and a new tanker were purchased in 2008.
▪ These items will be paid for over the next 5 years through funds from the City of Hamburg, Young America Township, Washington Lake Township, and the Hamburg Fire Department Relief Association.
▪ Chief Droege noted that the sooner the loan can be paid off the more money the tax payers would save on interest costs.
▪ The sale of the old Fire Department tanker will help offset the majority of the interest on the new tanker loan.
o DNR Grant was received in 2008 in the amount of $500. This money was used to purchase FD boots.
o US Fish & Wildlife grant in 2008 was $3,300 and it was used to purchase a chainsaw, gloves, radio batteries, training. $920 of the $3,300 was put towards the tanker.
o Excel Energy donated $400 to the Fire Department and the money was used to purchase a stand alone light and cord.
o FEMA Grant
▪ Fire Chief Droege noted that the Fire Department has received FEMA grant money 5 out of the 7 years that they applied for the grant money.
▪ The 2008 grant money in the amount of $13,153 was used to purchase new boots, hoses, and nozzles.
o The City of Hamburg received a donation of two defibrillators from the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community. One unit was placed at the Community Center and the other in the Community Hall.
o Auto-Aid was started with Sibley County as of February 1, 2009 and it will start with Carver County later in the year (2009).
▪ Auto-Aid will reduce response time to major fires and also provide for equipment and manpower in the early stage of a fire to prevent more damage. Two Fire Departments will be called out on predetermined call areas.
· 2008 Total Fire Department calls to Washington Lake Township, Young America Township, and within the City of Hamburg.
o Rescue – 15 calls – total hours 179
o Fire – 8 calls – total hours 158
o Mutual Aid – 12 calls – total hours 464
o Sky Warn – 7 calls – total hours 75
· Township Payments
o Young America Township
▪ Payable 2008 – 100 units x $110.00/unit = $11,000.00
▪ Payable 2009 – 100 units x $115.00/unit = $11,500.00 Also, $41,250.00 over the next 5 years.
▪ Payable 2010 – 100 units x $120.00/unit = $12,000.00 Plus 2nd year of $41,250.00 payment
o Washington Lake Township
▪ Payable 2008 – 84 units x $110.00/unit = $9,240.00
▪ Payable 2009 – 86 units x $115.00/unit = $9,890.00 Also $41,250.00 over the next 5 years.
▪ Payable 2010 – 86 units x $120.00/units = $10,320.00 Plus 2nd year of $41,250.00 payment.
· Councilmember Mueller questioned if the back up batteries in the Civil Defense Siren were still working.
o City Clerk Gruenhagen stated the siren was purchased in December 2005.
o Chief Droege added that maybe this item should be put in the 2010 budget. He also mentioned the possibility of purchasing a solar charger for the Civil Defense Siren.
o Councilmember Mueller stated that there are 4 batteries in the unit and the life span is usually 3 to 4 years.
o Council discussed and decided to put this item on the Councils Old Business report and check if solar batteries are available for Civil Defense sirens.
o Fire Chief Droege reminded Council that the Civil Defense siren does not sound during December, January, and February due to the wear and tear on the unit during the winter months.
Hamburg Lions Club – Willard Fuellner
- Willard Fuellner and Diane Hoffman (625 Donald Ave) were at the Council meeting representing the Hamburg Lions Club in their request to build and place a display cabinet in the Hamburg Community Center.
o Mr. Fuellner addressed Council and informed them that he would build the cabinet at no expense to the city and the wood used would match the existing Fire Department cabinets as close as possible. He presented Council with 4 different size designs.
· City Clerk Gruenhagen informed Council that he had previously talked with Mr. Fuellner and Diane Hoffman about were the cabinet could be placed within the Community Center. They came up with the idea of putting the cabinet on the north wall, moving the Centennial Banner and the two pictures to different areas within the Community Center meeting room. This would leave the west wall blank to be used for power point presentations.
· Council and Fire Chief Droege discussed what wall would be best to place the cabinets on.
o If the cabinets are placed on the west wall then a projection screen that would pull down from the ceiling could be purchased. Mr. Fuellner and Diane Hoffman agreed that this would not be a problem if the screen would pull down in front of the Lions display case when needed for presentations.
o Council agreed that it would be nice to have the Lions Club display all their trophies and plaques.
· Fire Chief Droege commented that the Lions Club should reconsider the size of the display case. They may need more space then they realize. When the Fire Department built their case they thought it was big enough but the following year they had to build another one, the first one was already too small.
· Councilmember Mueller moved to give authority to the Hamburg Lions Club to put a display case on the west wall of the Hamburg Community Center, size to be at their discretion, purchase a projector screen, ceiling mount, that can be pulled down in front of the display case for power point presentations, seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion unanimously carried. All Council Members were present.
Pull Tabs (Fire Department Relief Association)
o Several years ago a committee was put together to look into expanding the Community Center and they came up with the suggestion of going 25 feet out on the west side and the full length of the building.
· Mayor Malz suggested putting this on the Councils Old Business report.
· City Clerk Gruenhagen mentioned that the idea of expanding the Community Center is on the budget wish list and a fund has been started. He also added that $2,000 was set aside for this project in 2008 and by the end of this year (2009) another $2,000 will be added for a total of $4,000.
· Councilmember Cummiskey noted that the Fire Department has to make a decision by the end of this year (2009) as to what the Pull Tab money will be dedicated to.
· Mayor Malz pointed out that whatever project needing money comes up first that is where the money will go.
· Council and Chief Droege continued to discuss how to arrange the offices when the expansion would be started and with the economy the way it is, would it even be feasible to expand at this time.
Dennis’ Report (Public Works & Utilities)
Maintenance Worker Byerly was absent; City Clerk Gruenhagen presented the Public Works & Utilities report.
Project List – Additions or Completions
- City Clerk Gruenhagen asked Council if they had anything for the report.
o Clerk Gruenhagen reported the two United States Flags were replaced on March 6, 2008.
§ Deputy Clerk Block will note that it was completed and take it off the list.
Time Sheets – Overtime for 2009
o Councilmember Mueller and City Clerk Gruenhagen discussed this issue. Councilmember Mueller then commented that if Maintenance Worker Byerly is going to work overtime then someone should approve it before Maintenance Worker Byerly does work overtime.
o Council continued discussing how to reduce overtime when Maintenance Worker Byerly needs to remove snow from around the city buildings.
o It was decided to bring this to the attention of Maintenance Worker Byerly so he does not remove snow on overtime hours if the removal can wait until he is working his regular hours.
o Councilmember Mueller commented that Maintenance Worker Byerly should have known this and waited until Monday to remove the snow.
o City Clerk Gruenhagen and Mayor Malz will talk to Maintenance Worker Byerly about his overtime.
o City Clerk Gruenhagen pointed out to Council that it does state in the Employee Handbook that any overtime has to be authorized.
· Councilmember Barnes mentioned that Maintenance Worker Byerly on Tuesday, February 10, 2009, drove to Norwood/Young America to talk to Brent but he was not in the office. Maintenance Worker Byerly should have called first instead of wasting gas and a half hour of his time driving over there.
o City Clerk Gruenhagen will address this with Maintenance Worker Byerly also.
· Councilmember Mueller brought up the subject that when the fiber optic line is installed at the City Office, Council should check into how much it would cost to run a line to the Shop or Water Treatment Plant. With the fiber optic line a computer could be set up for the Maintenance Worker to use. Emails are cheaper and less time consuming then phone calls or driving time.
o City Clerk Gruenhagen noted that having the Maintenance person access to a computer would save him time also. At the present time City Clerk Gruenhagen is doing a lot of reports for Maintenance Worker Byerly. In reality the Maintenance person should be doing them, Council agreed.
· Councilmember Trebesch noted that on the time sheets during a one week period Maintenance Worker Byerly had 11 hours working in the Hall.
o City Clerk Gruenhagen commented that there was an auction in the Hall during that week so there was extra cleaning time needed.
· Council discussed Maintenance Worker Byerly hours that he listed on his time sheets. Council came to the conclusion that he has to be more descriptive on what he spends his time on. Example: Cleaned Hall after auction, removed snow before Hall rental on Saturday, painted picnic tables, etc.
· Councilmember Mueller added that if there are no events scheduled for either the Hall or Community Center the snow can wait until a week day to be removed.
· Council agreed that Maintenance Worker Byerly overtime has to be cut down and no overtime unless approved by City Clerk Gruenhagen or Mayor Malz.
· Councilmember Trebesch asked if vacation or sick time hours can be used to bring weekly hours over 40 to receive overtime pay.
o City Clerk Gruenhagen replied that sick time and vacation time can not be used towards overtime pay. This is stated in the Employee Handbook.
· City Clerk Gruenhagen informed Council that it only takes a motion to change the requirements for overtime in the employee handbook.
· Mayor Malz commented that Council should think this over and discuss overtime limitations when Maintenance Worker Byerly is at a council meeting.
Seal Coating & Crack Sealing for 2009
- City Clerk Gruenhagen asked Council to start thinking about what streets could use crack sealing or seal coating this year (2009). It is already the middle of March.
· Council discussed this topic and no decision was made on when to do this. City Clerk Gruenhagen suggested holding the street coating off until next year (2010).
· Councilmember Mueller and City Clerk Gruenhagen suggested that Maintenance Worker Byerly put up flashing barricades by the alley on Sophia Avenue. The pavement has sunk about a foot and it is a hazard to vehicles and pedestrians.
Wm. Mueller & Sons Safety Meetings (March 24th & 25th)
- Maintenance Worker Byerly is mandated by OSHA to attend certain safety meetings and Wm. Mueller & Sons have offered to have Maintenance Worker Byerly attend one of theirs. City Clerk Gruenhagen will make sure he is aware of the invite.
General Maintenance Schedules
· Maintenance Worker Byerly has been asked several times to draw up a Maintenance Schedule. As of this meeting one has not been done. City Clerk Gruenhagen may have to put together a schedule for him.
Deputy Clerk Report
Delinquent Utility Bills Report
- Deputy Clerk Block reported that certified delinquent letters will be going out on Wednesday, March 11th. The letters will state that if arrangements have not been made or if the city has not received payment in full by April 15th, 2009 their water will be shut off April 16th, 2009.
o Chris Tordsen (618 Kim Avenue) delinquent amount is $795.30. They had previously called saying they would pay in full at the end of February. As of this meeting they have not paid.
o The other residents to receive certified letters are; Emily Siebold (625 Kim Avenue), David Chadwick (710 Park Avenue), Brian Cummiskey (724 Park Avenue), Darrell Grams (410 Sophia Avenue), and Chad Flewelling (801 William Street).
· Councilmember Mueller asked if the delinquent amounts owed could be put on the residents’ taxes.
o City Clerk Gruenhagen replied that this procedure is not difficult and can be done by sending a certified letter to the County in November to have the amounts put on their taxes.
o City Clerk Gruenhagen will present a County form to Council in November to have the delinquent amount(s) put on the resident’s taxes.
City Clerk/Treasurer Reports
Sanitary Sewer & Storm Sewer Improvements
- Preliminary Engineering Report updates were handed out to Council members
- Federal ARRA Funds for Clean Water
o Ron Seymour emailed council a memo regarding the impact the ARRA (America Recovery and Reinvestment Act) will have on the Drinking Water (DWRF) and Clean Water Revolving Loan Funds (CWRF).
o The PFA (Minnesota Public Facilities Authority) is accepting requests to be on the amended 2009 Intended Use Plan (IUP), Hamburg is already on this plan. In order to be on the amended IUP a city must:
§ Be on the existing Project Priority List (PPL) (35 points for wastewater, 5 points for water).
§ Send PFA a letter requesting to be placed on the 2009 CWRF IUP (Intended Use Plan) by March 20, 2009.
§ The project must be able to begin construction prior to the 2010 IUP being published, sometime in August 2009.
o Ron Seymour has spoken with Doug Parrott and he thinks the City of Hamburg can get this done in the time frame required.
o Some of the conditions/requirements for the PFA project;
§ All PFA project (that have not yet received PFA funds) on the 2009 IUP are eligible for a 5% base grant for wastewater projects and 10% base grant for drinking water projects.
§ City Clerk Gruenhagen informed Council that 5% is not very much.
o Additional grant funding may be available based on an affordability calculation for the city. PFA is using 1.4% of the MHI to determine affordability of project costs. This percentage was previously set at 1.5%.
o Projects that meet the 1.4% affordability requirement may be eligible for a 30 year term PFA Loan instead of 20 years.
o If the City of Hamburg’s whole project is considered the water main improvements would have to be excluded from the 5% grant for wastewater.
§ City Clerk Gruenhagen will check with Ron Seymour to find out if the water main improvement would fall under the 10% base grant for drinking water or not.
§ If the 5% base grant is figured on the actual construction cost for the sanitary sewer the City of Hamburg may qualify for up to $60,934.
o The actions that would have to take place:
§ The city has “as-bid” cost, accepted bids, prior to the publication of the draft 2010 IUP, sometime in August 2009.
§ The MPCA certifies all of the storm water components and sewer components as essential eligible CWRF project costs.
§ The City authorizes the submission of a letter to request placing the project on the 2009 CWRF IUP prior to March 20, 2009.
§ The City authorizes the submission of a 2009 CWRF application to the PFA.
o Affordability – the estimated project systems costs were calculated at $40.65 per household. This is a preliminary rate that the rates would have to be at and would be including the 1.2 million dollar cost of the project.
o Hamburg’s median household income is $47, 578. If you take $47,578 times the 1.4% the average monthly sewer bill for Hamburg residents they would be paying at least $55.51 to be eligible to receive any additional grant funding consideration for a 30 year loan.
o Ron Seymour has a concern about the “buy American” regulation. This regulation would apply to all projects funded with ARRA funds. Some of Hamburg’s preliminary engineering reports come from China, as Ron stated made in China. This could disqualify the City of Hamburg from receiving Federal grants. Mr. Seymour and PFA are working with the federal agency (EPA) on defining what the buy American requirement will mean and what the reporting requirements are for the regulations.
o City Clerk Gruenhagen informed Council that any additional reporting (Davis-Bacon requirements) such as weekly contractor wage reporting, monitoring contractor payroll reports and other required reporting will have to be evaluated to find out if it is cost effective to receive Federal funding.
o City Clerk Gruenhagen suggested to Council that they should at least authorize the submission of a letter to place Hamburg on the 2009 CWRF IUP list. This would allow some time to evaluate if this would be cost effective for Hamburg.
o Ron Seymour had previously informed City Clerk Gruenhagen that there is a high probability that specific Clean Water Legacy programs may be funded (via the sales tax amendment) for TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Load) Reduction and Phosphorus Reduction Grants.
§ Mr. Seymour noted that Hamburg is high on this list but the only hold up is that the Legislators have to approve it and the Governor has to authorize the program.
· Councilmember Cummiskey moved to authorize the letter to PFA to be placed on the 2009 CWRF IUP, seconded by Councilmember Mueller and motion unanimously carried. All Council Members were present.
City of Hamburg’s Comprehensive Plan Update
o In accordance with state law, the Metropolitan Council has 120 days or until June 24, 2009 to complete its formal review of the Update. Comprehensive plan reviews go to the council’s Community Development Committee (CDC) and then to the Council for action. A copy of the draft report will be forwarded to Ann Perry and to Hamburg’s City Council for their information when the report is mailed out to the Committee.
Mediacom Franchise Agreement
- The City of Hamburg’s Franchise Agreement with Mediacom will be expiring on March 27, 2009.
- City Clerk Gruenhagen is working with Norwood/Young America on a new agreement with Mediacom.
- Mediacom, Norwood/Young America, and City Clerk Gruenhagen will be meeting on March 11, 2009 to discuss the Franchise Agreement.
o The main discussion will be on the length of time for an agreement. Mediacom wants a 15 year contract. NYA and Hamburg only want a one or two year contract just in case Jaguar (company installing the new fiber optic line) offers a different or cheaper plan. Both cities want to keep their options open.
o NYA Administrator Tom Simons, NYA’s lawyer, and City Clerk Gruenhagen will be going over the contract before they sit down and discuss the Franchise Agreement with Mediacom. - City Clerk Gruenhagen asked Council if they are OK with him working with NYA’s lawyer or if they would want Hamburg’s lawyer to review the contract also.
o Council discussed and decided it would be OK for him to work with NYA’s lawyer if there is no conflict of interest. - Another topic that will be brought up and discussed with Mediacom is offering a basic package at a lower rate for senior cities or persons not wanting extra channels.
- Mayor Malz will also be attending the meeting.
Carver County Watershed Management Project Funding
- City Clerk Gruenhagen presented to Council an application he had received from Carver County Planning & Water Management. The application is for Capital Improvement &
Water Stewardship Cost-Share Projects.
- City Clerk Gruenhagen thought it would be a good idea to send this to Doug Parrott (SEH) for review.
- Council discussed and agreed to have Doug Parrott (SEH) look it over. Maybe Hamburg could get some of their plans on the project list and receive some money for the projects.
- City Clerk Gruenhagen will follow up on this.
Cooperative Purchase Agreement – State of Minnesota
- City Clerk Gruenhagen received the Cooperative Purchasing Agreement. This agreement would be between Hamburg and the State of Minnesota through its commissioner of Administration, Materials Management Division.
o If Council did not have any objections he would sign the agreement and send it back.
- Councilmember Barnes asked what exactly this agreement was.
o City Clerk Gruenhagen explained that it is to do joint cooperative purchasing with the state. He can check if purchasing supplies are cheaper by buying them through the state versus where the city purchases city office supplies online now.
o The State of MN use to charge $500 but now it is free.
NYA Area Guide – Hall Ad & City Ad
- The Norwood Young America Times is putting together a 2009 Norwood Young America Guide and would like to know if Hamburg would like to be included in the Guide. Previously this was done every other year however they now do it every year. The Guide consists of information about the area cities. Information published about Hamburg could be: Friendly small hometown community, Beautiful parks and streets, Metro phone, Home of Zummerfest celebration, etc.
o The cost to the City of Hamburg for a fourth page ad is $170.00 - The Times is also offering to put a promotional ad in the Guide for the Hamburg Hall advertising that it is available for Weddings, Banquets, and for large meetings.
o The cost to the City of Hamburg for a fourth page ad is $170.00. - City Clerk Gruenhagen advised just putting in an ad for the Hamburg Hall due to the cost to the city for the ads.
- Council discussed and decided to put both ads in the paper, total cost $340.00
- Councilmember Cummiskey moved to place both ad’s, one for the City of Hamburg and the other for the Hamburg Hall, in the Norwood Young America Guide, seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion carried. Councilmember Barnes abstained. All Council Members were present.
2008 Policing Contract Refund
- The City of Hamburg received a $936.65 refund check from the 2008 Policing Contract.
Budget Cuts for 2009
- City Clerk Gruenhagen mentioned to Council that they will have to start thinking about what city projects could be cut or postponed. Future Capital Purchase Funds could be cut out of the budget also.
- At the end of March, hopefully, the State Legislature will decide how much money will be cut from LGA and how much the City of Hamburg will receive.
Employee Handbook
- City Clerk Gruenhagen asked if Council would like to discuss the; Chain of Command – City Organizational Structure, Job Descriptions/Evaluations for City Employees, and Health Insurance for City Employees for 2010 at the Council meeting or individually.
- Councilmember Cummiskey had previously asked City Clerk Gruenhagen if Minnesota was an “at will state”.
o City Clerk Gruenhagen checked into this and reported to Council that Minnesota was an “at will state”. What this means is that the City could terminate a City employee at any time and a City employee could quit at any time with no notice or reason. If there are cooperative agreements or verbal agreements (on tape) that state otherwise those agreements would take precedents over the state law. - Mayor Malz asked if the representative of the current city health insurance company would come out to a council meeting and explain the current policy and other options for the City.
o City Clerk Gruenhagen will contact the representative and ask him to attend a council meeting. - Councilmember Barnes asked if the City Employee Evaluations would be discussed. City Clerk Gruenhagen brought the discussion back to the Employee Handbook and the Chain of Command.
- In the Employee Handbook the order is listed as; Citizens – City Council – City Clerk/Treasurer and Fire Chief directly under City Council. Under City Clerk/Treasurer are Maintenance Worker and Deputy/Utility Clerk with Fire Fighters under Fire Chief.
o Council did not have any comments or changes on the chain of command except Councilmember Barnes commented that Maintenance is under City Clerk so that would give City Clerk Gruenhagen authority over Maintenance Workers.
o Deputy Clerk Block questioned Council that when City Clerk Gruenhagen is on vacation and something needs to be done (she is on the same level as maintenance) can she still ask Maintenance Worker Byerly to do or fix a problem or does she have to call a Councilmember or Mayor first.
§ City Clerk Gruenhagen mentioned that if there is something Maintenance Worker Byerly has to address it is his job to do it.
§ Council and Mayor Malz informed Deputy Block that she is acting City Clerk and if any maintenance problems arise she can direct Maintenance Work Byerly to look into and fix the problem. If any major issues come up then Deputy Clerk Block can contact Mayor Malz or Councilmember Mueller (acting mayor when Mayor Malz is unavailable). - City Clerk Gruenhagen brought up city employee evaluations. He suggested to Council that a committee should be set up to review the existing evaluation forms. If any changes are needed the committee could bring their suggestions to a City Council meeting and the committee could also do the reviews. The reviews could be held in November of each year.
o Council discussed and the question came up if the reviews could be done in a closed meeting.
§ City Clerk Gruenhagen and Deputy Clerk Block will get information on this and get other review forms from other cities.
o Deputy Clerk Block brought up that during a previous council meeting, Council had decided to hold employee evaluations twice a year, once in May and again in November.
o Councilmember Mueller commented that he does not like numbers on evaluation forms. Some other type of how to measure an employees rating should be used.
Additional Items Added to the Agenda
Water Meter Reading Policy
- A city resident stopped in the city office and complained about her water bill. City Clerk Gruenhagen asked Council if they would like to handle these types of complaints from residents or should he and Deputy Clerk Block stick to the cities Water Meter Policy (Resolution Number 2006-05). If the resident still disagrees then they will be asked to come to a City Council meeting and present their complaint to Council. Council can then make the final decision.
- Council discussed the issue concerning Lois Willemsen (841 Park Avenue), complaint about her water meter readings being so inconsistent.
- Council decided to have City Clerk Gruenhagen and Deputy Clerk Block stick to city policy. If the resident is still not satisfied with the policy then have them appear before Council.
Meeting with Senator Ortman - March 16, 2009
- City Clerk Gruenhagen suggested to Council that a motion should be made to hold a Special Meeting for Senator Ortman’s bus tour through Mayer, New Germany, Hamburg, and the public meeting which will be held at Central Public School after the tour.
- Councilmember Mueller moved to hold a Special Meeting on March 16, 2009 starting at 4:30 p.m. seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion carried. All Council Members were present.
Minnesota Valley Regional Rail Coalition
- The Minnesota Valley Regional Rail Coalition is requesting the City of Hamburg send a letter of support in an effort for them to obtain State and Federal Funding for the Economic Revitalization Rail project.
- Council had no objections to sending the letter drafted by Clerk Gruenhagen.
o City Clerk Gruenhagen will send the support letter.
Mediacom Letter
- A letter from Mediacom was received letting the city know that they will no longer carry the TV Guide Network effective April 14, 2009. TV Guide listings will continue to be available using Mediacom’s digital interactive guide and online at
Chip Wood Pile at City Lagoons
- Councilmember Mueller mentioned that this might be the last year for grant money to chip the wood pile at the city lagoons. This should be done this year.
- Deputy Clerk Block will highlight this action item on the Councils Old Business report and note that this is to be completed this year (2009).
City Council Reports
Councilmember Mueller (Sewer & Water)
- City Keys
o At the last council meeting the subject of who should have city keys came up. Councilmember Mueller suggested that each council member should have a key for the Water Treatment Plant, Lift Station, Grinder Station, City Shop, and the Park buildings. Each council member would have five keys and the keys should be located in the City Shop area. Mayor Malz should have one key for the City office. Mayor Malz, City Clerk Gruenhagen, and Deputy Clerk Block are the only ones that should have a key for the City office.
o Fire Chief Brad Droege who serves as Emergency Management officer for the City of Hamburg should have the same keys except the key for the City office.
o Councilmember Cummiskey suggested that everyone on Council should have a key to the ponds also.
§ The other members of council discussed this suggestion and decided to stay with the present policy, not to give out the pond key unless it is signed out at the City Office.
· Repairing the Sidewalk on Railroad Street to Maria Avenue
o The city should repair the sidewalk this year (2009) before someone gets hurt and the city has a lawsuit.
o The sidewalk will have to be put back (repaired) the same way as it was originally put in except the steps will have to meet building code. On the north end where the handicap ramp is this will have to have a plate or ruff surface installed.
o Councilmember Mueller suggested having former mayor Mike Buckentin meet with the contractors because he has talked with them before. One of the companies is Chard and the other one is Hanson & Vasek from Hutchinson, MN. Wm. Mueller and Sons could do the curb and gutter work.
o City Clerk Gruenhagen has the names and phone numbers of the two companies and will give them a call. - Email from Chris Lund
o Chris Lund (612 Kim) emailed the city indicating that he would be willing to help the city contact Senators and Representatives on issues concerning the City of Hamburg.
o Council discussed and agreed to keep Mr. Lund in the loop as to what is happening within the city and his help would be appreciated.
Councilmember Cummiskey (Streets)
- Councilmember Cummiskey had attended the Bridal Show held at the American Inn located in Waconia, MN. He reported that only a few people attended but several of the persons that did attend did pick up rental information on the Hamburg Hall.
Councilmember Trebesch (Buildings)
- Councilmember Trebesch will contact Rick Stockman again about chipping the wood pile at the lagoons.
o Council suggested not having the pile chipped until this fall, anytime after September, just in case no more grant money is available next year.
Councilmember Barnes (Parks) had nothing further to report.
Mayor Malz
- Mayor Malz questioned why the new electronic sign is not registering the current temperature.
o City Clerk Gruenhagen has noticed this also and will be working on the problem.
o City Clerk Gruenhagen also mentioned to Council that if they or if they know of any club that wants messages put on the sign they have to let him know before he goes on vacation March 31st, 2009. He is the only one that knows how to operate it.
§ Mayor Malz suggested putting a notice on the sign when the city streets will be swept so residents move their cars off the streets.
Approve Claims List for March 2009
- Question on the Claims list was asked as to what are accountability tags.
o Mayor Malz explained that fire fighters put a tag, with their name on it, on a board before they enter a burning building. This way every one knows that they went into the building. - City Clerk Gruenhagen added a claim to the list. Claim #13758 to – NYA Times – Hall and City Ad - $340.00.
- Councilmember Mueller moved to approve March 2009 claims #13731 to #13758 with the three ACH payments, seconded by Councilmember Trebesch and motion unanimously carried. All Council Members were present.
Councilmember Mueller moved to adjourn the Hamburg City Council meeting at 9:05 p.m. seconded by Councilmember Barnes and motion unanimously carried. All Council Members were present.
Submitted by:
Sue Block
Deputy Clerk
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